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Fabrication of cylindrical micro tools by micro electrochemical form turning


Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture · August 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0954405413497007


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2 authors:

Alok Kumar Das P. Saha

Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part B:

J Engineering Manufacture
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Fabrication of cylindrical micro tools Ó IMechE 2013
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by micro electrochemical form turning
DOI: 10.1177/0954405413497007


Alok K Das1 and Partha Saha2

Cylindrical micro tools of tungsten material have various applications in micro devices and systems because of its high
rigidity and toughness. This article deals with the fabrication of cylindrical micro tools from tungsten rod by micro elec-
trochemical form turning operation using KOH solution as electrolyte. The experiments were conducted with an indi-
genously developed setup with the variation of different experimental parameters to get good cylindrical shape of the
tool. Cylindrical micro tools of diameter less than 50 mm and length of up to 1 mm have been fabricated through this
process from tungsten rods of initial diameter of 1.5 mm within the time duration of 15 min. This process produces
cylindrical micro tools from a much larger initial diameter of tungsten rod and with low lead time, as compared to the
reported literatures. The variation of the cylindrical length of the micro tool according to the variation of parameters
such as pulse on time, applied voltage and concentration of electrolyte has been analyzed, and the optimum parameter
settings for getting the better shape and surface finish of the cylindrical electrode are electrode gap distance of 100 mm,
frequency of the pulse power supply of 500 kHz, voltage of 18 V, electrolyte concentration of 3 M and pulse on time of
1400 ns.

Micro machining, micro electrochemical machining, micro tool, pulse power supply, electrochemical form turning

Date received: 26 March 2013; accepted: 17 June 2013

Introduction (2) electro-discharge process,6 (3) electrochemical

machining,7–9 and (4) deposition process.10–13 A few
Micro electrochemical machining (micro-ECM) is one research articles, describing the different methods for
of the unconventional manufacturing process, which the fabrication of cylindrical micro tools, have been
has several advantages over the conventional processes reported recently. For example, Onikura et al.14 have
such as (1) it can machine any metals regardless of its fabricated cylindrical micro tools from ultra-fine grain
strength and hardness, and (2) the process produces cemented carbide material by grinding process com-
stress-free and burr-free surfaces without any heat- bined with ultrasonic vibration. They have used the
affected zone. In addition to the above required charac- end face of an offset grinding wheel to fabricate cylind-
teristics, surface finish also plays a vital role on the
rical micro tools. But very thin cylindrical micro tools
functional properties of the components such as wear
are often difficult to fabricate by conventional mechan-
resistance, energy loss due to friction,1,2 which can be
ical methods because of its small diameter of the order
realized with micro-ECM process. The process is
becoming an attractive area of research due to the
growing demand for fabrication of microstructures and 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian School of Mines,
devices with better surface integrity.3 In micro-ECM, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
the microelectrode/tool is required to be fabricated in 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
situ in the same setup to avoid the damage of the tool Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
due to bending while handling and eccentric rotation of
Corresponding author:
the tool in the machine spindle. The micro tools are Alok K Das, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian School of
usually fabricated ex situ, by either of the following Mines, Dhanbad 826004, Jharkhand, India.
processes: (1) conventional turning/grinding process,4,5 Email:

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2 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 0(0)

of few micrometers and are easily bent by the lateral

force.15,16 Masuzawa et al.17 have reported that micro-
electrodes of diameter less than 15 mm can be fabri-
cated repeatedly. Lim et al.6 have reported that micro
electro-discharge machining (micro-EDM) process can
be potentially utilized in the fabrication of cylindrical
micro tools with high aspect ratio using the sacrificial
electrode. Kim et al.18 have fabricated the microelec-
trodes of various shapes by reverse electro-discharge
machining process by varying the applied voltage and
the capacitance of the capacitor. But, the lead time for
the fabrication of a micro tool is too long with the Figure 1. Principle of micro electrochemical form turning.
micro-EDM and wire EDM process. However, the ten-
sile stresses generated in the resolidified layer may
cause deformation/bending or the surface cracks to
microelectrode. and hence to get the cylindrical shape of the microelec-
The fabrication of micro tools by micro electroche- trode. The variation of cylindrical length with the varia-
mical dissolution process has several advantages as tion in different experimental parameters has been
compared to the mechanical grinding or EDM process discussed.
as discussed above. But, the formation of conical or
reverse conical shape of the micro tool is a critical
problem with this process. A good number of research Theory of micro electrochemical form
articles, emphasizing the above difficulties, have been turning
reported. For example, Lee et al.19 have fabricated
cylindrical micro tools under 10 mm in diameter and 1 The micro electrochemical form turning process reduces
mm in length from tungsten carbide (WC) material, the diameter of a cylindrical workpiece, analogous to
using NaOH solution as electrolyte and by controlling the conventional form turning process in a lathe. It is
the ultra-short pulse voltage. Choi et al.20 have fabri- accomplished by choosing a suitable combination of
cated WC micro-shaft (diameter of 5 mm and length of the tool and job material and type of electrolyte. In
3 mm) with the electrochemical etching process by con- micro electrochemical form turning process, the tool
trolling different process parameters, and H2SO4 solu- never touches the workpiece. The material removal
tion has been used as electrolyte to dissolve both takes place due to the electrochemical dissolution of
tungsten and cobalt simultaneously. Researchers like anode material by charging and discharging of electrical
Lim et al.,21 Zhang et al.,22 Wang and Zhu,23 and Kim double layer capacitor, which is formed at the interface
et al.18 have also reported the different methods for the of electrode and electrolyte.
fabrication of cylindrical microelectrodes from tungsten Figure 1 represents the principle of the process. The
rod by micro electrochemical processes. Researchers job is a cylindrical bar, which has been coated with a
like Bhattacharyya et al.,24 Schuster et al.25 and Lim chemically inert material (paraffin) at the two places, as
and Kim26 have described the principle and the possibi- shown in Figure 1, so as to get a uniform distribution
lities of electrochemical micromachining process to be of electric field in the interelectrode gap while machin-
used in the area of micro fabrication. ing operation is carried out. The edges of the form tool
In the reported literature, the initial diameter of the are machined to make it round shaped (Figure 1), as it
tool electrodes, used for the fabrication of micro tools, also contributes to the uniform distribution of the elec-
is always \ 500 mm and low pulse duration of the sup- tric field in the interelectrode. The shaping of tool and
ply voltage (\ 200 ns) is used to neutralize the influ- coating of job with paraffin have been carried out to
ence of geometry in micro-ECM and to achieve the reduce the effect of geometry, which is reported by Lim
cylindrical shape of the tool. The effect of geometry and Kim26 and Fan et al.27 The initial interelectrode
always leads to conical and reverse conical shaped elec- gap is fixed at 100 mm. During the tool fabrication pro-
trodes. In this study, experiments are conducted to fab- cess, the job is rotated about its own axis and the tool is
ricate cylindrical microelectrodes from tungsten bar of fed uniformly toward the job, to maintain the uniform
initial diameter of 1.5 mm, by the process of pulsed interelectrode gap and to reduce the effect of diffusion
micro electrochemical form turning, using KOH solu- layer.26 The surface of the tool, which is exposed to the
tion as electrolyte. Micro tools with diameters less than electrochemical reaction, has been polished to minimize
50 mm and a cylindrical length of 0.8 mm have been the effect of surface roughness. The diameter of the
fabricated by this process within the time duration of cylindrical bar (anode) reduces gradually at uniform
15 min. The parameters and experimental arrangements rate when a required potential difference is applied
(such as putting insulating and chemical inactive mate- between the tool and the job, and the tool is fed uni-
rial coating over the electrode at the desired places) are formly toward the job. By this process, the cylindrical
made in such a way to minimize the effect of geometry micro tool is fabricated.

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Das and Saha 3

Figure 2. (a) Experimental setup and (b) different components of pulse power supply.
MOSFET: metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor.

Experimental setup Experimentation

A micro-ECM setup has been developed indigenously A high-speed steel (HSS) bar of square cross section
for performing wide range of noncontact type tool– (5 mm 3 5 mm), tungsten rod of 1.5 mm diameter and
based micromachining operations such as micro-ECM KOH solution have been used as cathode, anode and
and micro-EDM. The outline of the setup is illustrated electrolyte, respectively. The setup arrangement for the
in Figure 2(a). It consists of computer numeric control experimentation is shown in Figure 2(a). The experi-
(CNC) stages, for providing X–Y motion (with resolu- mental parameters such as machining voltage (V), pulse
tion of 1 mm) to the workpiece and Z motion (with res- on time (Ton) and concentration of electrolyte (M) are
olution of 0.1 mm) to the tool, and the reverse chosen as variable parameters. Other parameters like
distribution of motion is followed when machining of frequency (kHz) of pulse power supply, rotational
micro tool is performed. The tool can also be rotated speed (r/min) of the anode (job), agitation of the elec-
about its own axis in both clockwise and anticlockwise trolyte, electrolyte temperature and tool feed rate
directions. Pulse power supply is the one of the very (1 mm/s) are maintained at the uniform level for all the
important components of the machine. The full experiments. The time of fabrication of micro tools
description of the pulse power supply has been illu- with different parameter settings has been decided after
strated in the following paragraph. conducting the pilot experiments.
A metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor In the present research framework, the microelec-
(MOSFET)-based pulse power supply (Figure 2(b)) has trodes have been fabricated by varying input para-
been designed to handle the power requirement of the meters to observe the influence on the length cylindrical
machine in different micromachining operations. The shape of the machined micro tool. The working ranges
monitoring and controlling of interelectrode gap dis- of different experimental parameters have been chosen
tance at a required level is one of the essential require- by conducting trial experiments. Four experiments have
ments to localize the electrochemical reaction. In the been performed for the variation of each parameter
present system, the interelectrode gap control has been within the pre-decided range. After machining, the
performed by measuring the gap current. A Hall cur- obtained tool looks like a dumbbell shape toward both
rent sensor is deployed for converting the gap current ends due to the diffusion layer effect. But at the middle
to the equivalent voltage and is acquired by a data portion of the fabricated tools, up to some length,
acquisition card. The acquired data are processed in cylindrical shape was observed. So from the lower end,
the software program, and accordingly, the movement unwanted portion has been removed by electrochemical
action of the stage is decided. The details of experimen- dissolution process to get the cylindrical portion of
tation for cylindrical micro tool machining have been micro tool. In this way, cylindrical micro tools are
described in the succeeding sections. fabricated.

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4 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 0(0)

Figure 3. SEM images of the tungsten micro tools fabricated with variation of pulse on time, (a) 1000ns, (b) 1200ns, (c)1400ns and
(d) 1600ns.

Result and discussion

After performing the experiments, scanning electron
microscope (SEM) images of the fabricated tungsten 1600
micro tools have been captured. Figures 3–5 illustrate 1400
the SEM images of microelectrodes, which have been
Cylindrical length (um)

fabricated with the variation of input parameters such 1200

as pulse on time, applied voltage and concentration of 1000
electrolyte. The values of the variable experimental
parameters have been indicated on the respective SEM 800
images. Using a simple software technique, the cylindri- 600
cal length of the electrodes has been measured and
plotted against the respective parameters. The length of 400
the cylindrical portion has been marked with white lines 200
in the respective images except in Figure 3(d) because
the full length of the cylindrical portion could not be 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
captured in the SEM image. Pulse-on-time (ns)

Figure 4. Variation of cylindrical length with the pulse on time.

Influence of pulse on time on cylindrical length of the
fabricated microelectrode increases as the Ton increases.
microelectrodes But with high value of Ton (. 1800 ns), the spark
In this group of experiments, the values of constant machining starts and the surface roughness of the fabri-
experimental parameters are as follows: initial interelec- cated microelectrodes increases due to the nonuniform
trode gap distance of 100 mm, frequency of the pulse dissolution of the anode material, and it is difficult to
power supply of 500 kHz, voltage of 18 V and electro- control the process. The bending of the tool in Figure
lyte concentration of 3 M. SEM images of the resulting 3(c) is due to the mishandling, while capturing the
electrodes have been captured and illustrated in SEM image.
Figure 3. From the plot (Figure 4), it has been observed The ascending nature of the graph can be explained
that the length of the cylindrical portion of the in the following. During the pulse on time, the dual

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Das and Saha 5

Figure 5. SEM images of the tungsten microelectrodes fabricated with variation of applied voltage, (a) 15V, (b) 18V, (c) 21V and (d)

layer capacitor charges, and during pulse of time, the 900

charged dual layer capacitor discharges, as a result of
which the current flows in the interelectrode gap. As
the area of the job is fixed by providing the paraffin 700
Cylindrical length (µm)

coating, with an increase of Ton, the machining current

increases and thereby the machining rate increases. At 600

low value of Ton (1000 ns), the dual layer capacitor

does not get enough time to be charged fully, which
leads to irregular charging and discharging of the capa- 400
citor. This leads to the irregular surface of the micro-
electrode (Figure 3(a) and (b)). And at high value of
Ton ( . 1800 ns), very high surface roughness is 200
observed. Due to the improper flushing of electrolyte,
the debris cannot be fully flushed out of the interelec- 100
14 16 18 20 22 24
trode gap, leads to spark machining. When the Ton
applied voltage (V)
value is set in the range of 1400–1600 ns, good cylindri-
cal shape of the fabricated micro tools is fabricated. Figure 6. Variation of cylindrical length with the applied

Influence of machining voltage on cylindrical length of

the microelectrodes maximum length of the cylindrical tool is obtained and
Figure 5 shows the SEM images of the tungsten micro- beyond 21 V, and the length is reduced due to the spark
electrodes with the variation of machining voltage. The machining in the interelectrode gap. This happens due
values of the constant parameters are pulse on time of to the high rate of formation of hydrogen bubbles in
1200 ns, frequency of 500 kHz and electrolyte concen- the interelectrode gap.
tration of 3 M. The variation of the cylindrical length The formation of neck has been observed in
with respect to the applied voltage is illustrated in Figure 5(c) due to the loose bonding of the paraffin to
Figure 6. At the machining voltage of 21 V, the the surface of the electrode, which indicates that the

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6 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 0(0)

Figure 7. SEM images of tungsten microelectrodes fabricated with concentration variation, (a) 2.5M (KOH), (b) 3M (KOH),
(c) 3.5M (KOH) and (d) 4M (KOH).

nonconductive coating neutralizes the effect of geome- 650

try in other experiments. With the increase of applied
voltage, the diffusion layer effect is increased,15 but as 600
the job rotates at the close vicinity of the tool and due
Cylindrical length (µm)

to the rigorous agitation of the electrolyte, the diffusion 550

layer effect feds away. At low voltage (15 V) and with a
Ton value of 1200 ns, the dual layer capacitor cannot 500
charge fully. So the irregular machining takes place,
which leads to low cylindrical length of the micro tool. 450
As the applied voltage increases, with the same Ton
duration, the capacitor charges fully and hence uniform
machining is carried out. Because of this reason, the
cylindrical length of the micro tool increases with
increase of applied voltage. 2.5 3 3.5 4
Concentration of electrolyte (M)

Influence of concentration on cylindrical length of the Figure 8. Variation of cylindrical length with concentration of
Figure 7 shows the SEM images of the microelectrodes, concentration is increased, the reaction rate in the inter-
which have been fabricated with concentration varia- electrode gap is increased proportionally. The present
tion. The values of different fixed parameters are pulse uniform agitation of electrolyte may not be sufficient to
on time of 1200 ns, frequency of 500 kHz and applied disperse all the residues of the electrochemical reaction
voltage of 18 V. The variation of concentration of elec- from the narrow interelectrode gap, and furthermore,
trolyte does not show any significant role in achieving the conductivity of the electrolyte changes due to the
a higher cylindrical length of the fabricated microelec- poor agitation rate. This leads to nonuniform reaction
trodes (Figure 8). on the surface of the electrode, and hence, the cylindri-
In the present research purview, higher cylindrical cal length is reduced with increase in concentration of
length is achieved at 2.5 M solution of KOH. As the electrolyte.

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Das and Saha 7

Figure 9. Optical images of the fabricated microelectrodes with optimum machining parameter setting (500 kHz, 18 V, 3 M and
1400 ns).

Summary of result and discussion more amount material is dissolved from the lower end.
Based on the experimental results and discussions, it is The time duration for machining of each electrode in
observed that with the increase of Ton and the applied Figure 9 is 15 min.
voltage, higher cylindrical length of the micro tools can
be realized. The increase in concentration (. 3 M) dete-
Conclusion and future scope
riorates the surface quality and also reduces the cylind-
rical length. Better surface quality is obtained by The fabrication of microelectrodes with an indigenously
controlling the Ton as compare to other experimental developed setup has been carried out successfully with
parameters. Better cylindrical shape and surface finish different parameter settings to see the parametric influ-
of the fabricated micro tool can be obtained at initial ences on the cylindrical length of the microelectrodes,
interelectrode gap distance of 100 mm, frequency of the and the following conclusions are drawn.
pulse power supply of 500 kHz, machining voltage of The influence of geometry, during the fabrication of
18 V, electrolyte concentration of 3 M and pulse on microelectrodes, can be minimized with chemically inert
time of 1400 ns. The confirmation experiments have and electrically nonconductive coating on both ends of
been performed to fabricate cylindrical microelectrodes the anode (at the bottom end of the anode and at the
from tungsten bar of initial diameter of 1.5 mm with interface of air and electrolyte). The influence of diffu-
the optimal parameter settings, and the optical images sion layer is reduced by rotating the job about its own
are presented in Figure 9. In Figure 9(a), initial dia- axis in the close vicinity of the tool and by proper agita-
meter of the tungsten bar along with the fabricated tion of electrolyte. The machining of cylindrical micro-
cylindrical tool is shown. The optical images in electrodes of diameter of 50 mm and length more than
Figure 9(b)–(d) have been captured with same scale to 800 mm can be performed in a time duration of 15 min
observe the length of cylindrical shape. In Figure 9(b) by this process from the tungsten bar of initial diameter
and (c), the length of the cylindrical portion is similar of 1.5 mm. In the present experimental framework,
except in Figure 9(d). The fabricated microelectrodes cylindrical micro tool with better surface finish is
get dumbbell shape at both ends and cylindrical shape obtained at the parameter settings of initial interelec-
at the middle. The lower portion of the dumbbell is pre- trode gap distance of 100 mm, frequency of the pulse
cisely dissolved electrochemically to get cylindrical power supply of 500 kHz, voltage of 18 V, electrolyte
length. In Figure 9(d), the smaller length is observed as concentration of 3 M and pulse on time of 1400 ns. The

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8 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 0(0)

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