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The Balanacan National High School is treading another milestone in its

pursuit to educational development through this project.
 We look at this Turn – Over Ceremony of this building as a sure indicator
that our school has found its niche as a child-friendly and education-
oriented school.
 Our government has high regard on education because we believe that
school education represents the element of societal transformation that
leads to empowerment and economic stability.

To our active Congressman, Hon. Lord Allan Q. Velasco;

To our Schools Division Superintendent, Mrs. Laida M. Lagar-Mascareñas;
To the representative of the Department of Public Works and Highways;
To the municipal officials headed by Mayor Augusto Leo Livelo;
To our Principal, Ms. Legoria R. Lamoc,
To Barangay officials of Balanacan, Mogpog, headed by Barangay Captain,
Hon. Baldomero Limpiada
To the PTA president, _____________,
To the Balanacan NHS teaching force, Parents, students,and benefactors…,
a pleasant morning! And welcome to the Turn-Over Ceremony of the New
School Building

(Although the weather is not that good, we can still consider today
as pleasant because...[insert next stanza]) Today is indeed a remarkable day
because we will be doing two significant events in one setting’s
like hitting two birds in one stone actually.

To begin with, let us all stand for the Philippine National Anthem to be
conducted by Mr. Carlo A. Aldaya, to be immediately followed by a Prayer
to be lead by Mr. William M. Malabana.

Please help me welcome our dynamic school head, Ms. Legoria R. Lamoc,
in her welcome lines. Let’s give her a round of applause.
Thank you Ma’am for your warm words of welcome. 

To break the ice, may we call on the selected Grade 11 students for their
intermission number.
To keep the ball rolling, may we call on our supportive Barangay Captain,
Hon. Baldomero Limpiada, for his message.

Today’s event is indeed remarkable because we have someone here who

really finds time to be with us despite his tight schedule. We are so blessed
to have him here. Please help me welcome, Hon. Lord Allan Q. Velasco, our
Congressman and soon to be the Nation’s Lower House
Thank you, Sir, for your message.

At this juncture, let us hear from _________________________, the

representative of the Department of Public Works and Highways in the
turn-over of the symbolic key to ____________________, the
representative of DepEd Marinduque.--------------------

This event shall not end without hearing some words of acceptance from
our ever - dynamic Principal, Ms. Legoria R. Lamoc.

Truly, we are so blessed that there are people with a golden heart who were
willing to help our school for the future of our students. Again, thank you so

And that concludes our activity.  May I now request our guests to gather for
the photo opportunity.  After which, may we invite our guests to please
partake of the food that shall be served shortly. Thank you very much and
may you all have a nice day!

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