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MEDIA RELEASE - 2 Nov 20 - Source: Guardian Angel Anti-Lockdown Protesters -

As Melbourne comes out of lockdown, many people are probably already starting to forget about
the 112 days of stage 4 Lockdown imposed on the Victorian people by our own premier. We will
not forget. Of all of the Australian states and territories, Victoria endured the harshest and longest
lockdowns. It was the only state in which a significant second wave occurred. It is not enough to
say that our situation is better than elsewhere in the world - Daniel Andrews presided over the
worst response to the pandemic of any state leader by an extraordinary margin.

He has consistently displayed a lack of integrity, competence, and above all accountability. While it
is hard to blame anyone for what occurred at the very start of the pandemic, months into the
pandemic Victoria was still using fax machines to conduct contact tracing, and triggered a second
wave by spending $30m of taxpayer funds on a NSW based private security firm that wasn't even
on the approved supplier list. That's corruption that cost the lives of 800 people.

The Victorian Government failed us. Daniel Andrews made a point of diverging from the national
strategy when the national cabinet was set up. Rather than learning from the brightest in the
country, Andrews instead relied upon his own judgement to devise quarantining, contact tracing,
and other pandemic measures to counteract the virus. Sadly, this captain's call proved to be

Not enough was done to prevent this disastrous lockdown, which should never have occurred in
the first place, and the draconian measures which were put in place have been used to undermine
political opposition. Daniel Andrews has repeatedly breached the human rights charter, covered up
his own mistakes, thrown his colleagues under the bus, and ultimately not accepted responsibility
for everything that went wrong in this state.

If he will not admit fault or accept responsibility, why is it then that we as a state are not holding him
to account? Why is the Labour Party not sacking the man that is clearly responsible for the failures
of their government, and whose approval rating has dived more than 20% in a 6-week period?
Democracy has failed if elected officials are not held to account for their actions. Daniel Andrews,
like every leader, makes mistakes - but the extent of his failings are so vast that they outstrip the
failings of any other Premier in Australian history. This man should be out of a job. ​That is why at
midday on the 3rd of November, we march on Parliament.​ Every Victorian that can see this
man for who he truly is should come to the city and lawfully protest their opposition to the worst
Premier in Victorian history.

A small splinter group of protesters were arbitrarily arrested on Saturday. These arrests were
completely illegal and were politically targeted. The manner in which Victoria police were deployed
to arrest those who opposed the Victorian Government on Saturday was an affront to democracy.
We are not dissuaded. We keep fighting till Daniel Andrews is gone.

For media enquiries, reach out to @DavidCSL or @bewatermelb2 on Telegram.

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