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1) In my humble opinion, regarding a child’s behavior, begin too indulgent as a parent can have

unexpected consequences. At first glance it may seem as setting a boundary-free environment for
your kid would be an excellent choice, but it can also be a setup for failure. Many children in
today’s world are negatively influenced by outside factors due to the lack of parent involvement in
their day-to-day life. It is very important to consider that too much involvement can damage the
parent-child relationship, thus leading to an increasing will of separation and need for personal
space. All in all, I consider that overindulgence is more harm than good, and a more balanced
approach seems as the right thing to do.

2) In my humble opinion, regarding the upbringing of a child, the example set by his parents may be
one of the most, if not the most important factor.* Children in their early stage of life, have a
tendency to copy their parent’s habits and behavior, thus influencing them in their later years.
Having a paternal role model, is a key component in today’s world*, as many people start to
abandon morals and principles. *This stands for boys as well as girls, fact proven by the many
statistics which suggest that children growing up without significant father figures are more likely
to go on a bad route later in life. It is crucial to remember that the mother figure carries an almost
equally important role, in children’s emotional and rational development. All in all, I consider that
family behavior stands as the decisive factor in a child’s upbringing, and it should be by no mean

3) In my humble opinion, eating healthily nowadays it’s a very difficult task, as most of the food
found in stores is not really that healthy. Of course, there is always the option to grow your own
fruits and vegetables, but that may be very unreliable for most people. That begin said, it is by far
one of the best choices you could make, in regards to your diet. Eating healthy is not only
beneficial on the physical aspect, but also for your overall mood and well begin. You can always try
and search for organic, or “bio” foods, but many times it is just a publicity stunt, rather than an
actual improvement in the food quality. That said, junk and fast food are the most requested and
consumed types of food, which is by no means a good thing, but it’s up to every individual to
make the choice most fitted for him. All in all, I consider that a balanced diet and a healthy
amount of food from trusted sources is a key aspect in one’s overall well-begin.

4) In my humble opinion, nothing can be more entertaining and refreshing than a good face 2 face
chat between two people. Nowadays, many people use mobile communication, which in itself is
not a bad thing at all, but becomes one when used to replenish real human interactions. Locking
yourself up on an island and avoiding human contact is a common practice for some people, but
that doesn’t mean it is by all means good. Moreover, lack of interpersonal interactions can lead to
an increase in anxiety and depression.That beign said, it is also to be considered that you should
always have time for yourself, time which you use to develop your skills or simply improve your
day-to-day life. All in all, I consider that human interactions are a key aspect in any person’s life,
and should never be neglected.
5) In my humble opinion, family is one of the most, if not the most important aspect of our day-to-
day life, especially during these changing times. I consider the family to be as a pillar upon which a
child builds his future, representing a key factor in the lives of those who are fortunate enough to
have one. It is mostly because of today’s people’s mentality, that family is neglected, and thus
abandoning many principles and moral values.(*/\)

6) In my humble opinion, nowadays it is really easy to meet new people and find new friends or
acquaintances. Thanks to the internet and social media, getting to talk to new people, all around
the world is easier than ever, but real-life conversations and meeting should be by no means
neglected. Friendships are a key aspect in our day to day lives, though they should be chosen
carefully, for some of those can have a negative impact, while others can bring you up, or
motivate you while going through challenges. Humans have always tried to ensure new
friendships, especially for increasing the odds of survival. But even if that is not required anymore,
friends are still a decisive factor in each one’s personal development. All in all, I consider that
having a healthy amount of friends, with goals and mindsets similar to yours, or even completely
different if that works for you, is a must one’s happy and successful life.

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