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Santa Monica Institute of Tech.

Andrada Bldg. Poblacion, Iligan City

Education Department
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (E.P.P 1)
Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021
Instructor: Ceasar Ian H. Mundala

Home management is the vital factor in every family contributing to

the overall health, happiness and well being of the family. Management
today is an important factor in every sphere of activity. The concept of
management deals with achieving desired goals through planned activity.
It is an essential component of family living. Home management is the
natural outcome of human relationship in the home environment. When
the family is established, management becomes one of the major
responsibilities of the family living.

Home management deals with the practical application of the

principles of management to the home. Home management is the
administrative aspect of family living. The study of Home management is
intimately linked with values, standards and goals which give meaning to
the lives, thoughts, feelings and experiences of the members of the family.
These values, standards and goals which are closely related to each other,
motivate the family to make decisions, to achieve their desired goals.

Intended Learning Outcomes

A. Acquire skills in managing home.
B. Apply principles in making home livable.
C. Prepare budget matrix


Explain the quote in the image below:


Home Economics: Home Management

First of all what is a house? House is a structure with spaces to satisfy the family
member’s basic human needs is a house. Shelter is one of the basic needs of man.
Man needs a house for protection, privacy, relaxation, and socialization. A house can
be made of concrete, metals, bricks, wood and local materials like bamboo, rattan or
other materials strong enough to withstand the forces of nature. It is a place where
family lives and which consists of roofs, walls, rooms, floors, and things that are seen,
touched, and felt.

On the other hand, a home refers to the interaction of a group of people, usually
a family, living within a house. In a home, there is love and concern among family
members who support each other’s need for comfort, good health, and privacy.
Home is a place where parents bring up their children as morally responsible,
intelligent, and economically productive individuals.

The following are reasons why man builds and maintains a house:

1. A house provides shelter and protection from natural elements like the sun, rain,
and wind, from criminal elements, and from stray animals.
2. Man builds a house to protect his own health and life and that of his loved ones.
The house also protects the properties the family has accumulated over the years.
3. A house is a place for rest, relaxation, and recreation. Any family member can
always look forward to going home o enjoy peace and tranquility. It also provides
the atmosphere to entertain friends and relatives.
4. A house provides family members the needed space to interact with each other

and value each other’s company.

5. A house allows the family members to conduct their personal businesses in
6. A house provides comfort and convenience.
7. A house gives the members the opportunity to discuss concerns and issues to
give each other emotional and psychological support without friend or strangers
Whether a house is big or small, it should be adequate enough for the family’s
needs. If you live in comfort, with convenience, and enough space for sleeping,
eating, and recreation, then you are provided with adequate housing.

An adequate housing has the following qualities:

1. It should be strongly built and safe enough to protect its inhabitants from heat,
cold, and other elements, and be able to withstand natural calamities like
earthquakes and typhoons.
2. It should have facilities for working, entertaining visitors, sleeping, thus meeting
the family’s needs.
3. It must have an adequate supply of water in all times.
4. It must be well-lighted and well-ventilated.
5. It should be located conveniently near the school, market, place of worship and
6. Bedrooms must provide privacy to family members.
7. The rooms must provide privacy to the family members.
8. The dining room and kitchen must always be clean and well-maintained.
9. It should have enough storage space to accommodate the personal items of
each family member. It should also have storage space for food items, kitchen
items, and cleaning implements.
10. It should have a study area conductive to learning.
11. Its design, construction, electrical connections, and other features should be

Making One’s Home Livable

 Liveability: Key to the liveability factor are zones where the family can be
together and places for individuals to enjoy private time, all seamlessly inter-

 Flexibility: As the needs of the family change My Ideal House easily adapts, with
rooms that can be bedroom, living room, study or guest room creating a whole of


life living solution.

 Functionality: On the ground floor, the layout provides for easy indoor-outdoor
living, with a cleverly designed kitchen at the heart of the home and bedrooms
and bathrooms upstairs.

Principles in Beautifying a Home

When you know the basic interior design principles you can transform any space to
look fabulous. You know what it feels like when you walk into a well-designed room. You
can sense how everything feels cohesive and put together. It feels just right. You can
achieve that effect in your own home with a little knowledge of basic design principles.
Pair that knowledge with practice and experimentation and you’re on your way to
creating a beautiful home.

 Balance

In design, balance creates a feeling of equilibrium. It is all about equalizing or

approximating the visual weight of objects. Balance is created not just through
shape, but through color, pattern, and texture as well.

There are three different kinds of balance:


Symmetrical balance is achieved by arranging elements on either side of the

center of a composition in an equally weighted manner. Symmetrical balance
can be thought of as 50/50 balance or like a mirror image.



In asymmetrical balance, the two sides are not identical, but differ from one
another. However, the elements are arranged so that there is a sense of


Radial balance is a visual balance based on a circle with its design extending
from center. Radial balance is achieved when there is a central focal point with
other elements radiating from it or around it. An example would be a round
dining table, with chairs arranged around it. There is a lot of repetition of form,
texture, and color. In the example, the flower at top the table is the focal point.


 Rhythm

As in music, rhythm in design is all about creating patterns of repetition and

contrast to create visual interest. You can achieve this by using the same color or
shape at different intervals. Its purpose is to move your eye around the room. For
instance, you can establish a rhythm by using a color in the pillows, picking it up in a
painting, and echoing it again in a rug. These repetitions will help carry your eye
around the room.

 Harmony

Harmony is created when all the elements act together to create a unified


message. Just as rhythm can create excitement, harmony creates a sense of

restfulness. For instance, you can create harmony by using just one color, even though
your forms vary greatly in shape, size, and texture.

A note of caution

It is possible to have too much of a good thing. While harmony and unity are key
elements of any design, too much of it will make the room look boring and
uninteresting. You do need to include a few distinct elements into your design to infuse
visual interest.

Maintaining the House/ Housekeeping

A clean home is like heaven and it is always welcoming to come to a clean

house. It takes a lot of effort to maintain and keep your house clean but it has its own
advantages and perks. If you clean regularly and effectively, your house as it will
always look as good as new. Hygienically it is important to live in a clean house. Here
are some great benefits or importance of regular house clean.
House cleaning is a very challenging task that we all have to do at some time. The
main motive of getting the place clean and organized is to make it inviting and most
peaceful place to stay in and relax at the same time. There are plenty of handy
organizing tips available that come in very useful when you are planning to clean
and organize your place.

Cleaning and organizing should be done as a ritual as staying in a disorganized and

dirty house eludes a sense of chaos and discomfort. It is very important to keep some
time aside for the cleaning rituals and you should also encourage your family
members to help you to keep the house clean and comfortable.

Below are some few reasons that, why it is important to have a clean home as

Regular house cleaning kills germs

Germs suppress the immune system and cause you to become sick. However, by
continuously cleaning your home with a quality disinfectant, you can kill up to 98
percent of the daily germs and it also helps to keep your family healthy.

Improves the quality of the indoor air

Poor indoor air quality can trigger disorder such as allergies and asthma as well as
other breathing problems. The airs in the home become degraded from
accumulated dust bunnies, mildew and animal dander.

You can sleep better

There is nothing more relaxing than jumping in a bed with clean sheets and saying
good night to an orderly house. You can rest at ease when you’re not waking up to

It is good for children

It is not good for humans of any age to live in filth, but especially children. Young
children of crawling age can pick up anything on the floor and put it in their mouth.
Children are also susceptible to bacteria, molds, and mildews that can also affect
your health. Keeping your house clean and sanitized that can keep your children
and your whole family healthier. In the case of children family members should be
much aware of the importance of regular home cleaning.

You can easily find things

Lost your keys or cell phone again? With a clean home, you can spend less time
looking for things you have misplaced. You will be feeling better when your home is
organized as you find what you need in its rightful place.

Reduces allergies
For those who suffer from allergies, sensitive skin or other ailments, they know better
the importance of regular house cleaning is a must. Things that dust on the floors,
linens, and blinds really irritate your sinuses.
Also, if you have kids that are constantly sniffling so it could be from all the particles
that floating around inside the home. So in addition to getting your place really neat,
you can also get your air conditioning vents cleaned for further help to improve the
air quality in your home.

Helps you stay organized

With regular house cleaning, you cannot help to have everything in great order. That
way, you never have to wonder where your important papers are or if your favorite
shirt that is lying in a chair which is clean or dirty.
When you tidy then you can make a point to put everything in its place. As a result,
you will be sure and able to get dressed at record speed that allows you to get out
the door much faster.

Once in a while your home will need a deeper cleaning. So according to that set
aside a weekend or help with your family, and get it done. Then, continue your small
daily cleaning habits to keep enjoying your clean, neat and organized house for the
rest of the year.

Family Budgeting

Budgeting for yourself is usually a piece of cake. When you know your exact
wants and needs, sometimes you don’t even need a budget to end up fine
until the next payday.

Family budgeting, on the other hand, is entirely a different ball game—mainly

because you have other people to worry about. It’s not just you who’s going
to starve once you fail to make ends meet.

It can be difficult because it forces you and everyone in your household to

give your finances a hard look. What needs to go and what needs to stay? Let
these tips help you out.

Family Budgeting Tips

Before creating a household budget, you need to figure out your family’s
monthly expenses first. If you feel that everyone in your family spends unnecessarily,
you’ll need to sit down and talk it out.
Talk about the bills that everyone has to contribute to, just to make sure that
everyone’s on the same page about it. Next, put together the expenses you all
spend on a monthly basis. This list should include the following:
 Monthly Utility Bills
 Rent or Amortization
 Online Subscriptions
 Average Grocery Spendings
 Credit Card Statements
 Insurance Premiums
 Medical Expenses
 Car or Home Loan Payments
 Average Fuel Consumption
 Miscellaneous Payments

Categorize Your Expenses

It’s not enough to list down your expenses. You need to categorize them into two
types: fixed and variable.

Certain expenses for a household are fixed, meaning they will arrive every month
without fail. Electricity, water, internet, and amortization or rent usually take a good
chunk of every family’s budget. Other expenses may include personal, housing, and
car loan payments.

Meanwhile, variable expenses are the opposite. You usually spend more or less of
your monthly budget to pay for these expenses, which include groceries, credit card
payments, fuel expenses, and others. Expendable expenses like online subscriptions
also fall into this category.

Listing every expense helps you decide which expenses are important and which
ones your family can live without. This also gives you a better idea of your family’s
true financial standing.

Compute Your Average Income

After listing down your expenses, determine whether your sources of
income are enough to keep the lights on. You’ll want to determine monthly
income based on the number of employed family members.

Here are a couple of calculations based on a household with four working


 Bi-Monthly Salary: As most employers use a bi-monthly payment

schedule, simply add the two amounts to get your average monthly
 Paid Monthly Salary: Some employers pay out once a month, and this
figure should stay as-is unless your monthly income varies. In this case,
add up four months’ worth of income and divide it by four to get your
 Weekly Salary: If you’re paid weekly, take the four income totals and
subtotal them. Divide that number by two to get your average monthly
 Fluctuating Pay: Total the last four months’ worth of income and divide
by four to reach the average, but this can change if your income isn’t
always the same every month. This will mean having to look at the
budget over and over again each month.

Try looking for job openings and encourage yourself and other family
members to take up side gigs or freelance work. Online job sites are still
posting vacancies even in the new normal.

Allocate Your Income Accordingly

Now it’s time to create a budget plan for your family. Take your total
expenses and subtract it to your total income. If the difference is above 0, it
means your average income is enough to cover your monthly needs. If it’s
beyond 0, it means you need to cut down on expenses.

To make it easier, use an Excel or Google Docs spreadsheet to map your


budget. You can also download free budget templates online. Here’s a
sample budget for a family of five with two working members based on a
budget template from Mint[1].

Family Budget Sample

Total Monthly Income: PHP 50,000
Total Monthly Expenses: PHP 30,000

Fixed Expense Budget Allocation

Meralco Bill PHP 3,000

Water Bill PHP 1,500

Internet Bill PHP 1,500

Mortgage PHP 5,000

Car Insurance PHP 2,500

Variable Expense Budget Allocation

School Expenses PHP 3,000

Grocery Items PHP 3,000

Fuel PHP 2,000

Credit Card Bill PHP 4,000

Online Subscriptions PHP 1,500

Savings PHP 3,000

In this sample, the family still has PHP 20,000 for other expenses like

entertainment, shopping, emergency, and others. Choose to spend this

difference on income-generating expenses like investments, business
opportunities, and other similar ventures.

Make the Situation Clear to Everyone

Not every household can afford to have more than one working family
member. A single-income household can come into being for several reasons.

It can be caused by a family member unexpectedly losing their job

because of COVID-19. It can also be a strategic move for a family to make
sure at least one parent will stay at home with the children. Others consist of
one solo parent or one able-bodied member taking care of elderly parents.

Whatever the situation is, it’s important to talk to every family member and
explain why you need to make some financial adjustments to your household

Maximize what you already have and build a budget that ensures all the
household’s needs are met. Whether living on a single income is a temporary
solution or a permanent one, what’s important is making sure that everyone
understands what is going on with the household finances.

Cut Back on Your Expenses

If the difference between your monthly income and your monthly

expenses resulted in a negative number, it’s time to make some adjustments to
your family budgeting.

Remove some luxuries and other unnecessary expenses your family can
live without. Especially if you’re a single income household, take this tip to
heart. In every family budgeting session, you would need to trim some
expenses in order to ensure that you have enough to pay bills, grow your
savings, and fund unexpected expenses brought by the pandemic.

Cutting back on expenses doesn’t mean that the family won’t get to
have fun. For example, it’s easier for single income households to prepare
exciting meals without relying on food delivery apps.

Get Creative with Your Saving

There are plenty of ways to save money, especially in the new normal. If
your company offers work from home arrangements, you’ll be shedding a lot
of expenses that come with it. But if you’re still required to go to an office, you
can pack your meals and switch to cheaper coffee.


Get your errands done all in one day to save up on gas. And to eliminate
a huge chunk of fuel and transportation expenses, ride a bike or walk to your
destination. You can then grow your extra savings through various ways, from
starting an investment to opening an online savings account.

Take Advantage of Discounts

A budget is better served when you can save on what you already plan to
spend. While extreme couponing is a foregin concept in the Philippines, there
are establishments that use discount coupons to entice customers. It’s also
cheaper to buy certain home supplies in bulk.

Food is generally cheaper when purchased fresh, so hit the wet market
when you can. You can also haggle a little at markets, so you can save a little
more. Online delivery apps like Lazada and Shopee also offer vouchers and
coupons for select brands and products.

Websites like Metrodeal, CashCashPinoy, and Deal Grocer offer promos

and discounts for numerous restaurants. Discounts can go up to 50% and their
offers are not only limited to dining. For vacations and Christmas presents,
coupon websites make family budgeting a lot easier.

Final Thoughts

Family budgeting doesn’t mean that everything needs to be rigid. It means

that your family just needs to focus on the more important needs instead of
wants. With some refinement, you’ll be able to master family budgeting and
create a household budget that’s comfortable for the whole family.


Based on the discussion above. Differentiate these two words House and Home.


-Take a picture of your house or the place you are currently living. Explain why do you
consider it as “home”.

-Take a picture of any area of your house that shows 2 of the principles in beautifying a
home (Balance, Rhythm ,Harmony)

- Prepare a sample budget matrix for your family just like the sample budget above.


What are the things that you do in Maintaining the House/ Housekeeping? State your
reasons on why is it important to maintain our house clean?

Resources and Additional Resources



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