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QUOTING AND PROPOSALS Supersedes: Nothing Form 50.40-PP35 (599)

RECOMMENDED INSPECTION INTERVALS Since each chiller and its application are unique, the
standard inspection intervals will not be optimum. The
Since Carrier’s current service literature does not rec- following factors, which reflect the chiller’s maintenance
ommend specific compressor inspection intervals, you history and duty, should be considered when estab-
will need to work closely with the customer to establish lishing the recommended inspection interval for a spe-
the optimum inspection intervals for their equipment. cific chiller.
The information contained in the Compressor Inspec-
tion and Maintenance tab of the YES manual can be a Factors which decrease the recommended time be-
valuable tool to help you establish the optimum inspec- tween compressor inspections:
tion intervals. • Multiple start/stop cycles per day
• Hermetic Motor Burnout Occurrence
A thorough understanding of the customer’s equipment
history, maintenance history, and duty will help guide • Average load less than 75% of design
you in making an informed recommendation regarding • Excessive purging
the compressor inspection frequency. The Hartford • Repeated or extended periods of operation in surge
Steam Boiler Inc. (HSB) insurance company is a re-
• Process or production related cooling application
spected source for non-biased maintenance recom-
mendations within the HVAC industry. An article in the • No redundant backup
spring 1988 HSB journal The Locomotive recommends • Tube leak and/or full or partial retube
that centrifugal compressors receive an internal inspec- • High moisture indication from oil or refrigerant analy-
tion every 5 years or 40,000 hours whichever comes sis
first. The following table based on this standard in-
• High acid Indicated by oil or refrigerant analysis
spection interval can be used as a quick reference when
recommending standard inspection intervals: • History of major repairs (Gears, Bearings, Impeller,
Shaft, Etc.)

Factors which increase the recommended time be-

STANDARD CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR tween compressor inspections:
INTERNAL INSPECTION INTERVAL TABLE • Complete and consistent routine maintenance per-
formed by a reputable service company
Run Time Since Recommended Time • Routine, trended vibration analysis program indi-
Last Internal Until Next Inspection cating no abnormal vibration levels
Inspection (Hours) (Years)
• Positive pressure refrigerants (R-12, 22, 114, &
0 to 8,000 4 years 134A for comfort cooling chillers)
8,000 to 16,000 3 years • 100% Redundant capacity available
16,000 to 24,000 2 years
24,000 to 32,000 1 years PROOF SOURCE
32,000 to 40,000 0 Currently Due
40,000 to 48,000 1 Year Overdue For your reference, two articles from The Locomotive
48,000 to 56,000 2 Years Overdue are re-printed with permission and included at the end
56,000 to 64,000 3 Years Overdue of this document.
64,000 to 72,000 4 Years Overdue
72,000 to 80,000 5 Years Overdue
CUSTOMER REPORT rate quote. This decreases down time and reduces
The customer report is an effective tool for promoting
compressor internal inspections. For greatest effect, When quoting compressor inspections, Carrier will gen-
the report can be customized to incorporate the fac- erally try to quote an inspect and report to be as com-
tors above which affect the recommended optimal in- petitive as possible. Once they have the contract and
terval between inspections. An example of a custom- a captive customer, they know the customer is not likely
ized customer report is included in the Compressor to shop their price for any additional parts and labor (if
Inspection and Maintenance section of the YES manual any) required to repair a compressor found defective
(form 50.40-CR14.0). Citing the customer report in your during the course of an inspection. This strategy can
proposal can be a means of positive reinforcement. also be adopted by York since it is quite likely that most
compressors will require some pull-through work to
QUOTING offset a low margin on the initial inspection.

Preventive maintenance compressor inspections are Compressor Overhaul – This type of proposal quotes
generally quoted as either inspect and report, or com- labor and parts including bearings to complete the com-
plete overhauls. For convenience, sample proposals pressor inspection and bearing replacement. If the
are provided based on these two strategies. The pro- compressor inspection reveals the need for additional
posals can be modified to include the parts and proce- parts (impeller, gears, shaft, etc.) the labor and parts
dures specific to the model being inspected or over- are billed in addition to the compressor overhaul.
This is probably the greatest level of parts coverage
Compressor Inspection and Report – This type of that should be quoted at a fixed price. If required, the
proposal quotes labor and minor parts (gaskets, o-rings, cost of other major parts, such as an impeller or gear
etc.) and excludes bearings and other major parts (im- set, can be several times the cost of the quoted com-
peller, gears, shaft, etc.) required to complete the com- pressor inspection or overhaul.
pressor inspection. If the compressor inspection re-
veals the need for additional parts, the labor and parts SAMPLE PROPOSALS
are billed in addition to the compressor inspection. A
not-to-exceed clause can also be included to cover The two sample proposals which follow are intended to
additional parts and labor that may be required. In- provide an outline of the minimum information required
cluding a not-to-exceed clause prevents having to ne- to effectively propose compressor internal inspections
gotiate and propose bearing replacements as a sepa- and compressor overhauls on Carrier chillers.

FORM 50.40-PP35

Mr. Ed Jones Proposal Date: ______________

Director of Facilities Proposal Number: ______________
Tall Building Company York Job Number:_______________
York, Pa 17404


The preventive maintenance of centrifugal compressors can extend the chiller’s life, reduce downtime, and control
maintenance and repair costs. The cost of preventive maintenance has been demonstrated to be far less than the
cost of run-to-failure operation. We are pleased to offer the preventive maintenance services specified at the
prices stated and in accordance with the terms and conditions shown on the back of this proposal.

Compressor Inspection and Report Scope – York International proposes a compressor inspection and report of
Chiller Number 2, Carrier Model 19DG, SN: 12345. This inspection will include the following:

• Measure and record all critical bearing dimensions and clearances

• Compare recorded bearing clearances to the manufacturer’s standard
• Visual inspection of all internal components for abnormal wear or damage
• Written report including a keep and replace recommendation for each bearing and an explanation of any other
repairs recommended based on the compressor inspection
• Labor and all compressor gaskets, seals, filters, and minor parts necessary to perform this inspection (All parts
to be new and manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer)
• New oil charge
• Refrigerant management as required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations

Compressor Inspection and Report Quoted at $___________

Bearing Replacement Approval Option - As an option, in addition to the inspect and report described above, we
propose a not-to-exceed price to include labor and material to replace any bearings found to be outside of the
manufacturer’s tolerance, or showing signs of abnormal wear or damage.

Bearing Replacement Approval Not-To-Exceed $___________

Note that excluded from both the inspection and report, and the bearing replacement approval quoted above are
the labor and materials necessary to replace the impeller, gears, shaft, or other major parts identified as being
defective or damaged. If the need for such repair is identified during the course of the inspection, it will be negoti-
ated or quoted separately.

Compressor Inspection and Report Accepted by __________________, Date ________

Optional Bearing Replacement Approval Accepted by __________________, Date ________

P.O. Number: ________________

York International Corporation __________________, Date ________

Mr. Ed Jones Proposal Date: ______________
Director of Facilities Proposal Number: ______________
Tall Building Company York Job Number:_______________
York, Pa 17404


The preventive maintenance of centrifugal compressors can extend the chiller’s life, reduce downtime, and control
maintenance and repair costs. The cost of preventive maintenance has been demonstrated to be far less than the
cost of run-to-failure operation. We are pleased to offer the preventive maintenance services specified at the
prices stated and in accordance with the terms and conditions shown on the back of this proposal.

Compressor Overhaul Scope – York International proposes a compressor overhaul of Chiller Number 2, Carrier
Model 19DG, SN: 12345. This overhaul will include the following:

• Measure and record all critical bearing dimensions and clearances

• Compare recorded bearing clearances to the manufacturer’s standard
• Replace all bearings with new bearings manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer
• Visual inspection of all internal components for abnormal wear or damage
• Written report including a comments on each existing bearing’s condition and an explanation of any other
repairs recommended based on the compressor inspection
• Labor and all compressor gaskets, seals, filters, and minor parts necessary to perform this overhaul (All parts to
be new and manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer)
• New oil charge
• Refrigerant management as required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations

Compressor Overhaul Quoted at $___________

Note that excluded from this proposal are the labor and materials necessary to replace the impeller, gears, shaft,
or other non-wearing parts identified as being defective or damaged. If the need for such repair is identified during
the course of the overhaul, it will be negotiated or quoted separately.

Compressor Overhaul Accepted by __________________, Date ________

P.O. Number: ________________

York International Corporation __________________, Date ________

FORM 50.40-PP35

FORM 50.40-PP35

FORM 50.40-PP35

FORM 50.40-PP35

P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by York International Corporation 1999 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Form 50.40-PP35 (599)
Supersedes: Nothing

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