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Document: Work Instruction:

Revision: Prepared by: LE PHUOC PHU Date Prepared:
Effective Date Date Reviewed:

Standard Date Approved:

ISO 9001


Form # Record/Form/Activity Name

F01/WI01/QCD-03 Painting Inspection Report

F02/WI01/QCD-03 Dust Assessment

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Revision History

Revision # Date Description of changes Requested By

00 Initial Release Phu san

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The purpose of this work instruction is requirements for the protection against corrosion of
the external surfaces of ferrous metal using protective coating systems construction.

The protective coating systems specified include surface preparation, paint application
method, inspection requirement and acceptable minimum dried film thicknesses.
Equipment items covered by this work instruction include above and underground piping,
equipment, furnace plating, storage tanks and other miscellaneous unprotected steel items.
This work instruction does not specify high temperature resistant systems for operating
temperatures above 5400C, nor temperature indicating paints for refractory line Equipment
Vendor must be submitted method statement, inspection plan (ITP), certificate of
equipment, material to KESV for purpose of this work and notify to KESV inspection plan
according ITP.

British Standards
BS 5493 – (previously C.P.2008) code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel
structures against corrosion.
International organization for standardization
ISO 8501(2007): Pictorial standards of surface preparation for painting of steel surface.
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness.
Steel structures painting council standards
SSPC - PA1 - Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting of Steel
SSPC - PA2 - Measurement of Dry Paint Thicknesses with Magnetic Gauges
SSPC Surface Preparation Standard (SP2, SP3, SP5, SP7, SP10, SP11, SP12, SP16)
American society for testing and materials
ASTM - Standard specification for pipe, steel, black and hot - dipped, zinc - coated,
welded and seamless.
Or standards/specification/requirements of customer for project and equipment
instruction manual from manufacture.


1. KESV: Kobelco Eco - Solutions Vietnam Co., Ltd.
2. BOD: Board of Directors.

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3. DFT: Dry Film Thickness.
4. SHOP: Shall be defined as preparing and painting of new, bare steel surfaces in a
Manufacturer's or Fabricator's shop or equipment works prior to transportation to the
site of construction or a controlled environment paint facility erected at the permanent
site of construction.
5. FIELD: Shall be defined as preparing and painting of new bare or shop primed steel
surfaces or even completely painted shop steel surfaces at the permanent site of Plant
6. PE: Project Engineer.

V.1. Board of Management
- The BOD is responsible for approving and allocating company resources to ensure this
work instruction is carried out throughout KESV.
V.2. KESV Staffs/Departments
- All related departments are responsible for applying this work instruction: …
- All KESV staffs must ensure specifications in this work instruction are applied
throughout the documentation process.
V.3. Quality control department
- Check the effectiveness of the implementation of this work instruction.
- Provide necessary training to the whole company and specifically to the project team on
the requirements of this work instruction.
- Conduct regular audit with integrated audit plan to ensure the effectiveness of this work


- Surfaces requiring painting shall be prepared, primed and over coated at specific venues
as decided and designated by the KESV.
- Any revisions to – or, deviations from – this work instruction shall only be acceptable
when approved in writing by the KESV, written instruction shall be given prior to any
revised coating related activities being executed.
- Shop applied coatings shall be dried and cured sufficiently to permit transport to the site
of construction without excessive damage.
- Field applied finishing coatings shall be subject to the requirements of this work
instruction and shall include repair and touch-up of shop applied coatings.
- The paint /mechanical, vendor shall remove slag spatter and flux residues from welded
areas and grind out any sharp edges giving a minimum radius of 2 mm. Prior to painting
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the weld and surrounding area shall be prepared by washing thoroughly with fresh water
followed by chipping or blast-cleaning. Preparation shall include the cleaning of the
chamfered paint edges and the removal of any burnt or scorched paint.
- Particular attention shall be paid to the preparation and painting of corners, edges,
welds, rivet heads, small brackets, nuts and interstices. Prior to applying each full coat
of the coating system, these positions shall be pre-coated by brush.
- The selected protective paint systems take into consideration the corrosive environment,
time delays between coating applications and specified operational surface
temperatures. Special consideration is given to items such as refractory lined piping and
ducting, flare gas riser piping and protective heating tracing systems. In addition,
anticipated conditions during start-up, shut-down and maintenance operations are taken
into account.
- The selected protective paint systems shall generally be based on the normal operating
temperatures of pipework or Equipment items with the following exceptions:
1. Items internally lined where paint systems shall be selected to suit the anticipated
outside wall temperatures.
2. Items subjected to pre-start up steam out where the paint system employed shall take
into account the designated steam out temperature and shall be suitable for that
3. The items listed below shall be shielded and protected to prevent damage during
surface preparation and paint material application operations. All openings,
including those that are flanged or threaded shall be sealed to prevent entry of blast
abrasive or paint material. After completion of painting operations all material used
for shielding and sealing shall be removed unless instructed otherwise.
4. Nameplates
5. Rotating Equipment couplings and shafts
6. Lubrication fittings
7. Pressure gauges
8. Gauge and Flow Indicator glasses
9. Motor starters
10. Instrument dials
11. Valve stems …,etc

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No Responsibility Content Form

1Receive procedure
and related F02/QCD-03

2 Prepare surface
and painting condition F02/QCD-03

3 Check


Inspect and N F01/QCD-03
repair F02/QCD-03



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Stage 1: Receive procedure and related documents
After receiving procedure and related documents, if any ambiguities or contradictions
between these requirements and vendor standards or experience shall be notified to KESV
attention for resolution before vendor proceeds this work.

Stage 2: Prepare surface and painting condition

a) Surface Preparation

 SHOP Preparation:

- Prior to commencement of surface preparation all surface defects likely to be detrimental

to the protective painting system shall be removed. All fins at saw cuts, burrs and sharp
edges shall be similarly removed.
- Before blasting the material must be remove oil and grease by suitable detergent and high
pressure fresh water washing need to carried out to remove soluble salt and other
contamination and using dust assessment to check dust in the surface.
- Shoot blasting must be using to create a rough surface and remove rust and dirt to
achieved cleanliness surface from SA2 to SA2.5 according to ISO 8501-01 (2007) and
profile minimum from 50 to 75 micron.
- All blast cleaned surface shall be primed before visible rusting occurs or within four hours
of the commencement of blasting.
- Blast cleaning shall not be carried out whilst the temperature of metal surfaces is less than
3°C above the dew point of the surrounding air or when the relative humidity of the air is
greater than 85%.
 FIELD Preparation:

- All the provisions for shop surface preparation shall be applicable for field preparation. If
the specified requirements are impractical because of field conditions, this work
instruction becomes invalidated and revised coating systems shall be devised to suit the
imposed field preparation conditions.
- Shop prepared and primed surfaces shall be field repaired after erection of primed
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- Over areas considered to be inaccessible after erection shop applied primer repairs, field
applied primers.
- Prior to remove grease, oil and application of priming paint, the metal surface and
feathered area of shop coating shall be solvent cleaned and thoroughly washed.
- Surface preparation with power tool or hand tools paper abrasive shall be pursued to
achieve a level of specification St 3.

Type of abrasive Mesh size Max. Height of profile

Very fine sand 80 37 microns (1.5 mils)
Coarse sand 12 70 microns (2.8 mils)
Iron shot 14 90 microns (3.6 mils)
Copper slag 1.5-2.0 mm grain size 75-100 microns (3-4 mils)
Iron grit No.G16 12 200 microns (8.0 mils)

b) Weather and Surface Conditions

- Surface preparation and painting shall not be undertaken in conditions which are favorable
to surface condensation when temperatures are below 10°C or the relative humidity is
above 85%.
- Paint materials shall not be applied over metal surfaces having temperatures in excess of
40°C unless clearly specified otherwise. The paint manufacturer’s data sheet shall be
basically followed.
- Coating shall not be applied in rain, wind, snow, fog, or mist, or when the steel surface
temperature is less than 5°F (3°C) above the dew point. Coating shall not be applied to wet
or damp surfaces unless the coating is formulated and certified by the manufacturer for
this type of application.
c) Paint Mix

- Paint material shall be thoroughly mixed immediately prior to application. Mixing shall be
by means of mechanical stirrers.
- The type of thinner shall comply with the paint manufacturers written instructions.
- When thinners are permissible, they shall be added during the paint mixing process

Stage 3: Check
- Before the painting application, Vendor shall be checking the surface and environment
condition and filled in painting report and dust assessment, KESV will witness if require.

Stage 4: Application
- Paint materials shall only be applied by the paint manufacturers recommended method.
Care shall be taken to select paint materials to suit the intended application method.

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- Material and air pressure on the spray guns shall be regulated to achieve optimum
atomization of the paint with the lowest possible pressures to avoid spray ricochet from
the surface being painted.
- Each coat of paint shall be in a proper state of cure or dryness before the application of the
succeeding coat.
- Shop primed surfaces contaminated during transport and site storage shall be thoroughly
washed down with fresh clean water and allowed to dry before the application of further
paint coatings.
- The maximum time between find surface preparation and prime coat application inside the
fabrication shop shall be 4 hours.
a) Application method

The following methods of application are covered by this specification: brush, roller, air
spray, airless may be used for places of difficult access when no other method is practical.
Whichever application method is used, the dry film thickness of each coat shall meet the
requirement of the specification or the manufacturer’s recommendation, whichever has
precedence, as agreed upon by KESV
 Roller Application:

- Rolling shall be done so that a smooth coat as uniform in thickness as possible is achieved.
Their nap should be appropriate for the particular surface roughness.
- Roller application may be used on flat or slightly curved surfaces and shall be in
accordance with the recommendations of the coating manufacturer and roller
manufacturer. Roller application shall not be used on irregular surfaces such as rivets,
bolts, crevices, welds, corners, or edges, unless otherwise specified. When permitted,
however, the coating applied by roller on these irregular surfaces shall be subsequently
brushed out to form a continuous and unbroken film.
 Airless Spray Application:

- Using fluid tips with proper orifice size and fan angle (5:19” or 5:20”), and the fluid
control gun of proper construction to achieved dried thickness film
- Wet film thickness (comb) gauges shall be used by painter operatives to ensure an even
and adequate DFT will be achieved.
- Material and air pressure on the spray guns shall be regulated to achieve optimum
atomization of the paint with the lowest possible pressures to avoid spray ricochet from
the surface being painted.

Stage 5: Inspection and repair

a) Method inspection
- Testing of ambient and surface temperature, relative humidity and dew point will be done
by means of thermometer, surface thermometer.
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- The surface roughness tester is suitable for assessing surface roughness conditions.
- Measurement of the wet film thickness of the coating during application provides
assurance that the proper amount of coating is being applied. The coating manufacturer
can stipulate the range of wet film thickness to be applied to achieve the desired dry film,
or the required wet film thickness can be calculated as below:
Specified dry film thickness
Wet film thickness =
Volume solids content of the paint
- When a single thickness value is specified and no range is indicated by manufacturer
range established.
- Range established at ± 20% of stated thickness value or datasheet and dry film thickness
(DFT) measurements shall be measured of the acceptability of the DFT of each coat shall
be made in accordance with SSPC-PA 2 will be done by Painting thickness gauge.
b) Inspection Requirements
- Inadequate film thickness shall require the further application of an additional complete
coat over the whole area until the dry film thickness is sufficient to meet the specified
- The paint applicator is required to keep an accurate daily record of air temperature and
humidity conditions and the times of commencement and cessation of all phases of the
cleaning and painting operations. These records which shall be certified accurate by the
paint applicators' painting supervisor shall be available for inspection by KESV at all

Stage 6: Report
Vendor must make the report each of item follow this work instruction and submit to

Stage 7: Record
Vendor must make the report each of item follow this work instruction and submit to

Training needs will be identified and conducted, if required, in accordance with procedure
“ADM-02 Training”.

1. F01/QCD-03: Painting Inspection Report
2. F01/QCD-03: Dust Assessment

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Not application


PROJECT : Report No:

Surface Finish Specification Abrasive Manufacturer
Surface Profile : Type and Grade of Abrasive
Surface Roughness: Abrasive Size
Cleaning Method Controlled work operation
Coating System Number
Paint name Paint Manufacturer
Paint Type & Code No. Paint Color
Type of Solvent Used Thinner
Batch and Curing Agent No.
Condition of Paint Container
Method of Application: Airless Spray  / Roller  / Brush 


st nd rd th
Air Temp. (OC)
Surface Temp. (OC)
Relative Humidity (%)
Dew Point (OC)
Film Thickness Range
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Wet Film Thickness (µm)
Date DFT Taken
Dry Film Thickness (µm)

Vendor KESV ( Engineer) KESV ( Inspector)

Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:

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