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Issue 1 | Volume 2 | 2016

IEEE AIUB Student Br anch New sletter

I EEE AI UB St u d en t Br an ch
w i n s "Th e Best St u d en t Br an ch Aw ar d "

of t h e I EEE Ban gl ad esh Sect i on

f or t h e y ear 2015 & 2016
Issue 1 | Volume 2 | 2016
Issue 6 | Volume 4 | 2013


Prof. Dr. A. B. M . Siddique Dr. M d. Abdur Rahman

Hossain Advisor , IEEE AIUB SB
Advisor , IEEE AIUB SB
"I am quite impressed with the
"I congratulate IEEE AIUB SB members
recent activities of IEEE AIUB SB.
for publishing 'Abozzo' triannually. I
I am also thrilled to see what
would like to advise student members
to participate in all IEEE sponsored
bright future awaits for this
activities and I wish them all success in team. "
their future careers."
Chowdhury Akram Hossain
M d. Saniat Rahman Zishan Advisor , IEEE AIUB SB
Advisor , IEEE AIUB SB "I have full faith in the team of IEEE
" IEEE AIUB SB, becoming a national AIUB SB to tackle and conquer any
icon of IEEE, has achieved greatness. obstacles that block their way to
And I wish the entire team luck and greatness. Wishing the entire team
success on their future endeavors." the very best of luck. "

Shahriar Hasan
M Tan seer Ali M otivator (Jan -Apr il ), IEEE AIUB SB
Counselor, IEEE AIUB SB Advisor , IEEE M TT-S AIUB SB Ch apter
I am acutely honored to be a part of "It is a pleasure indeed to see the
IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch . I believe activity plans and actions of IEEE
that the SB activities can in fact AIUB SB. Best wishes for the
bring the benefit to humanity and upcoming future."
hope that The Remarkable Success
of this SB will continue to flourish.

Tasnuva Tasneem Kazi Ahmed Asif Fuad

M otivator , IEEE AIUB SB
M otivator , IEEE AIUB SB IA-S Advisor ,IEEE AIUB SB
"Having been a national pioneer, I
"All the best to IEEE AIUB SB. May am looking forward to see the IEEE
good luck and fortune follow you as AIUB SB team place an impact on
you deserve the best. " international grounds. I wish
success for the whole team. "

Fak r u l Islam Tu sh ar
M d. Ju baear Alam
Ch air per son , IEEE AIUB SB Ch air per son , IEEE AIUB SB
(Ch apter s an d AG Devel opm en t)
"The continuous development and "All that matters in the end is what
improvement of IEEE AIUB SB is we are doing on our end to assist
greatly showcased in ABOZZO. I wish humanity. And as a volunteer of
immense accomplishments for the IEEE, I encourage every member to
branch." step up and be a part of this great

1 | 6 Volume
| Volume 42 | |2013


1. M eet t he Team!
- IEEE AIUB SB Executive Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- IEEE AIUB SB Volunteers' Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Abozzo Editorial Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

2. Event s of 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 19

3. Upcoming Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4. Alumni Feat uret t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5. Project Showcasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 24

6. M essages From Our IEEE

Friends Across t he W orld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

7. Awards & Achievement s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 27

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| Volume 4 | 2013


M d. Ju baear Alam Fak r u l Islam Tu sh ar

Ch air per son Ch air per son
(Ch apter s an d AG Devel opm en t )

An in do Sah a A.N. M . Nah id Hasan Alif M d. Asif Kh an

Secr etar y Treasurer
Vice-Ch air per son

Sh abab Iqbal Zayadu l Hasan M d. Ash if Iqbal

M d. Sym u m Rezw an Chapters & Affinity
Webmaster Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator Group Event Coordinator

Abu Tan vir Kh an M oin Uddin Tou seef M esbah Kazi Saad Bin Ali Reza
Logistics Logistics Chapters & Affinity Group Publications Coordinator

M d. Am ir u l Islam Rok an Ru pu Ch ow dh u r y M ah ir M ah dee

Photo Journalist Social Media Coordinator

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013



Tan vir Hossain Tazin Hossain Su n zidu r Rah m an Kh aled M ah m u d Sh u vo

M it h u n Kar m ak er Ash iqu r Rah m an Raih an u l Haqu e

Far h an a Alam

M r in m oy Ran jan Dh ar Tu lsi Ch ow dh u r y Th asin a Tabash u m Jan n at u l Fer dou s Tan ia

Zak ia Kh at u n M d. Delow ar H. Soh an Al Em r an M D Sh adm an Tajw ar Haqu e

Zobair Ah m ed Kh an Ah m ad S. Sadm an M D Fah im M or sh ed

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013


Kazi Ah m ed Asif Fu ad M d. Ju baear Alam

Advisor & Execu tive Editor Advisor & Execu tive Editor

Ru pu Ch ow dh u r y M D Sh adm an Tajw ar Haqu e Zobair Ah m ed Kh an

Ph oto Jou r n al ist Editor Editor

Jan n at u l Fer dou s Tan ia M d. Delw ar Hossain Soh an M it h u n Kar m ak er

Ph oto Jou r n al ist Ph oto Jou r n al ist Ph oto Jou r n al ist

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

IEEE AIUB SB - Or ien t at ion 2016

IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch hosted it's on IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch for the
Members? Orientation 2016 at the year 2015. Then the strategic plan of
Auditorium, Faculty of Business IEEE and the activity plan of IEEE for the
Administration building, AIUB. The year 2016 were elaborately explained
orientation is an annual event, to the audience. following this, short
organized to give the newly recruited video clips were played which
members a brief idea about IEEE, IEEE highlighted the achievements of IEEE
AIUB student branch and the AIUB student branch for the year 2015.
prospective event schedule for the
The event also hosted cultural shows,
year.The event featured videos about
musical performances, an interactive
IEEE AIUB student branch followed by
quiz and a raffle draw which took place
an extremely detailed presentation on
at different intervals of the orientation.
IEEE and the benefits of being a
member of IEEE. Afterwards, the
members were shown a presentation Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBM O16

IEEE AIUB SB - Gen er al M eet in g 2016

IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch hosted the 1st General The newly recruited members were shown in detail the
Meeting of the year which took place at room: 266, use of their IEEE account and were also taught the
Faculty of Engineering building, AIUB. The meeting procedure for setting up their IEEE Collabr at ec
consisted of 110 IEEE AIUB student branch members. account. The members also got informed about the
The event covered important topics such as general steps that they needed to take in order to join the
overview of the upcoming events, IEEE AIUB Branch chapters and societies they wanted.
chapters and societies, IEEE account, IEEE Collabr at ec
and the benefits of IEEE membership. Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBSP16GM



On 3rd of February, 2016; IEEE AIUB aspects of the grid. He described the
St u den t Br an ch organized a consequences of losing a substation,
seminar on "Modern Control Centers the causes of blackouts and shared
and Prevention of Large-Scale his thoughts on what would be
Blackouts of the National Grid" with needed to be done in the case of a
guest speaker Dr . En am u l Haq, worldwide blackout. He even shared
Senior Advisor, California ISO, some of his insights on the obstacles
Folsom, California, USA; Senior for renewable energy and talked a
Member, IEEE Power and Energy bit on ways of overcoming them. The
Society (PES) & Chair, IEEE topic was of huge importance for
Computational Intelligence Magazine electrical engineers in Bangladesh as
(CIM) Task Force. The guest speaker the electric grid is extremely
Dr . En am u l Haq gave the audience susceptible to such problems.
an idea about the North American
electric grid and the different
agencies overlooking different Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBBNG

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| Volume 4 | 2013


On 13th February, 2016, IEEE AIUB M oh an Bose, Assistant Chief Engineer,
St u den t Br an ch successfully organized Ghorashal Power Station and M r .
its first industrial tour of the year to Am ir u l M om en in , Executive Engineer,
Ghorashal Thermal Power Station, Bangladesh Power Development Board
Narshingdi. The power plant is state of enthusiastically guided the students
the art with total capacity of 1000 MW, through myriad processes regarding the
which is generated by 6 different power plant. Students got practical
generator units. It was a one-day tour demonstration on several power plant
and the participating students got the equipments namely Turbine, Generator,
chance to directly observe and study the Governor, Cooling System, Boiler,
generation, transmission and Economiser, Superheater, Re-Heater,
distribution methodology and process Sub-Station, Protection Devices,
of the power plant. M r . M asu d Ran a, Switchgear Facilities.
Deputy Manager, Bangladesh Power
Development Board, M r . Ksh ir od Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBGT1


On 17th February 2016, IEEE AIUB audience to grasp the meaning of
St u den t Br an ch in association with leadership. Following him Mr. Saha
Teach f or Ban gladesh , organized a focused on the technical aspects of
seminar titled ?Bu ildin g you r Car eer leadership, tying the world to the
t h r ou gh Leader sh ip Developm en t ?. The engineering profession and one?s
speakers of the seminar were M r . Osm an transformation to a professional life.
Dh ali Tu sh er , Fellowship Recruitment & Explaining the differences between a
Selection Associate, Teach for Bangladesh ?manager ? and a ?leader ?, Mr. Saha
and M r . Ar n ob Ku m ar Sah a, Fellowship stressed on the different technical and
Recruitment & Selection Associate, Teach non-technical skills that separated the
for Bangladesh. Mr. Tusher opened up a two. Later followed an interactive Q/A
dialogue with the participants, raising sessions and was further accompanied by
important questions such as what a brief overview of the organization,
fundamental traits attributed to the Teach f or Ban gladesh and their
making of a leader; and followed with prestigious Fellowship Program.
thought-provoking videos and
hypothetical scenarios, allowing the Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBCTL


On 12th March, 2016, IEEE IAS AIUB Bose, Assistant Chief Engineer, Ghorashal
St u den t Br an ch Ch apt er successfully Power Station. Later the students and
organized its second industrial tour of faculty members were divided into two
the year to the Ghorashal Power Station, groups, each lead by an assistant
Narshingdi. The 365 MW power plant, engineer. The students were shown the
which houses 6 generator units, is one of working principle of the power station,
the largest in the country. This tour the working function of the primary and
presented a wonderful opportunity to auxiliary equipment, the protective and
observe the every aspect of a power measuring elements of the substation
plant. On arrival to the site the students and much more.
and faculty members were welcomed
and briefed, by M r . Ksh ir od M oh an Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBGT2

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| Volume 4 | 2013


On 20th March, 2016, IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch illustrate his statements. M r . Sh ak il Bin Kar im , Game
partnered with Google Women Techmakers Bangladesh Developer, then delivered a presentation about the
to celebrate International Women?s Day. The event was conditions of game industry. He went on to inspire those
arranged to educate students about women in in the audience to use their creativity and make games of
technology. There, M s. Far ah Nazif a, Lead, Google their own. M r . Am it Seal Am i,Lecturer, Dhaka University,
Women Techmakers Bangladesh, delivered a detailed discussed about various reasons for which women
presentation of the software, Firebase. She also usually fall behind in technical world. In his presentation,
suggested some programming languages, which would he also explained about the harassments most women
help students in the long run. M s. Ach ia Nila, face in the workplace and mentioned ways to deal with
Founder,Women in Digital, talked at length about the them. Later Dr . Tau h ida Rah m an Er een , Consultant
discrimination faced by women at the workplaces, Dermatologist, Surecell Medical Limited, gave a speech
especially in male-dominated places such as tech about biotechnology. M s.Sayeda Far zan a Ak t ar , Senior
companies. She inspired everyone in the audience by Software Engineer, Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh,
talking about how she overcame the obstacles and turned then, delivered a presentation, emphasizing the necessity
her local tech business into a global one. She urged girls of having analytical skill for the engineers. M s. Sh ah an a
to face all the obstacles in their respective fields and Sh ar m in , Sociotech, WE Evangelist, gave a powerful
thrive nonetheless. Following this was the cake cutting speech, encouraging all women to be bold enough to
ceremony with all the speakers and guests. M r . Pr it om speak up and chase their dreams, regardless societal
Ch ow dh u r y, Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Grameen pressures.
Intel Social Business Ltd, gave a presentation about
innovative world of robotics. He included a video to Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBGGTH


On 24th March, 2016, IEEE M TT-S AIUB Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB;
St u den t Br an ch Ch apt er organized a enthusiastically guided the participants,
workshop titled "Advan ced Design though the entire workshop. He began
Syst em (ADS)" , intended to introduce by giving a brief description about
the participants to one of the most Advance Digital system and RF spectrum.
leading electronic design automation Then moved on to showing simulations
software for RF, microwave and implementing different circuits and
high-speed digital applications. The covered step by step procedure of using
workshop was very beneficial for ADS. Also discussed by the instructor
students who are working on their was the transmission process and effect
thesis, and those who are planning on of small parameter change on
pursuing a career in telecommunications simulation.
or microwave engineering. The instructor
of the workshop M r . Asif Ah m ed, Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBADSWRK

1 | 6 Volume 2 | |2013
| Volume 4 2016


On 25th March, 2016, IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch benefits of being a member of the IEEE Young
successfully organized the IEEE Bangladesh Section Professionals in his very detailed presentation. Next to
Executive-Committee (Ex-Com) Summit 2016. The summit take the stage was Pr of Dr . Sh aik h An w ar u l Fat t ah ,
was organized for the proper networking of the student Chairperson, IEEE Bangladesh Section, who gave an
members and the faculties from different universities. inspirational speech motivating the participants present
and discussed the student branch activities, the
The event begun with the opening speech delivered by
achievements and the special initiatives he has planned
M r . Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am Hossain , Student Activity
for the future. The next to take the stage was M r . Abdu l
Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section. Followed by M r .
Gof f ar Kh an , Vice-Chair (Technical), IEEE Bangladesh
Abdu llah Ash Sak i, Membership Development
Section; M r . M Hossam -E-Haider , Awards Coordinator,
Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, who gave his
IEEE Bangladesh Section; M r . Abdu r Rah m an ,
presentation discussing the reasons and benefits of
Educational Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section;
becoming an IEEE member. Later M r . Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am
Mr. M Sh am im Kaiser , Humanitarian Activity
Hossain discussed the statistics of the number of IEEE
Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section; M r . Naf iz Ah m ed
members in Bangladesh, the initiatives that should be
Ch ist y, Professional Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh
taken to fix the number of members and make sure to
Section; M r . M d. San iat Rah m an Zish an , Newsletter
provide its members with the benefits that come with the
Editor, IEEE Bangladesh Section; each of them in their
IEEE membership. Later on, the summit moved onto the
short presentations discussed their future plans in their
Student Branch representatives? presentations session
own line of work. After them to take the stage was M r .
with the presentation from the representatives from 15
Abdu llah Ash Sak i. In his presentation he talked about
different Student Branches. During the session each of the
the membership development campaign he has planned.
student branch representatives, each went up on stage
Following him was M r . Sh ih ab Uddin , Secretary, IEEE
and gave their presentation discussing about the events
Bangladesh Section, in his presentation he talked about
they have organized , the activities of the student branch
the plans he has to co-create IEEE Next in Bangladesh and
members, the plans they have for the future and the
to make the members of the student branches more
limitations and problems they face as a Student Branch.
Afterwards, M r . Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am Hossain answered a
series of questions and M r . Abdu llah Ash Sak i talked There was also a special session with Pr of . Dr . Celia
about the Student Branch engage drive and the monetary Sh ah n az and the female participants where the
benefits the members should take to get the full IEEE participants were introduced to the executive members.
experience. After that, the next session started with an She discussed about IEEE WIE Affinity Group, talked about
inspirational speech from Pr of . Dr . Celia Sh ah n az, her work in WIE; how it helps female members to get a
Coordinator, IEEE WIE Region 10 affinity group. Then platform in the engineering field and also stated that the
followed a detailed presentation on the WIE region 10 WIE platform is open for male members as well.
activities, achievements and plans for the future.
Following her to the stage was M r . Nasim Al Islam ,
Treasurer, IEEE Young Professionals, who discussed the Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSBBDSEXCOM S

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| Volume 4 | 2013


Away from the everyday routine student life, IEEE AIUB games and enjoyable activities that were welcomed by
St u den t Br an ch organized a day long Recreational Tour all the students and respected faculties alike.
at Neel Komol Resort, Gazipur on 1st April 2016. It was
an entertainment packed tour which hosted various Link: bit .ly/ IEEEAIUBSB_RECTOUR


On 7th April, 2016, IEEE AIUB Branch Chapter, talked in detail about
St u den t Br an ch organized a the uses of Genuino. He covered the
workshop on Genuino, to celebrate aspects of the device, including the
?Genuino Day 2016?. The workshop overview of the hardware, the
introduced Genuino, a protocols of Genuino, the numerous
microcontroller based programmable sensors, which can be used, and an
device, which makes it one of the overview of how to program the
most versatile electronic devices ever device. The participants where then
made, to the !st year engineering guided by the instructor through the
students. process of implementing a circuit
using the knowledge they had
The instructor for the workshop, M r .
acquired in the workshop.
Kazi Ah m ed Asif Fu ad, Lecturer,
Faculty of Engineering, AIUB,
Motivator, IEEE AIUB Student Branch,
Advisor of IEEE IA-S AIUB Student


On 11th of April 2016, IEEE AIUB In the presence of M r . Ar n ob Ku m ar
St u den t Br an ch organized a closing Sah a, 2014 Teach for Bangladesh
Ceremony of maiden batch of Lit er acy Fellow- Fellowship Recruitment and
t h r ou gh Leader sh ip (LTL) hosting Selection Associate, Teach for
enthusiastic students from Bangladesh, M s.M eh n az Aziz Tu li,
kindergarten to grade five and the 2016 Teach For Bangladesh Fellow and
heads of LTL at Room #266 at the the guest M s.M alih a M oh sin ,
Faculty of Engineering, AIUB. Freelance-Writer/Journalist, New Age -
Bangladesh; Director, Glyph.
The ceremony showcased the progress
of LTL with a video presentation by Ms. The session was concluded with a
Maliha Ahsan, 2014 Teach for photo-session with the attendees.
Bangladesh Fellow; Co-founder and
Program Manager, Lit er acy t h r ou gh
Leader sh ip (LTL) Program. Link: bit .ly/ LTLClosin g

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| Volume 4 | 2013

Gen er al M eet in g - Su m m er 2016 - 17

The second general meting of the year was conducted Following this a small and interactive quiz contest where
by IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch which took place at the winners were presented gifts.
Room# 266, Faculty of Engineering Building, AIUB. The
The next portion of the meeting was focused on
meeting hosted 100 plus general members of the IEEE
informing the members about major student
AIUB Student Branch and alongside them were also
competitions that were held by IEEE an encouraging
present the executives and volunteers of the Student
them to participate. Further discussion on how to
improve the Student Branch and what kind of events
This general meeting was held to discuss about the the members wanted was also held with the
upcoming events that the student Branch had planned participants of the meeting.
and to gain feedback from them. The members were
given an idea about the types of seminars, workshops
and industrial tours that were planned. they were asked
for suggestions and ideas on making them better. Link: bit .ly/ Gen er alM eet in g2

Sem in ar on Resear ch An d Pr ospect s Of M icr ow ave En gin eer in g:

Fr om Design er s Per spect ive
The seminar was conducted on 25 microwaves and other topics. He then
May 2016, at Room # 266, Faculty of proceeded to describe the processes
Engineering Building, AIUB. Dr . M d. of antenna miniaturization and its
Abdu r Rah m an , Director & Associate methods such as slotting, bending
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, and loading. In addition, he
AIUB; delivered the opening remarks highlighted the challenges faced while
of the seminar, talking about the huge improving the parameters such as
possibilities in communication sector power consumption due to
and advanced 4G. The keynote non-linearity. The speaker also talked
speaker of the seminar was M r . Sagar about the printed monopole
K. Dh ar , PhD Student, iRadio Lab, antennas. He discussed the
Schulich School of Engineering, challenges of monopole antennas and
University of Calgary, Canada. Non-foster matching of antenna. He
also talked about RF-Band selection
The seminar was heavily focused on
filter, power amplifiers and future of
the different aspects of microwave
communications system, which
engineering and the different
included fifth generation (5G) cellular
prospective researchers can pursue.
The speaker started the seminar with
the definition of microwaves, the
applications of the field, the difference
between transmission line and Link: bit .ly/ RPM EFDP

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| Volume 4 | 2013

Sem in ar On Pow er Su pply Plan n in g: Th eor y An d Pr act ice

This seminar was organized by IEEE speakers spoke about the fast
IAS AIUB St u den t Br an ch Ch apt er advancement of the application of
along with IEEE PES Ban gladesh the Renewable sources. They
Sect ion Ch apt er on 30th May 2016 broadly enlightened the processes
at Room 266, Faculty of Engineering which included the generation,
Building, AIUB. The opening remark transmission and distribution
was delivered by honorable Pr of . sectors. The speakers also
Dr . A.B.M . Siddiqu e Hossain , Dean, illustrated the way electricity
Faculty of Engineering, AIUB. The reaches every home from the point
speakers for the seminar were Dr . of generation, describing the role of
Tar eq Aziz, Associate professor, transmission line, bus bars and
Department of EEE, Ahsanullah substations briefly with the help of
University of Science and practical examples. The major
Technology & Secretary, IEEE PES drawbacks of renewable source and
Bangladesh Section Chapter and the cause of power blackout were
M r . M d. Ar if u l Haqu e, Managing also analyzed.
Director, Reverie Power and
Automation Engineering Ltd. The Link: bit .ly/ PSPTAP

Wor k sh op on How t o Bu ild Beau t if u l Websit es You r self

On 1st June, 2016, IEEE AIUB SB WIE Af f in it y Gr ou p in and vision of the affinity group. She reckoned that male
association with IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion WIE Af f in it y students can be great allies for the female students in
Gr ou p hosted a workshop titled ?Bu ild Beau t if u l STEM fields. Afterwards, Dr . Lam ia If t ek h ar initiated
Websit es You r self ?, at Room 266, Faculty of the workshop. At first, she gave a brief description
Engineering Building, AIUB. The goal of the workshop about different types of websites and their applications.
was to familiarize IEEE members, especially IEEE WIE Then, she went on to build a website on
members, with the various methods and factors to www.weebly.com, an online platform and launched it.
consider while building a website. Her prudently chosen methods helped students with no
prior coding skills to grasp the basics of building a
The opening speech was delivered by Dr . M d. Abdu r
website. She explained the necessity of regular upgrade
Rah m an , Director and Associate Professor, Faculty of
of a website to maintain convenience for the users. She
Engineering AIUB. Following this, Dr . Lam ia If t ek h ar ,
emphasized the online ethics, such as, providing
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and
acknowledgments while using elements from other
Computer Engineering, North South University (NSU)
websites. On that note, she also propounded the
was welcomed to the podium, with brief history of her
participants to be original while developing a website.
background and notable accomplishments. Dr . Lam ia
If t ek h ar , initially, gave an informative presentation on
IEEE WIE Affinity Group, where she elucidated mission Link: bit .ly/ Beau t if u lSit esWor k sh op

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| Volume 4 | 2013

An n u al If t ar Par t y 2016

Tech n ical Talk On ?Elect r ical Cables?

On 19th June, 2016, IEEE AIUB in the seminar. Demonstrating the
Student Branch organized a internal structure of cables, he then
Technical Talk on ?Electrical Cables?, proceeded to describe the
at Room No. 266, Faculty of construction and production of
Engineering Building, AIUB. The electrical cables. Furthermore, he
objective of this seminar was to talked about the cable processing
familiarize the participants with the procedure, highlighting the different
different manufacturing processes parameters that vary with the cable
of cable wires, the design and type. In the next portion of the
economic factors to consider for seminar, Abdu l Hasib Siddiqu e
their applications and the discussed on XLPE and PVC cables,
fundamental details that contribute as well as their voltage ranges
to their development. among other specifications.
Explaining how to select a suitable
The seminar started with the
cable, he clarified the cable
opening remarks delivered by
installation, cable jointing and cable
Pr of essor Dr . A. B. M . Siddiqu e
domination procedures. Lastly, he
Hossain , Dean, Faculty of
distinguished among the various
Engineering, AIUB. Following this,
environmental considerations to be
Abdu l Hasib Siddiqu e, Electrical
made during the application and
Engineer, National Drilling Company,
production of cables.
Abu Dhabi, UAE, was welcomed to
the stage to begin the talk. Abdu l
Hasib Siddiqu e, began by inquiring
the students about their
expectations and reasons of interest Link: bit .ly/ Elect r icalCables

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

Sem in ar t it led ?An Hou r w it h AIUB Robot ic Cr ew ?

On 7th August, 2016 IEEE AIUB Student Branch organized had overcome them with shear dedication. Later Sh abab
a seminar titled ?An Hour with AIUB Robotic Crew? at Iqbal, Member, AIUB Robotic Crew; Webmaster, IEEE AIUB
Room No. 265, Faculty of Engineering Building, AIUB. Student Branch, went up on stage and discussed briefly on
what they had to learn in terms of geography, biology,
The seminar began at 4:00 pm with the opening speech
chemistry and soil testing in order to make the Rover.
from Tasn u va Tasn eem , Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering,
After that, M ah f u zu r Rah m an took the stage again and
AIUB; WIE Coordinator, IEEE AIUB Student Branch.
introduced the ARC team to the audience. Following that,
Afterwards, M ah f u zu r Rah m an , Team Leader, AIUB
Kazi Ah m ed Asif Fu ad, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering,
Robotic Crew, took the stage and started his presentation
AIUB; Motivator, IEEE AIUB Student Branch; Publicity
and in his presentation he discussed briefly how the team
Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, took the stage and
was formed and how they began their work to make their
gave the closing speech thus concluding the event. A
Rover for the University Rover Challenge (URC). He talked
small token of appreciation was presented to the ARC
about how he helped to guide everyone to work as a
team by Kazi Ah m ed Asif Fu ad on behalf of IEEE AIUB
team and plan their work, how they should divide their
Student Branch.
time and learn all the things required to progress with
their project. During his speech he also talked about all
the hardships the entire team had to face and how they Link: bit .ly/ An Hou r Wit h ARC

IEEE You n g Pr of ession als Ban gladesh Sect ion Pr esen t s Day-Lon g
Wor k sh op On ?Elect r ical Ser vices an d Wir in g f or Bu ildin g?
On 28th August, 2016, IEEE AIUB Properties LTD; talked about the
St u den t Br an ch hosted a daylong importance of simulation before dive
workshop on ?Elect r ical Ser vices an d into practical wiring. He discussed
Wir in g f or Bu ildin g? presented by about the steps of designing. Sh yam
IEEE You n g Pr of ession als Bin Jam il resumed his demonstration
Ban gladesh Sect ion and of building layout design, after a small
co-organized by IEEE IA-S AIUB SB interval begining the second session.
Ch apt er . The workshop was hosted at Pr of . Dr . A.B.M Siddiqu e Hossain ,
room 266, Faculty of Engineering Honorable Dean, Faculty of Engineering,
Building, AIUB. The goal of the AIUB; also discussed about the
workshop was to familiarize IEEE importance of proper wiring system in
members with electrical fundamental a building and its safety
of building wiring system and its measurements and then the
practical simulation.The workshop was workshop was concluded as Pr of . Dr .
divided into two sessions. The first A.B.M Siddiqu e Hossain presented
session commenced with the opening M . S. M UHIT and Sh yam Bin Jam il a
remarks from M . S. M UHIT, Assistant token of appreciation on behalf of
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB. IEEE YP Ban gladesh sect ion .; and
Afterwards, M r . Sh yam Bin Jam il, presenting certificates to the
Electrical Engineer, EME, Rangs participants. Link: bit .ly/ 2izag2E

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

Sem in ar on High er St u dies in In dian In st it u t e of Tech n ology (IIT)

On 5th September, 2016, IEEE Bangladesh Section admission into the IIT, the many different IITs located
Educational Activity Committee arranged a seminar titled throughout the country, how each of them vary from one
?Higher Studies in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)? in another and what are the benefits of joining IIT.
collaboration with the Indian High Commission at room
After the informative sessions from Dr . M u k esh
266, Faculty of Engineering building, AIUB. The seminar
Ch at t er jee, a quick question and answer session took
was organized to enlighten the students those who are
place between the delegates from Indian Institute of
either about to finish their bachelor ?s or their master ?s
Technology (IIT) and the attendees. Later after that quick
degree and wants to study in one of the 22 IITs. The event
session, Dr . M d. Abdu r Rah m an , Educational Activity
began with the opening speech from Pr of . Dr . A.B.M .
Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section; Director and Associate
Siddiqu e Hossain , Dean, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB. After
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB, took the stage and
his insightful remarks, the session began with a small
gave a motivating closing remarks. After that, Pr of . Dr .
speech by Kish or e Ch at t er jee, Professor, Department of
A.B.M . Siddiqu e Hossain took the stage and gave the
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay;
token of appreciation to all the delegates from the Indian
Chairperson, GATE, JAM 2017, who later handed over the mic
Institute of Technology and then officially bringing end to
to Dr . M u k esh Ch at t er jee, Professor, Department of Civil
the event by taking a group photo.
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. During
the event Dr . M u k esh Ch at t er jee gave an informative
presentation regarding the details involved for the Link: bit .ly/ 2jdEw Pg

Gen er al M eet in g For Th e Sem est er Fall 2016-17

On 1st October, 2016, IEEE AIUB Student 2016 which will be organized by the IEEE
Branch organized the IEEE AIUB Student AIUB Student Branch on 4th October,
Branch General Meeting for the 2016. After that Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am
semester fall 2016 at room 266 at the Hossain , Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student
Faculty of Engineering Building, AIUB. Branch; Student Activity Coordinator, IEEE
The meeting was organized to discuss Bangladesh Section, took the stage and
and inform the members of the IEEE gave an inspirational speech mainly
AIUB Student Branch about the discussing about upcoming events and
upcoming events and the future also about the IEEE membership and
prospects of the student branch. retention rates. Later An in do Sah a,
Vice-Chair, IEEE AIUB Student Branch;
The meeting was initiated by Ju baear
Country Lead, IEEEXtreme 10.0, took the
Alam , Chairperson, IEEE AIUB Student
stage and then gave a detailed
Branch; Ambassador, IEEE Day 2016,
presentation on IEEEXtreme explaining
where he briefly explained the agenda of
that any IEEE member can join this
the meeting and later gave the stage to
competition. The meeting was then
Sym u m Rezw an , Event Coordinator, IEEE
concluded with a quiz competition and a
AIUB Student Branch; Ambassador, IEEE
photo-session with the attendees.
Day 2016, who gave a detailed
Link: bit .ly/ 2iWFiiR presentation regarding the IEEE Day

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch Celebr at es " IEEE Day 2016"

On 4th October, 2016 IEEE AIUB Student Branch hosted and that, a technical talk session titled ?Talk on Freelancing in
celebrated the IEEE Day 2016 at the Faculty of Engineering Bangladesh Perspective? began, which was conducted by
Building, AIUB. In commemoration of the day, IEEE AIUB Ju bayer Rah m an , Senior IT Executive, BDCoders; Webmaster,
Student Branch organized a multiple sessions and IEEE AIUB Student Branch (2014). After a gaming session, a
competitions from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. The day long was technical talk was conducted by Ah m ed M or t u za Salequ e,
inaugurated by an opening speech from Dr . A. B. M . Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB. Next took
Siddiqu e Hossain , Dean, Faculty of Engineering, followed by place the interactive quiz contest session followed by a
Dr . M d. Abdu r Rah m an , Director and Associate Professor, series of presentations from the selected participants for
Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Educational Activity Coordinator, the Engineering Idea Sharing Contest. Following that was a
IEEE Bangladesh Section.The event was inaugurated with a non-technical session with M r . Naveed M ah m u d,
cake cutting ceremony. Following that, after a small Entrepreneur, Founder, Naveed?s Comedy Club ? Bangladesh?s
interactive quiz session, the first session titled ?Women On first comedy venue. The event was then concluded with the
the Go? began at room 266 at the Faculty of Engineering closing remarks from Dr . M . Tan seer Ali and then a photo
building, AIUB. The speaker for the session was Far ah session with the participants.
Nazif a, Business Development Researcher, G.G. Bashundhara
Group; Lead, Google Women Techmakers Bangladesh. After Link: bit .ly/ IEEEday16

In au gu r at ion Cer em on y of WIE in IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion &

Lau n ch in g of All Ban gladesh IEEE WIE SB AG Net w or k
On 27th October 2016, IEEE AIUB faculty members, to officially inaugurate
Student Branch hosted the the event. The next segment started
?Inauguration Ceremony of WIE in IEEE with a presentation from M s. Sam at h a
Bangladesh Section & Launching of All Lu baba Noor , Chair, WIE IEEE
Bangladesh IEEE WIE SB AG Network? at Bangladesh Section, in which she talked
the Auditorium of Faculty of Business about the WIE events that took place at
Administration Building, AIUB. The other branches this year. Later,
event was initiated with the opening certificates were presented to the
speech from Pr of essor Dr . A.B.M Advisors of the branches. Up next, the
Siddiqu e Hossain , Dean, Faculty of stage was taken by Dr . Celia Sh an az,
Engineering, AIUB. Following this were Advisor; Former chair of WIE AG and IEEE
welcoming speeches delivered by Dr . M . R10 WIE Coordinator, who gave a
Tan seer Ali, Counselor of IEEE AIUB presentation on WIE?s past and present
Student Branch; Assistant Professor, state in Bangladesh.
Faculty of Engineering, AIUB and Tasn u va
The event was concluded by handing a
Tasn eem , WIE Advisor IEEE AIUB Student
crest to Dr . Celia Sh an az by Dr . M .
Branch; Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering,
Tan seer Ali, on behalf of Pr of essor Dr .
AIUB, respectively. Later, a cake cutting
Sh aik h An ow ar u l Fat t ah , Chair, IEEE
ceremony took place where the cake
Bangladesh Section.
was cut by the WIE delegates and the Link: bit .ly/ AIUBWIEin au g

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| Volume 4 | 2013

Wor k sh op on ?POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS- A 5 M VA Su b-St at ion

An alysis u sin g ETAP (Elect r ical Tr an sien t an d An alysis Pr ogr am )"
On 10th November 2016, IEEE AIUB Limited, to the stage. En gin eer Al
St u den t Br an ch in collaboration with Am in Hossain , taking the stage, gave
INNOVA Skill Development Training a presentation on ETAP, explaining
Center (ISDTC) conducted a workshop what it is and its various usages in the
on, ?Power System Analysis-A 5 MVA industry. The next person to the stage
Sub-Station Analysis using ETAP was En gin eer M D. Far dou se Alam ,
(Electrical Transient and Analysis Engineer (Automation), Director (ISDTC),
Program)?. The day-long workshop INNOVA Engineering Limited, who
hosted 40 enthusiastic participants, started by explaining the participants
all heavily interested in the power the way he was going to conduct the
sector. The workshop was initiated workshop.
with the opening speech from
The event was concluded with the
Sh am eem Ah m ad, Lecturer; Faculty of
closing speech from Dr . M d Abdu r
Engineering, AIUB, who welcomed the
Rah m an , Advisor of IEEE AIUB Student
participants and thanked the
Branch; Director of Faculty of
instructors from INNOVA for their
Engineering, AIUB, . The instructors of
collaboration. After this, Sh am eem
the workshop were then presented a
Ah m ad welcomed En gin eer Al Am in
small token of appreciation from Dr .
Hossain , AMIEB Senior Engineer,
M d Abdu r Rah m an on behalf of IEEE
Trainer (ISDTC), INNOVA Engineering Link: bit .ly/ 2jVoUn 2
AIUB St u den t Br an ch .

Sem in ar on " Th e Best Pr act ices of IEEE f or Car eer Gr ow t h

an d M em ber sh ip Developm en t Dr ive"
On 16th November, IEEE AIUB st u den t IEEE resume lab, IEEE Entrepreneurship,
br an ch organized a seminar on " Th e IEEE N3xt, IEEE collaborate and IEEE
Best Pr act ices of IEEE f or Car eer jobsite. Later on, Dr . M d. Abdu r
Gr ow t h & M em ber sh ip Developm en t Rah m an , Educational Activity
Dr ive" .The seminar initiated with the Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section;
opening remarks of Pr of . Dr . A B M Director and Associate Professor,
Siddiqu e Hossain ; Dean, faculty of Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor,
engineering, AIUB; Ex-Chair, IEEE IEEE AIUB SB; gave a short speech on
Bangladesh section. Following the educational and professional benefits of
informative speech of M r . Abdu llah being IEEE member. The event was
Ash Sak i, M r . Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am concluded as M r . Abdu llah Ash Sak i
Hossain , Assistant Professor FE AIUB; gave a token of appreciation to M r .
Special Assistant, office of Student Affair Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am Hossain , M r .
(OSA), AIUB; Student Activity Abdu llah Ash Sak i and M r . A. N. M .
coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section; Nasim u n n abi, Section Student
Advisor, IEEE AIUB SB; started his Representative (SSR), IEEE Bangladesh
presentation speech. He began his section; on behalf of IEEE AIUB student
speech with introduction of IEEE. Later Branch. The event was interactive and
on he talked about various technical informative. Participants were
and non-technical chapter and societies introduced to numerous amount of
of IEEE. He discussed on different online benefits and opportunities of IEEE.
Link: bit .ly/ 2iw LCM M platform of IEEE such as IEEE Xplore,

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

IEEE IA-S AIUB St u den t Br an ch Ch apt er Pr esen t s Wor k sh op on

On 24th November, 2016, IEEE AIUB application in the simulation of thesis
IA-S St u den t Br an ch Ch apt er hosted researches. The second session
a day-long workshop on ?MATLAB & started at 3 PM which mainly
SIMULINK?. The goal of the workshop discussed the usage and application
was to teach the basics of MATLAB of SIMULINK to resolve engineering
and SIMULINK simulation to the problems and obtain various graphs
participants. and records using it. It also included
Simulation of inverters and Power
The event was inaugurated by the
System Network Using Simulink
opening remarks f r om Pr of . Dr .
A.B.M Siddiqu e Hossain , Honorable
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; The event came to an end after the
during which he encouraged the closing remarks from Ch ow dh u r y
participants to study about the Ak r am Hossain , Student Activity
simulation on MATLAB. The workshop Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section;
was divided into two sessions. The Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch;
first session commenced at 12:20 PM Assistant Professor, Faculty of
with a brief discussion about MATLAB Engineering, AIUB; Special Assistant,
and SIMULINK from Sh am eem Office of Student Affairs(OSA), AIUB.
Ah m ed, Assistant Professor, Faculty of
Engineering, AIUB. He spoke about the
essentials of MATLAB software and its Link: bit .ly/ 2iZ2OeY

Wor k sh op on ?An t en n a Design in g an d Sim u lat ion Tech n iqu es

u sin g CST M icr ow ave St u dio Su it e"
On 8th December, 2016, IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch hosted discussion about various types of antennas. The second
a daylong workshop on ?Antenna Designing and Simulation session started by 11.30 by Mr. Sh ah r iar Hasan Sh eh ab;
Techniques using CST Microwave Studio Suite? presented by PHD Candidate, Monash University, Australia, with basic talk
IEEE M TT-S AIUB St u den t Br an ch Ch apt er . The goal of the on CST Microwave Studio Suite and its function. M r . Raja
workshop was to familiarize IEEE members and Rash idu l Hasan : Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, AIUB,
nonmembers with designing antennas and analyzing the started the third session by 4.30 PM. The session included
parameters through simulation. The opening remarks were analyzing the simulation obtained and drawing a conclusion
addressed by Pr of . Dr . M d. Abdu r Rah m an , Educational about the performance of an antenna. Later, Dr . M d. Abdu r
Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section; Advisor, IEEE Rah m an , Educational Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh
AIUB SB; Director and Associate Professor, Faculty of Section; Advisor, IEEE AIUB SB; Director and Associate Professor,
Engineering, AIUB; inducing the participants for gaining Faculty of Engineering, AIUB, delivered the closing speech.
knowledge on the process of designing antennas and to The instructors of the workshop were then presented a
work with Microwave and RF field. The workshop was small token of appreciation from Dr . M d. Abdu r Rah m an
divided into three sessions. The first session commenced at on behalf of IEEE AIUB Student Branch.
10.30 AM by Dr . M .Tan seer Ali; Counselor, IEEE AIUB SB;
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB, with a brief Link: bit .ly/ 2iBZf 0z

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch pr esen t s ?IEEE Region ? 10 SPAVe?

On 24th December, 2016 IEEE AIUB Student Branch UAE.Following this, ?Seminar on product Development and
organized IEEE R10 SPAVe 2016 at room 266, Faculty of How to Introduce your prototype to Market/Industry?
Engineering, AIUB. SPAVe stands for Student Professional instigated with M r . Adn an Im t iaz Halim , CEO SHEBA.XYZ;
Awareness Venture. SPAVe took place for the first time in Former Head of Business Development; Radio Access
the history of IEEE Bangladesh Section. This venture was Network, Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd; and
supported by IEEE, IEEE USA, IEEE R10, IEEE Bangladesh M r . M S Siddiqu e, Former President, Rotary Club of Dhaka;
Section. This venture was constructed with two workshop CEO, Bangla Chemical.
and 2 seminars and a competition/interactive training
After that, ?Interactive Panel Training Through Mock
Interviews/Proposals? initiated with 4 judges; Dr . M .
The Day long venture was initiated with the opening Tan seer Ali, M r . Naf iz Ah m ed Ch ist y, M r . At iqu r
remarks of Dr . M . Tan seer Ali, Counselor, IEEE AIUB Rah m an ; Head of HR; Admin, Rahimafrooz Distribution
Student Branch; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Ltdand M r . M d. Ilm u l Haqu e, Head of Gateway Operation,
AIUB. Summit Communications Ltd.
Followed by that the first session ?Roadmap to become an In this venture a special parallel session on ?A Career in
Educationist, Researcher or Scholar ? began with speaker Robotics and Automation? took place. The guest speaker of
Pr of . Dr . A.B.M Siddiqu e Hossain , Dean, Faculty of this event was M r . M oh am m ad Sh ar if , Senior Application
Engineering, AIUB; Ex-Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section. Engineer, Marketing Manager & Migration Software Dev
Lead, Schneider Electric Industrial Services, USA. This
Followed by a workshop on "IEEE ResumeLab and How to
session was mainly focused on the career opportunities in
write a Modern-Day CV/Resume? conducted by M r . Syed
automation industries and a very brief idea about
Tah er Ah m ed, Dir ect or , HR consultant & career Coach,
automation engineering.
ECD; Former HR Manager, ACI Logistic Ltd; Consultant for
earning & Development, EMC and M r . Nasim Al Islam , The venture was concluded as Pr of . Dr . M d. Abdu r
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Treasurer, Rah m an delivered his closing speech. More than 50
IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh participants attended this event and they were satisfied to
Section. attend this venture and where they gained a completely
new experience. They hope skills that they gain from this
After that, ?Workshop on Professional Communication &
venture, will help them a lot in the future.
Presentation Skills Development? commenced with speech
of M r . Abdu l Hasib Siddiqu e, assistant Researcher, The
petroleum Institute University & Research Center, Link: bit .ly/ IEEER10SPAVe16

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| Volume 4 | 2013



1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013


M oh am m ad Tau f iqu zzam an

Vice-Ch air , IEEE You n g Pr of ession als AG, IEEE
M on t r eal Sect ion

After getting enrolled to my University for my undergraduate,

IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch was the first thing that gained
my full attention.
I came to know about them through their amazing activities
and from there I had this instinct telling within me that this
platform can get me where I want to be. Joining them was possibly one of my best decisions
that I have ever made. They gave me the exposure and the stage where I could test all my
potentials in many different ways.
My journey started off a volunteer after finishing my first year in my undergraduate level. At
that time I was honored to be supported by my respective executives and mentors who
helped me shape my life and taught me the sense of professionalism. Because of their
guidance, I ended up being the Chairperson of the branch in my final year. From there on
my life changed completely to a new level. I had the privilege to work with this really
awesome and dedicated team of executives and volunteers whose support got us to
accomplish so many different milestones. We achieved a lot of awards and recognitions
throughout the whole year and I?m really glad to see that this progression has been carried
on even further by the next generation whom we handed our responsibilities to.
I later moved on with my Masters to a different region in Canada. Because of the fact that
I?m profoundly connected with IEEE internationally, I am now currently involved with the
IEEE Sections here in Canada and have been designated as the Vice Ch air of IEEE You n g
Pr of ession als in M on t r eal.
But the thing is no matter where I work, IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch will always be special
part of my life.
They are more like a family to me and there is nothing in this world that can compare the
bonding that we had in this branch.

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| Volume 4 | 2013


The concept of colonizing a planet in outer organization which has been playing a vital
space has been considered by scientists for a role in the research of human exploration
few decades. After we took our first big leap and settlement on the Red Planet. Taking the
onto the Moon back in 1969, scientists have target to outreach public and to foster the
been thinking about going even further deep young generation, every year they arrange a
into space; and the closest destination for worldwide competition called Un iver sit y
human exploration in space is the red planet, Rover Ch allen ge (URC). The idea is to make
Mars. This reddish planet has been the most a mars rover that can travel and explore with
valuable subject for research for remote controlling mechanism.The
astrophysicists for its geography, competition, as always, took place in 2nd to
environment and proof of existence of 4th June, 2016 at the Mars Desert and
water. This in turn is revealing the endless Research Station, Utah, USA. 30 teams from
possibility that Mars could be the next 7 different nations participated in the
human colony. M ar s Societ y, an competition this year including team

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

AIUB Robot ic Cr ew (ARC) from Am er ican wheels with each of them being able to be
In t er n at ion al Un iver sit y-Ban gladesh controlled separately. The mechanical
(AIUB) with their rover ARC-71. The initiative structure gives the rover superiority to
of making a rover for the competition was travel over an obstacle at a height of 8
first taken by the team leader M ah f u zu r inches. A ?V? shaped rocker bogie
Rah m an , a student of Electrical and suspension was used at the front and a
Electronic Engineering. The team was later double wishbone suspension at the back.
formed with 17 enthusiastic students from The rover can carry a mass of up to 50
the Electrical and Electronic Engineering and kilograms. It has a mechanical arm which
the Computer Science and Engineering has 6 degrees of freedom. Two high torque
Department. The rover ARC-71 was linear actuators give it power to pick up a
designed as per as the requirements of the mass of up to 7 kilograms and the gripper
competition. It was designed in such a way can grab different shapes of object. Using
so that it could travel across different the arm an astronaut can easily service
obstacles and over rough terrain. It was also equipment from a distance. The electrical
designed in a way that it can explore and system consists of 3 parts ? the power
collect soil samples and perform different supply and distribution unit, the control
kinds of test by itself. The rover has 6 system and the communication system.

1 | 6 Volume
| Volume 42 | |2013

For the power supply 4 Li-ion battery packs On-board Testing Module. The module
were used, cascaded parallel with each consists of several numbers of sensors and
other providing the system a constant 36 a camera enables it to perform different
amps of current with variable output kinds of experiment and feeds the results
voltage. A power distribution unit was back to the base station. 17 students
designed to supply the power to different worked behind this project for a year and it
loads and while keeping in mind the safety has been one of the biggest projects of the
measure of each component. The control Department of Engineering of AIUB. The
system is basically driven by a Raspberry-pi team members are M d. M ah f u zu r
and 2 Arduino-Mega. 6 high torque motors Rah m an , Ash ik Sar k er , M d. Abir Hossen ,
were used for 6 different wheels each, M d. Josim Uddin , Ch ow dh u r y M if t ah
which were driven by 6 high current motor M ah m ood Sagir , Nih ar Sar k er , Far h an
drivers. The communication is the most M am u n , MD Nazim u ddow la, M d.
crucial part in the project since the rover has Sh oh an u zzam an Zim , H.M . At a-E-Rabbi,
to be controlled from a distance. The Zish an Ah m ed On ik , Sash an k a Ku m ar
communication unit consists of an Omni Pr am an ik , Sef at Noor Or n i, Sh abab Iqbal,
directional antenna on the rover and a M d. Kam r u l Hassan , M d. M ezan u r
sector antenna at the base using 2.4 GHz Rah m an and M in ar M ah m u d. The ARC-71
channel which can cover up to 1 kilometer has secured 8th position in the Phobos final
radial distance. It would allow the astronaut at URC 2016 and was selected for the
to control the rover with live video European Rover Challenge. The project was
streaming and real time response including also showcased in many national events and
necessary feedbacks from different sensors was also covered by various local
simultaneously. At the end comes the newspapers and television channels. The
Science Planning which was the most project is currently under research and
challenging aspect throughout the entire development to enhance its performance
project. The rover has the ability to collect and functionality.
soil samples and analyze it with its

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013


Sar an g Sh aik h
Telecom m u n icat ion En gin eer | Tr easu r er , IEEE Kar ach i
Sect ion | TEDx Speak er | Toast -M ast er | Book Au t h or :
In spir e you r M ot ivat ion s
I have known IEEE people from the IEEE AIUB St u den t
Br an ch since 2013.

I have always seen this branch creating not just amazing IEEE volunteer/leaders but
also great human beings.

For past many years I have had good friends such as Alm eer Ah san , Chairperson
(2013), IEEE AIUB Student Branch; Ch ow dh u r y Ak r am Hossain , Advisor, IEEE AIUB
Student Branch; Student Activity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section; Nasim Al
Islam , Chairperson (2015), IEEE AIUB Student Branch; M oh am m ad Tau f iqu zzam an ,
Chairperson (2014), IEEE AIUB Student Branch, and more than dozen that I can count.

The IEEE AIUB St u den t Br an ch is not just a student branch, it is a process that
takes an average student and shape them into a responsible citizen by creating
interest for both engineering and community development.

I have always been a fan, follower and a supporter to AIUB and I feel really
honored when I happen to get chance to assist or guide them with any IEEE related
Wish AIUB and its amazing people all the very best for their personal and mutual

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

Br an ch Aw ar ds
- Best St u den t Br an ch Pr esen t at ion Aw ar d ,
IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion St u den t Br an ch EX-COM Su m m it 2016

- Ou t st an din g New Ch apt er Aw ar d,

IEEE In du st r y Applicat ion s Societ y(IA-S), Ou t st an din g Ch apt er Aw ar d Con t est 2016

- 3r d Place
IEEE Region - 10 St u den t Br an ch Websit e Con t est 2016

- 3r d Place
IEEE Global Websit e Con t est 2016

- 1st Place, Best St u den t Br an ch In f ogr aph ics Aw ar d

IEEE Region 10 St u den t / YP/ WIE/ Lif e M em ber s Con gr ess 2016

- 1st Place, Best St u den t Br an ch Act ivit ies Post er Pr esen t at ion Aw ar d
IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion St u den t / YP/ WIE Con gr ess 2016

- 1st Place, St u den t Br an ch Act ivit ies Post er Qu iz Con t est

IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion St u den t / YP/ WIE Con gr ess 2016

- 1st Place, IEEE Spect r u m Qu iz Con t est

IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion St u den t / YP/ WIE Con gr ess 2016

- 1st Place, Best St u den t Br an ch Aw ar d 2016

IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion An n u al Din n er an d Aw ar ds Cer em on y

- 1st Place, Best Cou n selor Aw ar d 2016

IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion An n u al Din n er an d Aw ar ds Cer em on y

1 | 6 Volume 2 | 2016
| Volume 4 | 2013

M em ber s' Ach ievem en t s
- Vice-Ch air ,
IEEE You n g Pr of ession als Af f in it y Gr ou p, IEEE M on t r eal Sect ion in 2016 ,
Recipient: M oh am m ad Tau f iqu zzam an

- Best Pr esen t er Aw ar d ,
IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion St u den t Br an ch EX-COM Su m m it 2016
Recipient: An in do Sah a

- Best Am bassador (Bi-Week ly Deadlin e) ,

IEEEm adC - M obile Applicat ion Developm en t Con t est in 2016
Recipient: An in do Sah a

- M eet in g Coor din at or ,

IEEE Region 10 St u den t Act ivit ies Com m it t ee (SAC) in 2016
Recipient: An in do Sah a

- Best St u den t Volu n t eer Aw ar d 2015 ,

IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion Aw ar ds an d An n u al Din n er Nigh t
Recipient: Nasim Al Islam

- IEEE BDS SYWC 2016 St or y Wr it in g Com pet it ion Aw ar d

IEEE Ban gladesh Sect ion Aw ar ds an d An n u al Din n er Nigh t
Recipient: M D Sh adm an Tajw ar Haqu e



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