NAME: D/C Yuson, Deniel Franz Josef F. DATE: March 10, 2021 Section: MV 1 - 1 SUBJECT: History 101 INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Demberge Caballes

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NAME: D/C Yuson, Deniel Franz Josef F.

DATE: March 10, 2021

SECTION: MV 1 – 1 SUBJECT: History 101
INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Demberge Caballes
Works of Antonio de Morga and Fray Juan de Placensia
Similarities and Differences

Fray Juan de Placensia

Fray Juan de Placensia, one of the first Francisian missionaries in the Philippines who wrote
numerous religious book such as the famous Doctrina Cristiana (the first printed book in the Philippines) in
which the book emphasizes the religious practices and cult done by early Filipinos. He also published the
books such as the Las costumbres de los Tagalos en Filipinas and, Vocabulario de la lengua Tagala in which
it highlights the perseveration of culture, practices, superstitious, language, customs and beliefs of Filipinos
done in early Filipino history. These works, which shape the institution of numerous religious beliefs and
practices of the Filipinos in archaic times, are still being preserved and practiced today. It was Fray Juan
de Placensia’s work in which the foundation of mostly first religious and linguistic books are founded in the
Philippines. Furthermore, his specific work, “Relation of the Worship of the Tagalogs, Their Gods, and Their
Buirals and Superstitions” in which it shows the diversified culture – rich of Filipinos in their early time such
as but not limited to; the belief of early divine/supreme being, systems of communities and people, religious
practices which are held on specific dates and to the classification of individuals according to class. The
works of Fray Juan de Placensia tackles mainly on how cultures and beliefs shape societies and how
individuals adapt to their own custom and practices.

Antonio de Morga

Antonio de Morga famed for being known as a Spanish high – ranking official in the Philippines
during the Spanish colonization era as well as a lead strategist of the military and a judge of the court,
wrote the prominent book , Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. This book places lens on the government of the
Philippines during the Spanish Colonization era. This stresses the de Morga’s work and observation that
involves political, economic, social and cultural life of the Filipinos in the Philippines during the colonization
Era. The book was believed to be made possible and highly credible due to Antonio de Morga’s status and
later to the involvement of the book when Jose Rizal critiqued and anointed the book. It became famous
as the work, also involves deep comprehensive accounts of the sixteenth century. Moreover, in an attempt
to explain the on – going government of the Philippines during the era, de Morga stresses on how education
can also affect one’s governance. Antonio de Morga’s work tackles mainly on what governs over the Filipinos
during that time and how knowledge is a key to a great governance that shapes political, economic, social
and cultural life and preservation.


The works of both famous individuals points to a significant and utmost vantage point to the early
Filipinos during a time in Philippine history; their culture, practices, societies and anthropology. Both works
of the individuals stresses the relevance of how modern day societies are shaped in the past practices
accounted by their works, and the significance of each feature/facet it employ on day – to – day basis,
person – to – person, region – to – region and area – to – area. Although, this mainly differ on each region,
the practices early Filipinos did are well – aided in the works of de Morga and de Placensia. In simpler
terms, these works account as primary sources in which, how and what culture, societies, practices and
anthropology are involved in each time and era of Philippines history.

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