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Postgraduate College of Management Sciences Jamrud District Khyber

Roll No: - ___________ Mid Term Exam (2021)
Student Sign: - ______________ Management information system

Section A
Total Marks: 20

Q1. MCQS Marks: 10

i. Collection of raw facts and figures is called ______________

a information b. Data c. Input

ii. Combination of computer and communication ____________
a Computer b. Information Technology c. Software Engineering
iii. To organize the Data into meaningful form is called ___________.
a Data b. Processing c. Information

iv. ____________ is monitoring the organization process and adapting methods towards

achieving goal.
a Organizing b. Supervising c. Controlling

v. _____________ are used for data communication and internet to exchange information.
a Networks b. Software c. Processing

vi. Combination of hardware and software is called______________
a Computer b. Staffing c. System Software

vii The tangible part of computer is called_______________
a Software b. Hardware c. Both A &B

viii Intangible part of a computer is called_________
A Hardware b. CPU c. Software
ix ____________ is selecting, training and developing people.
a Staffing b. Supervising c. Controlling

x. _________ are required for the operation of all information technology system.
a Software b People c Data

Govt. Postgraduate College of Management Sciences Jamrud District Khyber

Mid Term Exam (2021)
Management Information System

SECTION-B Marks: 10

Note: Attempt all Questions. All Question carry equal marks. Use of mobile and other electronic
device is strictly prohibited during the examination.

Q1. Define Management Information System?

Q2. Difference between Data and Information?

Q3. List three roles of Information System?

Q4. Define Information technology?

Q5. What is Telecommunication?

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