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Experiment 1
Definition of Terms

1. According to Bronsted-Lowry Concept

Acid – proton donor
Base – proton acceptor
2. strong acid – ionized completely in H2O
strong base – ionized completely in H2O
3. weak acid – slightly ionized in H2O
weak base – slightly ionized in H2O
Definition of Terms
4. conjugate acid-base pair – differ by 1 H
ex. HC2H3O2 – acetic acid (HAC)
Definition of Terms
• Conjugate base is the ion or molecule
remaining after the acid has lost a proton
ex. HC2H3O2 - acid
C2H3O2- - conjugate base
• Conjugate acid is the species created when
the base accepts the proton
ex. H2O - base
H3O+ - conjugate acid
Definition of Terms
Writing Ka expression for acetic acid:
Ka values for some weak acids
Definition of Terms
5. Indicators – complex organic compounds
that are of one color if the [H] is
above a certain value and of different
color if it is lower. Its color depend on
the acidity or basicity of a solution.
ex. phenolphthalein – colorless with acid;
pink with base
Definition of Terms
pH paper – estimates the pH of a solution;
a strip of paper impregnated with
one or mixture of indicators; has a pH
range of 0-14
pH meter – electrical device that measure
the [H+] by means of the electrodes
immersed in the test solution
pH of a solution
At 250C,
pH = 7 for a neutral solution
pH < 7 for an acidic solution
pH > 7 for a basic solution

pH between 5 & 7 indicates a weakly acidic

pH between 2 & 5 indicates a moderately acidic
pH between 0 & 2 indicates a strongly acidic
pH of a solution
• pH between 7 & 9 indicates weakly basic
• pH between 9 & 12 indicates moderately basic
• pH between 12 & 14 indicates strongly basic
Most body fluids have
pH values in the range
6.5 – 8 ( called the
physiological pH range)
pH values of some common
substances/biological fluids
pH values of some common
substances/biological fluids
6. Buffer Solution
❖mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate
base or a weak base and its conjugate
❖can be prepared from a solution of a
weak acid and the salt of its conjugate
base ex. HC2H3O2 & NaC2H3O2
pH Calculations
pH = - log [H+]

pOH = -log [OH-]

[H+] = inv.log (-pH)

[OH-] = inv.log (-pOH)

pH Calculations
[H+] x [OH-] = Kw = 1 x 10-14

If [H+] > [OH-] , solution is acidic

If [OH-] > [H+], solution is basic

pH + pOH = 14
pH Calculations
For pure water:
___ ________
[H+] = [OH-] = Kw = 1 x 10-14
= 1 x 10-7
pH = - log [H+] = - log [1 x 10-7]
= 7 (neutral)
pH Calculations
For weak acid:
[H+] = KaMa if KaMa > 1 x 10-13
Ka = ionization constant for weak acid
Ma = initial concentration of the acid
pH Calculations
For very weak acid:
[H+] = KaMa + Kw

if KaMa < 1 x 10-13

pH Calculations
For weak base:
[OH-] = KbMb if KbMb > 1 x 10-13
Kb = ionization constant for weak base
Mb = initial concentration of the acid
pH Calculations
For very weak base:
[OH-] = KbMb + Kw
if KbMb > 1 x 10-13

Ka x Kb = Kw
pH Calculations
For buffer: (Henderson-Hasselbach Eqn.)

pH = pKa + log ([Ms]/[Ma])

Ms = molarity of the salt
Ma = molarity of the acid
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
Sample Problems:
1. Calculate the pH and pOH of a solution
having [H+] = 1.5 x 10-3
pH = -log[H+] = 2.82
pOH = 14 – 2.82 = 11.18
2. Calculate the [H+] and [OH-] of a solution
having a pH of 8.5
[H+] = inv. log (pH) = 3.16 x 10-9
[OH-] = 1 x 10-14 = 3.02 x 10-6
3.16 x 10-9
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
3. Calculatethe [H+] and [OH-] of a solution
with pH 5.6.
[H+] = inv. log (-5.6) = 2.51 x 10-6
[OH-] = 1 x 10-14
2.51 x 10-6
= 3.98 x 10-9
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
4. Given the Ka for acetic acid, 1.8 x 10-5,
calculate the pH of a 0.30 M solution.
______ ________________
[H+] = KaMa = (1.8 x 10-5 )(0.30)
= 2.32 x 10-3

pH = -log[H+] = -log[2.32 x 10-3] = 2.63

Sample problems on
pH Calculations
5. Calculate the pH of the buffer solution
formed when 0.30 M acetic acid
(Ka = 1.8 x 10-5) is added to 0.20 M
sodium acetate.

pH = pKa + log [Ms]/[Ma]

pH = 4.74 + log [0.20]
= 4.74 – 0.18 = 4.56
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
6.Calculate the pH of a solution which
contains sodium dihydrogen phosphate and
disodium hydrogen phosphate in equal
concentrations based on the reactions:
H2PO4- + H2O ↔ H3O+ + HPO4-2
Given Ka H2PO4- = 6.23 x 10-8
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
pH = pKa + log [Ms]/[Ma]
pH = pKa + log [HPO4-2]/[H2PO4-]
= pKa + log (1)
pH = pKa = - log (6.23 x 10-8)
pH = 7.21
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
• 1. A solution of NaOH has a pH of
9.52. Calculate
a. pOH b. [H3O+] C. [OH-]

2. For a solution of 0.15M HCl,

a pH b. pOH c. [H3O+] d. [OH-]
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
• 3. Phenylacetic acid is one of the
substances that builds up in the blood of a
person with phenylketonuria, an inherited
disorder that, if untreated causes mental
retardation and death. In the blood
analysis, the concentration of phenylacetic
acid is 0.12M. Calculate the pH of this
solution if the Ka of phenylacetic acid is
7.7 x 10-6
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
1. a. 4.48 b. 3.02 x 10-10 c. 3.31 x 10-5
2. a. b. c. d.
3. pH = 3.02
4. pH = 4.96 [H+] = 0.70
Sample problems on
pH Calculations
• 4. What are the [H+] and pH of an
acetate buffer consisting of
0.25M CH3COOH and 0.15M
Ka of CH3COOH is 1.8 x 10-5
Experimental Results
A. pH Measurement

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