Design For Assembly & Automation: Session: DFAA-18: Mixed Model Flow

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Assembly &

Session: DFAA-18: Mixed

Model Flow

Presented by :-
Soumyanath Chatterjee
Prepared using LATEX
Uttisthata Jagrata Prapya Varannibodhata
Kshurasanna Dhara Nishita Durataya durgama Pathah tat kavayo Vadanti
Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn.
Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path,
so the wise say, hard to tread and difficult to cross.
– Katha Upanishada ( 1.3.14)
Mixed Model Assy System [MMAS]

Picture Credit: Quarterman Lee, P E; Strategos Inc.
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Back process

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Pros & Cons

Scheduling is easy
Low process variation
Less chance of any error
Difficult to meet delivery
High inventory
Low capacity utilization

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Mixed Assy

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Mixed Back Process

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Mixed Assy Schedule

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Pros & Cons

Difficult to plan and execute
Needs close synchronization between production plan and
Needs strict quality control
Adopts to upstream and downstream demand variability
Better capacity utilization
Lower inventory and space requirement

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Quality of material
In process changeover
Harmonized operation and time
Material sequencing
Material staging
Inline equipment
Ensure part availability
Ensure tool availability

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Key Performance Indicators[KPI]

Delivery time adherence


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Flow line

Picture credit: Wang, H & Hu, S J; Manufacturing complexity in assembly
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Block diagrams show the flow

but are not very useful for math-
ematical analysis on computer.

Adjacency Matrix are useful for

analyzing the line in computer.

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Algebric Expression

Use ⊗ to denote serial blocks

Use ⊕ to denote parallel blocks

S1,2,3,4,5 = S1 ⊗ [(S2 ⊗ S3 ) ⊕ S4 ] ⊗ S5

Abad AG et al.
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Quality Metric

ψiik Prob{Producing a conforming item of type i at station k}
ψiϵk Prob{Producing a non-conforming item of type i at station k}

∴ ψiik = (1 − ψiϵk )

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Quality Performance

Let, Ψi be Quality conforming matrix of stations i

When two stations i, j are serially linked:

ΨE(i,j) = Ψi × Ψj (1)
⇒ ΨE(1,2,...n) = Ψ1 × Ψ2 × . . . Ψn (2)

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Quality: Parallel lines
Performing similar tasks:
ΨE(i,j) = Ψi ⊕Q Ψj (3)
[ ]

i j
= ωi ψrv + ωj ψrv (4)
s rv
[ ]rv is the r-th row and v-th col of the matrix
ωi is probability of parts passing through station i

When the stations are performing different tasks:

{min(Ψirv , Ψjrv )}rv , if v ̸= N + 1
ΨE(i,j) = Ψi ⊕Q Ψj = (5)
{max(Ψirv , Ψjrv )}rv , if v = N + 1
{min(Ψ1rv , Ψ2rv , . . . Ψnrv )}rv , if v ̸= N + 1
⇒ ΨE(1,2,...n) = (6)
{max(Ψ1rv , Ψ2rv , . . . Ψnrv )}rv , if v = N + 1
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Case Study-1: Net Quality

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Quality Metric

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Ψ1 = Ψ1.1 ⊗Q Ψ1.2 (7)

Ψ1 = Ψ5.1 ⊗Q Ψ5.2 (8)

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Quality:Single flow stations

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ΨE( = Ψ1 ⊗Q [(Ψ2 ⊗ Ψ3 ) ⊕Q Ψ4 ] ⊗Q Ψ5

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Inverse Notation:Serial

ΨE(i,j) = Ψi ⊗Q Ψj
We define:
Ψi = ΨE(i,j) ⊗Q −1 Ψj = ΨE(i,j) ⊗Q [Ψj ]−1

Ψj = Ψi ⊗Q −1 ΨE(i,j) = [Ψi ]−1 ⊗Q ΨE(i,j)

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Inverse Notation:Parallel

ΨE(i,j) = Ψi ⊕Q Ψj
We define:
Ψi = ΨE(i,j) ⊕−1

E(i,j) E(i,j) j

{ψrv }rv , if ψrv > ψrv AND v ̸= N + 1

{ψ i ≥ ψ E(i,j) } E(i,j)
, if ψrv j
= ψrv AND v ̸= N + 1
rv rv rv
= (9)

{ψrv }rv
, if ψrv j
> ψrv AND v = N + 1

{ψ i ≥ 1 − ψ E(i,j) } E(i,j)
, if ψrv j
= ψrv AND v = N + 1
rv rv rv

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Suppose we want to make quality for first product to 70% instead
of 67.5% in previous example then what improvement in process is
required. For simplicity, let us assume quality of only station 3 can
be improved.

SE( = S1 ⊗ [(S2 ⊗ S3 ) ⊕ S4 ⊗ S5 ] (10)

⇒ S1 ⊗ SE( = [(S2 ⊗ S3 ) ⊕ S4 ] ⊗ S5 (11)
−1 −1
⇒ (S1 ⊗ SE( ) ⊗ S5 = [(S2 ⊗ S3 ) ⊕ S4 ] (12)
−1 −1 −1
⇒ [(S1 ⊗ SE( ) ⊗ S5 ] ⊕ S4 = S2 ⊗ S3 (13)
∴ S2 ⊗−1 [[(S1 ⊗−1 SE( ) ⊗−1 S5 ] ⊕−1 S4 ] = S3 (14)

Replacing Si with Ψi we get:

Ψ3.NEW = Ψ2 ⊗−1 1 −1 E(

Q [[(Ψ ⊗Q Ψ ) ⊗−1
Q Ψ ]⊕
5 −1 4
Ψ ]

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We can see this improvement in quality will require improving the
quality level in station 3 from 96% to 99.56%

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1 Abad, A. G., Guo, W., & Jin, J. (2014). Algebraic expression

of system configurations and performance metrics for
mixed-model assembly systems. IIE Transactions, 46(3),
2 Abad, A. G. (2010). Modeling and analysis of process
complexity and performance in mixed model assembly systems
(Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan).
3 Wang H, Ko J, Zhu X and Hu S J (2010); A complexity
model for assembly supply chain...; ASME journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering

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