Phil Essay

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Dear Students,

Please find below the information about the exam for our class. I
propose that you send me an essay on one of the topics described here
(I hope all of you will find something interesting). If you have any
questions, please let me know by mail.

Short essay (3-5 pages): Word, Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1,5.
Please send your essay to: by June 15th, 2020.

1. The social importance of analytic philosophy.

(The Linguistic Turn, Analytic vs. Continental philosophy,
Descriptionism vs. (Re)constructionism, Characteristics of analytic
philosophy, the role rationalism and logic/formal methods, here the
paper on Lewis Carroll can be useful as well)

2. Liberalism (for example according to Bertrand Russell).

3. Do you agree with the critique of altruism following Ayn Rand?

(You can write about her philosophy in general or rational selfishness
in particular,  you can also write about philosophical implications of
her literary work as “Atlas Shrugged”, “The Fountainhead”)

4. Where do you see influence of pragmatism on American

(Based on the philosophical foundations you can choose, giving example
to illustrate the pragmatic conception influencing American way of

5. Philosophers on the importance of having fun.

(You can use Russell’s “The Praise of Idleness” or the text by John
Dewey, Chesterton would be also inspiring).
Personally I love John Cleese’s talks:
a=ksYIiXkCyNqltjlvW15InKHXtwn5cuKO0m%2B7h13Y%2Faw%3D&reserved=0 )

6. Dystopian visions: Huxley vs. Orwell.

(If you prefer to write about utopias (Thomas Morus, Francis Bacon),
no problem.)

On dystopias, please see this article by Margaret Atwood:
Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World"
George Orwell, "1984", also if you have the possibilities: "In Front
of Your Nose"

7. Christian Thought in English and American philosophy (Gilbert K.

Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien and Thomas Merton).

"Thoughts in Solitude" by Thomas Merton:
Thomas Merton, "The Seven Storey Mountain" (Autobiography)
Gilbert K. Chesterton, "Orthodoxy", "The Everlasting Men"
J.R.R. Tolkien, "On Fairy-Stories" (especially "Tree and Leaf")

8. Post-colonial Turn in Philosophy

(Philosophy of liberation, eurocentrism, transmodernism)
Enrique Dussel,
“Transmodernity and Interculturality: An Interpretation from the
Perspective of Philosophy of Liberation”

Philosophy of Liberation:

With my very best regards,

  * Lewis Carroll.pdf

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