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Prover Material Carbon Steel

K Factor 560 per barel Setelah Pemompaan

Diameter Prover Outside 38 inch Start Reading 0
Inside Prover Dia 37 Finish Reading 150,000
Wall Tickness 0.5 inch Gain 150,000
Volume Dasar 135 barel
Crude Oil
API Gravity 32 oF Temperatur 78
Low Vapour Pressure 0 psig Pressure 60
S&W 0.5 %

Meter Proving 5 round trip

Temperatur Pressure (psig) Repeatability (%) < 0.02%
Round trip Pulse

Prover Meter Prover Meter

1 76 76 60 62 66284 0.002
2 76 76 60 62 66285 -0.008
3 76 76 60 62 66280 0.008
4 76 76 60 62 66285 -0.002
5 76 76 60 62 66284
76 76 60 62 66284 ok


Data Prover

a. CTsp = 1 + (TP-60)(Em) CTsp Steel Corr to standard temperature (API 2534 Tabel A
Tp Prover Temperature
CTsp 1.0003 Em Coefisien Cubical Expansion

b. 1 + (Pp - Pa) D
CPsp =

CPsp 1.0001 CPsp Steel Corr to Standard Pressure (API 2534 Table A-3)
Pp Prover Pressure 60.00
Pa Low Vapour Pressure 0.00
D Prover Inside Diameter 37.00
E Modulus elasticity 1,000,000
t Prover tickness 0.50

c. CTlp 0.9904 CTLp Prover Liquid Corr.

(ASTM table 6 on 32oAPI & 90oF)
d. CPLp 1 PxF P = Pressure (Probe)
1 - (PxF) 0.0003

CPLp 1.0003

e. CCFs CTSp x CPSp x CTLp x CPLp

CCFs 133.79193889

Data Meter

a. Gross Meter Volume = Round Trip Pulse

K Factor

Gross Meter Volume 118.3643

b. CTLm 0.9904
(on ASTM 1250 table 6th pada 30 oAPI 90 oF)

c. CPLm = 1
1 - (P x F)

CPLm 1.0003

d. Corr. Of Meter Volume

Corr. = Gross Meter volume x CTLm x CPLm

Corr. 117.25818418

Meter Factor Corr. Prover Volume

( MF ) Corr. Meter Volume

MF 1.003735


a. Gross Observed Volume = barel start reading - barel final reading

GOV 150,000 BAREL

b. CTLm Meter Liquid Temp. Corr

( ASTM 1250 tabel 6, pada 32oAPI dan 91oF)

CTLm 0.987
c. CPLm 1.00038 CSW = 1 - % S & W

d. GSV = GOV x CTLm x CPLm x MF

GSV 148,659

e. NSV = GSV * Csw

NSV 147,916 barel



perature (API 2534 Tabel A-1 or A-2)

carbon steel 0.00001860

304 stainless steel 0.00002880
316 stainless steel 0.00002650
17-4 H stainless steel 0.00001800

ure (API 2534 Table A-3)

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