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Vinny Yuniar

18 ED1 / 01314180044

Learn through Experience

A day before my first field of experience I was so panic and overthinking about my
observation but, when I arrived at the school my mentor and the students very welcome to me but
I shocked because the learning process in the class used full English. Before the class started there
is a devotion lead by the teachers and I learned from that, how the teacher tells the student about
God's story and brings them to have fellowship with God. The classroom is well-organized and
the materials well-prepared there are many class attributes displayed in the classroom, the teacher
teaches expressively and very interactive with the students during the learning process, the students
also very nice and respectful to the teacher. On the second day, two students were fighting in the
toilet and the teacher responds it wisely and firmly, I learned from that how to guide the students
in solving their problem, not merely by giving them a reminder or punishment but being a
facilitator for them, the teacher told me that as Christian teacher we try to see situations through
the eyes of the students “They see the need for students to reflect on important issues, both
personally and in group situations” (Brummelen, 2009, p.31 ). While I observed the learning
processes the teacher used video and PowerPoint as a learning media which help the students
understand the materials through the picture in PowerPoint and the video.

The students are quite active and initiatives such as arranging their seats by themselves
then reading books after class and doing it in an orderly manner, I reflect on myself that sometimes
after the course is done what I do is lying down on the table or playing smartphone. I also realized
that being a teacher was not easy, the teacher was very detailed and serious when preparing the
classroom, which made me reflect so far, I often did not well prepared before doing something.
The teacher also helps the students to engaged and participated in the classroom by making a
schedule for prayer leaders, handy helpers, line leaders, etc. Brummelen in Walking with God in
The Classroom said the function of schooling should be educating the students to be a disciple of
Christ (Brummelen, 2009). I learned from my observation that the teacher sees all the task and
activities in the context of helping the students become responsive disciples of Christ not only in
their knowledge but also attitude. Many things make me happy during my observation but the
happiest thing for me is when the students very welcome to me and also my mentor who kind,
cares, and teaches me during my observation. But a thing that I regret after my observation is my
management time and my initiative, I did not have an initiative to asked or discuss with my mentor,
Vinny Yuniar
18 ED1 / 01314180044

actually, I did but on the last day of observation so when my mentor gave a revision for me I cannot
revise it again because I did not have enough time, I know that is my mistake and I learned from
that how to be more initiative and how to manage time effectively because as a future Christian
teacher we have to be responsible with all responsibility that given. I also happy because I can
learned by helped my mentor in preparing the classroom, check the student’s task, writing a
schedule on the whiteboard, etc. The most important thing I learned is about teacher’s commitment
because when I discussed with my mentor she always told me that every ideal thing that she made
or prepare for the learning process is because God who enables her even though the theoretical
and technically things also important but the most is about teacher’s commitment and relationship
with God. I learned from her how to depends on God in every aspect of life also as a Christian
teacher is not only about the profession but our identity and responsibility to teach and transform
the students become more Christ-likeness. As a future Christian teacher, I commit to equipping
and preparing myself while I still in TC by obey the rules and learning actively not merely come
to class for listening to the lecturer but try to get understanding from what I learned.


Brummelen, H. Van. (2009). Walking with God in the Classroom: Christian Approaches to Teaching and
Learning. Purposeful Design Publications.

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