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1.Margarita Isoraite (2016, Marketing mix theoterical aspects ) Marketing elements:

product, price, place and promotion are used for marketing objectives. These instruments
operate most efficiently when all the elements are combined and working together.

Reference: International Journal of Research – GRANTHAALAYAH (vol-4, 25 to 37)

2. Khalid Sudian Al Badi (2015, The Dimensions of Marketing Mix) This paper
discusses the 4 'P's of marketing mix, which comprise: product, price, place and promotion, and
the connection with integrated marketing. Marketing managers use the Marketing Mix model
in an attempt to generate the optimal response in the target market by blending these four
variables in an optimal way. The marketing mix is flexible and can be adjusted on a frequent
basis to meet the changing needs of the target group and the other dynamics of the marketing
environment. It is important to understand that the Marketing Mix principles are controllable

Reference: Management and Organizational Studies (Vol. 2, No. 136 to 142)

3. Maulik K Rathod (2016, A Study on Extended Marketing Mix) The concept of
Marketing Mix helps marketers to review and define key issues such as Product, Price, Place,
Promotion, People, Process & Physical evidence that affect the marketing of their tangible
offering (Products) and intangible performances (Service). As a tool of marketing strategy to
review competition in the market, the service marketing mix which also known as extended
marketing mix is an significant part of a service plan which essential for optimum service

Reference: Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM) (vol-3 205 to

4. Michal Roman Lukasz Zgiep ( 2013, Promotion as part of the marketing mix
and its application in enterprise activities) Article presents the concept of marketing-
mix in manufacturing companies. Under this idea, it is possible to specify at least four basic
components: product, promotion, distribution and price. Each element could be taken into
account to a greater or lesser degree in business operations, but it is always the essence of
marketing. It is understood that in order to achieve a particular purpose companies have to use
various combinations of tools and marketing activities to achieve maximum profit or sales. This
article attempts to characteristics of the two companies marketing food products (case study).
The study focuses attention on promotional activities and its importance in the field of
marketing, for example, two companies Agros Nova and Frito-Lay

Reference: Warsaw University of Life Science ( Vol-9 416 to 424 )

5. Thoria Omer Mahmoud (2018, Impact of green marketing mix on purchase

intention) Green marketing concept emerged as a result of organizations' interest in
environment. These originations realized that their survival and continuity lies in the
coordination between its interest and the benefits of consumer and society. Green marketing
includes a broad range of activities such as product modification, change in the production
process, modification in advertising, and change in packaging. This paper aims to at
investigating the influence of applying green marketing mix elements (product, pricing,
distribution and promotion) in Sudan on purchase intention, The Design of this research is
descriptive and quantitative in nature.

Reference: International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences (Vol-5(2) Pages: 127-135)
6. W. Glynn Mangold (2009, Social media: The new hybrid element of the
promotion mix) The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one
person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and
the companies that provide them. Thus, the impact of consumer to consumer communications
has been greatly magnified in the market place. This article argues that social media is a hybrid
element of the promotion mix because in a traditional sense it enables companies to talk to
their customers, while in a nontraditional sense it enables customers to talk directly to one

Reference: Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. ( 357—365)

7. Dr. Sunita Bishnoi ( 2014, Marketing Mix and Promotional Strategies of
Mutual Funds) Mutual funds provide various facilities that make saving and investing simple,
accessible, and affordable, by using professional management, diversification, variety of
products, liquidity, affordability, convenience, and ease of record keeping. Moreover, strict
government regulation and full disclosure of information makes the investments more secure in
India. In Mutual fund market the key area of interest of marketing experts are understanding
the investors’ expectations and meeting those expectations. The mutual fund sector is one of
the fastest growing sectors in Indian Economy and has tremendous potential for sustained
future growth.

Reference: International journal of management of entrepreneurship & technology (Vol no 4)

8. Mehdi Naimi Nezamabad (2011, The Impact and Benefits of Internet on
Marketing Mix) Few things have dramatically and immediately impacted our lives and the
way many businesses operate more than the development of the Internet. The ways that some
marketing activities are performed have changed as businesses have turned to e-commerce.
The Internet provides opportunities for an organization to enhance its business in a cost-
effective and practical manner. That is, the Internet can be used to conduct marketing research,
reach new markets, serve customers better, distribute products faster, solve customer
problems, and communicate more efficiently with business partners. The benefit of Internet
marketing includes the improved flow of information, new products and customer services,
improved availability, improved market transparency. To design and implement a successful e-
marketing program, a number of theories, applications, and technologies must be carefully
analyzed and understood.

Reference: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,(Vol-5(9) 1784



term "promotion" means the process of communication between companies and customers in
order to create positive attitudes about products and services that lead to their favor in the
process of buying in the market. It is a permanent process of communication between the
company and existing and potential customers. Promotion is the most defined as a process of
mass communication
with customers to increase sales of products or services. The promotion covers all the
instruments of communication that a message can be transmitted to the target group of
consumers. In this paper it is shown to promote the brand of wine "TERRA LAZARICA

Reference: I International Symposium Engineering Management And Competitiveness (


10. G.Todorova (2015, MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX) The purpose of this

report is to present theoretical concepts and developments in the concept of " marketing
communication mix". This article explains what is the marketing communication mix, describing
its nature, importance, types of instruments and efficiency. Designing the right marketing mix
involves the four P’s i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion. In the field of marketing
communications, must be coordinate efforts towards the last P of the marketing mix –

Reference: Trakia Journal of Sciences (Vol-13, 368-374)

11. Elena V. Pogorelova (2016, Marketing Mix for E-commerce) The relevance of the
analyzed issue is caused by the need to study the process of transformation of marketing in e-
commerce, as the active involvement of business organizations in the field of e-business is often
accompanied by problems of applying the usual marketing tools in a virtual environment. The
article seeks to identify changes in the elements of the marketing mix in e-commerce in
accordance with the trend of e-business and Internet technology.

Reference: International journal of environmental & science education (VOL-11,


PURCHASING ON LINE PRODUCT IN INDONESIA) Marketing is a process within
company to create value and build mutual relationship with its customer. Marketing is also a
strategy to achieve the mission of organization and company; therefore, they have to be
effective and better than their competitor in producing, shipping and communicating
consumers’ value to the target market. The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the
influence of marketing mix to the AIDA model.

Reference: British Journal of Marketing Studies (Vol-4, 49-61)

13. Virender Sanghvi (2014, THE MARKETING MIX: A REVIEW) Shifting the model of
traditional business for selling digital products related to physical media to online globe leads to
the requirement for a system to secure digital intellectual property. DRM (Digital Right
Management) is a system to secure greater value digital properties and handle the usage and
distribution of those digital properties. This study presents a review of present state of digital
rights management concentrating on security techniques underlying legitimate suggestions and
major drawbacks to deployment of digital rights management with the target of offering a
better understanding of what are happening presently to management of content on a
technological and legal basis and prepared well for holding future possibilities.

Reference: ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL (Vol-5, 1-18)

14. Rahul Kumar Singh, Abhishek Mittal (2016, Understanding The Marketing
Mix of Smartphone Market From The Consumer Point Of View) The purpose of this
article to understand the marketing mix of the smartphone from consumers’ point of view, that
is consumers’ expectations from a smartphone. This article would help the producers
understand the needs and wants of the customers regarding smartphones. The smartphone
industry has lot of potential in it and we will witness more technological boom in the near
future. And just coming up with a brilliant design will not serve the purpose but solving a
particular problem would be more beneficial. So to solve this problem the producers need to
understand what a customer wants from his/her smartphone now, that is, more specifications,
a better design, a mid-range device, etc. The articles centralize on the fact about creating
awareness among the producers about the utility of the customers regarding smartphones, so
that the producers could make changes which could satisfy the demand and expectations of the
customers regarding smartphones.

Reference: International journal of science and technology research (Vol-5, 132-136)


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