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Headway Intermediate
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5th edition Teachers
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1 What’s your story?

• How + adjective/adverb, e.g. How tall is she? How long is the
Introduction to the unit
battery life?
As you begin Headway 5th edition Digital Gold B1+ you The key thing students need to remember is that:
may be at the start of a new course with a new group
• what, which, and whose can be followed by a noun (e.g.
of students. If so, try to establish a good classroom
colour, bag, etc.).
atmosphere over the first few lessons and give students
opportunities to get to know you and each other. • how can be followed by an adjective (e.g. tall) or an
adverb (e.g. far).
One warm-up idea is to put students in pairs or small
groups and ask them to interview each other and find three Possible problems
things they have in common. Then ask some students to 1 Students may confuse questions which look similar, e.g.
report back about their partner/people in their group, e.g. What does she do? and What does she like doing?, or What’s
I’m Rosa and this is Marek. We’re both university students, and she like? and What does she look like? Students also have
we both like going to the cinema and spending time with problems distinguishing What’s she like? from How is she?,
friends. You can also use this as an opportunity to listen to often due to interference from their own language.
the students and assess their use of tenses and question 2 They may forget to use is/does, especially when using like
formation, but don’t give any feedback on these, as this because they may think like is the verb, e.g. *What she
activity is intended as an informal ‘ice-breaker’. like? (Correction: What is she like?) or *What she look like?
The Starter section of the unit contains personalized (Correction: What does she look like? )
questions that will help students to get to know more 3 They may use incorrect word order, e.g. *How far it is?
about each other, while also revising question formation. (Correction: How far is it? )
The title of this unit – ‘What’s your story?’ – is an invitation 4 They may insert a noun after the adjective/adverb How,
for students to describe themselves, and the important e.g. *How long time does it take to get to work?
places, people, and objects in their lives. The grammar (Correction: How long does it take to get to work? )
review of question formation is contextualized by meeting
a Swedish woman called Erika. Vocabulary
The theme of personal descriptions continues in the In this unit, Vocabulary and speaking is linked to describing
Vocabulary and speaking section, which focuses on people, places and things, and covers adjective and noun
adjectives. collocations, compound adjectives, and -ed/-ing adjectives.
The Reading and speaking section has a text on The The focus on descriptions continues into the speaking
Wolfpack, a documentary about six brothers who learned section, which covers adjectives to describe personality.
about the world by watching films because they were Possible problems
imprisoned by their father in their apartment. 1 Students may use the -ing adjective in the place of the
The Listening and speaking section features four people -ed adjective, and the other way round, e.g *The film was
talking about people they feel closest to in their families, and bored. (Correction: The film was boring.)
gets students to talk about their own family relationships. 2 Students from some first language backgrounds may use
There is an Everyday English section on reacting with interest incorrect word order, e.g. adjectives usually go after the
in conversation. noun in French.
The Writing section continues the work students have done
on descriptions, with a focus on describing a person. Everyday English
This section covers how to respond in conversations to
express agreement, sympathy, pleasure, and surprise.
Language aims Students focus on stress and intonation to convey feelings.

Grammar Additional material

Information questions SB p10 Workbook

This unit brings together different types of questions asking Question forms are consolidated through further
for information about people, places, and things. Intermediate contextualized practice and extended through work on
students will be familiar with the majority of Wh- question questions with prepositions; -ed/-ing adjectives, antonyms
words and will have had plenty of practice using them. The and synonyms, and phrasal verbs are also practised.
unit also includes questions with like, which students often Photocopiable activities
confuse, even at Intermediate level. They will, of course,
be familiar with like as a verb, but may be confused by the There are photocopiable activities to review grammar (How
well do you know me?), vocabulary (Tell us about them), and
question What … like? as a way of asking for a description of
communication (How fantastic! ) on Oxford Premium. There
something or someone, e.g. What does she look like?
is also a worksheet to accompany the video on Oxford
The presentation also covers these question patterns: Premium.
• What/Which + noun, e.g. What size is the kitchen? Which
floor is it on?
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
Unit 1 • What’s your story? – Overview 17

Notes on the unit Grammar

Information questions
Unit opener page
Choose from these activities to engage your students with STARTER SB p10
the topic and target language of this unit:
About the text
• Talk about the title
This text is an introduction to Erika, who features in the
• Talk about the photos exercises about describing people, places, and things. It
• Talk about the unit goals (grammar, vocabulary …) provides students with a model and prepares them for
• Watch the video the exercises that follow. Erika mentions IKEA, which is a
• Look at the bottom banner Swedish furniture company with branches in 28 countries,
• Do the activity and the Öresund Bridge, which connects Malmö in
Sweden and Copenhagen in Denmark.
Point to the title of the unit, ‘What’s your story?’, and focus
students’ attention on the photos. Elicit some ideas about 1 e 1.1 Lead in to the topic by getting students to cover
the people in the photos and what events they show in the the text and focus on the photo of Erika. Get students
people’s lives. As part of the activity, students will describe to brainstorm questions they would like to ask Erika by
the stages in life that the photos represent, but at this point forming questions with what, which, and how. This can
you could ask them just to say when and where they think alert you to issues they might have with the structure.
the photos were taken.
Write students’ ideas on the board. If they make
If you don’t have time to watch the video, go through the mistakes, note these down and get students to correct
unit goals below the title: grammar, vocabulary, Everyday them when you reach the Grammar spot. Play the
English, reading, listening, writing. If you wish, give an example
recording and let students check if their questions are
for each from the unit. You can use the video script for ideas. answered.
Video (2 minutes approximately): The video gives a step-
2 Give students two minutes to prepare their own
by-step overview of the unit. Play the video, pausing where introduction. Put students in pairs to introduce
necessary – especially for students to answer any questions. themselves.
This makes it a more interactive experience.
Highlight the option of practising online. e 1.1 See SB p10.
As shown in the bottom banner, don’t forget that there
are many exercises to consolidate and practise the target
language of the unit in the Workbook as well as online. There All about you SB p10
are links to these exercises on the relevant pages of the
In this section, students learn about describing people
Student’s Book and they can be done in class time or you
and places. There are more questions about the life and
can set them for homework.
appearance of Erika, who was introduced in the Starter. The
Summary: If you’re short of time, use the title and the focus on describing places features questions about Erika’s
photos to help students understand and engage with the apartment, and the questions related to describing things
topic, and then move straight on to the activity so that they are about her laptop.
can discuss the theme in more detail.
Lead in to the topic by telling students which family
Notes for the activity: member you most look like. Put students in pairs to ask each
1 Focus attention on the question. Put students in pairs and other ‘Who do you look like?’.
ask them to discuss the stages in life represented in the
photos. Check answers with the class.
1 e 1.2 This exercise focuses on the meaning of
Suggested answers questions about people. Elicit the answer for question 1.
infancy, childhood, adolescence, being a teenager, adulthood, Give students time to complete the exercise, working
middle age, old age, retirement individually. Play the recording and let students check
their answers. Check the following vocabulary items:
2 Ask students to read the quote by Luminita Saviuc greenish (more or less green), She’s the image of her dad
(Romanian blogger and personal development ‘guru’ who (she looks exactly like her dad).
gives online advice about happy, healthy lifestyles).
Drill the questions with the whole class, focusing on
Put students in pairs and ask them to discuss their stressing the key words: What does she do? What does
answers. Monitor and prompt ideas if necessary (see she look like? Put students in pairs. Tell them to cover the
suggested answers). Elicit suggestions in feedback. question column and take it in turns with their partner
Suggested answers to try to remember the question for each answer. Then
Past experiences can affect the way some people are. They can students cover the answers column and work together to
affect someone’s personality and/or behaviour. To stop the past try to remember the answer for each question.
having a negative effect on their present, people might have
some form of therapy, do sport, yoga, meditation, follow online Answers
advice, adopt certain life changing techniques, etc. 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 j 6 h 7 d 8 i 9 c 10 f

18 Unit 1 • What’s your story? Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press

Answers and audioscript

e 1.2 Describing people
1 What does she do? e 1.3 Describing places
She’s a product quality manager for IKEA. 1 What’s your apartment like?
2 How old is she? It’s modern and very comfortable.
She’s in her early twenties. 2 How big is it?
3 What’s she like?
About 90 square metres.
She’s really nice. Very easy-going.
3 How many bedrooms are there?
4 What does she look like?
She’s quite tall with long, blonde, wavy hair. Two doubles and a single.
5 Who does she look like? 4 What size is the kitchen?
She’s the image of her dad. Four metres by two.
6 What colour eyes has she got? 5 Which floor is it on?
Greenish-brown. The fourth floor.
7 How tall is she? 6 Which part of town is it in?
One metre, seventy-three. It’s north of the ri ver.
8 What kind of clothes does she wear? 7 How far is it to your work?
Smart-casual and stylish.
Just a five-minute cycle ride.
9 What does she like doing?
1 She plays ice hockey and also goes jogging.
What does she do? 4 This exercise provides an opportunity to personalize

Vous êtes en train de lire un aperçu

10 How is she? Answers and audioscript
1 the questions and answers in 3. Focus students on the
1.2ss afine.
She’ Describing
product quality people
manager for IKEA.
2eShe’ Her ankle’s healing well.
How old is she? 1.3 Describing
example. places
Clarify that flat means the same as apartment:
She’s in her early twenties. eWhat’s your apartment like?
3 This
2 exercise
she like?provides an opportunity to personalize 2 flat is British English and apartment is American English,
What’s It’s modern and very comfortable.
really nice.and Veryanswers 1. Focus students on the although
How big isit it?
is widely used in British English, too.
4 What does she look like? 3 Draw
vocabulary in the box. Check the following vocabulary a picture
About ofmetres.
90 square your house/flat on the board and

Transférez vos documents pourfrom thetélécharger.

She’ s quite tall with long, blonde, wavychange
get students to ask you questions about it. Reply using
5 items: moody (having moods that
Who does she look like?
often and How many bedrooms are there?
4 Two doubles and a single.
quickly), mid-thirties
She’s the image of her dad.
(around 33 to box. Check the following vocabulary
36, i.e. in the middle,
6 between
What colour 30eyes
andhas 39).
got?the pronunciation of height What tiny
items: size (very
is the small),
kitchen?enormous (very big), ground floor (the
5 Four metres by two.
/haɪt/ and straight /streɪt/.
Greenish-brown. lowest level of the house, on the same level as the ground
7 How tall is she? Which floor is it on?
Focus students on the example. Demonstrate by writing 6 outside). Put students in pairs to ask
The fourth floor.
and answer questions
One metre, seventy-three. about where they live, using the vocabulary in the box.
8 the names of your family on the board. Get students to
What kind of clothes does she wear? Which part of town is it in?
ask you about andyour family members. Use vocabulary from 57 e It’s1.4 This exercise
ri ver. focuses on describing things in the

Transférer pour télécharger

Smart-casual stylish. north of the
9 the context
Whatbox inshe
does yourlikereply.
doing? How farof is itErik
to a’ s laptop.
your work?Focus attention on the photo.
She plays ice hockey anddown
also goes
thejogging. Ask
a five-minute What make
cycle it? (MacBook). Check the
10 Tell students
How is she?
to write names of their family
members to show their partner. Students speak in pairs. meaning of the following vocabulary items: button (a
She’s fine. Her ankle’s healing well.
3 e 1.3 This exercise focuses on describing places, with 4 small part of a machine that you press to make it work),
inch exercise
(a unit forprovides
measu ring an opportunity
length, equaltotopersonalize
2. 54 cm), screen
questions about Erika’s flat. Elicit the answer to number 1.
flat surfaceand answers
at the front in
flat of3.a computer,
Focus students TV, oron the
Check the following vocabulary items: ensuite shower (a
example. Clarify that
electrical device), slim (thin,
flat means the same as
but not used with a negative
apartment :
2 shower within the bedroom area, rather than in a separate
This exercisekitchen-diner
provides an(aopportunity toan
personalize is BritishCheck
meaning). English theandpronunciationisofAmerican weigh /weɪ/ English,
bathroom), kitchen with eating area),
the questions andtheanswers in 1. ).Focus students on the although it is widely .used in British English, too.
gigabyte /ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/
floor (e.g. I live on fourth floor
vocabulary in the box. Check Draw a picture of your house/flat on the
in theand
Students moody
work individually to the following
complete 2 tovocabulary
7. Play the Students work individually to fill the sentences
items: get students to ask youbox.questions
Play theabout it. Reply
recordingmid-thirties moods
let students thattheir
check change often and
answers. with the words in the recording let

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quickly), (around 33 to 36, i.e. in the height middle, vocabulary
students tinycheck fromtheirthe box.
answers. Check the following
enormous vocabulary
ground floor
/haɪt/ the questions with
/streɪt/ thewhole class, focusing
of on items: (very small),
and 39).
key words:
What’s your apartment like? How Drill the questions with the whole(very class,big),
focusing on stressing (the
and . lowest
the keylevel
words: of What
the house,make on is it?the same
What’s level
this as the
button for?ground
big is it? Put students in pairs. Tell them to prac tise the outside). to Puttakestudents in pairs toand
ask answer
and answer questionsin
télécharger les documents dans leur intégralité.
questions students on the example.
and answers. They should Demonstrate
answer usingby writing
the students it in turns to ask the questions
the names ofgiven.
information your family on the board. Get students to 5 about 1.4where
exercise 5. They they live, answer
should using the vocabulary
using in the box.
the information given.
ask you about your family members. Use vocabulary from e This exercise focuses on describing things in the
the box in your If strong
reply.students finish early, tell them to Answers and
context of ErikWhat audioscript
a’s laptop.
makeFocus is it? attention on the photo.
questions to to match thetheanswers
nameswhich were not e Ask1.4students: (MacBook). Check the
Commencez votre essai GRATUIT de 30 jours
write down of their family Describing things button
members intoexercise
show 3. For
their question
partner. 5, remind
Students students
speak in pairs. 1 meaning
What make of isthe
it? following vocabulary items: (a
3 the1.3
of e twoThis meanings of floor. Possible answers: 1 I like it a
exercise focuses on describing places, with
inch a MacBook.
small part of a machine that you press to make it work), screen
lot. – Do you like your apartment? 2 Yes, it’s pretty big. – Is 2 What’s this button for?
(a unit for measu ring length, equal to 2. 54 cm),
questions about Erika’s flat. Elicit the answer toshower number 1.
your apartment big? 3 One has an ensuiteensuite shower. – Are It turns it on.
(the flat surface atslim the front of a computer, TV, or other
Check the following vocabulary items: (a 3 How long is the battery life?
your bedrooms ensuite? 4 It’s a kitchen-diner. – What’s your electrical device), (thin, but not used with/weɪ/
weigh a negative
shower within the bedroom area, rather than in a separate
kitchen like? 5kitchen-diner
Wooden. – What type of floor is it? 6 It’s near About nine
Check the pronunciation of and
floor (a floor
kitchen with an eating area), 4 How much does it weigh?
a bus stop. –IWhat
live ontype
the fourth
of public transport is there near your .
(e.g. ). It’s really light, 0.9 kg.
flat? 7 I always go by bus. – How do you get to work?
Students work individually to complete 2 to 7. Play the 5 Students
What sizework is it? individually to fill the gaps in the sentences
recording and let students check their answers. with theawords
It’s got 12-inchinscreen the box. and Play theslim.
it’s very recording and let
6 students
How much check theirhas
memory answers.
it got?
Drill the questions with the whole
What’s yourclass, focusing
apartment onHow
like? Sixteen gigabytes.
stressing Drill the questions What with
make theiswhole class,
it? What’s focusing
this on stressing
button for?
big is it? the key words: 7 How fast is it?
Put students in pairs. Tell them to prac tise the the key words: Tell
SUGGESTION It’s much faster than my PC.
questions and answers. They should answer using the students to take it in turns to ask and answer the questions in
8 Whose is it?
information given. exercise
It’s mine.5. They should answer using the information given.
Answers and audioscript
If strong students finish early, tell them to 1
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press 1.4 Describing things Unit 1 • What’s your story? 19
think of questions to match the answers which were not eWhat make is it?
underlined in exercise 3.floor
For question 5, remind students 2 It’s a MacBook.
I like it a
of the two meanings of
lot. . PossibleYes,
answers: 1 big.
it’s pretty What’s this button for?
3 It turns it on.
– Do you like your apartment? 2
One has an ensuite shower. – Is
your apartment big? 3 It’s a kitchen-diner. – Are How long is the battery life?
4 About nine hours.
your bedroomsWooden.ensuite? 4 – What’s It’syour
How much does it weigh?
a bus 5 – What type of floor is it? 6 5 It’s really light, 0.9 kg.
– What
I always type
go by busof public transport is there near your What size is it?
6 This7 exercise provides. an
flat? opportunity
– How do you getto personalize
to work? 6answers.
the questions and answers in 5. Focus attention on the It’s got Tell students
a 12-inch to and
screen findit’s
slim. in their books
and check
How muchtheir ideas.has
memory If students
it got? have difficulty completing
example. You may like to show students you r laptop/ 7any of thegigabytes.
sentences, refer them back to the relevant part
phone/tablet. Get students to ask you questions about of How
the Grammar
fast is it? reference to revise this question form.
your device. Reply using vocabulary from exercise 5. 8 It’s much faster than my PC.
Encourage students to return to these pages whenever
Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions Whose
they haveisait?doubt about a language point.
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
about their own device. Encourage students to show It’s mine.
their laptop/phone/tablet to their partner if they have it
Unit 1 • What’s your story? 19
in class. Practice SB p11

SUGGESTION If your students spoke to the same partner in

Question words
exercises 2, 4, and 6, you could ask them to write a profile
e 1.5 This exercise consolidates the work on information
about their partner’s family, flat/house, and laptop/phone/
questions. Focus attention on the example. Students
tablet. Put the finished profiles on the wall. Tell students to
work alone to transform closed questions (only answered
go around the class reading the profiles to learn about their
in a limited number of ways) into open questions (can
be answered in many different ways). Students compare
6GRAMMAR SPOT SB p11 answers with a partner.

Vous êtes en train de lire un aperçu

The exercise spot
provides an unit
in each opportunity to personalize
aims to get students Play the recording for students to check their answers. If
answers. Tell students to find the questions in their books
tothe questions
think andlanguage
about the answers in 5. Focus
they attention
have just seen inonthethe there are areas of confusion, refer students to the relevant
and check their ideas. If students have difficulty completing
example. YouThis
presentation. mayGrammar
like to show
spot students youstructure
clarifies the r laptop/of exercise, 1, 3, or 5, from pp10–11. Drill the questions with
any of the sentences, refer them back to the relevant part
information Get students to ask you questions about
questions. the whole class, focusing on stressing the key words, e.g.
of the Grammar reference to revise this question form.
your device. Reply using vocabulary from exercise 5. How often do you go to the gym?
Encourage students to return to these pages whenever
Refer students to exercises 1, 3,answer
and 5 to find examples
Transférez vos documents pour télécharger.
1Put Notehave
students in pairs to ask and questions SB p11 be pronounced with or without /t/:
of questions with , which, andstudents
whatEncourage whose. Put students they about a language point.
SUGGESTION their own device. to show /ˈɒfn/ or /ˈɒftən/. It is more common without /t/ in British
in pairs
their to work
laptop/phone/tablet You maypartner
their like to iftell
theythem to it
have English and with /t/ in American English.
class. the nouns in the questions.
Put students in pairs to ask and answer the open questions.
Answers If your students spoke to the same partner in
What colour eyes has she got? What kind of clothes does she Answers
1.5 and
Practice words audioscript
exercises 2, 4, and 6, you could ask them to write a profile e
wear? What size is the kitchen? Which part of town is it in? What This exercise
e 1.5 Question wordsconsolidates the work on information
about their partner’s family, flat/house, and laptop/phone/

Transférer pour télécharger

make it is? What size is it? Which floor is it on? 1 questions.
How oftenFocusdo youattention on the example. Students
go to the gym?
tablet. Put the finished profiles on the wall. Tell students to
2 work
Whatalone to transform
size shoes do you take?closed questions (only answered
Again refer
2 around
go students
the class SB
profiles toinlearn exercises
3 inHow
a limited number
far is your houseoffrom
ways) theinto open questions (can
and 5. You may like to tell students to underline the
classmates. 4 beWhat make is in
answered your car? different ways). Students compare
adjectives/adverbs in the questions. What kind
5 answers of food do you like?
with a partner.
Answers spot 6 Which bread would you like for your sandwich?
The Play the recording for students to check their answers. If
How old is she? How in talleach
is she?unitHow aimsbigto getHow
is it? students
far is it to 7 How many of you want coffee?
there are areas of confusion, refer students to the relevant

to think
your about
work? Howthe language
is the batterytheylife?
spot haveHow just
is it?in the 8 What flavour ice cream would you like?
presentation. This clarifies the structure of 9 exercise,
Whose bag 1, 3,is or 5, from pp10–11. Drill the questions with
3 Give students time to read the questions and answers. the
10 How whole
doyou focusing
theon stressing
city centre?the key words, e.g.
information questions.
1 Allow students to compare their answers in pairs, then often /t/
with the towhole
3, and
5 to find
whose Which examples
question /ˈɒfn/
Note that/ˈɒftən/can be pronounced with or without/t/ :
of questions
asks with (What’s
for a description? , he like?) Which
, and . Put students
question Additional
or material
It is more common without in British
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in pairsabout
to work together.
the nouns thatinwe
You may
like to tell(How
or happiness? themistohe?)
use like in the answer to
For teachers
English and with in American English.
Photocopiable activity
Put students in pairs – Grammar:
to ask How
and answer thewell
open doquestions.
questions with What … like ?
What colour eyes has she got? What kind of clothes does she Answers
know me?and audioscript
télécharger les documentseOnline
sizenice. dans
is it?He’s
Which floor
leur intégralité.
wear? What size is the kitchen? Which part of town is it in? What
to istalk
Practice –
it on?
For Question words
2 How often do you go to the gym?
Look again
3 What size shoes do you take?
How is he? Very well, thanks.
2 4Workbook
Refer students to Grammar reference 1.1–1. 2 on SB p1,141. How far is pp6–8, exercises
your house from the 1–7
Again refer students to the questions in exercises 3,
Commencez votre essai GRATUIT de 30 jours
5 What make is your car?
5. You the
maygreylike boxes have examples
to tell students to helpthe
to underline them 6 What kind of food do you like?
understand the meaning.
adjectives/adverbs in theTellquestions.
students to u se a highlighter Vocabulary andyou
7 Which bread would speaking SB p12
Answers like for your sandwich?
pen if they have one, and to highlight the parts they
How old is she? How tall is she? How big is it? How far is it to 8 How many of you want coffee?
find All
9 about adjectives
your most
work? difficult
How long asisthey read. Allow
the battery plenty
life? How fast of time for
is it? What flavour ice cream would you like?
students to read both 1. 1 and 1. 2. After reading, check 10 Whose bag is that?
students’ understanding by writing four gapped sentences
3 About the texts
Which way do you go for the city centre?
onGive students
the board fromtimethetoGrammar
read thereference.
questionsFor andexample:
answers. These texts are all types of advertisements. The first you
one do students
you want,to compare
the red one their answers
or the in pairs,
blue one? then
question might find on an online dating website, the second could
asks forwith the whole class. Ask students
a description? Which question be online or in a newspaper, magazine, or on a noticeboard,
___ language do they speak in Brazil?
checks about someone’s health or happiness?he like?) Additional
the third
For material
is an online
teachers estate agent. Advert C: Malvern Hills is a
___ book is this? (How is he?)
like range of hills in England. The picture shows a cottage
How well do you with a
___ tall arestudents
Remind you? What that… welike
don’t use in the answer to traditional
know roof, –made
activity of dried straw and reeds.
students withnot to look at their ? books. Put students in
Answers For students
What’stohediscuss which
like? Very nice.question
He’s goodwords
to talk fill
to. the gaps. Elicit
How is he? Very well, thanks. Look again
Online Practice –
SB p12
20 Unit 1 • What’s your story? Workbook pp6–8, exercises
Headway 1–7
5th edition © Oxford University Press
Refer students to Grammar reference 1.1–1. 2 on SB p 141.
Tell students the grey boxes have examples to help them
understand the meaning. Tell students to u se a highlighter About the texts
pen if they have one, and to highlight the parts they
find most difficult as they read. Allow plenty of time for All about adjectives
Vocabulary and speaking
students to read both 1. 1 and 1. 2. After reading, check
students’ understanding by writing four gapped sentences
on the
___ oneboard
do youfrom thethe
want, Grammar
red one orreference. For example:
the blue one? These texts are all types of advertisements. The first you
1 Lead in to the topic by asking students how people find Students
might work
find on in pairsdating
an online to make a list ofthe
website, compound
second could
and houses do they speak
to buy in Brazil?
in their country. If the students do beadjectives using
online or in the wordsmagazine,
a newspaper, given. Askor them atonoticeboard,
onMalvern Hills
notbook is this?
use the word advertisements/adverts in their answers, the third is an online estate agent. Advert C: to guess even
ideas with another pair. Encourage students is a
___ tallthe
you? by asking what type of texts they can see if they are not sure.
range of hills in England. The picture shows a cottage with a
in exercise 1 (advertisements). Clarify that advertisements Check answers as a whole class. Clarify the following
traditional thatched roof, made of dried straw and reeds.
Tecan be shortened
ll students not to to
lookadverts , orbooks.
at their ads. Ask
in vocabulary items: brand-new (completely new), home-made
pairs discussseewhich
adverts like these
question (Adverts
words fill theAgaps.
and Elicit
C: (made at home, rather Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
than in a factory), homesick (missing
online. Advert B: online/in newspapers or magazines/ your home or the place where you are from) .
20 Uniton
1 public
• What’snoticeboards).
your story? Check the meaning of adjective
by eliciting an example from the first advert. Students Answers
work individually to find the adjectives before comparing In the adverts: well-dressed, old-fashioned, much-loved,
answers in pairs. Check answers as a whole class. Ask
Others: well-behaved, well-made, full-time, brand-new,
students if they would like to buy this house and car.
bad-tempered, middle-aged, home-sick, home-made
A A man looking for a girlfriend. Adjectives: good-looking, EXTRA IDEA You can extend this section by getting students
hard-working, interesting, well-dressed, delicious, thrilling to look for compound adjectives in adverts on websites
1B Car for sale. Adjectives: much-loved, second-hand, low, good, selling second-hand goods like, a car website like
C cars Vous êtes en train de lire un aperçu
in toeccentric
the topic by asking students how people find
sale. Adjectives:
use the
to buy incosy,
theirold-fashioned, charming,
country. If the students do
word advertisements/adverts in their answers,
Students workorinapairs,
students using
to try
to website
hou se
to find
make a list
least given.
Ask them toadjectives.
three compound
ideas with another pair. Encourage students to guess even
4 Focus attention on the example. Ask students to think of

elicit the word by asking what type of textsadvertisements they can see if they are not sure.
nouns that go with the other compound adjectives in
in exerciseand
Adjectives 1 (advertisements).
nouns adverts
that go Clarify
togetherthat Check answers
exercise 3. Withasweaker
whole class. Clarify
classes, write thethenouns
, home-
from made
Transférez vos documents pour télécharger.
can be
2 This shortened
exercise focuses to on adjective , or and . Asknoun
students where
collocations. vocabulary items: on the board (completely new)sick
, home
suggested answers in a random order. Ask
they would
Write the words see adverts
wavy, stylish,like these
and (Adverts
delicious on A andtheC:board. (made at home, rather than in a factory) . (missing
students to find possible combinations using the nouns
online. Advertwhat B: online/in
type of newspapers or magazines/adjective your home or the
Ask students words they are (adjectives) and on the
Answers board. Youplace where
may like youaare
to set limitfrom)
of three minutes
on public
what typenoticeboards).
of words they go Check
withthe meaning
(nouns). Elicitofexamples Inand
the ask students
adverts: to find old-fashioned,
well-dressed, as many as possible in that time.
of eliciting an example
these words could fromdescribe.
the first advert. Studentsideas
Write students’ second-hand
on theindividually
board andto thenfindfocus
the adjectives
attention on before comparing
the examples. Suggested answers
Others: well-behaved, well-made, full-time, brand-new,
answers inthe
Compare pairs. Check answers
examples with their asideas
a whole on theclass. Ask Ask
board. well-made/p
EXTRA IDEA oorly-made
bad-tempered furniture
, middle-aged, home-sick, home-made

Transférer pour télécharger

students if they would like to buy this house and car.
A students full-time/part-time job
Answers if stylish can describe meals (no). Ask students if brand-new/second-hand car
A mancan
stylish describe
looking hair (yes,Adjectives:
for a girlfriend. the same good-looking,
adjective can go
bad-tempered/good-tempered parent
B with different
rking, nouns). Askwell-dressed,
students if the adjective goes
hard-wo interesting, delicious, thrilling middle-agedYou can extend this
woman/old-aged mansection by getting students
Car foror after
sale. the noun
Adjectives: (before). second-hand, low, good,
much-loved, tohome-made/shop-b
look for compound adjectives
ought cake in adverts on websites
C perfect, eccentric
Check the following vocabulary items: latest (the most selling second-hand
home-sick children goods like, a car website like
House for
recent), sale. Adjectives:
mature (thinking cosy, old-fashioned,
and behaving like charming,
a grown-up/in, or a hou se website like Tell
mature, stunning students to try to find at least three compound adjectives.
a sensible way/fully grown), stunning (extremely attractive
-ed and -ing adjectives
or impressive), thrilling (exciting and enjoyable). Check the Focusstudents
attentionback on the example.
5 Refer to the advertsAsk students1totothink
in exercise find of
pronunciation of mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ and cosmopolitan nouns that gowordswith the other compound adjectives
the complete to match the beginnings in theinbox.
2 /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/
Adjectives and nouns . that go together exercise
Elicit the3.answers
With weaker classes,
(interesting write
, tired the nouns
, thrilling from).the
, charming
This exercise in
Put students focuses
wavyTell on adjective
them to write
stylish, and naoun
delicious list collocations.
of adjective suggested
Ask students answers
why the onadvert
the board usesintired
a random
, not tiringorder.

Devenez un membre Scribd pour lire et

and the words ,
combinations/collocations and usingon thethe board.
adjectives students
-ed ending todescribes
find possible the combinations
feeling, whereas using
-ingthe nouns
Ask students
and nouns in what typeCheck
the table. of words they are
answers (adjectives)
by going around and on the
the thingboard.
or theYou may like to
experience thatsetcauses
a limit aoffeeling).
three minutes
the typetaking
of words onethey answer go with
each pair. Elicit examples and ask students
students to find the to find
many as possible in that(lady),
by interesting time.

télécharger les documents dans leur intégralité.

of nouns these words could describe. Write students’ ideas Suggested answers
Answers thrilling (evening)
well-made/p oorly-made andfurniture
charming (village).
on the board and then focus attention on the examples.
cosy room/cottage, fresh food/vegetables, latest job/fashions/
Compare the examples with their ideas on the board. Ask Check the following
full-time/part-time job vocabulary: astonishing/astonished
stylish meals brand-new/secon d-hand car difficult to believe),
match, cloudy sky, crowded room/city, mature relative/garden,
students if can describe (no). Ask students if (very surprising/surprised,
thrilling job/city/match,hair spicy food/vegetables, cosmopolitan bad-tempered/ good-tempered(not parent
disappointing/disappointed as good or successful as
can describe (yes, the /city/garden/sky/cottage,
same adjective can go
Commencez votre essai GRATUIT de 30 jours
fashions/city, stunning room/fashions middle-aged
you had hoped), woman/old-aged man
exhausting/exhausted (very tiring/tired).
with different
challenging nouns).
job, close Ask students if the adjective goes
relative/match home-made/shop-b ought cake
Elicit an example answer for 1. Ask students why they
before or after the noun (before). latest home-sick children
need the -ing form in 1 (because it describes the massage
Check the
SUGGESTION following
matureRemind studentsvocabulary to record
items: adjective (the+mostnoun which causes a feeling, not the feeling itself ).
recent), in their (thinking
vocabulary andstunning
like a grown-up/in
to aread texts way/fully
of different types (short stories, advertisements, Students work alone before checking answers in pairs.
sensible thrillinggrown), (extremely attractive -ed and answers
-ing adjectives
/məˈtʃʊə 5 Check as a whole class. If students have made
news reports, etc.) tomature
or impressive), help(exciting
them andr enjoyable).
become / aware of Check
cosmopolitan the
collocations. aRefer
lot ofstudents
mistakes, back
usetoa the
of parallel in exercise
sentences 1 toand
pronunciation of ( ) and
the complete
mime or simple words
board todrawing
interesting the beginnings
to highlight theindifference:
thrilling charming the box.
I’m the answers
bored with this (book (meaning: , ,this
tiredis how , tiring ).
I feel). This
Put studentsadjectives
in pairs. Tell them to write a list of adjective Ask students
book is boringwhy the advert
(meaning: it makesusesme feel , not
-ing not (the
3 Check
and noun students understand the term compound
combinations/collocations using the adjectives
boring).describes the feeling, whereas describes
nouns in formed the table. fromChecktwoanswers
words, eitherby going joined with
around the thing or the experience that causes ainteresting feeling). Ask
hyphen (e.g. home-made),
class, taking one answer from written eachas one
pair. word (e.g. Answers
students to find the thing
thrilling described by
charming (lady),
homesick), or written as two separate words (e.g. brand 1 relaxing 2 disappointing 3 exhausted 4 astonished
cosy room/cottage, fresh food/vegetables, latest job/fashions/ (evening) and (village).
Refer sky,
students back to Advert A to relative/garden,
find good-looking 5 boring 6 shocked 7 thrilling astonishing/astonished
match, crowded room/city, mature Check the following vocabulary: ,
and hard-working
thrilling job/city/match, . Tell them
spicy to look in les,
food/vegetab all three adverts to
cosmopolitan (very surprising/surprised, difficult to believe)
find four more.
fashions/city, Check
stunning answers as/city/garden/sky/cottage,
room/fashions a whole class. Unit 1 • What’ s your story? 21
(not as good or successful
exhausting/exhausted as.
Headway job, close
5th edition relative/match
© Oxford University Press you had hoped), (very tiring/tired)
Elicit an example
-ing answer for 1. Ask students why they
need the form in 1 (because it describes the massage
Remind students to record adjective + noun which causes a feeling, not the feeling itself ).
collocations in their vocabulary records. Encourage students
to read texts of different types (short stories, advertisements, Students work alone before checking answers in pairs.
Check answers as a whole class. If students have made
Vous êtes en train de lire un aperçu &
news reports, etc.) to help them become aware of common
collocations. a lot of mistakes, use a pair of parallel sentences and a
I’m boredor simple
with this board
bookdrawing to highlight the difference: This
book is boring (meaning: this is how I feel).
Compound adjectives
3 compound adjective (meaning: it makes me feel bored, not
Check students understand the term

Débloquez l'accès complet (page 7-9)

(an adjective formed from two words, either joined with
a hyphen (e.g. home-made), written as one word (e.g.
homesick), or written as two separate words (e.g. brand
1 *I’m boring).

5 relaxing 6 disappointing
7 exhausted
3 4

en transférant des documents ou

5th students
edition © Oxfordback to Advert
University Press A to find
. Tell them to look in all three adverts to
find four more. Check answers as a whole class.
Unit 1 • What’s your story? 21

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