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1. Why Susie Wong was always by passed in promotions?

The outstanding and brilliant credentials of Susie are not out of the doubt.
But her professional understanding of the work is just one factor that when
recruiting and/or encouraging workers, employers will look at. The other factor is
the capacity of the employee to collaborate with others well. And employers put
more weight on EQ rather than IQ, more often than not.
It has been said that Susie was forced to quit her first business and that is
the company of her father. And the same awkward working dynamic happened
with her co-employees when she moved to her new company. She's intelligent,
yes, and obviously, she still gets into her head and has forgotten that she always
has an immediate supervisor she needs to honor.
So, why has she still been overlooked? I think that is so big of a
personality because of her to the degree that it feels like she's too full of herself.
She is the "know-it-all" employee, unlikeable, annoying, indifferent, constantly
moaning and nagging, for whom it is impossible to work. And the performance of
the whole team will certainly be adversely influenced by that kind of personality.
On a lighter note, maybe because when it comes to promotion, the
management put emphasis on seniority. And because she's new to the squad,
maybe that's just one of the reasons she hasn't been promoted yet.
2. Was management justified in not promoting her?
She demonstrated her frustration towards her 'non-promotion' by
completing assignments half-heartedly instead of staying as the best and
outstanding employee. In other words, in the expectation that her boss will take
note and maybe pacify her tantrums and give in to her ambition to be promoted,
she is no longer working consistently and effectively.
And she was able to express her resentments to get her superior's attention,
but it put her in a negative light and it was seen and highlighted by her
inefficiency and ineffectiveness. And it just helped her boss consider and feel that
he/she made the right call not to hire her in that situation.
3. How did this non-promotion affect her?
She became inefficient in her efforts to get the attention of her FM to
recognize how angry and disappointed she was. She became what she hated in
other employees-lousy, inadequate, and unable to deliver their excellence from a
high-caliber employee. Bitter, in short.
4. What are the problems in this case?
On Susie's part, however, there are unattained expectations, complexes
of superiority, and dissatisfaction.
With the company, it is the lack of motivation towards their employees
in the work environment of the company, giving away empty promises and
false hopes, unhealthy working relationships, and miscommunication or no
communication at all, employee job description/duties and responsibilities are
not clear to them, and the corporate culture as a whole needs constant nurture.
5. Propose ways of resolving these problems.
 Goals and targets should be set clearly
 Job description of each employees should be clear to them to be aware of
their accountabilities
 Conflicts and complaints should be dealt professionally
 Individual and group mediation
 Provide training and anger management seminars
 Create a just and tight working environment so as to avoid tension
 Give credit to whom it is due because efforts and achievements of
employees if recognized by employees give boost and motivation to do their
best over and over again

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