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The day of my holiday arrived, by I wasn't looking forward to it.So I decided to

do something with my clouse friends. After checking the weather in the next few days, I called my
friends, asked them to pack for 3 days and informed them that a surprise was waiting for them. Maria
was scared, Andrei confused, Lari was the only one excited.

We met at Andrei's house, because only he had a driver's license, ready to go. Everyone
was curious where we were going, even Andrei who was behind the wheel did not know, he received
little instructions from me. After a journey of 3 hours, we finally reach the destination. A cool
mountain area, a pine forest and at the edge of the forest, a cottage where we would spend our time
together. But things will take an unexpected turn

The sun sets and the evening sets. While we enjoyed the aus, we prepared wood for the
campfire where we were going to fry the meringues and tell each other stories. Unfortunately, my
information about the weather was completely wrong. A completely unforeseen summer rain put us all
in the cottage. We replaced our wet clothes with warm ones and made ourselves a tea. We all moved
on the couch telling funny memories and the echo begins to tremble, and suddenly the darkness is left
in our cottage, and the wind begins to blow harder and harder. we were all scared and sitting next to
each other with the phone flashes on. After 20 minutes of great, the storm subsides and the light
returns to our cottage after Andrei, the skilled electrician solved the problem, in fact he had no

I gave up the 3 days because I went home the next day, we were scared that something
bad would happen. It was officially the worst birthday I expected

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