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Submitted by:
1.Shailendra Kumar and 2K20/A5/02
2.Siddharth Mehra and 2K20/A5/10



We [Shailendra Kumar(2K20/A5/02), Siddharth Mehra(2K20/A5/10) ]

students of Btech . Hereby declare that the project Dissertation titled
“DYSON SPHERE” which is submitted by us to the department of
Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi in partial
fullfilment of the requirement for the middle term evaluation of
Bachelor of Technology is correct and have been taken refrences from
different sources.

Place:Delhi Date:

Shailendra Kumar (2K20/A5/02)

Siddharth Mehra (2K20/A5/10)

Dyson sphere is a theorem that will be very difficult to realize. In this

article, we will give information about the Dyson sphere. Technology is
developing in order to meet the increasing need and a lot of energy is
used as a result of this development. As people grow and technology
evolves, our energy needs are increasing. This level of development is
called the Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 civilization level. Each of these
civilization levels has energy needs. Scientists are doing research on
this subject. The largest and cleanest source of energy we can get is
now the Dyson sphere. The Dyson sphere has a flawless design to meet
all your energy needs.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr.

Yogita Kalra who gave me this oppprtunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic ”DYSON SPHERE” ,Which also helped me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about so many new things I am really
thankful to them.

Secondly I would also like to thank my friends who helped me a lot in

finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

I hereby certify that the project titled “DYSON SPHERE” which is

submitted by Shailendra Kumar(2K20/A5/02) and SIDDHARTH
MEHRA(2K20/A5/10) student of Delhi Technological University, Delhi
in complete fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Middle
Term Evaluation of First Semester of Bachelor of Technology, is a
record of the project work carried out by the students under my

Place : New Delhi Date :


Candidate’s Declaration
1. Introduction
1.1 Who is Freeman J. Dyson?
1.2 What’s Nikolai Kardeshev’s Scale and harmless energy?
1.3 What will happen after completing the Type 1 civilization
1.4 How will the Dyson sphere will be possible?
1.5 What is the Temperature of Space?
2. The Dyson Sphere
3. White Dwarfs, Life and Dyson Spheres
4. Conclusion
5. Refrences
Initially proposed by way of the legendary physicists, Freeman Dyson, Dyson stays one of the
most exciting theoretically proposed ideas inside the international of astrophysicists
nowadays. The concept got here to Dyson after reading the 1937 novel celebrity Maker. In an
article dated 1960, Dyson proposed a piece of writing in technological know-how mag entitled
'search synthetic megastar resources of artificial Infrared Radiation'. He defined a
superstructure constructed close to or near the solar, that could seize the energy of the solar
and return it to Earth. although this took place, the sun could no longer have to depend closely
on fossil fuels or other current energy assets, even with simplest a part of the strength

Defenders of sun strength understand that handiest a small a part of the overall power of the
sun moves the Earth. What if we collect all the solar energy as a civilization? So, every now and
then we used a sort of Dyson sphere known as the Dyson shell or structure. Freeman J. Dyson,
a physicist and astronomer, first discovered this concept as a idea experiment in 1960.
advanced civilizations in our galaxy might unavoidably use. Dyson argued that the look for
evidence of the life of such structures should result in the discovery of advanced civilizations
elsewhere within the galaxy.

In latest years, astronomers explored that opportunity with a weird big name, known to
astronomers as KIC 8462852 – more
popularly called Tabby’s superstar for its discoverer Tabetha Boyajian. This big name’s strange
mild become at first thought to suggest a likely Dyson sphere. That idea has been discarded,
but, in 2018, different possibilities emerged, which includes that of the use of the Gaia
challenge to look for Dyson spheres.


With this idea, we can give statistics approximately the Freeman Dyson who fashioned the
arena of technology. who's Freeman Dyson? What are the achievements?
Freeman Dyson is now retired, having been for most of his existence a professor of physics on
the Institute for superior study in Princeton. He changed into born in England and worked as a
civilian scientist for the Royal Air force in global conflict II. He graduated from Cambridge
college in 1945 with a B.A. degree in mathematics. He went directly to Cornell college as a
graduate scholar in 1947 and worked with Hans Bethe and Richard Feynman. His maximum
beneficial contribution to science was the unification of the three versions of quantum
electrodynamics invented by means of Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga. Cornell college
made him a professor with out bothering approximately his loss of Ph.D. He ultimately worked
on nuclear reactors, solid kingdom physics, ferromagnetism, astrophysics and biology,
searching out problems where stylish mathematics could be usefully carried out.
He has written a number of books about technology for the general public. “worrying the
Universe” (1979) is a portrait-gallery of human beings he has recognized all through his
profession as a scientist. “weapons and desire” (1984) is a study of moral troubles of war and
peace. “limitless in All instructions” (1988) is a philosophical meditation based totally on
Dyson’s Gifford Lectures on natural Theology given at the university of Aberdeen in Scotland.
“Origins of life” (1986, 2d version 1999) is a observe of certainly one of the predominant
unsolved problems of technology. “From Eros to Gaia” (1992) is a group of essays and lectures,
starting with a technological know-how-fiction story written at the age of 9, and finishing with
a mugging in Washington at age fifty-four. “Imagined Worlds” (1997) is an edited model of a
hard and fast of lectures given in 1995 on the Hebrew university in Jerusalem approximately
human destiny, literature and science. “The solar, the Genome and the net” (1999) discusses
the question of whether present day generation might be used to slim the gap between rich
and terrible instead of widen it. “The Scientist as rise up” (2006) is a group of ebook reviews
and essays, by and large published in the big apple overview of Books. “A Many-coloured Glass:
Reflections on the region of life within the Universe” (2007) is an edited version of a set of
lectures given in 2004 on the college of Virginia. Dyson is a fellow of the yank physical Society,
a member of the U.S. country wide Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the Royal Society of
London. In 2000 he became awarded the Templeton Prize for development in faith, and in
2012 he become awarded the Henri Poincaré Prize at the August assembly of the international
Mathematical Physics Congress.


The dimensions advanced via Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 categorizes the extent of improvement
of a civilization consistent with the amount of power produced and the method of production.
Nikolai Kardashev Scale

In line with this scale, the level of civilization inside the universe is divided into 3. those are
type 1, kind 2 and kind 3. these tiers of civilization are growing in direct percentage to energy
use and power wishes. within the type 1 civilization, which we're in, but we do not fulfill the
requirements, we ought to use all smooth electricity sources on the earth in a manner on the
way to not harm the human and nature. To be at type 1 civilization level, we ought to be able
to use all the smooth energy sources within the world and that allows you to convert the
electricity from the celebrities to the electric strength. however at gift, we offer greater than
half of the power required with the aid of our planet from fossil fuels. severe predictions of
fossil fuels could be exhausted in 2050. After the fossil fuels are exhausted, the use of easy
strength resources will growth and then these smooth energy resources will now not be
enough for us because of the results of developing era. the majority say that if easy energy
resources are inadequate, they are able to near this hole with nuclear electricity flora. but
they're related to the elements inside the global in nuclear energy flora. those elements are
uranium, thorium. If at some point will lead to those factors, we are able to see the arena
looking forward to difficult days approximately strength.

Radiation Level in Daily Life

similarly, we should think about that we need to no longer damage nature and people while
producing our power to obtain type 1 civilization stage. Above parent shows the quantity of
radiation in each day lifestyles. Nuclear strength plant accidents till the time we have shown in
determine under.

Nuclear Power Plant Accidents

Although the energy acquired from nuclear electricity is too much, it cannot meet the
necessities of type 1 civilization level.


Type 2 level of civilization is a degree where the energy resources on the earth aren't enough
and now a specific energy supply works. different sorts of resources are needed in type 2
civilization and these are the alternative planets close to our planet and the solar and stars
inside the center of our planet's machine.
A fictional Dyson Sphere. this sort of shape surrounds the entire star and may employ all the
power it produces. type 2 civilizations will most likely discover approaches to apply all of the
power in their stars with the assist of a Dyson Sphere (or similar) era. they may be civilizations
that may gather all the electricity emitted by way of their famous person, as an instance, a
civilization that can build a Dyson sphere. they could accumulate up to 4 x 1033 erg / sec (four
x 1026 watts) of power, that is all the power we are able to get from the sun. alternatively, the
fusion electricity of the celebrity may be used as a huge-scale reactor to satisfy the wishes of
this civilization. In type 3 civilizations, biological power will be intertwined with technology. In
such civilizations, it may be very tough to define the energy.
Using all the energy produced via the galaxy in which they exist, these civilizations dominate
such electricity as 4 × 1044 erg/sec (4 x 1037 watts). they could colonize the galaxy, extract
strength from loads of hundreds of thousands of stars, hover in interstellar space and seize
endless planets.
For people, access to any such species method masses of hundreds of years of evolution, both
biological and mechanical. individuals who are basically biological are probable to be visible as
faulty, inferior or non-inverted through their cybernetic companions.


The cautioned instance of using those electricity resources is the Dyson sphere. The Dyson
sphere is first shown as a subject in the collection and movies, but later scientists understand
that there is some thing that may be done via working on it. so as to make the Dyson sphere a
perfect engineering, we need to discover new substances for our best spacecraft so that you
can make our production base on another planet, the substances inside the world, no longer
enough substances. First, the dyson sphere is designed to show around the solar, however the
gravitational law will now not permit it. The Dyson sphere has the identical significance as our
ancestors through exploring the hearth and making the technological bounce. So how will we
design the Dyson Sphere? For the Dyson sphere, we can do it perfectly with satellites and a
chain of optical panels that we are able to send into the orbit of the sun.
The aim of the hypothesis is constructing massive structure to harness 100% of its electricity
and additionally dwelling on it. The structure’s building block is special block, that can
transform one star’s complete energy to useable electricity for us. The mass required for the
development of the Dyson Sphere is
M = ρfourπr2t
wherein ρ is the density of the material of the sphere and t its thickness. For Earth-like density,
radius of 3 × 106 km and thickness of 1 meter, we discover a mass of ∼ 6 × 1023 kg, slightly
less than the mass of the Moon! manifestly, that is a small fraction of the usable mass within
the sun gadget, and the mass of 1 terrestrial planet will effortlessly provide a ten m-thick shell,
in order that the inhabitants will no longer worry very a lot approximately accidentally
puncturing it. “d” with herbal infra-pink resources inside the equal part of the sky.


Concerning the reality that space is a part of area/time and they are inseparable, one of these
question asked as according to this chapters titular is as beneficial as asking: So, I consult with
“area” in the following further examples as a time period for outer area in vacuo and further-
planetary events unless stated otherwise. to analyze the thermal electricity switch possibilities
of a Dyson Sphere, one must first ask: Following the zeroth regulation of thermodynamics, for
a structures temperature to be measured, a thermometer works by way of being in bodily
contact with the problem being located and then taking the temperature of the related depend
with both mercury inside the device, thermal sensors or thermistors have to electronic
readings want to be taken. essentially whilst the usage of a thermometer or temperature
sensor, the studying to procure is the temperature of the thermometer/sensor itself when it
has reached thermal equilibrium inside an enclosed device, to be able to degree the
temperature of “space” is quite nonsensical in its query (disregarding the occasional radiating
particle collision).
Because the zeroth law of thermodynamics states, warmness may be transferred thru a device
of bodies which can be inside bodily touch. I shall describe The Zeroth law here in a primary
model. if you have a system of three bodies of mass, for this case we are able to call them
“item Alpha”, “item Bravo” and “item Charlie” for references sake, the following state of affairs
shall describe the zeroth law in impact. If “item Alpha” is in physical contact with “item Bravo”,
but now not in bodily touch with “object Charlie”, if “item Charlie” is also in physical touch with
“object as the thermal strength (warmness) transverses via the atomic structure and molecules
of each object and thermally excites the connecting molecules and hence transfers strength in
the device, this zeroth law of thermodynamics is very easily determined on this planet but in
the imperfect vacuum of open space, there's much less stable count mixed in touch than here
on earth (in regard to the vastness of the recognised universe).
This diagram represents heat transfer via the zeroth law of thermodynamics to help visualise the
zeroth law in motion:


A Dyson Sphere is a hypothesised more-terrestrial megastructure that turned into used to clear
up the question of “What if alien civilisations do no longer want to talk?”. two curious
Professors Cocconi and Morrison at Cornell pondered this question and got here to the
conclusion that radio alerts in area need to be looked for (Morrison and Cocconi, 1959), and in
the long run this lead to the creation of SETI (search for greater-terrestrial Intelligence) when
Frank Drake on the inexperienced financial institution commentary started his search in a
assignment he named venture Ozma, in Drakes words he wrote, "It is called for the queen of
the imaginary land of oz., an area very a ways away, tough to reach, and populated by way of
distinctive beings" (Drake, 1959).
The Howard Tatel telescope
National Radio Astronomy Observatory,1956

In 1960 Professor Freeman Dyson proposed that it become certainly feasible, and if such a
civilisation have been to exist it might be considered one of fantastic functionality when it got
here to the use and harnessing of power for work, also to contain radio emissions it should be
an enclosed gadget for overall isolation, however because of the laws of thermodynamics, the
civilisation that created the hypothesised Dyson Sphere and using such big flows of energy,
whether or not it wished to communicate with other species it'd haven't any choice via the
laws of thermodynamics but to cast off waste warmth, this warmness need to then be radiated
into area within the shape of infra-purple radiation. Dyson then proposed that
uncommunicative civilizations may want to probable be detected from sources of infra-
crimson radiation emitted from the gravitational wells surrounding the mass of a celebrity if
they used a go with the flow of electricity large enough while compared with herbal infra-
purple assets in the same a part of the sky.
Per Kardashev’s Scale, a civilisation which could create a Dyson Sphere and harnessing all of a
star’s electricity would be labeled as a type 2 civilisation.
Sun to Earth Scale

Earth to Scale,NASA,2013
Due to the first-rate scale of a residing stars size and the energy output in its various states of
nuclear fusion, the civilisation that created one of these megastructure to embody an entire
megastar might want to use a dense material this is able to assisting itself below the huge
gravitational pull of the host big name, as the amount of photons hanging the internal surface
of the field would also be contained, this can nearly in reality require an outlet for such
pressures and strength in order for the shape to preserve its integrity without collapsing.
There may be additionally the component of volumetric expansion in keeping with the material
used in the spheres creation material, the system:

explains that consistent with the substances coefficient of linear expansion (improved by using
three for volumetric growth), when used in aggregate with the zeroth law of thermodynamics
that there will be waste heat that leaves the structure itself, as it will sooner or later reach
thermal equilibrium as that is what the universe strives for.
I'm able to hypothetically speculate on the opportunities of warmth switch thru the sector, and
observe the legal guidelines of thermodynamics to the hypotheses of Kardashev and endorse
that there may be different viable methods of detection, need to such an item exist. If there's
a sealed Dyson Sphere with an area actual of our stars (taking the precise measurement and
no longer leaving space in-between for a greater direct measurement), the place of the star
would be 6,078,747,774,547 km2 and with the aid of the use of Dennis L. Mammana’s pre-said
size that there's one atom according to cm³ in “empty” space, if we convert that to metres we
1 m³ = one million cm³
Now taking the place of an atom, the usage of the version used specially in particle and
quantum physics of one×10-12 m, or one trillionth of a metre (Mark winter, 2014), and
multiplying it by using one million cm³. we've a place of space packed with 1x10-6 m of atoms
consistent with cubic metre, when that is multiplied via the area of the outside wall of the
hypothetical Dyson Sphere it might suggest that there are potentiall of the individual atoms
mixed vicinity colliding with the out of doors sphere at any degree.
As heat flows from hot to cold, a cold reservoir should be maintained, if this had been to be
within a a hundred% sealed Dyson Sphere, subsequently the gaseous content material and
energy in the sphere will reach thermal equilibrium, the whole lot may be on the equal
temperature and no useful.
In case you think about a warmness engine (or even electrical as there could be frictional heat)
like water flowing down the side of a hill, electricity flows from a higher temperature to the
lower temperature. it's far this drift that an engine converts into useable work.
Carnot Engine,2014

It does now not remember how high the top of the hill is (using the hill peak as an analogy to
the temperature of the high temperature reservoir), you will most effective get the amount of
labor from the elevation of the reservoir (temperature of the sink reservoir (bloodless)) that
the heat flows into.
As consistent with the warmth trade of radiated electricity thru rays in space, if the big name
is absolutely covered with the aid of the structure, the radiated electricity transferred inside
the sphere itself might be absolutely contained, the photosphere is the shell of a celebrity in
from which mild is radiated, assuming that the Dyson Sphere itself may be just out of doors
the fringe of a celebrity’s photosphere (the inner most vicinity of a luminous object).
The physicist and herbal logician Ludwig Boltzmann in conjunction with the theoretical
physicist Max Planck theorised that each physical body of mass will spontaneously and
continuously emit electromagnetic radiation, this is known as Black body Radiation, and as such
Boltzmann theorised that the sun emits in the area of 5700 okay at the photosphere
(, 2016), that is a completely excessive temperature and as such, have to a Dyson
Sphere comprise stated electricity, helping existence without a vent once it reached thermal
equilibrium seems unfitting when the fashions for life are primarily based on “The Goldilocks
area”, or “not too warm, not too bloodless.” (NASA, 2003).


It is well-known (see any introductory astronomy textbook) that stars are classified by using
the use of the so-called Hertzprung-Russel (HR) diagram, wherein each star is represented as
a point within the absolute significance-spectral magnificence (i.e. Luminosity-surface
Temperature) plane. the celebrities are not disbursed uniformly on that aircraft however are
available in 3 essential agencies. The diagonal band is known as the principle sequence, the
institution on the lower left are the white dwarfs, and the organization kind of top proper are
pink giants. The names are suitable: temperature decreases to the right, and high temperature
stars are blue-white, low temperature stars are crimson. additionally, the luminosity of a celeb
in phrases of its radius, and surface temperature is given by means of
L = 4πR2σT4
so we've
R ∝ √ L T2
consequently radius will increase from the decrease-left to top proper.
It turns out that these three groups represent evolutionary degrees within the life of a celeb.
the main collection consists of stars fusing hydrogen, whereas the red giants are stars who
have ended their major-sequence lifestyles and now are fusing higher factors at furious rates,
white dwarfs are lower mass stars which have exhausted the feasible fusion reactions and are
slowly cooling through radiation. The white dwarfs constitute one of the 3 viable give up-states
of stellar evolution, the opposite two being neutron stars and black holes.

The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram

Figure: The Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) diagram for a consultant sample of stars; 22000 stars from
the Hipparcos Catalogue collectively with 1000 low luminosity stars (purple and white dwarfs)
from the Gliese Catalogue of nearby Stars. tailored from Richard Powell.
Stars with hundreds of up to approximately 4 solar hundreds will sooner or later turn out to be
white dwarfs. The restrict is uncertain, considering stars eject some mass into space at some
point of the pink giant degree, and the criterion is the mass that remains. Even then, rotation
makes a difference, but a non-rotating big name will change into a white dwarf if the remaining
mass is less than the Chandrasekhar mass restriction which is 1.4 solar hundreds.
Possibly, situations must stay consistent for a surprisingly long term for lifestyles to flourish
and diversify; intense deviations result in mass extinctions. additionally, presumably,
intelligence arises most effective after a long process of evolution. due to the fact that the
primary-series life of a celeb is roughly proportional to the inverse cube of its mass, one could
assume the celebs of maximum planetary structures harboring sensible lifestyles to ultimately
come to be as white dwarfs. If interstellar travel is basically elaborate, e.g. due to power
requirements –kinetic power of a relativistic spaceship should be numerous, perhaps tens of
instances its relaxation power– or the vastness of interstellar distances implying one manner
or generations-lengthy trips, building a Dyson Sphere across the newly shaped white dwarf
might be the herbal manner of sustaining the lifestyles of the civilization.
Certainly, the red large stage is also quite lengthy, approximately one billion years for a sun-
mass celebrity (it decreases with mass), so it might appear that life/intelligence/civilization
could also expand for the duration of that stage. however, situations like radiative flux and
stellar wind, even the mass of the famous person, are pretty variable throughout the red giant
phase, rather than the principle-collection duration, whilst they are strong. as a result, whilst
the astronomically-lengthy-time period outlook of an clever civilization is problem of
conjecture, a civilization set to construct a Dyson Sphere as discussed in this paintings might
possibly arise at some stage in the principle sequence period of its superstar, and discover ways
to live on the red giant degree; maybe briefly migrating to an orbit farther from its megastar,
both to a planet, or failing/rejecting4 that, to orbital habitats a l. a. O’Neill. In truth, such an
effort would offer the revel in needed before undertaking the development of the Dyson
Sphere across the eventual white dwarf.

We argued that most stars (if any) harboring clever existence ought to emerge as as white
dwarfs, therefore it is natural to also bear in mind those items further to predominant series
stars as vital gadgets for Dyson Spheres. more importantly, it's far possible to find parameters
for those DS’s such that each the temperature and gravity are close to the values for the kind
of life we are acquainted with. This should be contrasted with the same old concept of the
Dyson Sphere, AU-sized and around a major-series superstar, where in gravity is negligible at
the DS, hence artificial gravity can be wished, a generation which might be not possible. other
advantages are plenty less need for building materials compared to the ‘trendy’ DS, and the
possibility of converting trash into strength at nuclear fission-reactor efficiencies. A
disadvantage is tons stricter energy requirement for the building substances. We finish that
106 km-scale Dyson Spheres built around white dwarfs are as a minimum as sensible because
the ‘trendy’ ones, and in all likelihood greater possibly. unluckily, they could additionally be
tougher to stumble on.
1. Taylor Donovan Barnett, Everything You Need to Know About Hypothetical Sun Megastructure, the
Dyson Sphere, March 06, 2019

2. Deborah Byrd, Human World, August 30, 2018

3. Michele Turansick



5. A. Cordero-Davila, J. R. Kantun-Montiel, and J. Gonzalez-Garcia, in Imaging and Applied Optics

Technical Digest 2012 (Optical Society of America, 2012), p. 13.



8. F. J. Dyson, ”Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation” Science, 131, 1667-1668

9. J.D. Barrow, Impossibility: The limits of science and the science of limits, Sect. V.5, Oxford Press,
USA (1988)

10.Statistical review of world energy 2014 BP.
review-ofworld-energy-2014-full-report.pdf, accessed 8 March 2015.

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