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Please check the court calendar to know the sequence of the case.  This is posted at the door
or beside it and/or on the lawyer's table.
2. When the case is called, enter your appearance as follows: Good morning your honor, I  am
atty ________ of  ______ law firm  respectfully appearing for the _____ .  Ready your honor.
(If the case is called and it did not proceed either because the opposing counsel requested for
second or third call, the way you enter your appearance for the second or third calls as follows:
same appearance for the _______
3. If the judge directs you to call your witness after you said ready your honor or if you think  the
judge is waiting for you to call your witness then call your witness as follows: your honor, may
I/we call to the witness stand mr/mrs __________
4.At the witness stand, the witness will be sworn to and her personal circumstances will be taken 
by  the interpreter.  After the interpreter states aloud the personal circumstances, then you have
to say the following: May I proceed  your honor
5. Wait for the court to say: proceed
6. Then you offer the testimony as follows: your honor the testimony of the witness is offered
to prove the following:  ___________  and such other matters relevant to the case.

7. Have you executed a judicial affidavit in connection with this case? Yes

8. If shown to you will you be able to identify it? Yes
9. Showing to you a judicial affidavit executed on _______ consisting of ___ pages please
kindly go over the same and tell the honorable court what is its relation to the one that you
executed? It is the same judicial affidavit.
10. ( normally no need to mark the judicial affidavit as exhibit as its equivalent to
testimonial evidence, but other judges allows or requires marking and if judge requires this
is how you state it ----  Your honor, may we request that the judicial affidavit executed on
__________ consisting of ___  pages be marked as our exhibit __________[ the judge will
then say marked it]   
11. There is a signature appearing on _____ page  on top of the name _____whose
signature is that? My signature
12. May we request your honor that the signature identified to be marked as our exhibit
13. There is another signature on top of the name _______ notarizing officer, whose
signature is that? That is the signature of ______
14. Why do you know that is _____ signature? Because I saw ____ signed it  in front of me.
May we request your honor that the signature identified to be marked as our exhibit ____
15. At this juncture may we request that the documents mentioned in the answers to the
questions in his Judicial Affidavit be marked as follows:
16. In your judicial affidavit marked as exhibit ________ in  answer to question no _____ you
mentioned  a ____[document]  already marked as exhibit-_______, I am showing to you  the
_______ what relation has this document to the one that you mentioned? One and the same.
17. In   answer to question no _____ you mentioned a ____[document]  already marked as
exhibit-_______, I am showing to you  the _______ what relation has this document to the one
that you mentioned? One and the same. ( so on and so forth)

18. In case the document that is presented has not yet been marked  you can phrase it as
follows: In  answer to question no _____ you mentioned ____[document]  I am showing to you 
the _______ what relation has this document to the one that you mentioned? One and the same..
May we request that the document be marked as our exhibit ___. Be prepared however to argue
if the opposing counsel objects.

19. After completing all the identification of the documents and presentation of the direct
examination  ask the witness: Do you confirm and affirm the truthfulness and veracity of
your judicial affidavit? Yes

20 That will be all your honor. The witness is ready for cross

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