Ral Development

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An outlay of `61723 lakh is set apart for the sector Rural Development for the year
2014-15. Of these `21997 lakh is the share of Rural Development, `39516 Lakh is used for
Community Development & Panchayat and `210 Lakh is for Land Reforms. The support
for District Level Outlets for Marketing Rural Products’ and ‘State Support to Sericulture’
are discontinued from the Annual Plan 2014-15. The assistance to SHGs under SGSY shall
be merged with NRLM. It was agreed upon in the plan discussion that ‘The Renovation of
Food Processing and Nutrition Centre at Balussery’ is also handed over to Kudumbasree.
The SCP/TSP provision under Rural Development is `5377 lakh and `900 lakh respectively
which is included under the sector ‘Welfare of Scheduled Cast / Scheduled Tribes’.


1. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme

(MGNREGP) (10 % State Share)
(Outlay ` 4000 lakh)
MGNREGP is one of the major flagship programmes of Government of India and
the provision is for meeting the state share for implementing the scheme under National
Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 and for establishing the State Employment
Guarantee Fund. The act seeks to provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the
households in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment
with minimum wages in every financial year to every households whose adult members
volunteer to do unskilled manual work and register their names with the LSGs concerned,
All the workers irrespective of gender are entitled to get equal wages under the programme.

The primary objective of the programme is to augment wage employment with focus
on natural resource management through activities listed under thrust areas.

Thrust areas
• Water conservation and water harvesting.
• Drought proofing (including afforestation and tree plantation).
• Irrigation canals, including micro and minor irrigation works.
• Provision of irrigation facility to land owned by households belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes or to land of beneficiaries of land
reforms or that of the beneficiaries of Indira Awaz Yojana programme.
• Renovation of traditional water bodies including desilting of tanks.
• Land development.

• Flood control and protection works, including drainage in water-logged areas.

• Rural connectivity to provide all weather access.
• Bharath Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra.
• Any other work, which may be notified by the Central Government in
consultation with State Government.

Physical Target 2014-15

Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is a demand driven programme. Therefore no target is
fixed. About `18.00 lakh families are likely to demand employment under the scheme during

Women Component
As per MNREG Act, atleast 1/3 of the beneficiaries shall be women who have
registered and requested for work under the scheme. This will be ensured. In actual practice,
92% of the workers are women.
An amount of `4000 lakh is provided under the scheme as state share during 2014-15.

2. Sericulture Development Project (State Share in different ratios in different

(Outlay ` 14.20 lakh)
The main objective of the scheme is to strengthen the sericulture activities in the state
to generate employment in the rural areas through mulberry plantation, cocoon production
and finally silk and fabric production. The revival of agriculture sector through the
promotion of mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing is also considered as an important
Support for planting Mulberry, extending irrigation facility, Identification of suitable
farmers in the Panchayat for making mulberry plantation and arrangement & supply of
mulberry saplings for planting mulberry in the selected gardens ,procurement of cocoons,
mechanization of Mulberry Garden and Development of post cocoon sector etc are the major
activities proposed under the scheme.

Thrust areas
• Identification of suitable farmers in the panchayat.
• Extent financial assistance to install irrigation facilities.
• Timely dissemination of technical know how at the farmers level.
• Provide support for Cocoon transportation.
• Support farmers to produce quality cocoons.
• Increase the production of Bivoltine silk in the state.
• Conduct extension and publicity programmes.

Physical Target 2014-15

Sl. No Component Outlay Proposed
1 210Acr to 150 new
Planting Material assistance (area)
2 Assistance for irrigation and other water conservation 50Acr and 75
and usage technique (Irrigation subsidy) Farmers
3 Extension and publicity programmes
4 Incentive for the production of bivoltine silk yarn 50MT.
5 Computer aided textile designing system 1 Unit

An amount of `14.20 lakhs is provided as State share for the project during 2014-15.

3. Project Preparation, Facilitation and Innovation (VEGA Project)

(Outlay ` 20 lakh)
The objective of the scheme is to organize the skilled and semi skilled labourers from
various sectors such as painting, repairing and maintenance of electrical and electronics
equipment etc. and providing them sufficient job opportunities. The Poverty Alleviation
Units of all districts have been implemented this Virtual Employment Gateway (VEGA)
project. Activities of the programme include setting up of office-cum-call centre, furnishing
the office and purchase of computer with internet connectivity.
An amount of `20 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

4. State Support for PMGSY

(Outlay ` 7500 lakh)
The PMGSY has been launched to establish rural connectivity by connecting
unconnected habitats with all weather resistant roads of high quality. The Kerala State Rural
Roads Development Agency under LSG Department is the nodal agency for implementing
the scheme. The funds provided by Govt. of India under PMGSY have to be used only for
meeting the actual estimate cost, which is directly released to KSRRDA. As per the existing
norms, there is no provision for utilizing the fund for tender excess, shifting of utilities and
maintenance of work. Hence, it is proposed to support PMGSY scheme by the state Govt. for
the following components. The length of the total number of roads to be constructed during
2014-15 is estimated as 1000 kms.
Financial & Physical Target 2014-15
Outlay proposed Physical
Sl. Target
Components for 2014-15
No. In kms.
` Lakh)
1 Tender Premium over and above Estimate 7000.00

2 Shifting of utilities 500.00 1000 Km.

Total 7500.00

An amount of ` 7500 lakh is provided for 2014-15 for the scheme.

5. Construction of Building of newly formed Blocks

(Outlays ` 500 lakh)
The objective of the scheme is to construct building for the newly formed six Block
Panchayats namely Kalikavu (Malappuram), Kalpetta(Wayanad), Kalyasseri,
Panoor(Kannur), Parappa, Karaadukka (Kasaragode).
An amount of `500 lakh is provided for the scheme during the year 2014-15.
6. Furnishing of Swaraj Bhavan
(Outlay ` 100 lakh)
The scheme aims at furnishing the offices proposed to be accommodated in the
Swaraj Bhavan Building. Activities include partitions of rooms and setting up of cabins,
purchase of modern furniture, electrical works and network cabling.
An amount of `100 lakh is provided for the scheme during the year 2014-15.
State Plan Schemes – Proposed to be Implemented through LSGIs
An outlay of `9862.8 lakh is set apart for the implementation of schemes namely
IAY, NRLM, Administrative Cost of DRDA and RIDF(NABARD assisted schemes) through
Local Self Government Institutions. Of which `2800 lakh is provided to Grama Panchayat,
`6144.80 lakh is provided to Block Panchayat and `918 lakh is provided to District
Panchayat. The details of amount provided to the schemes are given below.
(Rs. in lakhs)

Sl.No Name of Scheme Outlay

Grama Block District Total
Panchayat Panchayat
1 NRLM (General) 2500.00 2500.00
2 Ad. Cost of DRDA 400.00 400.00
3 IAY 5444.80 5444.80
4 NABARD assisted 300.00 700.00 518.00 1518.00
Total 2800.00 6144.80 918.00 9862.80

An outlay of `9862.80 lakh has been provided in Appendix IV of Budget 2014-15 with
detailed write up of the above schemes.


1. State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) (50% State Share)

(Outlay ` 90.00 lakh)
State Institute of Rural Development, Kottarakara is the apex training institute in
Rural Development imparting training to officials, elected representatives of PRIs and the
representatives of Voluntary sector in planning and implementation of rural development

programmes. SIRD plays a key role in identifying the factors contributing to the
effectiveness of development programmes and helps in building the capacities of a large
number of development functionaries. It was established in the year 1987 and was
registered as an autonomous body under the Travancore Cochin Charitable Societies
Registration Act.

Physical Target 2014-15

Altogether 980 training programme will be conducted and the category wise break up
is given below.

Category No. of Trainees

Officials 4800
Elected representatives 1300
Other(NGO,CBO etc.) 23000
Total 29100

The running cost of SIRD is provided by Central and State Governments in the ratio
50:50. An amount of `90 lakh is proposed under the scheme as state share during 2014-15.

2. Information Centres in Block Panchayat Offices

(Outlay ` 35 lakh)
Block Information Centres have been established for building up a comprehensive
data base in Block Panchayat Offices there by providing all the basic information required for
Panchayats and Block level planning process on a continuing basis. It helps to enable the
Block Panchayats in the maintenance and updation of the basic information in electronic
form. The process of online data entry and programme implementation in electronic data
form enables the maintenance of connectivity between Rural Development
Agencies/Collectorates and Assistant Development Commissioner and Commissionerate of
Rural Development.

` lakh)
i) Replacement/repair of computers/laptops and other accessories 8.00
in the offices of Commissionerate of Rural Development
cabling, networking, modification of official web site by
incorporating district-wise log-in and other utilities.
ii) Replacement/upgradation/maintenance of computer accessories
in ADC (Gl) offices. 4.20
iii) Expenditure directly related to strengthening of Block
Information Centers, so as to keep the computer network in the
Block Offices functional and to maintain connectivity with 22.80
Poverty Alleviation Units/Collectorates/Commissionerate of
Rural Development.
Total 35.00

The Component wise details of Information Centres in Blocks during 2014-15.

An amount of `35 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

3. Kudumbashree
(Outlay ` 11549 lakh)
The State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM) i.e Kudumbashree, spearheads
community based intervention for poverty eradication. The mission focus on self help,
demand-led convergence of available services and resources under the leadership of the
local governments. Moreover, Kudumbasree is associated mainly with livelihood,
banking, social development and gender development. Different programmes and
campaigns are associated with these activities. The ongoing schemes under Rural
Development viz., Renovation of Food Processing and Nutrition Centre, Balussery and
Support for State Level Outlets for Marketing Rural Products (KERAMS) will be taken
over by Kudumbasree from 2014-15 & 2015-16 Annual Plan respectively. Similarly,
Assistance to SHG under SGSY should be merged with NRLM from 2014-15 onwards.

Thrust areas
• Social Development Activities
• Ashraya Programme
• BUDS School
• Balasabha& Bala Panchayats
• Holistic Child Health Activities
• Tribal special project for sustainable development.
• Coastal Special Project
• Micro Finance
• Micro Enterprises
• Gender Self Learning Project

The Component wise financial target and physical target during 2014-15
Financial terget
` Lakh)

I Organisation
a. A & OE
b. CBO Strengthening Programme
c. Honorarium to CDS chair persons 3100.00
d. Administrative Grant for CDS
e. Award for Best CDS
f. Enabling Environment
g. MIS

II Social Development
a. Asraya
b. Buds
c. Gender Self Learning Programme
d. Strengthening of Balasabha/Bala
panchayat and Holistic Child Health
Activities 3499.00
e. Tribal special project of sustainable
f. Coastal Special Project
III Local Economic Development
A). Micro Finance
a. Strengthening of CBOs
b. Matching Grant
c. Skill Upgradation
d. Interest subsidy 4950.00
e. Corpus Fund for other Communities
B) Micro Enterprise Activities
a. Rural Micro Enterprises (RME)
b. Yuvashree
c. Innovation Fund
d. Technology Fund
e. Revolving Fund
f. Cluster & Networking
g. Crisis Management Fund
h. Skill up gradation Training
i. Handholding Support through Micro
Enterprise Consultants (MECs)
(C) Marketing
(D) Samagra
(E) Responsible Tourism
(F) Joint Liability Groups (Farming)
Total 11549.00

The entire allocation of Kudumbasree is targeted at women of the community network

programme. An amount of `11549 lakh is provided for Kudumbashree during 2014-15.

4. Modernization of Offices – Computerization and Upgradation of

Infrastructure Facilities
(Outlay ` 100 lakh)
The Outlay proposed is for the modernization and Computerization of Directorate of
Panchayats, Offices of the Deputy Director of Panchayat, Assistant Director of Panchayat and
Performance Audit Units.

An amount of `100 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.


5. Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA)

(Outlay ` 1500 lakh)
Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) is an autonomous body strengthening
democratic decentralisation and act as the nodal agency for training, research and consultancy
for local governments in Kerala. Now the Government of Kerala has decided to develop
KILA as a deemed university with specialized centres of local governance. The outlay
provided is for the following components.

Component wise financial outlay during 2014-15

Sl. No. Project
(` lakh)

Capacity Building Programmes for Strengthening

1 750.00
Decentralization Local Governments in Kerala

2 International & National Seminars and Workshops 100.00

3 State Resource Group and Strengthening and Help Desk System 40.00

4 Action Research Programmes 20.00

5 Documentation of Best Practices 25.00
6 Faculty Development Programme 10.00

7 Exposure Visit of Elected Representatives to other states 10.00

8 Publication of Books 30.00
9 Area Development Programmes 50.00
10 Procurement of Library Books and Journals 10.00
11 Purchase of Computers 50.00
12 Training Equipments 10.00
13 Construction Works 395.00
Total 1500.00

An Amount `1500 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

6. Information Kerala Mission (IKM)

(Outlay `800lakh)
Information Kerala Mission (IKM) is the flagship e-governance project of
Government of Kerala and is working in the mission mode with the objective of
strengthening local self-governance through Information Communication Technology (ICT)
applications. IKM addresses the entire gamut of issues concerning Local Body governance,
Decentralised Planning and Local Economic Development. It envisages computerising and
networking of all LSGIs.

Financial Target 2014-15

Financial Outlay
Sl No Components
` in Lakh)
1 Application software Development 100.00
2 Technical support, Testing & Handholding 100.00
3 Infrastructure Development and maintenance 150.00
Implementation, Capacity building and field level
4 150.00
Roll out of application, software, project management &
5 300.00
Total 800.00

An amount of `800 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

7. Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) (State Share 10%)

(Outlay ` 1000 lakh)
Development of rainfed or degraded areas through participatory watershed approach
is the focal area of IWMP. Planning Commission of India together with National Rain fed
Area Authority (NRAA) framed the Common Guidelines 2008 for water shed programmes
based on Parthasarathy Committee Report. The time limit of the Programme is 5 years.

Thrust areas
• To improve rural livelihood through participatory watershed development with
focus on integrated farming system for enhancing income, productivity and
livelihood security in a sustainable manner.
• Improving access of the poor, especially woman, to enjoy the benefits of the
programme and enhancing the role of women in decision making process and
their representation in the institutional arrangements.
• Conservation of natural resources i.e water, soil and vegetation through
watershed management practices.
• Prevention of land degradation due to soil erosion by wind and water.
• Prevention of rapid depletion of ground water table through recharge

Physical Target 2014-15

Physical target at present is 61 projects to cover 3350 Ha. The funding pattern of the
schemes is shared between the Centre and the State at the ratio 90:10.
An amount of `1000 lakh is provided for meeting the State share of IWMP projects
during 2014-15.
8. Special Development Fund for MLA – Area Development
(Outlay ` 14100.00 lakh)
The objective of this scheme is local area development. The scheme started in
2001-02, and is being implemented in the same pattern of the MP’s Local Area Development

Scheme. Under this scheme each MLA getting Rs.100.00 lakh each per year for
implementing developmental activities in respective Assembly constituency.
An amount of `14100.00 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

9. Strengthening of Extension Training Centres (ETC)

(Outlay ` 90 lakh)
The objective of the scheme is to upgrade the infrastructure facilities of the Extension
Training Centres and for organizing training programmes for officials, PRI representatives,
SHGs, NGOs etc. The programme is also intended to provide agriculture activities in the
farm areas of 3 ETCs, viz; ETC, Kottarakkara, Mannuty and Thaliparamba.
Physical target will be to organize 200 training programme and to train 7200
personnel during 2014-15.

Component-Wise Financial Outlay of ETC during 2014-15

(` lakh )
(1) Conduct of Training Programmes including Village Artisans, Training
programme and provision of payment of stipend to Trainees of village 27.00
artisans training programme.
(2) Creation/upgradation of Infrastructure facilities in the Extension Training
Centres. This includes upgradation of training halls, class rooms,
workshops, replacement of training and teaching aids and facilities in the 54.00
hostel which have become obsolete, renovation of the Extension Training
Centre Campus roads and for setting up model watersheds.
(3) Providing assistance for agriculture activities in the farm areas of 3 ETCs 09.00
Total 90.00
An amount of `90 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

10. Suchitwa Keralam

(Outlay ` 2000 lakh)
Suchitwa Mission is the implementing agency of the comprehensive action plan,
Malinya Mukta Keralam (MMK) which has been prepared for tackling the issues and
challenges in the seven components of sanitation accepted universally ie., safe disposal of
human excreta, home sanitation and food hygiene, personal hygiene, solid waste
management, liquid waste management, safe handling of drinking water and community
environmental sanitation.

Stress zones
• Solid waste management
• Liquid waste management
• Public and institutional sanitation
• Integrated Low Cost Sanitation
• E-Toilet
• Model Seepage Treatment Plant.

Suchitwa mission has proposed the following activities with tentative physical and
financial targets.
Proposed Physical Target and Financial Target during 2014-15
Fananci Unit cost Physical
Sl. No Components al Target based on Target (in
` lakh)
(` estimate units)
Solid Waste Processing Plant and its Based on
1 50 5
modification estimate
Studies, Demonstration, Exhibition,
Establishment of help desk, Technicians Based on As per
2 25
for helping household in waste estimate requirement
management etc.
Based on
3 Source level treatment of waste 800 978
Based on
4 Pre monsoon cleaning activity 725 7250

Capacity building, training, IEC, public Based on As per

5 15
relation, Media campaign estimate requirement

Liquid Waste Management including Based on

6 300 5
Septage Treatment Plant estimate
Based on As per
7 Administrative Cost 85
estimate requirement
Total 2000

An amount of `2000 lakh is provided under the scheme for meeting expenses of the
above components during 2014-15.

11. Burial Ground

(Outlay ` 1000 lakh)
It is a mandatory obligation of the Grama Panchayats to set up Burial Ground.
Director of Panchayats should prepare the priority list of Grama Panchayats based on
appropriate criteria. (population, density of population, availability of land and excess fund
required) All Grama Panchayats in the priority list should include the project for setting up of
burial and burning ground in their Annual Plan and implement it with the approval of DPC.
In addition to the government share, the Grama Panchayat should find the additional
resources for the implementation of the project. The state share can be utilized for the
purchase of land, construction of plant and compound wall or any other components included
in the project. The unit rate may be fixed by the Department in consultation with
Administrative Department.
An amount of `1000 lakh is provided for the year 2014-15 for giving financial
assistance to 50 Grama Panchayat at the rate of `20 lakh each, based on the principle of first
cum first served.

12. Setting up of Slaughter Houses

(Outlay ` 1000 lakh)
Setting up of Slaughter Houses is the mandatory responsibility of Grama Panchayaths.
One Grama Panchayat in each block should prepare a project of slaughter house using the
estimate prepared by Suchithwa Mission, where land is available for the construction as per
the estimate. The selected Grama Panchayat in the priority list prepared by the Director of
Panchayats should include project for “setting up of slaughter house” in their Annual Plan
and implement it with the approval by DPC. In addition to the state share, the Grama
Panchayat shall find additional resources for the implementation of the project in time.
The unit rate of slaughter house may be fixed by the department.
An amount of `1000 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

13. Support for State Level Outlets for Marketing Rural Products
(Outlay ` 10 lakh)
A State Level Marketing Organization namely Kerala Rural Development and
Marketing Society (KERAMS) has been functioning under the Rural Development
Department which has set up a sales outlet for marketing the products of rural entrepreneurs
and SHGs. The outlay is for providing additional working capital and for
100anchayats100aliz and 100anchayats100al for the sales outlet.
An amount of `10 lakh is provided under the scheme during 2014-15.

14. Kerala Local Government Service Delivery Project (KLGSDP)

(Outlay `2242 lakh)
Government of Kerala has formulated Kerala Local Government and Service
Delivery Project (KLGSDP) to enhance and strengthen the institutional capacity of the local
government system in the state. The objective of the project is to deliver services and
undertake basic administrative and governance functions more effectively and in a
sustainable manner. The project will benefit all the 978 Grama Panchayats and 60
Municipalities in the state.
The project have four components.
• Capacity building for local bodies
• Enhancing state monitoring of the Local Government system
• Project management and implementation.
• Performance Grant
The outlay proposed is used for the first three components mentioned above.
Capacity Building for Local Bodies – This component will provide capacity building inputs
to 100anchayats100alize the existing system and human resources of institutions envisioned
for providing training to PRIs.
Kerala Institute of Local Administration ( KILA)
State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD)
Gulathi Institute of Finance & Taxation (GIFT)
Information Kerala Mission (IKM )are the execution support agencies for the project.

Enhancing State Monitoring of the Local Government System- This will provide support
to strengthen the system of performance monitoring of LSGIs in Kerala. The sub
components are Database of GPs and Municipalities information, LSG Service Delivery

Survey and project evaluations. Decentralization Analysis Cell at GIFT is the execution
support agency which have the following functions.
1. Collect, store, compile and report GP/Municipality level and service delivery
2. Carry out a policy advisory function providing independent analysis on the
performance of the State’s intergovernmental fiscal system and service delivery
system and service delivery system and provide ongoing policy advice to
Government of Kerala and the SFC on local and intergovernmental fiscal and
institutional issues.
Project Management and Implementation-This component will provide support to Project
Management Unit (PMU) constituted for the purpose within LSGD which will be directly
responsible for the day-to-day project management co-ordination and implementation.
An amount of `2242 lakh is provided for the scheme during 2014-15.

15. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan – Suchitwa Mission

(Outlay ` 4000 lakh)
The total sanitation campaign is renamed as Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan in July 2012. The
main objectives of the programme are;
• Bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas
• Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas to achieve the vision of Nirmal Bharat by
2022 with all Grama Panchayat in the country attaining Nirmal status.
• Motivate communities and Panchayati Raj institutions promoting sustainable
sanitation facilities through awareness creation and health education.
• To cover the remaining schools not covered under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and
Anganwadi Centres in the rural areas with proper sanitation facilities and undertake
proactive promotion of hygiene education and sanitary habits among students.
• Encourage cost effective and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe and
sustainable sanitation.
• Develop community managed environmental sanitation systems focusing on solid &
liquid waste management for overall cleanliness in the rural areas.

Physical Targets
Sl. No. Component Target
1 Individual Household Latrines 70
2 Construction of community sanitary complexes 350
3 Construction of Toilet for schools 2000
4 Construction of Anganwadi toilets 1200
5 Conducting IEC &HRD Activities 978 GPs
6 Solid & liquid waste management 497600
7 Administrative cost 14 Districts
8 Revolving Fund 1000 Units

The implementing agencies of the project are Grama, Block Panchayats and District
Panchayats. The IEC activities are co-ordinated mainly through the Suchitwa Mission at the
state level and District Suchitwa Mission at the District Level partnering the three tier
An amount of `4000 lakh is provided as state share for the project during 2014-15.


22. National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP)

National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) was framed by
Government of India by amalgamating CSSs Viz; Updating of Land Records (ULR) and
Strengthening of Revenue Administration (SRA) for computerization and digitization of
land records. In order to strengthen the land record modernization activities for the state,
Kerala has started a land management 102anchaya called ‘Kerala Land Information
Mission’ under department of Revenue with the financial assistance from the CSS of
NLRMP. Under the mission, formed a resurvey project of “Bhoomikeralam” in 2008, which
is launched as a mission mode/fast track project to fulfill the objective of NLRMP like
digitization of land records into World Geodetic System (WGS), resurvey of the state by
using modern survey methods.
There are two types of central assistance available to the programme.
1. 50% CSS under NLRMP which is mainly for actual survey works (ground survey)
2. 100% CSS under NLRMP which is mainly for record modernization and
digitization/updation of existing survey records and Training/Capacity building.

National Land Record Modernization Programme (NLRMP) 50% CSS

(Outlay ` 210 lakh)
The outlay proposed under NLRMP 50% CSS is for meeting the expenditure
towards the following components related to ground survey.

Sl. No. Components
` lakh)
1 2 3
Revamping of existing Chain survey schools to Modern
1 160.00
Survey Training Institutions.
GCP - Densification works through Mission with available
2 50.00
in house resource
Grand Total 210.00

An amount of `210 lakh is provided under the scheme during 2014-15 as State Share.


The special area programmes are proposed for the integrated development of Western
Ghats, Coastal Area and backward districts of the State. Integrated Watershed Projects will
be implemented as part of WGDP and integrated coastal area project will be implemented for
the development of the coastal region in collaboration with local governments. In
continuation of Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana, projects will be implemented for the
development of backward districts under the Backward Region Grant Fund.

Schemes for 2014-15

1. Accelerated Development of Western Ghats

(Outlay ` 3586.00 lakh)
Western Ghat Development Programme is a plan scheme implemented with Special
Central Assistance (90% grant and 10% loan). The area in objective of WGDP is Integrated
Development of the Western Ghats Area through natural resource management, eco-
preservation and restoration, protection of bio-diversity and improving living standards of
The WGDP has got two key components viz., improved natural resources
management and improved access to tribal hamlets through footbridges. The management of
natural resources will be carried out in a participatory mode with the involvement of Village
Panchayats and NGOs with appropriate support from R&D institutions of the state. The main
focus of WGDP in the State has been integrated development of watersheds keeping in view
the over-riding priorities of eco-restoration and eco preservation. In addition to the projects
on natural resource management the schemes for livelihood support system and productive
system management are also included. An amount of ` 3586 lakh is provided for the scheme
during 2014-15.

2. Hill Area Development Agency

(Outlay ` 11000.00 lakh)
The Hill Area Development Agency (HADA) has been constituted in 2011-12 under
the Travancore Charitable Societies Act. Activities were initiated for implementation in
2011-12. In order to strengthen the activities of the agency for the faster development of the
hill areas, the following projects are proposed for implementation during 2014-15. The total
amount provided for the development of hill areas is `11000 lakhs Out of this, an amount of
`4000 lakhs under RIDF and an amount of `7000 lakhs is provided under state plan, for the
implementation of projects for comprehensive development of four hill districts
Wayanad,Idukki, Kannur and Malappuram, livelihood security projects, eco friendly small
scale drinking water projects, construction of check dams in small streams, development of
hill roads, natural resources management and strengthening of HADA.
The schemes proposed for implementation through the agency are shown below.

(i) Eco friendly small scale drinking water project, construction of check dams in
Small streams and hill roads
In several locations of the hill areas, there are severe shortages of drinking water
facilities. Source developments as well as flow devices are required apart from gravitational
flow. Small pump sets are also proposed as a component. Eco friendly methods would be
supported under the scheme.
A number of small streams are mapped in the hill areas for development.
Comprehensive development of small streams is required for utilizing the sources for
multiple purposes focusing on livelihood security. Detailed projects will be prepared for the
construction of check dams in selected small streams on a priority basis.
The rural infrastructure facilities especially roads in the hill areas are inadequate,
besides these roads are vulnerable to landslides and other natural calamities. An amount of
`1500 lakh is provided to meet the spillover cost if any of the projects on eco friendly small
scale drinking water, construction of check dams and development of hill roads and to meet
state contribution to RIDF. The balance amount if available will be utilized for taking up new
(ii) Strengthening HADA
An outlay of `100 lakh is provided for meeting the operational expenses of the Hill
Area Development Agency including the cost of project preparation, consultancies,
monitoring and project implementation. The outlay is also proposed for the preparation of
master plan for the hill areas of the State for the comprehensive hill area development
projects of Wayanad, Idukki, Kannur and Malappuram districts.
(iii) Comprehensive Hill Area Development Projects of Wayanad, Idukki,
Kannur and Malappuram districts.
Comprehensive Hill Area Development Projects of Wayanad, Idukki, Kannur and
Malappuram districts are envisaged under the scheme. An amount of `5400 lakh is provided
for the scheme. Based on the master plan for these four districts, development activities are
under taken on need based and area based approach. The major component proposed under
the scheme are drinking water projects, renovation of ponds, construction of check dams,
development of agriculture, livelihood management programmes including dairying and
natural resources management including environment protection.
The hill areas are potential for the cultivation of cool season vegetables and fruits. In
order to support nutrition and livelihood security of the people, it is proposed to implement a
project for the development of agriculture in selected blocks in association with the
department of Agriculture and local self Government institutions. A portion of the outlay
will be utilized for the development of marketing, storage and collection centres. An outlay of
`1000 lakh is provided for the purpose.
In order to tackle poverty in the hill areas and also to strengthen the self employment,
livelihood management scheme focusing on Dairy is proposed by providing assistance to
SHG of hill areas for taking up self employment activities. Basic orientation training and skill
development and management training would be given to selected SHG before assistance and
each group would be given subsidy of 50% of the project, or `2.00 lakhs whichever is less,

which would be linked with the bank loan. 250 SHGs are proposed during 2014-15 for which
an amount of `500 lakhs is provided.
An amount of `400 lakh is provided for the component natural resources management
including environment protection.
Schemes under RIDF

(iv) Development of Rural Infrastructure including hill roads

A number of panchayats are not well connected with good roads in the hill areas.
Similar way other rural infrastructure like storage, marketing as well as processing facilities
are inadequate in hill areas. In order to develop critical rural infrastructure including roads in
the hill areas, an outlay of `4000 lakh is set apart under RIDF for implementation in 2014-15
The breakup of the outlay of the projects implemented by the HADA is shown in the
Sl Amount in
Name of scheme
No ` Lakh
A. State Plan
1 Eco friendly small scale drinking water projects, Construction of
check dams in small streams, development of hill roads and state 1500.00
contribution to RIDF
2 Strengthening of HADA 100.00
3 Comprehensive Hill Area Development Projects of Wayanad,
Idukki, Kannur and Malappuram districts.
(a) Drinking Water Projects 1000.00
(b) Renovation of Ponds 500.00
(c) Construction of Check Dams 2000.00
(d) Development of Agriculture 1000.00
(e) Livelihood Management Programme focusing on Dairy 500.00
(f) Natural Resources Management including Environment Protection 400.00
Sub Total (A) 7000.00
4 Development of rural infrastructure including hill roads 4000
Sub Total (B) 4000
Grand Total (A+B) 11000

Detailed projects indicating the component wise break up, location, physical targets,
outputs and outcomes should be prepared for approval. The proposals under RIDF should be
prepared as per the guidelines of NABARD for approval.

3. Wayanad Package
(Outlay `1900 lakh)
Wayanad is a distress district in the state and is the most backward district. In spite of
various schemes implemented in the district, the basic problems are hindering the
development of the district.

The agrarian economy of the district has been under distress in recent years. Wide
fluctuation in prices has brought in high degree of instability in farm incomes. The State and
Central Government have come out with intervention packages for the revival of the
livelihood of the affected population. Wayanad suffered some economic and environmental
shocks mainly from the sharp fall in the prices of pepper and coffee and a long period of
unsustainable land use practices. Pepper is already in the declining phase due to the
incidence of pests and diseases, loss of erythrina standards due to insect attack as well as
declining productivity.
In order to revive the agrarian economy of the district, it is proposed to implement a
cafeteria of focused intervention, with appropriate backward and forward integration.
An amount of `500 lakh is set apart for the implementation of minor irrigation
including low cost micro irrigation schemes in the drought affected Panchayath like Pulpally,
Mullankolli, Noolpuzha etc. The component will be implemented through the Kerala
Irrigation Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (KIIDCO). Organic farming will be
poromoted with the support of different organizations. Out of `335 lakhs for organic
farming, `35 lakh is set apart for establishing eco-shops and biopharmacies. Extreme soil
acidity and secondary nutrient deficiencies are identified to hamper crop production
especially pepper. An amount of `120 lakhs is set apart for supporting application to
dolomite in pepper growing tracts.
The component wise break up is shown below.

Sl. No Component
(in. ` lakh)
1 Credit revolving fund for JLG Groups through RRB 200
2 Organic farming 335
3 Pepper rehabilitation 700
4 Minor Irrigation 500
5 Village Resource & Counseling Centre through MSSRF 20
6 Project implementation unit 25
7 Support to soil ameliorants like Dolomite 120
Total 1900

4. Sabarimala Master Plan

(Outlay ` 2500.00 lakh)
The Sabarimala master plan aims to develop Sabarimala temple complex and the
surrounding region which mostly form part of Periyar forest Reserve in a complementary and
ecofriendly manner so as to provide a satisfying pilgrimage experience to the pilgrims
visiting the holy shrine. The provision is approved for the livelihood security of the people
from the approved Sabarimala Master Plan. A master plan for Sabarimala was approved in
2007. Provision of sustainable basic infrastructure facilities to the pilgrims to protect

livelihood security of the people while safeguarding the environment is the overall objective
of the scheme. Being a place of pilgrimage huge number of people visit the site every year
and their number exceeds the total population of the state. So the solid waste management
programme is one of the most challenging and prestigious mandates in this field.
The projects initiated includes developing of Nilakkal as a well planned base camp,
constructing an emergency road at Pampa, improving Swamy Ayyappan Road and providing
better waiting facilities at Sannidhanam. The pilgrims comfort, sanitation and safety are the
three major considerations for taking up of projects.The Master Plan envisages development
of hubs like Vandiperiyar and Erumeli in order to control the inflow of pilgrims and to
provide better facilities.
For constructing an extra floor on Valiyanadapandal at Sannidhanam, Sewage
treatment plant at Pamba and Sannidhanam, Augmenting capacity of Kunnar dam an amount
of `2500 lakhs was budgeted during 2013-14.
An amount of `2500 lakh is provided during 2014-15 for meeting the critical gaps
based on the Sabarimala Master Plan. The detailed project has to be approved by Government
before implementation. A coordination mechanism will be developed at the Government
level for the implementation of the project with Government departments, NGOs and
Devaswom Board. The critical gaps alone will be funded from the provision, based on the
Master Plan

5. Kasargod Package
(Outlay ` 7500.00 lakh)
Government has appointed Dr.P.Prabakaran, former Chief Secretary, Government of
Kerala to study the development potential of Kasaragod district and to submit development
perspective plan for the Kasaragod district. As such a package of `11123.07 crore was
suggested in the report for the development of Kasargod. Considering the importance of the
backwardness of the district as well as based on the report, a package in the 12th Five Year
Plan has been proposed and as a first phase of the project, an amount of `2500 lakhs has been
budgeted during 2013-14 as a new scheme.
During 2014-15, an enhanced amount of `7500 lakh is provided for the scheme. The
district administration should priorities projects for consideration under the package. The
committee headed by the District Collector and District Officers of the concerned department
as members and District Planning officer as convener may identify schemes/projects on
priority basis to be implemented in the district.
An Empowered Committee has been constituted with Chief Secretary as Chairman
and Principal Secretary (Planning) as Co-ordinator to recommend and arrange to issue
Administrative Sanction for the projects. An amount of `50 lakh is set apart for setting up a
special project implementation unit in the district.

Coastal Area Development

1. Rural Infrastructure Development fund

(Outlay ` 530.00 lakh)
The development of harbours and coastal infrastructure and other infrastructure
included in the priority list of NABARD will be taken up under RIDF for which a separate
provision of `530 lakh is set apart. In the case of new projects, detailed project reports have to
be recommended by Government to NABARD for sanction.

2. Integrated Development of fishing village

(Outlay ` 8197.00 lakh)
The objective of the scheme is to develop the coastal region of the state in an
integrated manner. In the State there are 222 Fishing villages are identified in 102 LSGIs.
The acute problems faced in the coastal area are lack of housing, scarcity of safe drinking
water, sanitation, energy (Electrification of houses) and the poor livelihood activities. During
2014-15 an amount of `81.97 crore is provided under the scheme Integrated Development of
fishing villages. Out of this `24 crore for the development of 12 fishing villages @ `2 crore
per village, `6 crore provided for construction of toilets and `31.97 crore for providing
drinking water supply schemes in the coastal areas. The balance amount of `20 crore is
provided for the construction cost for individual houses and flats along with land acquisition

3. Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF) (Other Central Assistance)

(Outlay ` 6163 lakhs)
Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF) is designed to redress regional imbalances in
development. The fund will provide financial resources for supplementing and converging
existing developmental inflows in Palakkad and Wayanadu districts in Kerala.Panchayat Raj
Institutions in all levels including municipalities will plan and implement their programmes
after preparing district plan from the bottom upwards on a participatory basis.

Stress zones
• Critical Gap filling in local infrastructure
• Strengthen Panchayat and Municipality level governance
• Professional support to Local Bodies.
• Improve performance and delivery of critical function in

Physical Target
Since the action plan for every year has to be approved by the High-power Committee
headed by the Chief Secretary, Physical Target of the programme will be finalized based on
the action plan.
An amount of `6163 lakh is provided for the programme during 2014-15.

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