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Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Instructions: Choose the correct option (ac).

____ 1. My flat is ____ the tenth floor. a. on b. at c. in ____ 2. Why don't we meet ____ Jimmy's flat
tomorrow evening? a. up b. at c. on ____ 3. When you go ____ my office, you'll see the papers you need
on the floor. a. down b. next c. into ____ 4. The café is ____ the top of the building and there's a
fantastic view. a. at b. in c. to ____ 5. Walk ____ the shopping centre and go out the other side. a. up b.
through c. in ____ 6. I'm sorry but the lift isn't working so you'll have to walk ____ to the meeting room.
a. on b. through c. up ____ 7. In the hotel, the dining room is ____ to the café. a. next b. across c.
through ____ 8. This is the fifth floor. You'll have to go ____ two floors to get to the photocopying
machine on the third floor. a. along b. into c. down

____ 9. This is the town ____ is famous for its cheese. a. which b. who c. where ____ 10. That's the shop
____ has all those expensive clothes. a. who b. which c. where ____ 11. Look! That's the phone ____
works on solar energy. a. where b. who c. that ____ 12. The office ____ I work is only a five minute walk
from the city centre. a. where b. that c. which ____ 13. Is that the house ____ they found those dead
bodies? a. which b. where c. that ____ 14. The bank robber ____ the police caught has escaped. a. which
b. where c. who ____ 15. Isn't that the boy ____ had a fight with your brother? a. which b. who c. where
____ 16. She's the girl ____ got the best exam results in our school. a. that b. which c. where ____ 17.
The dog wasn't happy when I ____ his bone. a. gave up b. set up c. took away ____ 18. We ____ eating
meat last year but I do miss it sometimes. a. died out b. gave up c. took away

____ 19. I ____ with my friends at least once a week and we usually have dinner in a nice restaurant. a.
get together b. pick up c. set up ____ 20. A lot of uncommon words in the language eventually ____. a.
die out b. pass on c. give up ____ 21. I know I ____ Nick's number somewhere, but I've lost it. a. picked
up b. wrote down c. passed on ____ 22. This old recipe was ____ to me from my grandmother. a. picked
up b. set up c. passed on ____ 23. I ____ a few words of Chinese when I was there, but it's a very difficult
language to learn. a. picked up b. got together c. set up ____ 24. The parents ____ an after-school club
to teach traditional dances to the children. a. passed on b. set up c. wrote down ____ 25. Has ____ seen
my keys? a. anyone b. everyone c. someone ____ 26. I haven't had ____ to eat since this morning. a.
anything b. something c. nothing ____ 27. It's strange, we haven't seen ____ all day. a. someone b. no-
one c. anyone ____ 28. It's a bit boring here because there isn't ____ to go at night. a. somewhere b.
anywhere c. nowhere

____ 29. Where is ____? Why are they all late? a. someone b. anyone c. everyone ____ 30. I know my
phone is here ____. a. nowhere b. anywhere c. somewhere ____ 31. I need ____ to drink. Is there any
water? a. something b. anything c. nothing ____ 32. I can't find my cat ____. I hope she isn't lost. a.
nowhere b. anywhere c. somewhere ____ 33. ____ called for you but he didn't leave his name. a. No-
one b. Everyone c. Someone ____ 34. There's ____ we can do by ourselves if we don't have any practical
help. a. nothing b. something c. anything

Instructions: Listen to Track 2.14 and answer the questions.

____ 35. What are the people going to do? a. go camping b. stay in a hotel c. visit their brother ____ 36.
Why does Speaker B need a coat? a. It's going to be cold. b. It's winter c. It might rain. ____ 37. How
many different kinds of lighting can the torch provide? a. one b. two c. three

____ 38. How can the torch help in an emergency? a. It has a built-in mobile phone. b. It makes a special
sound. c. It has its own GPS. ____ 39. How long does the battery last? a. 160 hours b. 116 hours c. for

Instructions: Listen to two stories and choose the correct option (a–c) to answer the questions.

____ 40. In story 1 what was the accommodation? a. a camping site b. a luxurious hotel c. a ship ____
41. How many days should the cruise have lasted? a. two b. three c. four ____ 42. In story 2, where was
the woman's bag stolen from? a. the train station b. inside the hotel c. just outside the hotel ____ 43.
Who got the woman's bag back for her? a. a man who had followed them b. a hotel employee c. the
woman herself ____ 44. What did they enjoy most of all? a. the last night b. sightseeing c. the museums

Instructions: Choose the correct option (a or b).

____ 45. Mum ____ us she would be late home and not to wait for her for dinner. a. told b. said ____
46. My grandmother always used to ____ that one day we would live in space. a. say b. tell ____ 47. Did
David ____ you about his plans for the summer? a. say b. tell

____ 48. My husband ____ me a funny joke this morning. a. say b. told ____ 49. We're setting ____ on
the walk early before it gets too hot. a. off b. about ____ 50. We set ____ camp by the river and lit a fire.
a. up b. off ____ 51. They set ____ to change the world but they soon realised that wasn't going to
happen quickly. a. up b. out ____ 52. When we moved in to our new house, Mum quickly set ____
making it as comfortable as possible. a. about b. up

Instructions: Read the email and choose the correct option (a–c) to answer the questions.

Hi Mum and Dad,

Well I can't believe that another school year has finished. I wish I could come home and see you for the
summer, but I've got a job looking after two little children. I had applied for a waitressing job, which was
better paid than what I'm doing now, but they wanted someone with experience, which I don't have, so
I didn't get it. I started last week and it seems to be all right. The children are nice and their mother
Karen is OK, too, although I don't see very much of her because she works. For my first day with the
children, Karen thought it would be nice if we did something fun together, so she asked me to take them
to the zoo. I hadn't been to a zoo since I was a little girl, but I remember that you used to take me quite
often and I loved it. I don't remember though, why we stopped going.

Anyway, my first shock was how expensive it was. It cost twenty pounds for adults and fifteen pounds
fifty for each child but there was a two pound discount for students like me. Of course Karen had given
me the money  she paid for my ticket as well. The zoo was much bigger than I remembered and there
was so much to see that we spent the whole day there.

We saw every kind of animal you can imagine. Ryan, the little boy, loved the reptile house with all those
disgusting snakes and Julie liked the tigers, but my favourite was the elephant house. I don't know what
it is about elephants, especially the babies, but I love them. Maybe I should have been an explorer or a
tropical vet or something. It was absolutely brilliant! Maybe we should all go together again like we used

Anyway, I have to go.

Bye for now Jane

____ 53. Why wasn't Jane working as a waitress? a. She wanted something with more money. b. They
wanted someone who had done that kind of work before. c. She wanted to work with children. ____ 54.
How much did it cost for Jane and the children to get into the zoo? a. 49 pounds b. 51 pounds c. 52
pounds ____ 55. When she was a child, how often did Jane go to the zoo? a. she never went to the zoo
b. once c. regularly ____ 56. How much did the ticket cost? a. the same as it used to b. more than it used
to c. less than it used to

____ 57. Which animals does Jane not like? a. snakes b. elephants c. tigers

Completion Complete each statement.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the present perfect simple of the verb in brackets.

1. I ______________________________ my mobile phone. Do you know where it is? (lose)

2. David says he ______________________________ the perfect job. He'll tell us about it tomorrow.

3. The children ______________________________ their pets do to do some funny things. (teach)

4. The company ______________________________ in the last year and we need to recruit new staff.

5. Did you know that my colleague ______________________________ all the way round Britain to
raise money for homeless children? (run)

6. You ______________________________ a lot of stupid things in your life, but leaving your job is the
worst. (do)

7. House prices ______________________________ so much that we're not going to sell our house
now. (fall)

8. ______________________________ your parents ______________________________ their car yet?


9. ______________________________ you ______________________________ everything that was

on the shopping list? (buy)

10. I ______________________________ much about what job I'd like to do in the future. (not think)

11. Our team ______________________________ a match for three weeks. (not win)

12. The children ______________________________ in a plane before and they're very excited. (not

Instructions: Complete the sentence with since or for.

13. I've been an engineer ____________________ ten years.

14. Tom and Mary have been engaged ____________________ six months.

15. I haven't seen my cousin Paul ____________________ we were children.

16. We have lived in New York ____________________ 2006.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with made or done.

17. I've ____________________ the beds and washed the floors.

18. I'm sorry, but I think you've ____________________ a mistake.

19. When you've ____________________ your homework, you can watch television.

20. I know I haven't ____________________ very well in my exams.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make zero
conditional sentences.

21. If my dog ______________________________ (hear) a noise outside, he

______________________________ (bark).

22. When the kettle ______________________________ (boil), it ______________________________

(switch) itself off.

23. If there ______________________________ (be) no sun, we ______________________________

(not have) any hot water.

24. Mr Peters ______________________________ (not be) happy if he

______________________________ (not have) lunch at exactly one o'clock.

25. The air conditioning in the hotel ______________________________ (not work) if the windows
______________________________ (be) open.

26. When it ______________________________ (rain), my cat ______________________________

(not go) outside into the garden.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make first
conditional sentences.

27. If you ______________________________ (not use) sun cream, you

______________________________ (burn).

28. The children ______________________________ (phone) us when they

______________________________ (arrive) at summer camp.

29. The computer ______________________________ (not work) if you

______________________________ (not plug) it in.

30. If I ______________________________ (get) the job I ______________________________ (have) a

31. If the world ______________________________ (run out) of water, there
______________________________ (be) a war.

32. My brother ______________________________ (be) very angry if I

______________________________ (use) his laptop without asking him.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the present simple passive of the verb in brackets.

33. Self-defence ______________________________ in many schools nowadays. (teach)

34. Students ______________________________ their timetables at the beginning of each academic

year. (give)

35. Ancient languages ______________________________ by many people anymore. (not study)

36. The British Museum ______________________________ by more than a million people every year.

37. English ______________________________ as the official language in more than 50 countries.


Instructions: Complete the sentence with the past simple passive of the verb in brackets.

38. Your order ______________________________ yesterday. You should receive it tomorrow. (send)

39. The tourists ______________________________ on a tour of the temple. (take)

40. We ______________________________ up by a loud noise at five o'clock in the morning. (wake)

41. I ______________________________ at the airport  I took the bus. (not pick up)

42. The teachers ______________________________ by the children’s good behaviour on the school
trip. (not surprise)

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the past simple or past perfect form of the verb in brackets.

43. When we finally _____________________________ at the airport, we had missed our flight. (arrive)

44. I wanted to get a cheap package holiday, but they _____________________________ out by the
time I looked online. (sell)

45. I had always dreamt of going on a cruise for my honeymoon but instead we
_____________________________ camping in Wales. (go)

46. I _____________________________ surprised when I saw how beautiful the island was because I
had heard it was a fantastic place. (not be)

47. When we got to the hotel, it looked like they _____________________________ it for a year. (not

48. It _____________________________ a horrible day at work and when I got home I just wanted to
forget all about it. (be)
49. When I met my cousin from Australia last year, we _____________________________ each other
for more than twenty years. (not see)

50. The waiter _____________________________ a tip because he had been rude and unhelpful. (not

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the -ed or -ing form of the adjective.

51. It rained every day on our holiday which was really ____________________. (annoy)

52. Have you seen any ____________________ films recently? (interest)

53. We met this really ____________________ couple in France who wouldn't leave us alone. (bore)

54. My dog was very ____________________ the first time he saw snow. (excite)

55. We were very ____________________ after the long flight to Australia. (tire)

56. I am very ____________________ because my grandmother is sick in hospital. (worry)

Instructions: Complete the sentence with the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets.

57. People _____________________________ their clothes in the river. (wash)

58. When I was a child, I _____________________________ a lot. (cry)

59. Before television and radio, people _____________________________ themselves by singing and
telling stories. (entertain)

60. In my grandmother's village, they _____________________________ electricity. (not have)

61. A hundred years ago people _____________________________ as long as they do nowadays. (not

62. _____________________________ you _____________________________ to school? (walk)

63. What time _____________________________ you _____________________________ to bed when

you were a small child? (go)

64. Which gym _____________________________ your sister _____________________________ keep

fit classes in? (have)

Instructions: Complete the reported speech sentence.

65. ‘Every day I have lunch at a restaurant.’

Mr Philips said that every day _________________________________________________.

66. ‘I usually walk to work.’

I told them that _________________________________________________.

67. ‘We're going to that new art gallery.’

The students said that _________________________________________________.

68. ‘I'm meeting Sam for coffee later.’

Nick said that _________________________________________________.

69. ‘We were in Paris at the weekend.’

My friends told me that _________________________________________________.

70. ‘The children visited Grandma in hospital.’

The children's mother told me that _________________________________________________.

71. ‘I've booked the flights to New York.’

Dad told us that _________________________________________________.

72. ‘I've finally finished decorating the whole house.’

Mum said that _________________________________________________.

73. ‘I'll see you on Monday.’

Jane told me that _________________________________________________.

74. ‘We will do everything we can to help your mother.’

My neighbour told me that _________________________________________________.

75. ‘I rented a car and drove all round the island.’

Jamie said that _________________________________________________.

76. ‘Kids, we're having lunch in the garden today.’

Mum told us that _________________________________________________.

Instructions: Complete the second conditional sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

77. You ____________________ (feel) better if you ____________________ (exercise) more.

78. I ____________________ (be) happier if I ____________________ (have ) more money.

79. What ____________________ you ____________________ (do) if you ____________________ (be)

President for a day?

80. If I ____________________ (win) some money, I ____________________ (buy) a new house for my

81. If you ____________________ (be) an animal, what ____________________ you

____________________ (chose) to be?

82. We ____________________ (save) energy if we ____________________ (use) solar power.

83. Our cities ____________________ (look) more beautiful if we ____________________ (plant) more
trees and flowers.
84. We ____________________ (not have) so much pollution if we ____________________ (walk)

85. If I ____________________ (not like) meat so much, I ____________________ (try) being a


86. We ____________________ (be) very scared if we ____________________ (find) ourselves in the

middle of a tornado.

Instructions: Complete the sentence with a noun or adjective. The first letter of the word has been

87. Make sure you plant as many vegetables as you can during the growing s____________________.

88. It's easy to survive in a country that has a strong e____________________.

89. There has been a lot of modern d____________________ like new hotels and shopping centres.

90. Unfortunately there are a lot of social p____________________ like unemployment and crime.

91. Traditional i____________________ like fishing are becoming more and more rare.

92. The area is rich in natural r____________________ like coal and oil.

93. Many countries in Europe have been facing economic d____________________.

94. People have a serious d____________________  they want social development but they don't
want to lose their traditional values.

True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Instructions: Listen to a radio documentary. Are the statements true or false? Write true or false.

____ 1. Kung Fu began in the Shaolin temple.

____ 2. People have been learning Kung Fu for two thousand years.

____ 3. Only boys can study martial arts at Dengfend's schools.

____ 4. The students have to wear red clothes.

____ 5. The schools are very comfortable and students have an easy life.

Instructions: Listen to a historian. Are the sentences true or false? Write true or false.

____ 6. Scott went to Antarctica alone.

____ 7. Scott never got to the South Pole.

____ 8. The hut is being destroyed by snow.

____ 9. Everything in the hut is exactly as it was a hundred years ago.

____ 10. The hut is unique.

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