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Annex 3

1 Looking for a job

As you are coming to the end of your courses at the Financial –Banking
College you begin to wonder what you would do after graduation. During the
weekends you probably go through job columns of some newspapers looking at
some possible openings. You may fill in application forms, write letters of
application, but it is also possible to receive back some letters that will inform you
politely that the position you applied for had already been taken. You may also be
informed that your communication has been acknowledged and it will be receiving
attention in due course. Other efforts may meet with no response. So, the reality
does not appear to you very promising and you do not feel very confident about
finding a job.

2 Trends in Employment

As you look ahead to your own career, you should consider what the future
tendencies will say about employment and employment opportunities. A 1990
survey indicated that lawyers and medical assistants would be in great demand. In
2001, according to human resources experts, it was agreed that specialists in
computer science, accounting, business, marketing and economics will be in high
demand. All these predictions proved to be true. The types of jobs that were
created during the last decade are related to technological advances. So, the new
jobs require high-tech skills and specialists in computer science remain on top.
It is generally agreed that competition gets tougher and tougher. The key to
landing the job you want is career planning and preparation.
3 Career Planning and Preparation

The time to begin planning is as early as possible. It is important to determine

your personal goals, to decide on the role your career will play in achieving those
goals, and then to develop career goals. Once you know where you are going you
can device a reasonable plan for getting there. A good way to start is to match your
interests and skills with those required by various occupational areas. You must, of
course, satisfy the educational requirements for the occupational area you wish to
enter. Preparation is also important when it is time to apply for a job.
Your first contact with a prospective employer will probably be through the mail -
a cover/ application letter and a resume/ CV. Then, if the application letter
succeeds, the deciding factor is the interview with the firm’s representatives
through which the employer gets to know about you and your qualifications.

4 Accepting an Offer

“We’d like to offer you the job” may be the best news a job applicant can
hear. To accept the job, you should send a letter in which you express your
appreciation, accept the offer, and restate the conditions of employment. These
conditions should include the starting salary and a general description of the job
(responsibilities, the immediate supervisor’s name and so on). If you have any
concerns regarding the job, make sure that they are all cleared up before you send
your letter of acceptance.
Less exciting is the situation when you are turned down for the job. Don’t be
discouraged if you don’t get the first position you apply for. Instead, think back
over the application process, analyze it and try to determine what might be
improved. Saying it differently, learn from your experience - and keep trying.
Success will come if you persevere.

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