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You are on page 1of 1 1 So Felowing, Star splig, Chap-01 - Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Ly: > Formulae Chart 1. WK) = 100) + 273.18 2 CF) = 21e0) +32 Mass of an atom of the element z ‘yMass of an atom of carbon (C-12) 3, Relative atomic mass = 4, Number of gram ators = Fu (GAM — gram atomic mass) = Wig) §. Number of gram molecules = rary molecular mass 6. Avogadro's No, N,, = 6.022 10° GAM 7. Mass of 1 atom of element = N ls 8. Mass of 1 moleouie of substance = 2!" (aang — niciar mass) , — Vg) Ny 9. Number of motecuies in W(g) of substance = — Epa, VN, 10, Number of molgcules in V lite of gas at STP. = 11. Number of moleoules in n moles of substance = nx N, | _ Mass of hal element in 1 mele of the expound 12. Mass % of an element in a compound = of tha. 100 Mass of solute 13. Mass percent = Mass of solute Perwent = iaaes of solution * No.of moles of A No, of moles of sclution No. of moles of solute Volume of sciution in itves 46. Dilation formula | MY, = MV, For miing two solutions of the same substance MV, # MV, = MV, # V5) Molarity can be directly calculated from % by mass (WY) if density is known Gx10nd GMM No. of motes of solute 7. Molality(m) = $< : Hy) Nass of solvent in ko 48. Molecular mass = 2 » vapour density Xq__ motality My 19. Tq qo00 where M, - mass of solvent 14. Mole fraction ofA = 45, Molarity(M) = Molatity = Chap-02 - Structure of Atom Formulae Chart 4, Atomic number (2) = Number of protons in the nudieus ef an atom = Number of electrons in a neutral alom Mass number (A) = Number of protons + Number af neutrons Number of neutrons = A= 2 4, Speed of light is equal to the product of frequency and wavelength of light en le=vh in. 5, Enargy of quantum of radiation according te Pianek’s quantum theory [E - Einstein's photoelectric equation 7. Line spectrum of hydregen ) om where ¥ is wave number and 8 Bohr’s model of nope atom, {a} Frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted during transition; v a E, = Energy of lower energy state E, = Enorgy of higher energy state 0) Orbit angular momentum of an electron, {c) Energy of stationary states ji i at (@) Radii of the stationary statas/orbits |", = 82.9| | pm) 9. Energy gap between the two orbits 410. Wavelength of matter wave h aul "5° Tage Mere E = Kiente Energy 11. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle n Axx may = f ox Ap 12. Number of sudshells in.” she! Number ef orbitals in ni shell = Number cf electrons in n® shell = 2n? Number of orbitals in subshell = 2/ +1 Number of electrons in subshell = 2(2/ + 1) 43, Tolal number of nodes = n— 1 Radial nodes = n = Angular nodes = / Chap-03 - State of Matter 1. Boyle's Law : PV, = PV; (at constant T and ) 2 Charles’ Law vi 77 7, (at constant P and 9) aks 3. Avogadro's Law : V = kn (at constant P and T) 4, Ideal gas equation : PY = ART ont P 5. Combined Gas Equation ; PM os + {n, R constant) LOT; 6. Dalton’s Law of partial pressures : P= P, +P. +P, * 7. Partial Pressure in Terms of Mole Fraction : P,= x, Pras: 8. van der Waals Equation : { 9 Compressibilty factor Z= Chap-04 - Thermodynamics Formulae Chart + Energy changes 9, ~ heal exchange at constant volume AU = 9, 4H = q, q, + heat exchange at constant pressure + Enthalay H=U+pv + Relation between AH and AU (OH = AU + pav oc SH EAU + An, RT + Heat capacity specific heat capacity 6, = mT molar heat capacity ¢,, = 7 + First law of thermodynamics aUra+W + Enthalpy of reaction = TAH" (products) - EAH" (reactants) By convention heat of farmation of every element in its standard state is arbitranly assumed to AH # AH AG = AH = TAS Chap-05 - Equilibrium Formulae Chart 4. Equititrium constant, Keq Ky 2 Ks KIRTYO [cr1or 3. Concentration quotient, Q= APP 4. AG* = -2.303 RT logk AE) {AB} = ([HIIOH] = 10°" at 25°C 7. pH = -log [H") 8. pK, = pH + pOH = 14 at 25°C [A_WH,O'] Ke THAT (8 OH} [60H] 10. K, oF K, = cu? 1 Ke KK, 12. Hydrolysis of salts (Fora salt of strong acid and weak base Ky BH = SK pK, ~ togel {ii) For 8 salt of weak acid and strong base pH= Zipk, + pK, + loge) (ii) For salts of weak acid and weak base 1 pHs SOK, + BK, ~ pK] 13K, = AE BP Chap-06 - Solid State Volume occupied by particles. (per unit cell) Volume of unit cel! 4. Packing Fraction (p.t) = Contribution of each atom present on the comer = : Contribution of each atom present on the centre of face = ; Contribution af each atom present on the body centre = 1 Contribution of each atom present on the edge centre = ; = Crystal Radius of atom(r) | No.of atoms per unit cell |p. Simple Cubic | 1 52.4% F: 4 78% BCS. 8 a 2 68% 3. Density of Cubic Crystal Systems ‘Z = number of atoms per unit cell zen N, = Avogadro's Number PAO A= Boy, Ber N= Gram atomic weight of element (g.mot*) 8. Radius-ratio in ionic solids 9 = edge - length Triangular Radius-ratio 0.1555 — <0.225 9.22535 <0414 0414s <0.732 | 0.7322 —<0.999 r r r Chap-07 - Solutions Formulae Chart Number of moles of solute 1. Mola (m= eight of soivent gg) te / KO Number of moles of salute Molanty( Volume of solution (Ly mole IL Number of gram equivalent of solute Normality (N) = ven ‘Volume of solution (L) Genmit Number of gram formula mass Volume of solution (L) PPM = mole fraction * 10" = mass fraction * 10° 2. Henry's law Formality (F)= (p= partial pressure of gas in vapour phase PEK, 4K, = Henrys law constant = Mole fraction of gas 3. Pra = PaXa + PENS, = PB PEI +P |ranas ew Vy = Phy = Pe == 3%= 4 MaspeYenp where Y, and ¥g are mole fractions in vapour phase and P, 1 Ya Ye Poo PROPS 6, Relative lowering of vapour pressure ‘Ug = mate traction of solute} 7. Osmotic pressure x= ORT For isotonic solution, x, 8, Elevation of boiling point k= FG_._MRT T0001... 7000 where m = molality, M, = molecular mass of sovlent 9. Depression in freezing point AT, = K,* mm MRT © O00 ie 1000 4H, 40. van't Hoff factor Experimental colligative property (observed) Caloulated (normal) calligative property =P _ (em) Pe en)+m aT, =b« K, Nemst’s equation = Egy = Ey - 0.0591 log Q 7 Re 13, For ctrode concentration cell, (PtLHy(P,)|H'IF,(P:).P0 mote ‘moe 0.0594, Fae (95. (P = Pressure) For electrolyte concentration cell (Cu| Cu" (C,)I] Cu? (C,)] Cu) endo) eamade 0.0591, Eee ota For concentration cells, ES. =0 44, At equilibrium, E.,=0 (as AG = 0} 15. Temperature coefficient (T.C.) = 2 ‘Change in entropy, Ai = heat of cell-eaction} AH En-( + TAT.) TC. > 0 => Celkreaction is endothermic and vice-versa, 16, Faraday's 1" law of electrolysis m= Zit m= mass of substance deposited = electrochemical equivalent i= current z= Miomiomass tx Faraday's 24 law of electrolysis, mE . mE (€ = equivatent weight) 17. Oxidation potential for halt-cell reaction : M > M+ ne- B26, og te Reduction potential for half-cell reaction ; M™* + ne“ + M T i " Bg Bg + ZRCSRT og itt] aaa 13, Chap-09- Chemical Kinetics and Nuclear Chemisty Formulae Chart 1. For a general chemical transformation nA + mB > pC + aD CIMA -148)_ 10} _ 160) a dt om dt pdt q dt 2. Far elementry chemedal reaction mA + 9B —+ products Theoretical rate = = = HAP x(a) 3. Fora general reaction: 2A + DB —> Products =HAD EP ‘Order of reaction wrt. A ‘Order of reaction wert. B =n 4. Unit ef rate canstant = (male) (itrey™! timet ‘where, = order of reaction 5. Fara zero order reaction; A> & aa) rs overall order of reaction = (m + n) Rate = =RIAP = k (constant) For a first order reaction: A—+ B = sf] Rate = at = KIA] For ann order reaction, v2 * jag? (ora =2) 8 Fora parallel reaction HBA AY 9. For a first order reaction; A—» 8 + C, a reagent reacts with all A, B and © (M5) mie yi) = vol. of reagent} Ky toe 10, Temperature coefficient = —"Y° Asthenius equation. = Ag ®/*T ko tT) ‘A= Arrhenius's constant (0 mt aa E, = Activation energy 100.9 = lhe A= sae a= 2.303 RT 12. Binding energy, BE. = Am x 931.5 Mev Am = mass defect = calculated At. mass - observed At. mass. BE {loial) 8. por nutioon = mass number 1 MeV = 9.6 x 10! Joule mot-* Isotopic atomic mass ~mass no. mass numer 13, Packing fraction, PF. x10" 14. In aradioactive decay, N,= Nem Amount of radioactive substance after 'n’ halle periods 16 15 Chap-10 - Surface Chemistry Formulae Chart 1, Freundlich Adsorption Isotherem ft X) Kp! } net (m) 2. Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm 3. 2. Ke); c= Concentration of sotute in solution, m 4m 4, Zeta potential, Z = Chap-11 - Hydrogen Formulae Chart IH #% FHn2 4% FHx3 00 1. ALwt of H molarmassot gas 2, Vapour density of 2 988 = ‘TowarmassofH,, LHS and RHS both are unitless 3. Molecular wt. = 2 (V.D.) 4. Vol. sirength of HO, = Molarity 11.2 = Normality x 5.6 qaqa v7 Chap-12 - S-Block Elements Formulae Chart General Electronic Configuration ng? Atomic Radii increases down the group Hydration enthalpy decreases down the group lcnisation enthalpy decreases down the group (On reaction with oxygen give oxide, peroxide and superoxides. (On reaction with water produces hydroxide and hygrogen ‘Some important compounds and their general names. NOPORORS [ Name Chemical Formula Prepared by | Caustic Soda NaOH Electrolysis in costner kellner ceil Na,©O,.10H,0 Solvay's Process Baking Soda Glauber's Sait Na(NH,) HPO, NH,Cl + Na,HPO, Potash or PearlAsh Leblane Process Caustic Potash KOH Electralysis of KCI Quick Lime Dacomposition of Caco, ‘Slaked ime Ca(OH), Hydrolysis of Gad Gypsum CaSG,2H.0 ‘CaGl,+ WSO, Plaster of Paris casi by heating gyesum Chap-13 - P-Block Elements Formulae Chart 1. In.general metallic character, electropositive character, atomic radii, basic character, reducing character decreases on moving left to right ina pariod and increases down the group. 2. Some important compounds of p-block elements Borax (Tincal) 1Na,B,0,.10H,0 Cotomenite Ca,8,0,,.5H,0- Kemte 1, 8,0,44,0 Sassolite or boric acid HBO, Diborane BH, Borazole BN, ‘Atunnina AO, Lithium aluminium hydride iAH, Potash Alum K,80,A1{S0,),24H,0 ooo 19 Chap-14 - Coordination Compound 1, Magnetic moment, p= nin +2) BM 2. ao(CFSE) = [(35 y(eragyfee (i (0), ) 3 ICESE) =| (stn } ens ye (Ms) mer 5. For the reaction : M+ 4L——ML, , overall stability constant of complex (ML) is Bs = 6 EAN =2-ON+2(GN) (ol ataacenton) 20 Chap-15 Organic Chemistry Formulae Chart Relations for the estimation of elements in erganic compounds. 12 Mass of CO, formed ‘% of C = 43” Hass of the eompound © 7° 2, MassotHO formed | soy % 01H = 46 * Mass of the compound %otN 28 Wolume of N BtNTP sap 72400 “ “Mass of compound SeotN _ 1-4 Normally of acid used Volume of acid used seesocnrere Mass of the compounct At.massofX | Mass of Agx formed % of X(Halogens) = [198+ At mass of X) Mass.of the compound * 100 82 Mass of BaSO, formed ‘ol S = 295 * Mass of the compound * 1? 62. Mass of Mg.P.O formed Bol P = ye x 100 222 * Mass of the compound 1. Inductive effect (+1 efffect) CH, < C,H, < C,H, NO, > -CN > SO,H> COOH > -F > Cl> 1 >-OR> -OH > -NH, > ~ GH, 2. Relative basic strength in aqueous mecium. RSCH, Br 1 >9° > NH, es > 1 > NH, 1 > NH,> 2° > 2° NH, > 18> 23° 3. Stablity of free radical Me, ioe Mes Me,CH Mee, pe 4. Heal of hytogetton of alkenes: ‘ebutene > cis-2-butene > trans-2-butene 21 5. Leaving nature in, Nuctoophiic substitution reaction APSO; > ROSOS > CH,COO™ > CN"> OH > MeO" > He > &, Number of product formed during erossed aldo condensation 1] Onenpe otsiniera | One type of sindar « 2 2 4 Haatoo g Heators i CH, CH, CHO GH -O-H 2. | Trociflorent types of| Gre type of similar a 3a 3 6 dissimntara Hatomes | H-atoms CH=coCH CH | CH-CH- CHO 3 | Troekttocent types off Troditerent types of 4 7 & assentar o Heaters | csimiar a Heatoms CH.CO-CH.-CH, | PIGH -cO-0H,- cH Content Courtesy: ‘Aakash Educational Services Ltd. Regd O'fice : Aakash Tower, Piot No.4, Sector-11, Qwarka, New Deiti-75 Ph.011-47623656

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