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Diagnosis: Congestive Heart Failure

Differential Diagnosis:
Disease/Condition Differentiating Signs/Symptoms Differentiating Tests

Aging/physical inactivity Aging, deconditioning, and/or Elucidation of the precise

obesity may cause a reduction in reason for exercise
effort tolerance due to dyspnea intolerance can be difficult
and/or fatigue, but without the because several disorders
additional major and minor criteria may coexist in the same
for diagnosing heart failure. patient. Echocardiography
in heart failure shows
characteristic signs of
heart failure. However, a
clear distinction can
sometimes be made only
by measurements of gas
exchange or blood oxygen
saturation or by invasive
measurements during
graded levels of exercise
(i.e., cardiopulmonary
exercise test with

COPD/pulmonary fibrosis Dyspnea may be episodic, with or Pulmonary function tests

without environmental triggers, and will give definite diagnosis
is usually accompanied by cough, of an obstructive
wheezing, sputum, and a history of pulmonary disease. Plasma
smoking or industrial exposure. B-type natriuretic peptide
(BNP) levels may be
intermediate (100 to 400
picograms/mL) in COPD.

Pneumonia Patients may present with fever, CXR may show signs of
cough, and productive sputum, with consolidation. CBC may
focal signs of consolidation show elevated WBC, and
(increased vocal fremitus and blood cultures may be
bronchial breathing). positive for etiologic

Postpartum Patients most commonly present In the presence of

cardiomyopathy (PPCM) with dyspnea, but other frequent elevated D-dimers
complaints include cough, (commonplace in
orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal pregnancy) and positive
dyspnea, hemoptysis, and chest risk factors for
discomfort, which are also common thromboembolic events,
symptoms of PE. PPCM is defined on echocardiography will
the basis of 4 criteria: 1) identify the underlying left
development of cardiac failure in the ventricular systolic
last month of pregnancy or within 5 dysfunction and point to
months of delivery; 2) absence of an the diagnosis of PPCM. It
identifiable cause for the cardiac usually shows left
failure; 3) absence of recognizable ventricular enlargement
heart disease before the last month and significant global
of pregnancy; 4) left ventricular reduction in ejection
systolic dysfunction shown on fraction. Other findings
echocardiograph. A number of may include left atrial
potential risk factors may point to enlargement, mitral and
the diagnosis of PPCM, including age tricuspid regurgitation,
>30 years, multiparity, women of and a small pericardial
African descent, pregnancy with effusion.
multiple fetuses, a hx of
hypertension, and maternal cocaine

Pulmonary embolism (PE) Sudden onset of chest pain, ECG is abnormal in the
dyspnea, and hemoptysis, especially majority of patients with
after childbirth, are suggestive of PE. PE and may show a deep S
wave in lead I and a deep
Q wave and T-wave
inversion in lead III (S1-Q3-
T3). Other common
changes include sinus
tachycardia, complete or
incomplete RBBB, and T-
wave inversion in the
inferior (II, III, aVF) or the
anterior leads (V1 to V4).
Normal levels of D-dimers
can help to exclude PE, but
elevated levels occur in
many types of
cardiomyopathies as well
as in PE.
Pericardial disease May present with chest pain, ECG may show electrical
typically worse on lying down, alternans or ST elevation
swallowing, or coughing; and T wave flattening or
tachycardia; dyspnea; cough; inversion.
edema; fatigue; and low-grade Echocardiography may
fever. Pericardial friction rub may be detect pericardial effusion,
heard at the left sternal border or tamponade, and
apex. pericardial fibrosis. CT scan
or MRI may show
thickened pericardium.
Pericardial biopsy may
reveal underlying cause

Diagnostics Test to rule out differential diagnosis:

Diagnosis is largely clinical; a thorough history and physical examination should be
obtained to identify cardiac and noncardiac disorders or behaviors that might cause CHF or
accelerate progression.
The single most useful diagnostic test in the evaluation of patients is the comprehensive
2-dimensional echocardiogram coupled with Doppler flow studies. Measurement of B-type
natriuretic peptide (BNP) can be useful in the evaluation of patients at initial presentation.
Test Rationale/Result

transthoracic systolic heart failure: depressed and dilated left and/or right ventricle
echocardiogram with low ejection fraction; diastolic heart failure: left ventricular ejection
fraction (LVEF) normal but LVH and abnormal diastolic filling patterns

ECG evidence of underlying CAD, LVH, or atrial enlargement; may be

conduction abnormalities and abnormal QRS duration

CBC laboratory testing may reveal important heart failure etiologies, the
presence of disorders or conditions that can lead to or exacerbate heart
failure; laboratory testing could also reveal important modulators of

CXR Abnormal

B-type natriuretic Elevated

peptide (BNP)/N-
terminal pro-brain
natriuretic peptide
(NT-pro-BNP) levels

elevated in dyslipidemia, decreased in end-stage heart failure,

blood lipids
especially in the presence of cardiac cachexia
standard exercise usually reduced exercise capacity in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy;
reduced exercise capacity and signs of impaired myocardial perfusion
stress testing (bicycle
in ischemic cardiomyopathy; however, functional capacity may be
or treadmill)
completely normal in patients with low left ventricular (LV) systolic
exercise testing
reduced VO2max
(CPX) with VO2max

6-minute walking test as an alternative to CPX it may provide an objective assessment of the
exercise patient's functional status
provides objective hemodynamic assessment of left ventricular filling
right heart
pressure and direct measures of cardiac output and pulmonary and
systemic resistance
endomyocardial rarely necessary to establish the etiology of heart failure; provides
biopsy definitive pathologic evidence of cardiac and systemic disease
myocarditis: subepicardial delayed enhancement in myocardium, high
signal in myocardium in T2 weighted imaging; infiltrative
cardiomyopathy: amyloid (global subendocardial delayed
cardiac MRI
enhancement); sarcoid (delayed enhancement); no subendocardial
delayed enhancement; constrictive pericarditis: thick pericardium as
well as diastolic septal bounce with inspiration
biomarkers borderline to minimally elevated
multi-slice computed
quantifies LVEF and coronary artery disease
tomography (MSCT)

General principles of therapy
 In newly diagnosed patients with CHF, congestion and volume overload should be
promptly treated with diuretics, which may be given intravenously in the initial phase.
Loop diuretics used for the treatment of heart failure and congestion include
furosemide, bumetanide, and torsemide.
 In patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), in addition to diuretics, ACE
inhibitors, beta-blockers, and aldosterone antagonists (e.g., spironolactone, eplerenone)
should be added.
 In unstable patients, beta-blockers should be initiated only after stabilization,
optimization of volume status and discontinuation of inotropes. Beta-blockers should be
initiated at a low dose.
 In patients with CHF and reduced LVEF who are hospitalized with exacerbation of heart
failure, unless there is evidence of low cardiac output or hemodynamic instability or
contraindication, both ACE-inhibitors and beta-blockers should be continued.
 All patients with symptoms and signs of congestion should receive diuretics,
irrespective of the LVEF. In patients with reduced LVEF, diuretics should always
be used in combination with an ACE inhibitor (or angiotensin-II receptor
antagonist), a beta-blocker, and an aldosterone antagonist. Loop diuretics used
for the treatment of heart failure and congestion include furosemide,
bumetanide, and torsemide. The most commonly used agent appears to be
furosemide, but some patients may respond more favorably to another loop
diuretic. In resistant cases, loop diuretics should be combined with a thiazide
diuretic (e.g., chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide) or a thiazide-like diuretic (e.g.,
metolazone, indapamide).
 Loop diuretics and thiazide diuretics differ in their pharmacologic actions. Loop
diuretics increase excretion of up to 20% to 25% of the filtered load of sodium,
enhance free-water clearance, and maintain their efficacy unless renal function
is severely impaired. In contrast, thiazide diuretics increase the fractional
excretion of sodium to only 5% to 10% of the filtered load, tend to decrease free-
water clearance, and lose their effectiveness in patients with impaired renal
function (i.e., creatinine clearance less than 40 mL/minute). Consequently, loop
diuretics have emerged as the preferred diuretic for use in most patients with
heart failure; however, thiazide diuretics may be preferred in patients with
hypertension, heart failure, and mild fluid retention because they confer more
persistent antihypertensive effects.
 Careful monitoring of renal function and electrolytes is essential. The minimum
dose of diuretic should be used to relieve congestion, keep the patient
asymptomatic, and maintain a dry weight

o furosemide : 20-80 mg/dose orally initially, increase by 20-40

mg/dose increments every 6-8 hours according to response,
maximum 600 mg/day

o bumetanide : 0.5 to 1 mg orally once or twice daily initially, increase

according to response, maximum 10 mg/day

o torsemide : 10-20 mg orally once daily initially, increase according

to response, maximum 200 mg/day

o chlorothiazide : 250-500 mg orally once or twice daily, maximum

1000 mg/day

o hydrochlorothiazide : 25 mg orally once or twice daily, increase

according to response, maximum 200 mg/day

o indapamide : 2.5 to 5 mg orally once daily

o metolazone : 2.5 to 20 mg orally once daily

ACE inhibitors
 ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers may be used as first-line treatment. Both are
equally important in terms of survival benefit. It has not been shown that
starting the ACE inhibitor is better than starting the beta-blocker, but in
practice most physicians start an ACE inhibitor first and then add a beta-
blocker; the origin of this practice is historical, as the benefits of ACE
inhibitors were demonstrated 10 years before those of beta-blockers. Also,
most large-scale studies of beta-blockers were conducted using ACE-inhibitor
therapy as comparator or standard. If a patient cannot tolerate target doses
of both an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker when these drugs are co-
administered, it is preferable to co-administer lower doses of both drugs
than to reach the target dose in one class and not be able to initiate the
 captopril : 6.25 to 50 mg orally three times daily
 enalapril : 2.5 to 20 mg orally twice daily
 fosinopril : 5-40 mg orally once daily

One meta-analysis found that irrespective of pretreatment heart rate, beta-
blockers reduced mortality in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
(HFrEF) in sinus rhythm. Achieving a lower heart rate is associated with better prognosis
for patients in sinus rhythm but not those with atrial fibrillation. Mortality was lower for
patients in sinus rhythm randomized to beta-blockers (hazard ratio: 0.73 vs. placebo;
95% confidence interval: 0.67 to 0.79; P < 0.001), regardless of baseline heart rate
(interaction P = 0.35). Beta-blockers had no effect on mortality in patients with atrial
fibrillation (hazard ratio: 0.96; 95% confidence interval: 0.81 to 1.12; P = 0.58) at any
heart rate (interaction P = 0.48). However, this was a retrospective analysis and authors
commented that background therapy, including devices, may have changed since these
trials were conducted and that the heart rate was not measured in a standardized
fashion across the trials. In a randomized trial of patients with atrial fibrillation and
HFrEF, during a median follow-up of 37 months, beta-blockers were associated with
significantly lower all-cause mortality (hazard ratio: 0.721; 95% confidence interval:
0.549 to 0.945; P = 0.0180) but not hospitalization (hazard ratio: 0.886; 95% confidence
interval: 0.715 to 1.100; P = 0.2232). The result of this study supports the evidence-
based recommendations for beta-blockers in patients with HFrEF, whether or not they
have associated atrial fibrillation.

carvedilol : 3.125 to 25 mg orally (immediate-release) twice daily

metoprolol succinate : 12.5 to 200 mg orally (extended-release) once
bisoprolol : 1.25 to 10 mg orally once daily
Primary Prevention
Heart failure is the final pathway for a wide array of pathophysiologic processes.
Interventions that reduce the risk of development of any cardiovascular disease will
ultimately reduce the incidence. Thus, key public health targets are prevention of
development of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity (i.e., metabolic syndrome)
and ischemic heart disease. Lifestyle modifications, such as increasing physical activity,
reducing tobacco, alcohol and recreational drug use, and reducing daily salt intake, and
proper medical treatment of established diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and
coronary artery disease, are expected to help reduce incident heart failure.

Lifestyle changes:

Dietary sodium intake is an easily modifiable factor that complements

pharmacologic therapy for heart failure. For stage A and B heart failure (stage A: at high
risk for heart failure but without structural heart disease or symptoms of heart failure;
stage B: structural heart disease but without signs or symptoms of heart failure), the
recommendation is to limit sodium intake to 1.5 g/day. For stage C and D heart failure
(stage C: structural heart disease with prior or current symptoms of heart failure; stage
D: refractory heart failure requiring specialized interventions), the recommendation is to
limit sodium intake to at least 3 g/day.

Fluid restriction is mostly used as an in-hospital complementary measure in

cases of acute exacerbations. In addition, fluid restriction may be warranted in cases of
severe hyponatremia. However, it would be of importance to advise the patient to keep
a daily intake/output balance at home. Patients are advised to monitor their weight
daily and to immediately contact their healthcare provider if a specified change in
weight occurs.

Heart failure patients need continuous and close monitoring of their health. A
variety of programs have been shown to decrease morbidity and rehospitalization in this
context, including home nursing, telephone advice/triage, telemedicine services, and
specialized heart failure clinic-based care.

Exercise training has also been shown to be beneficial

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