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After the creation and the loading of a project, elements may be installed.

In ICS-telecom different types of static elements may be installed:
- Transmitter / Receiver (Tx/Rx)
- Direction Finder (DF)
- Radar
- Satellite station (Tx/Rx or Rx)
- Microwave links (Mw)
- User: this element is treated like a Tx/Rx element

For Transmitter/Receiver and Direction finder types, 2 groups are offered, A or B, allowing the user to
differentiate according to need, the element icons by a different colour: group A icons are green; group
B icons are blue. In this way, the user may, for example, indicate the existing elements of a network in
green and indicate the new elements under study by a blue colour. Aside from the differentiation in
colour, both element groups are treated in the same manner.

ICS-telecom offers a default icon codification (colour, shapes and classification), and also allows the
user to create or import 16-colours icons in a Icon database (Icon button of the Tx/Rx parameters box).
The element may be then identified by a user-defined icon.
Up to 999 fixed elements (including microwave bases) can be set on the terrain up. A microwave link
is counted for 2 elements (i.e. maximum 499 microwave links can be installed simultaneously on the

A mobile element may be also installed. It is represented by a path trajectory drawn on the terrain. A
Path trajectory is composed of segments separated by nodes called Way Points. The user may draw
a Path on the terrain containing up to a maximum of 49 nodes. Only one Path trajectory can be drawn
on the terrain.

The Point mode is the installation tool used for static elements (Tx/Rx, DF, Radar, earth station), while
the MW mode is dedicated to install Microwave links on the terrain, and the Path mode is used to set
up a mobile element and to draw its path trajectory on the terrain.

For static element, the installation of elements is done at the location designated by the cursor. The
location may be indicated in visual using the mouse or the cursor keys; or the user may enter manually
X, Y and Z coordinates.

Once the location of the element is designated, the parametering of the element must be done.



For the setting of Point elements, ICS-telecom offers two modes:

- the standard mode: the user defined the elements site on map or according to given coordinates,
and enter all technical and administrative characteristics for each element in the Tx/Rx parameters
- the semi-automatic mode using a Tx/Rx equipment database, allowing to assign during the installation
a set of technical parameters pre-defined by the user and inserted in a database; then only some
parameters as identification of the elements (call sign), frequency, antenna height, azimuth and tilt and
administrative information (address, name, ....) are required for each element, other parameters are
automatically taken from the chosen Tx/Rx equipment.

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The mode is activated in the menu Tools / Add Tx/Rx from list. When this mode is selected, then the
user may choose to assign during the installation a Tx/Rx equipment to the element. Otherwise (mode
deactivated) the standard mode is active.


1/ Keep the Soton project loaded. The image file is displayed on screen
2/ Go to the Tools menu and select (or not) the Add Tx/Rx from list option.
3/ Click left on the Point mode
4/ Position the cursor on the terrain at the site where installation of the element is desired
5/ Click left to confirm the position of the cursor on the terrain
6/ From the popup, select Add TX/RX option
7/ According to the selection of the setup mode,
either in standard mode, the Tx/Rx parameters box will be open; choose the type of element to be
installed, enter the technical characteristics and administrative information, and define antenna patterns.
Confirm the parameters and close the Tx/Rx parameters box.
or in semi-automatic mode, the Tx/Rx equipment list will be open; select one equipment in the list. You
may also add an equipment to the database (Add control), or modify one equipment (click right on the
equipment in this list), then confirm and close the list. A data input box prompts you to enter the
frequency, the antenna height, the azimuth, the tilt and the call sign of the new element. Enter the
required parameters, then click on Ok to confirm.
8/ Upon closing the box, the element icon will appear on the terrain.


1/ Keep the Soton project loaded. The Image file is displayed on screen
2/ Go to the Tools menu and select (or not) the Add Tx/Rx from list option.
3/ Click left on the Point mode
4/ Position the cursor on the terrain at any point
5/ Hit <p> key (small caps); The Site coordinates box is open
6/ Enter the coordinates X and Y in the corresponding fields;
for our example, type for X: 447700 and for Y: 110900
Click left on the Preview control; the Image at the (X,Y) point is displayed in a vignette. The user may
verify the altitude found by the system according to the coordinates. Confirm the coordinates and close
the Site coordinates box via OK
7/ According to the selection of the setup mode,
either in standard mode, the Tx/Rx parameters box will be open; choose the type of element to be
installed, enter the technical characteristics and administrative information, and define antenna patterns.
Confirm the parameters and close the Tx/Rx parameters box.
or in semi-automatic mode, the Tx/Rx equipment list will be open; select one equipment in the list. You
may also add an equipment to the database (Add control), or modify one equipment (click right on the
equipment in this list), then confirm and close the list. A data input box prompts you to enter the
frequency, the antenna height, the azimuth, the tilt and the call sign of the new element. Enter the
required parameters, then click on Ok to confirm.
8/ Upon closing the box, the element icon will appear on the terrain at the defined site location.


The microwave links element installed via the MW mode is made up of two sites (Site A and Site B) and
a connection that linked the two sites.
To install Microwave links, the user has to designate the Site A and the Site B on the terrain.

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1/ Keep the Soton project loaded. The Image file is displayed on screen

2/ Click left on the MW mode
3/ Click left on the point on the terrain where the Site A of the link is to be
4/ Click left on the point on the terrain where the Site B of the link is to be
5/ The Microwave link parameters box will appear on screen. In the first tab of the box (General tab),
the user may input either technical information or purely administrative information, the user may also
model the transmitter and receiver antenna-ray diagrams (Patterns tab) and control the sites (Site
tab), configure the equipment (Equipment tab), and define the link objectives (Objectives tab).
6/ After the input of data, confirm and close the Microwave link parameters box via the OK control.
7/ The Site A, the Site B, and the connection are installed and displayed on the terrain
8/ Other connections may be installed on the terrain following the above steps



1/ Keep the Soton Project loaded. The Image file is displayed on screen
2/ Click left on the MW mode
3/ Position the cursor on the terrain at any point
4/ Hit <p> key (small caps)
5/ The Microwave link parameters box will appear on screen. Go to the Site tab.
In this tab, click left on the reference coordinates of Site A:

The Site coordinates box is open. Enter X and Y coordinates and altitude if needed of Site A, and
control the location via the Preview button. Close the Site coordinates box via the OK button.
Click left on the reference coordinates of Site B. Enter in the Site coordinates box the X and Y coordinates
and altitude if needed of Site B, and control the location via the Preview button. Close the Site coordinates
box via the OK button.
Input either technical information or purely administrative information (General tab), model the transmitter
and receiver antenna-ray diagrams (Patterns tab) and determine if the connection is unidirectional or
bidirectional, configure the equipment (Equipment tab), and define the link objectives (Objectives tab).
Confirm the coordinates and close the Microwave link box via the Close button
6/ Upon closing the box, the microwave link will appear on the terrain at the given sites.



1/ Click left on the Path mode

2/ Choose a point of origin for the trajectory; click on this point with the mouse. This point is node 0.
Note: Way Point 0 is meant only as a reference point for the element trajectory. It does not figure into
simulation calculations.
3/ Release the mouse button and click left at the desired site for the 1st nodal point or Way point. This
point is node 1.
4/ Repeat steps 2 and 3 to place other Way points and to build the trajectory
5/ The path trajectory is created. Now the user has to input the parameters of the mobile


The settings of technical characteristics is done in the Tx/Rx parameters box accessible by selecting

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the Parameters control of the Mobile report box.

Settings of the mobile element


1/ The Path mode must be activated

2/ Click left on the Way Point 0 of the Path
3/ The Mobile report box is open. Click left on Parameters button
4/ The element's Parameters box is open (Tx/Rx parameters box). Choose the type of element to be
simulated and input the different data linked to the element: technical characteristics, administrative
information, antenna patterns.
5/ If necessary, define variable power and altitude values for the mobile element:
a. Variable Power
A different power intensity can be defined for each nodal point
a1. Select the option variable power of the Tx/Rx parameters box
A graph is drawn along the Path length

Shown on this graph are: terrain relief in white, the different nodal points that make up the trajectory
in yellow, and an indication of their respective power. The position of the cursor is indicated in red.
a2. Use the <arrows> keys to position the cursor on the nodal point whose power is to be modified
a3. Use the <+> and <-> keys to increase or decrease power intensity (in increments of 5 Watts)
a4. Confirm the modification by hitting <Enter> key
The <i> key prints the graph (Print setup box).
The <s> key saves the graph and all its characteristics in a .trk file
a5. Close the graph by hitting <Esc> key

b. Variable Altitude
A different altitude can be defined for each nodal point along the trajectory
b1. Select the Elevation variable option of the Tx/Rx parameters box
A graph is drawn along the Path length

Shown on this graph are: terrain relief in white, the different nodal points that make up the trajectory
in yellow, and an indication of their respective altitude. The height is equal to the antenna height +
the terrain altitude adjusted by 30 m to avoid obstacles encountered between two nodal points. The
position of the cursor is indicated in red
b2. Use the <arrows> keys to position the cursor on the nodal point whose altitude is to be modified
b3. Use the <+> and <-> keys to increase or decrease altitude (in increments of 5 metres)
b4. Confirm the modification by hitting <Enter> key
The <i> key prints the graph (Print setup box)
The <s> key saves the graph and all its characteristics in a .trk file.
b5. Close the graph by hitting <Esc> key
6/ Confirm the element parameters by clicking on OK. The parameters can be modified at any time if

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Up to 999 static elements (or 499 microwave links), and a Path trajectory of maximum 49 Way Points,

may be installed on the terrain. The number of static elements includes the communications elements
installed using the Point mode + the microwave links installed using the MW mode.
Note: In this calculation, the system considers that 1 'MW' element is equivalent to 2 Point elements.

One location site of the terrain may lodge several elements of any types.
By default, a standard iconography displays the elements icons differently according to their type and
their status.
The shape and colour of the icon indicates the type and group of the communications element:
• POINT Elements
Tx/Rx A Tx/Rx B
Tx/Rx A in frequency hopping mode Tx/Rx B in FH mode
DF (Receiver/Direction finder) A DF B




• MW Elements
unidirectional link

bidirectional link

transmitter frequency high - receiver frequency low

transmitter frequency low - receiver frequency high

• Mobile elements

Mobile Tx/Rx A

Tx/Rx B DF A DF B Radar Subscriber Satellite User

One element installed may be moved of place, deactivate and reactivate, isolate, delete, its parameters
may be modified. Several options and procedure may be used according to the type of elements and
the modes used.

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All static elements present on the terrain are grouped together in the Station selection table accessible
by hitting <TAB> key:

In this table, all elements present on the terrain are represented, whether active or dormant (coloured
icon: activated element, black icon: deactivated element).
The user may alter the state of an element through this table.
• Click left mouse button: activates or deactivates the selected element
• Click right mouse button: opens the Tx/Rx parameters box linked to the selected element. The user
may modify any of the parameters.
The <Esc> key closes the table and returns to the main screen.


All elements installed on the terrain are automatically stored in a temporary list updated in real time
according to the modification made on the elements on the terrain.
The objects lists are of several types:
- The Station list that stores the Point elements and MW base stations, that is accessible via the
Objects lists tool (Station list choice - or Site tool (1280x1024 display mode)),
- The Microwave link list that stores the microwave links installed, that is accessible via the Objects
lists tool (Microwave link list choice - or Mw tool (1280x1024 display mode)).
These lists offer several options to manage the elements:
- within a popup that can be opened by a mouse click:

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Station list Microwave link list Microwave link list
Left double-click left then right click Left double-click
• Parameters: access to the selected element Parameters box for modification....
• Duplicate: creates a new element from the selected element
• Activate: reactivates the selected element from a deactivated state
• Deactivate: deactivates the selected element from an active state
• Isolate: isolates the selected element, all other elements on the terrain are deactivated
• Delete: definitively deletes the selected element
• XLS user report: creates a .csv file containing the characteristics of the selected element, and loads
it in the MSTM ExcelTM application.
• Profile: calculates the terrain profile for the selected microwave link
• Threshold degradation options: calculates the threshold degradation for the selected microwave link
• Interference: calculates the interference using the C/I method
• Check frequencies: calculates for the selected link all wanted and unwanted interference for all
frequencies defined by the user.
• Global interference: calculates the global point to point interference
• Continue: closes the popup menu
These options manage element individually.
- Controls of the dialogue box:
The Isolate control isolates a selection of elements, and the Mask control, on the contrary deactivates
the selection of elements.


The principle of the Area selection tool and of the Polygon selection tool is to draw a rectangular or a
polygonal zone on the cartographic file displayed, including a certain number of elements, and to apply
managing options to these elements. In particular, the elements selected may be moved, deactivated,
reactivated, isolated or delete.
To draw a rectangular zone on the terrain and to access the managing options
1/ Click on the Area selection tool
2/ With the mouse, define the zone that is to be selected on the terrain:

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a. Click left on the top left corner (A) of the rectangular zone that is to be defined.
b. Release the mouse button.
c. Click left on the bottom right corner (B) of the rectangular zone that is to be defined.

d. Release the mouse button.

Press <a> key to select the entire geographic area of the project.
3/ A popup will appear on screen.
The Stations sub-menu offers the managing options of stations contained in the selection area.

• generate stations: allows to generate new elements in the Selection zone. The number of elements
per site, the azimuth spacing between elements, the X and Y spacing between sites and the technical
characteristics of the new elements are defined by the user.
• de-activate stations: deactivates the elements included in the Selection zone (icons are coloured in
black). These elements will not be taken into account in calculations.
• activate stations: activates the deactivated elements included in the Selection zone.
• isolate stations: deactivates the elements located outside the Selection zone and activates the elements
included in the Selection zone.
• delete stations: deletes the elements included in the Selection zone.
• Move activated stations: moves the elements contained in the Selection zone to another site. All
elements will be moved to this site.
• copy/paste activated stations: copies the activated stations included in the Selection zone into the
clipboard and pastes them in a single location designated on the terrain.
• Break out stations: moves the stations on the same clutter code in the azimuth direction and according
to a given maximum distance.
• Duplicate stations: duplicates the stations contained in the selection zone according to a given number
of copies and a given azimuth spacing.
• Rotate station antenna: rotates the antennas of the stations included in the selection zone according
to a given offset azimuth.
• Modify station frequencies: adds an frequency offset to all activated stations included in the selection
zone. The offset is assigned alternatively: the frequencies of the first station (according to the icon
numbering) are modified of offset value, the frequencies of the second station are modified of - offset
value, etc...
• Rename stations: renames (call sign and address) stations included in the selection zone. The call
sign is modified as follows: 5 or 6 input characters_station azimuth (ex AAAAA_359). The address of
each station is replaced by the text that have been input.
• Station list: edits a list of all elements call sign that are located in the Selection area and indicates:
icon number, frequency, polarization, azimuth.

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• assign Tx/Rx sectors and distance: allows to parameter the simulation sectors and the distance limit
of each element present on the terrain towards the Selection zone in order to cover all points of the
Selection zone.

• modify constraints: modifies the constraints setting of all activated elements included in the Selection
zone by other parameters. This option opens the Site constraints box for the new constraints parameters.
4/ Select one option and follow the procedure, or close the popup by hitting <Esc> key or by selecting
option Continue.

To draw a polygonal zone on the terrain and to access the managing options
1/ Click left on the Polygon selection tool
2/ Click left on any point on the terrain
3/ A first popup appears and offers various options:

• option draw mask is used to define the polygonal zone on the terrain
• option load mask is used to load a polygonal zone previously created and saved in a .plg file. In the
files browser that appears, indicate the name and file path of the .plg file that is to be loaded
• option import polygon allows to import an ascii file containing polygons. The ascii file (.txt or .csv file)
must be of format: gridcode,X,Y <CR>. Simply designate the .txt or the .csv file containing the polygon
and confirm
• option Continue cancels the procedure
4/ If option Draw mask has been selected, draw the Polygon on the terrain:

a. Click left on the first point of the polygon on the terrain (1)
b. Release the mouse button
c. Click left on the second point of the polygon on the terrain (2)
d. Proceed in the same manner for all other points of the Polygon (3, 4 and 5)
e. To indicate the end of the zone, click right over any point on terrain
f. The system automatically closes the shape. The zone is drawn and coloured in the defined
Color tool.
5/ A second popup is open:

• option Draw mask allows to draw another shape on the terrain. For this choice, draw the polygonal
shape in the same manner as indicated above.
• option Save mask allows to save the drawn shape in a .plg file. In the Files box that appears, indicate
the name and file path of the .plg file that is to be saved
• option Load mask allows to load a polygonal zone previously created and saved in a .plg file. In the
Files box that appears, indicate the name and file path of the .plg file that is to be loaded
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• option Continue allows to carry on with the procedure
6/ The last popup will appear on screen containing the element managing options:
• de-activate stations: deactivates the elements included in the Polygon zone(s) (icons are coloured in

• activate stations: activates the deactivated elements included in the Polygon zone(s).
• isolate stations: deactivates the elements located outside the Polygon zone(s) and activates the
elements included in the Polygon zone(s).
• delete stations: deletes the elements included in the Polygon zone(s).
• Move stations: moves the elements contained in the Polygon zone(s) to another site. All elements will
be moved to this site.
• Rotate station antenna(s): rotates the antennas of the stations included in the polygonal area according
to a given azimuth offset.
7/ Select one option of the popup and follow the procedure, or close the popup by hitting <Esc> key or
by selecting option Continue.


The Point mode not only enables the user to setup elements on the terrain, but offers also various
options to manage the elements. Selecting the elements installed on the terrain using the left-click of
the mouse, allows the access to a popup containing various options.

Options are available or masked depending of the type of element selected.

• Move: to move the selected element to another site
• Duplicate: to create an element identical to the selected element
• Parameters: to access the Tx/Rx parameters box of the selected element
• Constraints: to parameter the constraints area of the selected element
• De-activate / activate: to deactivate or activate the selected element
• Isolate: to isolate the selected element from the other elements
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• Set as reference: to set the selected element as the reference point for the distance calculation by
using the mouse (same as <F2> function)
• Add TX/RX: to add a new element on the site designated by the cursor

• Bearing: to parameter and add a bearing to the selected direction finder
• Database search: to verify the presence of the selected element in the Station database
• Database export: to export the selected element in the Station database
• Add Coverage: to associate the coverage present in memory to the selected element
• Profile to: to calculate the profile from the selected element to another element present on the terrain
• Profile from: to calculate the profile to the selected element from another element present on the
• Report: Horizon tour and Effective height reports established for the selected element
• Point to point: point to point calculation options: Threshold impairment, I/N, Receiving, Signal from
mobile and Signal to mobile.
• Coverage: Interference and assignment calculation options
• DELETE: to definitively delete the selected element
1/ Click left on the Point mode
2/ Select the icon of the element concerned with the mouse; the cursor will become a hand
3/ In the popup that appears, select the element concerned
4/ Select one option of the popup and follow the procedure, or close the popup by hitting <Esc> key


The Object menu offers various managing options:

• Delete: allows the deletion of objects (i.e. elements).
Different choices are offered:
- Deletion of all types of objects
- Deletion of one type of object (path, Tx/Rx, links, icons, or deactivated objects)
Note on the deletion of objects:
All objects that the user has installed on the terrain may be deleted. The deletion of an object by the
options described below are irreversible and may not be cancelled. In case of error, the user must
reinstall the deleted objects. The objects deleted from the screen and from the current memory do not
affect the .ewf network files. If the user has saved the objects configuration in .ewf network file, the
user may reload this file (Files / Load /Load network file (.EWF) option).
• Activate: allows to activate the deactivated elements.
Different choices are offered:
- All: Activation of all elements present on the terrain
- Select: Activation of elements according to precise sort criteria defined by the user. The sort criteria
concern the frequency (minimum and maximum) and the effective radiated power (ERP) (minimum
and maximum). The elements corresponding to the defined sort criteria are activated. The elements
not corresponding to these criteria are deactivated and will be ignored for future simulations
• Mask: this option masks the elements present and active according to precise sort criteria defined by
the user. The sort criteria concern the frequency (minimum and maximum) and the effective radiated
power (ERP) (minimum and maximum). The elements corresponding to the defined sort criteria are
masked, that is to say, they have been deactivated and will not be considered in future simulations.
The elements not corresponding to these criteria will not be modified.
• Isolate: contrary to the Mask option, this option activates the elements corresponding to the criteria
defined by the user. The criteria are defined through the Selection box and concern the radiated power,
the frequency, the type of object, the call sign, the database keys, the Address and Info 1 text information,
and the presence or not of an associated coverage. The elements that do not correspond to the criteria
are masked, i.e. deactivated and ignored during calculations.

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All elements present on the terrain may be saved in a .ewf network file.

1/ Select function Files / Save / Save network file (.EWF)

2/ Select a name and disk file path in the file browser for the current network file
3/ The network file having been saved may be later on loaded on the cartographic file via the Files /
Load / Load network file (.EWF) option
The objects file may also be linked to the Project via the Project manager box: enter the name of the
.ewf file in the Objects space in the box and then save the modified Project via option SAVE or SAVE


In ICS-telecom, the Station database stores up to 64,000 records and the Microwave link database
stores up to 32,000 records. The records inserted may be generated by ICS-telecom (Point or MW
elements), or may come from other compatible databases (EXCEL, ACCESS, ORACLE...).
An unlimited number of databases may be created on the disk.
The Station database stores static communication elements (Tx/Rx, DF, Radar, Microwave bases),
while the Microwave link database stores the entire microwave links.
Elements inserted in these databases may be managed (delete, sorted according to various criteria).

The Database menu offers various functions to exchange elements between ICS-telecom databases
and other compatible databases:
- Option Database / Station database / Export activated elements allows to insert the activated elements
present on map into the Station database
- Options Database / Station database / Import / ... allow the insertion of records that are stored in .txt
ascii files into the Station database
- Option Database / Microwave link database / Export activated microwave links allows to insert the
activated microwave links present on map into the Microwave link database
- Function Database / ODBC offers the options to import or to export elements using an ODBC or a
DAO link

Into the Databases boxes, the user will find also an ODBC control allowing connections with compatible
data bases.


The Path mode offers facilities to manage the path trajectory and the mobile element.


1/ Click left on the Path mode icon

2/ Click right on the Way Point to be moved
3/ Click right on the new site
4/ The Way Point is moved to the new site.


1/ Click left on the Path mode icon

2/ Click left on the Way Point to be deleted
3/ The Way Point is definitively deleted. The numbering of the other nodal points is automatically

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1/ Click left on the Path mode icon

2/ On the terrain, click left on the sites where new Way Points are desired
3/ The Way Points are added and take the next sequential number available.


1/ Click left on the Path mode icon

2/ Click left on the Way Point 0 of the Path
3/ The Mobile report box is open. Click on Remove path control.
4/ The system prompts for the confirmation of the deletion: answer Yes to delete the path, or No to
cancel the action. The deletion of a path trajectory can be also done using the option Objects / Delete
/ Path.


The path trajectory is saved in a .ewf network file.

1/ Select function Files / Save / Save networf file (.EWF).

2/ Select a name and disk file path in the file box for the current network file
3/ The network file having been saved may be viewed again superimposed over the cartographic file
via the Files / Load / Load network file (.EWF) option
The network file may also be linked to the Project via the Project manager box: enter the name of the
.ewf file in the Objects space in the box, then save the modified project using commands SAVE or


The Objects lists tool gives a direct access to the Mobile report box containing the settings of the path
and of the mobile (only for 1024 * 768 display mode).

1/ Select the Objects lists tool

2/ Choose Way point list
3/ The Mobile report box is open. Proceed to the modifications of the mobile parameters.

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