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Mini Review

HOR MONE Horm Res Paediatr Received: December 13, 2016

RESEARCH I N DOI: 10.1159/000471876 Accepted: March 21, 2017
Published online: April 24, 2017

The Physiology of Childhood Growth:

Hormonal Regulation
Emelie Benyi Lars Sävendahl
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet, and Pediatric Endocrinology Unit,
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

Keywords a child [1]. The growth rate of a child varies being highest
Growth · Growth and puberty · Growth factor · Growth during fetal life and infancy, slowing down during child-
hormone · Growth hormone physiology · Growth in hood, accelerating during puberty, and then ultimately
children · Hormones · Normal growth/auxology · Nutrition ending when adult height has been reached by the end
of the adolescent period [2]. These different phases of
growth are illustrated in Figure 1. In this review, we first
Abstract give a brief overview of the regulation of normal growth
The growth patterns of a child changes from uterine life in children and adolescents, which is followed by a more
until the end of puberty. Height velocity is highest in utero detailed description of important hormones regulating
and declines after birth until puberty when it rises again. human growth and how these interact with each other.
Important hormonal regulators of childhood growth are Lastly, we discuss the impact of nutrition and inflamma-
growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1, sex steroids, tion on human growth.
and thyroid hormone. This review gives an overview of
these hormonal regulators of growth and their interplay Phases of Normal Growth
with nutrition and other key players such as inflammatory Karlberg [3] introduced the infancy-childhood-pu-
cytokines. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel berty growth model where postnatal growth is divided
into three different stages. These stages reflect different
hormonal phases of the growth process.

Introduction Prenatal/Fetal Growth

The size of a newborn child depends on many different
A child’s growth is affected by numerous factors where factors including genetics, gestational age, and maternal
for example impaired nutritional status, a poor psycho- factors such as body size, uterine growth potential, nutri-
social situation, and a variety of chronic diseases may im- tion, diabetes, blood pressure, and smoking [3, 4]. The
pair the growth rate, and if not treated appropriately these fastest growth occurs in utero and especially between ges-
conditions may cause short adult height. Normal growth tational weeks 20 and 24 when the growth rate is 2.5 cm
is therefore an excellent indicator of the general health of per week [5]. - 4/26/2017 7:37:05 AM

© 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel Emelie Benyi

Pediatric Endocrinology Lab Q2: 08
Karolinska University Hospital
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SE–171 76 Stockholm (Sweden) E-Mail emelie.benyi @

Centiles for boys 97
12 maturing
at average time
97 and 3 centiles at peak
height velocity for
10 Early (+2SD) maturers
Late (–2SD) maturers

1 Age, years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Centiles for girls 97
13 maturing
at average time 50
97 and 3 centiles at peak
height velocity for
11 Early (+2SD) maturers
Late (–2SD) maturers


1 Age, years
Fig. 1. Different phases of growth. Adapted
from Tanner and Davies [2], with permis- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
sion from Elsevier.

Growth during Infancy Growth during Childhood

During the first year of life, growth rate is still high av- At 2 years of age, the children have usually found a
eraging 25 cm per year. Thereafter, growth rate slows more steady growth rate where they do not cross height
down to about half in the second year. The nutritional centiles and then follow this path until puberty with sim-
status largely influences infancy growth, and nutritional ilar growth patterns in boys and girls [6]. Contrary to the
causes may explain why the height curve often crosses growth during infancy, nutrition has less influence on
percentile lines during the first 24 months of life. growth during this period whereas hormonal regulators - 4/26/2017 7:37:05 AM

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are more important [7]. The height velocity is usually 6–8
cm per year from 2 to 6 years, after which it slows down
somewhat. Between 6 and 8 years, adrenarche occurs.
There is an increase in anabolic hormones released by the
adrenal glands leading to a small transient growth spurt.

Growth during Puberty

During puberty, a growth spurt occurs when girls and
boys increase their heights by 20–25 and 25–30 cm, re-
spectively. In boys, signs of puberty appear somewhat be-
fore this growth spurt begins whereas in girls it starts in
parallel. The growth starts distally in the extremities with
hands and feet. Then arms and legs will grow and lastly
the spine. The maximum growth rate, the so-called peak
height velocity (PHV), occurs during later stages of pu-
berty at around 12 years in girls and 14 years in boys [8].
After PHV, there is a steep decline. Typically menarche
occurs in girls after PHV, and they grow for approximate- Fig. 2. Growth plate zones. Illustration of the different zones in a
sectioned human growth plate.
ly 2 more years. However, there is a large individual as
well as ethnic variation in the timing and tempo of puber-
tal development and growth patterns [9].

Attainment of Adult Height elongation of the diaphysis of the bone [10]. The growth
By the end of puberty, the growth plates become nar- plates fuse at the end of puberty and leave an epiphyseal
rower and eventually close. This process is stimulated by line which for a period of time is visible on X-ray.
increased levels of circulating sex steroids as normally
found during puberty. When all growth plates have been
closed, no further growth can take place and adult height Hormonal Regulation of Growth
has then been achieved.
The hormonal regulation of longitudinal bone growth
The Growth Plate is complex and involves both local and systemic pathways
Long bones are formed through a process called endo- [11, 12]. An overview of these regulatory pathways is
chondral ossification. It involves mesenchymal stem cell shown in Table 1 and some of the most important ones
condensation and the development of a hyaline cartilage are detailed below. Growth factors that act only locally in
model. In the shaft of this model, a primary ossification the growth plate are described in a different paper.
center forms and gets vascularized, and thereafter sec-
ondary centers of ossification form in both ends of the GH-Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Axis and Insulin
long bones, the so-called epiphyses. After birth, further GH is a single polypeptide chain made up of 191 ami-
longitudinal bone growth takes place in a thin remnant of no acids produced by the pituitary gland. Two GH genes
cartilage localized between the primary and secondary os- on chromosome 17 have been discovered [13]. GH is
sification centers called the growth plate or epiphyseal mainly regulated by two peptides secreted by the hypo-
plate. It has different structural and functional zones as thalamus, GH-releasing hormone and the inhibitory hor-
seen in Figure 2. The resting zone is made up of stem-like mone somatostatin. It is also stimulated by ghrelin pro-
cells, waiting to be recruited to the proliferative zone un- duced in the stomach, and insulin-like growth factor 1
der the influence of the growth hormone (GH) where (IGF-1) exerts negative feedback control [14]. GH exerts
they undergo mitosis and get stacked in columns. They its action by binding to the GH receptor (GHR) which is
then reach the hypertrophic zone where they undergo hy- abundantly expressed in most tissues. The GHR is a trans-
pertrophy and secrete extracellular matrix proteins and membrane receptor belonging to the cytokine receptor
undergo apoptosis giving rise to lacunae which are in- family. GH stimulates longitudinal bone growth both via
vaded by bone-forming cells. This process causes the direct stimulation of the growth plate and indirectly via - 4/26/2017 7:37:05 AM

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Table 1. Overview of hormones and growth factors regulating
Type of hormone/ Main effects on growth
growth factor – GHRH Somatostatin
+ –
GH Affects mainly postnatal growth +
Stimulates hepatic IGF-1 production and Pituitary gland Grehlin

chondrogenesis in the growth plate [18] IGF-1
Liver GH Stomach
IGF-1 Affects both prenatal and postnatal
+ +
Stimulates uptake of amino acids from the Growth plate cartilage
circulation and chondrogenesis in the
growth plate (proliferation, hypertrophy,
and ossification) [15, 16]
Fig. 3. The growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor 1
Insulin Binds to the IGF-1 receptor and increases (IGF-1) axis. Basic overview of the GH/IGF-1 axis with focus on
growth velocity bone growth regulation. GHRH, GH-releasing hormone.
Increases free IGF-1 in the circulation
Thyroid hormones Regulate bone turnover and bone mineral
Stimulate clonal expansion of chondro- than its endocrine effects for stimulating longitudinal
cyte progenitor cells, inhibit subsequent bone growth [17]. However, a recent knockout study in
cell proliferation, and promote hypertro-
phic chondrocyte differentiation and cell mice lacking the IGF-1 receptor exclusively in the growth
volume expansion [25] plate showed that GH can stimulate chondrogenesis and
longitudinal bone growth even when local IGF-1 and
Sex steroids Regulate the secretion and effects of GH
Affect chondrogenesis and growth plate IGF-2 action is inactivated [18]. Within the growth plate,
fusion (ERα) [14, 41] IGF-1 stimulates proliferation and hypertrophy of the
chondrocytes as well as ossification by affecting the osteo-
Leptin Regulates GH secretion and stimulates
chondrogenesis locally in the growth plate blasts.
[50, 51] Conditions affecting the GH/IGF-1 axis can lead to ab-
normal growth in children. GH deficiency appears to
GH, growth hormone; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor 1; mainly affect postnatal growth whereas IGF-1 deficiency
ER, estrogen receptor.
affects both prenatal and postnatal growth [19]. IGF-2 is
another polypeptide in the same family that also affects
pre- and, to a lesser extent, postnatal growth. IGF-1 is
however the predominant regulator of postnatal growth
IGF-1. Serum concentrations of GH and IGF-1 may be [20]. Primary IGF deficiency is associated with short stat-
increased more than 3-fold during puberty (Fig. 3). ure, and these patients have low serum IGF-1 but normal
IGF-1 is a polypeptide encoded by the IGF1 gene on or increased GH concentrations [21]. An example is GH
chromosome 12 [13]. It is structurally homologous with insensitivity (Laron syndrome) where the GHR gene is
proinsulin. Circulating IGF-1 is mainly produced in the affected. Secondary IGF deficiency, on the other hand, is
liver but IGF-1 is also ubiquitously expressed in many caused by abnormalities of the hypothalamus or pituitary
other tissues such as fat and muscle. IGF-1 is also pro- gland and leads to insufficient secretion of GH. As a result
duced in the growth plate, thereby acting in a paracrine/ these children will also have low serum IGF-1 concentra-
autocrine fashion under the influence of GH [15]. In the tions and exhibit short stature. Excessive secretion of GH
circulation, IGF-1 is bound to IGF-binding proteins in childhood by contrast can lead to gigantism which is a
(IGFBPs), mainly IGFBP-3, and the acid-labile subunit rare condition typically caused by a pituitary tumor (pi-
forming a ternary complex. IGF-1 is believed to stimulate tuitary gigantism).
linear growth, both systemically as well as locally in the Mouse studies have shown that inactivation of the in-
growth plate [16]. It has earlier been suggested that local sulin receptor in the growth plate initiates a compensa-
effects of IGF-1 in the growth plate are more important tory upregulation of IGFs and their receptors to regulate - 4/26/2017 7:37:05 AM

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the proliferation and hypertrophy of chondrocytes [22]. during puberty correlate closely with PHV [32]. Estro-
Insulin is important for both fetal and childhood growth. gens affect growth by regulating the effect of GH, and its
Insulin and IGF-1 are both strongly connected to nu­ secretion by reducing IGF-1-mediated negative feedback
trition. A high intake of protein and minerals has been [14]. Estradiol and GH have been shown to regulate pu-
found to lead to a 25% increase in serum IGF-1 concen- bertal growth in both girls and boys, and in boys testos-
tration [23]. IGF-1 is an anabolic hormone-stimulating terone has been found to lead to a stimulatory effect of
protein synthesis through the uptake of amino acids from GH on IGF-1 secretion [33]. Androgen receptors are
the circulation. It also increases bone mineral density and present in the human growth plates as well as in those of
muscle mass and causes lipolysis [19]. rodents, but no local direct effects on longitudinal growth
by androgens were found in fetal metatarsals from rats
Thyroid Hormones [34]. Estrogens, although stimulating growth during pu-
Thyroid hormones are important for postnatal growth. berty, is the factor that finally leads to growth plate fusion
Thyroxine is converted into triiodothyronine in periph- at the end of puberty in both females and males [35].
eral tissue, and the latter is usually considered to be the Estrogens act by binding different nuclear receptors in
physiologically active hormone. Expression of thyroid the growth plate, estrogen receptor (ER)α and ERβ, and a
hormone receptor α1 (TRα1) and TRβ1 has been shown more recently discovered G protein-coupled estrogen re-
in the resting and proliferative zones of the growth plate ceptor 1 (GPER1) which is membrane-bound and was
[24]. Local regulation involves chondrocyte maturation, previously called GPR30 [36, 37]. ERα and ERβ are both
cartilage matrix synthesis, mineralization, and degrada- expressed throughout the growth plate [38]. The abun-
tion. Hypothyroidism during childhood and adolescence dance of both receptors increases as the cells differentiate
causes a delay in skeletal maturation and growth arrest. [39]. Estrogens stimulate osteoblasts and inhibit osteo-
Thyrotoxicosis, on the other hand, advances skeletal mat- clasts but the exact mechanisms through which they pro-
uration and causes growth acceleration but due to early mote bone growth are not yet fully understood [40]. The
fusion of the growth plates, the outcome will be a de- two receptors have been studied in knockout mice. Inac-
creased final height [25]. tivation of ERβ but not ERα stopped growth plate fusion
[41]. ERα inactivation has been shown to decrease bone
Sex Steroids growth in female mice [41, 42]. ERβ inactivation affected
Sex steroids including estrogen and testosterone are growth in some studies but not in others, and differences
mainly produced by the gonads. Estrogens play an impor- between male and female mice in the effects of ERα and
tant role for growth in both girls and boys. In girls estro- ERβ inactivation on bone growth have been observed [41,
gens are mainly produced by the ovaries. There is also 43, 44]. Simm et al. [39] concluded that ERα stimulates
estrogen production in the testes although the main pro- different steps of chondrogenesis whereas ERβ inhibits
duction in boys occurs in peripheral tissues by aromatiz- skeletal growth in mice. The receptor GPER1 is highly
ing androgens. This is mediated by the converting en- expressed in the hypertrophic zone especially before pu-
zyme CYP450arom, which can be found in many differ- berty when it starts a gradual decrease, suggesting a role
ent tissues including gonads, brain, fat, placenta as well as in longitudinal bone growth regulation [37].
the growth plates where estrogen appears to be synthe- There are important differences between mice and hu-
sized locally [26–28]. The three major endogenous estro- mans to consider when interpreting mouse data. For ex-
gens are estrone, estradiol, and estriol [29]. Except for ample, a pubertal growth spurt is lacking in mice, and
pregnancy when estriol is the primary estrogen, estradiol their growth plates do not fuse after sexual maturation as
is the most abundant estrogen in women until meno- they do in humans. Observations suggest that ERβ is im-
pause after which estrone dominates. portant for growth plate fusion in mice. However, open
Puberty is characterized by an activation of the hypo- growth plates at 28 years of age were observed in a male
thalamic-pituitary-gonadal axes [30]. Gonadotropin-re- patient (the so-called “hERKO man”) who had an ERα-
leasing hormone pulses trigger the release of luteinizing inactivating mutation [45]. He was 204 cm tall and had
hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone from the pi- reduced bone mineral density. More recently, an ERα
tuitary which stimulates sex hormone release from the mutation was also described in an 18-year-old woman
gonads. An increase in GH pulse amplitude before puber- who appeared to have complete estrogen insensitivity
tal onset in girls and somewhat later in boys has been with a lack of breast development and elevated serum lev-
shown [31]. It was recently reported that also IGF-1 levels els of estrogens [46]. Patients with aromatase deficiency - 4/26/2017 7:37:05 AM

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exhibit a similar phenotype including a lack of pubertal
growth spurt and growth plates which remain open into Inflammation
adulthood leading to tall stature. A patient with aroma-
tase deficiency will respond to estrogen treatment where-
Proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6)
as such therapies will have no effect on bone mineral den-
sity and bone maturation in an ERα-mutated patient [47].
GC Stress/ Delayed
treatment hypercortisolism Malnutrition puberty
Leptin is a hormone secreted mainly by white adipose
cells but is also produced in other tissues such as skeletal
muscle, placenta, and the pituitary gland. It is involved in
body weight regulation and is often referred to as the “sa-
tiety hormone.” Studies have also shown that it is in- GH GH
volved in the regulation of GH secretion and thereby af-
fects growth. Leptin appears to stimulate GH secretion by
acting on the hypothalamic level [48, 49]. It has also been
shown to have a local effect in the growth plate by stimu-
lating chondrocyte proliferation and cell differentiation
[50, 51].
Fig. 4. Overview of mechanisms behind growth failure caused by
chronic inflammation. GH, growth hormone; IGF-1, insulin-like
Interplay between Hormones growth factor 1; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α; IL, interleukin.
An overview of hormones and growth factors is shown
in Table 1.

Inflammation and Linear Growth ferentiation as well as inducing apoptosis locally in the
Children with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as growth plate [59, 60]. Partial catch-up growth is possible
juvenile idiopathic arthritis or inflammatory bowel dis- but depends on the dosage and duration of the GC treat-
ease, often display growth retardation. Several factors re- ment [52, 61].
lated to the disease itself including malnutrition, hyper- Cytokines affect growth by acting both locally in the
cortisolism, and proinflammatory cytokines as well as growth plate as well as systemically by suppressing IGF-1
glucocorticoid (GC) treatment may contribute to the ab- and sex steroid levels [53, 62, 63]. The most extensively
normal growth (Fig. 4). studied cytokines with regard to growth impairment are
Malnutrition is common in children with chronic in- tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6.
flammatory diseases and is suggested to account for ap- Local effects in the growth plate have been demonstrated
proximately 60% of the growth retardation in these chil- of both tumor necrosis factor-α and IL-1β which act syn-
dren [52]. The inflammatory processes include elevated ergistically by decreasing chondrocyte proliferation and
serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines and endoge- hypertrophy as well as increasing apoptosis [53].
nous cortisol, which both have been shown to negatively
affect growth [53]. Nutrition and Linear Growth
Endogenous GCs are part of the body’s inflammatory The nutritional status has a major impact on children’s
response. They have been shown to act systemically by growth, an effect which is most obvious during the first
inhibiting GH secretion, downregulating GH receptors in 2 years of life. Protein or energy deficiency leads to growth
the liver and thereby inhibiting IGF activity [54, 55]. Lo- failure [64]. It has been demonstrated that IGF-1 levels
cally in the growth plate they inhibit chondrocyte differ- are decreased in children suffering from malnutrition
entiation and increase apoptosis [56]. Commonly in chil- [65].
dren with chronic inflammatory diseases, exogenous GCs In the growth plates of food-restricted mice decreased
such as prednisolone or dexamethasone are used to sup- IGF-1 levels and lower GHR expression have been found
press the inflammation. Long-term treatment however [66]. Insulin and leptin are two other known mediators of
has a further negative impact on growth in these patients nutritional effects on growth [22, 49]. Fibroblast growth
[57, 58]. It has been shown to suppress chondrocyte dif- factor 21 (FGF21) is another possible mediator. During - 4/26/2017 7:37:05 AM

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– Nutrition +
FGF-21 Insulin Hormonal regulation of growth is a complex interplay
– + between many different factors where GH and IGF-1 are
key components. GH is produced in the pituitary gland
– Leptin GH/IGF-1
+ and stimulates hepatic secretion of IGF-1 which stimu-
+ +
lates endochondral ossification in long bones leading to
Bone growth
growth. Furthermore, GH has local effects in the growth
plate. Growth is however also regulated by many other
hormones such as insulin, thyroid hormones, estrogen,
and leptin. The influence of these different factors varies
Fig. 5. Schematic overview of mediators of nutritional effects on
growth. GH, growth hormone; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor 1; during fetal life, childhood, and adolescence. During fetal
FGF21, fibroblast growth factor 21. growth, IGF-1, IGF-2, and insulin are the main regula-
tors. During infancy insulin and IGF-1 still play a role
although nutrition is becoming a more important factor
driving growth. During childhood, hormonal regulators
fasting or food restriction, the expression of FGF21 in- such as GH, IGF-1, and thyroid hormone are important
creases, and studies have shown that it causes GH insen- factors driving growth. In conditions of chronic inflam-
sitivity and suppresses chondrogenesis directly at the mation, growth impairment is frequently seen and has
growth plate level [67]. been linked to malnutrition, increased levels of proin-
Normal calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D levels are flammatory cytokines, and GCs. Nutrition evidently has
important for growth plate physiology, and human stud- a significant role in regulating growth. Key mediators of
ies have shown an association between calcium and vita- this interplay between nutrition and growth are insulin,
min D deficiency and stunting [68]. In rickets caused by IGF-1, leptin, and FGF21 (Fig. 5).
vitamin D deficiency due to malnutrition, supplementa-
tion with vitamin D and calcium saves bone growth [69].
Furthermore, a positive effect of supplementation with Disclosure Statement
vitamin A and zinc has been demonstrated in stunted
children [70]. The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

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