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“An architect is a storyteller,” says Indonesian architect and INDE.

Awards 2019 Luminary Budiman

Hendropurnomo. “We take cues from the context and the site and we create a coherent scenario.
Once we have that, we cast the actors – architectural elements like rooms, restaurants, landscaping
and so on. The tricky part is the language that you use.
What kind of language will be the most effective? It all
depends on who you are talking to, who your audience is.
You can’t use the same language you use in Jakarta when
you tell a story in Bali,” he elaborated. 

Budiman Hendropurnomo. Portrait by Andre Wiredja.

Born in Malang, East Java, Hendropurnomo is one of the

most decorated and respected architects in Indonesia. In his
illustrious, almost 40-year career he has completed more
than 30 award-winning hotels and resorts and many of the
country’s most recognisable and celebrated architectural

And all these he accomplished under one company banner

– Denton Corker Marshall (DCM) Jakarta, better known in
his home country as Duta Cermat Mandiri. 

“What kind of language will be the most effective? It all depends on who you are talking to.”

Budiman Hendropurnomo

Hendropurnomo joined DCM Melbourne in 1981 right after graduating from Melbourne School of
Design at the University of Melbourne. In 1983 he relocated to Jakarta to lead DCM’s projects in the
city. Four years later he was named the Director of DCM Jakarta and the company was formally
incorporated under the localised name Duta Cermat

Under his leadership, DCM Jakarta successfully

navigated the turbulent industry waters caused by
1997 Asian Financial Crisis and emerged stronger and
more prolific than any of the other international
architectural practices in the country.

Today, Hendropurnomo’s name is synonymous with

large-scale projects that have shaped the face and
perception of Indonesia’s modern architecture.

UMN Campus (2017). Photo by John Gollings.

There are always elements of experimentation

coupled with rigorous attention to detail in each of
these large-scale projects. And at the heart of the
experimentation is the search for sustainability and the desire to articulate Indonesian culture with
architecture in a fresh way.

“I see each of them [large-scale projects] as a mini city or a village. Each must have an ecosystem
that works. After you make sure that it works, then you try to make it not boring,” he says. 

Kompas Tower (2018), Photo by Tim Griffith.

At Jakarta’s bustling city centre, for instance, the

28-storey Allianz Tower (2011) provides a generous
space on its ground floor to house the food
vendors that previously (illegally) occupied its site.
Nearby, the Ministry of Trade Building rejuvenated
the image of a government office when it was
completed 2008 with its public spaces.

Kompas Multimedia Tower (2018). Photo by


Kompas Multimedia Tower, DCM Jakarta’s latest completed commercial tower (2018) features a
double skin that expresses the media group’s transition from print to digital media while significantly
reduces the building’s energy consumption. 

A little outside of the city, the 18-storey UMN Campus (2017) received an IAI Award 2018 from the
Indonesian Institute of Architects for its passive design. And at At Surabaya’s city centre, the Esa
Sampoerna Centre (2011) started a trend of green-skinned multi-storey carparks. 

UMN Campus (2017). Photo by DCM.

DCM Jakarta has also cultivated a robust hospitality

portfolio. “The Jakarta branch is DCM Group’s think
tank for hospitality,” says Hendropurnomo. He
elaborates, “The beautiful thing about being based in Indonesia is everything can be made. We are
rich in crafts and materials.”

The recently completed Kempinski Nusa Dua Bali. Photos by DCM.

These tangible and intangible riches facilitate Hendropurnomo’s

approach to sustainability. All the materials used to build the
architecture of Maya Ubud Resort and Spa (2000), for instance, were
obtained from sources located less than 20 kilometres in radius from the
site, greatly minimising its the project’s carbon footprint.

Maya Sanur Hotel Resort + Spa. Photo by John Gollings.

At Maya Sanur Hotel Resort and Spa (2014), the sand excavated to

create the basement levels was used to create the undulating ‘hill’ that
serves as a dramatic entrance to the resort compound. 

The entrance to Maya Sanur Hotel Resort

+ Spa. Photo by John Gollings.
“I wish there could be more architects who dare to experiment on large-scale projects,” he shares of
his hope for the future of the industry in Indonesia. That said, he admits that it takes years to
develop enough reputation and creative influence to do so.

“And you cannot do it alone,” he says, giving credit to DCM’s founding partners, who have made
DCM Jakarta what it is today. “A good way to start is by infusing more design management skills into
design schools,” he suggests.

Perpustakaan UI karya arsitek Budiman Hendropurnomo (Sumber:


Perpustakaan UI karya arsitek Budiman Hendropurnomo (Sumber:

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