You Can Be An Innovator, You Have The Opportunity To Make An Impact, You Contribute To Society, Create Your Own Corporate Culture

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ARCITE 09/27/2020

The term “entrepreneur” originates from the French word entreprendre which means “to undertake”. It
connotes a business paradigm which signifies the start of a new business undertaking. On the other hand the
term “entrepreneurship” comes from the word entrepreneur. It refers to particular field of practice or
process, as compared to an entrepreneur which is a person practicing entrepreneurship. Comparatively, the
relationship is like that of a manager and the management in which a manager is a person who correctly
practices the concept of management

Advantages in becoming successful entrepreneur;

You can be an innovator, You have the opportunity to make an impact, You contribute to society, Create
your own corporate culture

There is no universal definition of entrepreneurship because it is unique from person to person. There may be
some overlapping features of entrepreneurship but could only make a definition that is partially true. However
a person sees a business venture may or may not be exactly the same as to how somebody else sees it.

Businessmen (and businesswomen) see a trade build a business around that trade that allows them to make a
profit and eventually scale their operations. Entrepreneurs on the other hand, they are wave makers, they see
a product, trade or system, they identify a problem within it and seek to change it. Businessmen aim to make
a profit, Entrepreneurs aim to innovate.

The kind of business that I want to open/build is Internet Café, we already have an Internet Café but I want to
build it on my own money.

A businessman is a businessman, but an entrepreneur is an entrepreneur, an organizer, a risk taker, a manager

at the same time. The former focuses on competition, but the latter gives emphasis on coordination and
cooperation of all the resources. A businessman is oriented towards profit, however, an entrepreneur is a
people focused in essence, he/she gives more importance to its employees, customers, and the public. An
entrepreneur is a person who conceives a unique idea or concept to start an enterprise and brings it into
reality. He/She is the person who bears risks and uncertainties of the business. The venture established by the
entrepreneur is known as Startup Company, which is formed for the very first time regarding the idea,
innovation or business process.

He/She is the ones who lead the market always no matter how many competitors will come later, but
their position will remain untouched.
Entrepreneurship is an art of observing correct practices that are valuable to customers

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