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Lab Task 1:

1. Plot three phase voltage of magnitude 440v and 120-degree

phase difference in 2D as well as in 3D. a) Use distinct colors
(R, Y, B), X-label, Y-label, title, legend for each.
b) All plots overlapping in 1 fig. c) different window for each plot
2. Plot the function: y = sin(1/x) for time interval 0-2
(Hint: use symbolic variable and respective command)
3. Plot Complex number Z = 4+5j in complex plan

Lab Task 2:
Lab Task 2:
I. Take matrix A of an order 3x3 and differentiate b/w A^2, A.^2, A*A
II. Define a rectangular matrix of order 5x3 having random values b/w 0 and 8
III. For vector [1.92 , .05 ,-2.43 , -.02 , .09 , .85 , .06 , -.05 , .3214 ,3, 25 , 1
,5 ,10 , .0125 ,100]
IV. Replace any value b/w 1 and 4 with 0
V. Multiply negative values with -1
VI. Add 100 for the number that larger than or equal 5

NOTE: Using the following table to solve next tasks:

Lab Task 3:

I. Derive a new vector V7 from V3, with its 7th element changed to 1.4
II. Derive a new vector V6 from V1, with its 9th element omitted.
III. Derive a new vector V8 from V2, whose elements are prime no. indexed
values of V2

Lab Task 4:
Lab Task 4:
Use MATLAB Command to make partial fractions of following
 4x  8
a) F ( x) 
x^2  6 x  8

b) F ( x)  x ^ 2  2 x  3
( x  1)^3

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