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Case Study about British Trade International

This case study looks at British Trade International and its aim to help UK firms compete
successfully overseas.

One of the biggest challenges for business organizations in the UK is learning how and where to
trade overseas. In an interdependent world, international trade is an economic necessity.
However, there are marked differences between trading in a national economy with known
markets and known parameters, and trading on an international basis. Business organizations
require support to enter markets as well as to sustain their activities.
British Trade International is the joint Department of Trade and Industry/Foreign and
Commonwealth Office operation which has lead responsibility within the Government for trade
promotion and development.

A presence in overseas markets will help business organizations to achieve:

-increased growth leading to the benefits of economies of scale -

-larger production runs reduce costs
-a competitive edge - exposure to intensive competition, new products and ideas, more efficient
technologies and better working practices
-higher earnings where margins in some markets exceed those in the domestic one
-the ability to spread risks – while sales in the home market may be in decline those in overseas
markets may be booming.

The size of the business does not matter, nor does the product sector. What is important is:

-the product meets local demands

-regular training of overseas sales teams
-developing long-term relationships
-establishing new markets to compensate for less buoyant ones
-good marketing and customer service
-having a quality product strong enough to compete within overseas markets.

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