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A Pharmacology Primer
Techniques for More Effective and Strategic
Drug Discovery

Fifth Edition

Terry P. Kenakin, PhD

Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina
School of Medicine, United States
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Preface xiii 2.6.3 Differences in Receptor Density 36

2.6.4 Target-Mediated Trafficking
of Stimulus 36
1. What is Pharmacology? 1 2.7 Receptor Desensitization and
Tachyphylaxis 38
1.1About This Book 1
2.8 The Measurement of Drug Activity 39
1.2What is Pharmacology? 1
2.9 Advantages and Disadvantages
1.3The Receptor Concept 3 of Different Assay Formats 41
1.4Pharmacological Test Systems 4 2.10 Drug Concentration as an Independent
1.5The Nature of Drug Receptors 7 Variable 42
1.6Pharmacological Intervention 2.10.1 Dissimulation in Drug
and the Therapeutic Landscape 7 Concentration 42
1.7 System-Independent Drug Parameters: 2.10.2 Free Concentration of Drug 43
Affinity and Efficacy 10
2.11 Chapter Summary and Conclusions 44
1.8 What is Affinity? 13
2.12 Derivations 44
1.9 The Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm 13
2.12.1 Series Hyperbolae Can Be
1.10 What is Efficacy? 15
Modeled by a Single Hyperbolic
1.11 DoseResponse Curves 16
Function 45
1.11.1 Potency and Maximal Response 17 2.12.2 Successive Rectangular
1.11.2 P-Scales and the Representation Hyperbolic Equations Necessarily
of Potency 18 Lead to Amplification 45
1.12 Chapter Summary and Conclusions 19 2.12.3 Saturation of Any Step in a Stimulus
1.13 Derivations: Conformational Selection Cascade by Two Agonists Leads
as a Mechanism of Efficacy 20 to Identical Maximal Final
References 21
Responses for the Two Agonists 45
2.12.4 Procedure to Measure Free
Drug Concentration in the
2. How Different Tissues Process Drug Receptor Compartment 45
Response 23 References 46
Further Reading 46
2.1 Drug Response as Seen Through
the “Cellular Veil” 23
2.2 The Biochemical Nature of
3. DrugReceptor Theory 47
StimulusResponse Cascades 25
2.3 The Mathematical Approximation of 3.1 About This Chapter 47
StimulusResponse Mechanisms 28 3.2 DrugReceptor Theory 48
2.4 Influence of StimulusResponse 3.3 The Use of Mathematical Models in
Cascades on DoseResponse Curve Pharmacology 49
Slopes 29 3.4 Some Specific Uses of Models in
2.5 System Effects on Agonist Response: Pharmacology 49
Full and Partial Agonists 30 3.5 Classical Model of Receptor Function 55
2.6 Differential Cellular Response to 3.6 The Operational Model of Receptor
Receptor Stimulus 33 Function 56
2.6.1 Choice of Response Pathway 33 3.7 Two-State Theory 58
2.6.2 Augmentation or Modulation 3.8 The Ternary Complex Model 58
of Stimulus Pathway 35 3.9 The Extended Ternary Complex Model 59

16 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

equilibrium association constants Ka and αKa, respec- where Ka,i and Ka,0 are the respective affinities of the
tively, for the inactive and active states: ligand for states i and O. It can be seen that unless Ka,
i 5 Ka,0, the logarithmic term will not equal zero and the
P energy
P of
 the system will change
ð1:5Þ ΔGi 6¼ ΔG0i . Thus, if a ligand has differential
affinity for either state, then the free energy of the system
will change in the presence of the ligand. Under these cir-
cumstances, a different conformational bias will be formed
It can be shown that the ratio of the active species Ra by the differential affinity of the ligand. From these models
in the presence of a saturating concentration (ρN) of the comes the concept that binding is not a passive process,
ligand vs in the absence of the ligand (ρ0) is given by the whereby a ligand simply adheres to a protein without
following (see Section 1.13): changing it. The act of binding can itself bias the behavior
ρN αð1 1 LÞ of the protein. This is the thermodynamic basis of efficacy.
5 : (1.6)
ρ0 ð1 1 αLÞ
It can be seen that if the factor α is unity (i.e., the
affinity of the ligand for Ra and Ri is equal [Ka 5 αKa]),
then there will be no change in the amount of Ra when The concept of “doseresponse” in pharmacology has
the ligand is present. However, if α is not unity (i.e., if been known and discussed for some time. A prescription
the affinity of the ligand differs for the two species), then written in 1562 for hyoscyamus and opium for sleep
the ratio necessarily will change when the ligand is pres- clearly states, “If you want him to sleep less, give him
ent. Therefore, its differential affinity for the two protein less” [13]. It was recognized by one of the earliest physi-
species will alter their relative amounts. If the affinity of cians, Paracelsus (14931541), that it is only the dose
the ligand is higher for Ra, then the ratio will be .1 and that makes something beneficial or harmful: “All things
the ligand will enrich the Ra species. If the affinity for the are poison, and nothing is without poison. The Dosis
ligand for Ra is less than for Ri, then the ligand (by its alone makes a thing not poison.”
presence in the system) will reduce the amount of Ra. For Doseresponse curves depict the response to an ago-
example, if the affinity of the ligand is 30-fold greater for nist in a cellular or subcellular system as a function of the
the Ra state, then in a system where 16.7% of the recep- agonist concentration. Specifically, they plot response as
tors are spontaneously in the Ra state, the saturation of a function of the logarithm of the concentration. They can
the receptors with this agonist will increase the amount of be defined completely by three parameters, namely, loca-
Ra by a factor of 5.14 (16.7%85%). tion along the concentration axis, slope, and maximal
This concept is demonstrated schematically in asymptote (Fig. 1.15). At first glance, the shapes of
Fig. 1.14. It can be seen that the initial bias in a system of doseresponse curves appear to closely mimic the line
proteins containing two conformations (square and spheri- predicted by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, and it is
cal) lies far toward the square conformation. When a tempting to assume that doseresponse curves reflect the
ligand (filled circles) enters the system and selectively first-order binding and activation of receptors on the cell
binds to the circular conformations, this binding process surface. However, in most cases, this resemblance is hap-
removes the circles driving the backward reaction from penstance, and doseresponse curves reflect a far more
circles back to squares. In the absence of this backward complex amalgam of binding, activation, and recruitment
pressure, more square conformations flow into the circu- of cellular elements of response. In the end, these may
lar state to fill the gap. Overall, there is an enrichment of yield a sigmoidal curve, but in reality they are far
the circular conformations when unbound and ligand- removed from the initial binding of drug and receptor.
bound circular conformations are totaled. For example, in a cell culture with a collection of cells
This also can be described in terms of the Gibbs free with varying thresholds for depolarization, the single-cell
energy of the receptorligand system. Receptor confor- response to an agonist may be complete depolarization
mations are adopted as a result of attainment of minimal (in an all-or-none fashion). Taken as a complete collec-
free energy. Therefore, if the free energy of the collection tion, the depolarization profile of the culture where the
of receptors changes, so too will the conformational cells all have differing thresholds for depolarization
makeup of the system. The free energy of a system com- would have a Gaussian distribution of depolarization
posed of two conformations ai and ao is given by the fol- thresholds—some cells being more sensitive than others
lowing [19]: (Fig. 1.16A). The relationship of depolarization of the
X X complete culture to the concentration of a depolarizing
ΔGi 5 ΔG0i 2 RT
X (1.7) agonist is the area under the Gaussian curve. This yields a
3 lnð1 1 Ka;i ½AÞ= lnð1 1 Ka;0 ½AÞ; sigmoidal doseresponse curve (Fig. 1.16B) that

I "Inactive" II "Activated"
receptors receptors



Add ligand





FIGURE 1.14 Conformational selection as a thermodynamic process to bias mixtures of protein

conformations. (A) The two forms of the protein are depicted as circular and square shapes. The
system initially is predominantly square. Gaussian curves to the right show the relative frequency
of occurrence of the two conformations. (B) As a ligand (blue dots) enters the system and prefers
the circular conformations, these are selectively removed from the equilibrium between the two
protein states. The distributions show the enrichment of the circular conformation at the expense of
the square one. (C) A new equilibrium is attained in the presence of the ligand favoring the circular
conformation because of the selective pressure of affinity between the ligand and this conformation.
The distribution reflects the presence of the ligand and the enrichment of the circular conformation.

resembles the Langmuirian binding curve for agonist and receptor. In general, shapes of doseresponse
drugreceptor binding. The slope of the latter curve curves are completely controlled by cellular factors and
reflects the molecularity of the drugreceptor interaction cannot be used to discern drugreceptor mechanisms.
(i.e., one ligand binding to one receptor yields a slope of These must be determined indirectly by null methods.
unity for the curve). In the case of the sequential depolari-
zation of a collection of cells, it can be seen that a nar-
rower range of depolarization thresholds yields a steeper
doseresponse curve, indicating that the actual numerical
1.11.1 Potency and Maximal Response
value of the slope for a doseresponse curve cannot be There are certain features of agonist doseresponse
equated to the molecularity of the binding between curves that are generally true for all agonists. The first is
18 Chapter | 1 What is Pharmacology?

that the magnitude of the maximal asymptote is totally the agonist (Fig. 1.17B). The potency is the molar con-
dependent on the efficacy of the agonist and the effi- centration required to produce a given response.
ciency of the biological system to convert receptor stimu- Potencies vary with the type of cellular system used to
lus into tissue response (Fig. 1.17A). This can be an make the measurement and the level of response at which
extremely useful observation in the drug-discovery pro- the measurement is made. A common measurement used
cess when attempting to affect the efficacy of a molecule. to quantify potency is the EC50, namely, the molar con-
Changes in chemical structure that affect only the affinity centration of an agonist required to produce 50% of the
of the agonist will have no effect on the maximal asymp- maximal response to the agonist. Thus, an EC50 value of
tote of the doseresponse curve for that agonist. 1 μM indicates that 50% of the maximal response to the
Therefore, if chemists wish to optimize or minimize effi- agonist is produced by a concentration of 1 μM of the
cacy in a molecule, they can track the maximal response agonist (Fig. 1.18). If the agonist produces a maximal
to do so. Second, the location, along the concentration response of 80% of the system maximal response, then
axis of doseresponse curves, quantifies the potency of 40% of the system maximal response will be produced by
1 μM of this agonist (Fig. 1.18). Similarly, an EC25 will
be produced by a lower concentration of this same ago-
nist; in this case, the EC25 is 0.5 μM.
100 Maximal
% Max. response

80 1.11.2 P-Scales and the Representation of

Slope Agonist potency is an extremely important parameter in
40 drugreceptor pharmacology. Invariably it is determined
Threshold from log-doseresponse curves. It should be noted that
20 since these curves are generated from semilogarithmic
plots, the location parameter of these curves is log nor-
0 mally distributed. This means that the logarithms of the
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 sensitivities (EC50) and not the EC50 values themselves
Log ([A]/KA) are normally distributed (Fig. 1.19A). Since all statistical
FIGURE 1.15 Doseresponse curves. Any doseresponse curve can parametric tests must be done on data that come from
be defined by the threshold (where response begins along the concentra- normal distributions, all statistics (including comparisons
tion axis), the slope (the rise in response with changes in concentration), of potency and estimates of errors of potency) must come
and the maximal asymptote (the maximal response). from logarithmically expressed potency data. When log
normally distributed EC50 data (Fig. 1.19B) are converted

(A) (B)
12 120

10 100
Cumulative %

8 80

6 60

4 40

2 20

0 0
0 500 1000 0 500 1000
No. of cells No. of cells
FIGURE 1.16 Factors affecting the slope of doseresponse curves. (A) Gaussian distributions of the thresh-
olds for depolarization of cells to an agonist in a cell culture. Solid line shows a narrow range of threshold,
and the lighter line a wider range. (B) Area under the curve of the Gaussian distributions shown in panel A.
These would represent the relative depolarization of the entire cell culture as a function of the concentration of
agonist. The more narrow range of threshold values corresponds to the doseresponse curve of steeper slope.

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