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Q : What are their names?

A : His name is Jacek & her

1C What are their names ? name is Ana.

Grammar : possessive pronouns (my, your, &c.)

Vocabulary : personal information (address, phone number, &c.
Pronunciation : The Alphabet ; / / & / /

1 Listening

a What do you think? Complete the sentences with one of these

: Britain

The USA Ireland

Every year thousands of students travel to different countries to study


Where do they go? Here are the top 5 destinations :

600 000 study English in ________________ .

500 000 study English in ________________ .

120 000 study English in ________________ .

80 000 study English in ________________ .

80 000 study English in ________________ .

One of these international students of English is Mario :

(No, not Super Mario)

b Mario goes to Ireland to study English. Listen to the interview and

complete Mario’s form :

First name : Mario

Surname : Benedetti

Country/City : ________ / ________

Age : ________

Address : Via Foro ________

Postcode : ________________

E-mail :

Phone number : ______________

c (Audio track 1.20). Listen and complete the receptionist’s

questions :

1 What’s your first name?

2 _________ Your surname?

3 _________ do you spell it?

4 Where are you __________ ?

5 _________ you a student?

6 How old _________ you?

7 ________ your address?

8 What’s _______ postcode?

9 ________ your e-mail address?

10 What’s your ________ _________ ?ß

2 Pronunciation (audio track 1.21)
Can you say the alphabet in English?
Listen and repeat the words & sounds (audio track 1.22)

train tree egg bike phone boot car

A B F ___ O Q. R

___ C L Y ___

J ___ M W

___ E ___
G ___

___ ___

___ ___(UK)

___ (USA)

C (Audio track 1.23) Place these other letters of the alphabet in the correcto column :


d In pairs, practise saying these initial letters :

a (Tape 1.24) Listen and repeat the questions from 1C.

Copy the rhythm.

b Communication Interview page 111.

4 Grammar Possessive pronouns

a Look at the highlighted words. Which is a pronoun and

which is a possessive pronoun?

1 Where are you from? 2 What’s your name?

b Complete the chart with your, my, his, her, their, our.
Listen and check :

I’m Italian ________ family are from Rome

You’re in level 3. This is _________ classroom.

She’s the Director of Studies. ________ name is Michaela.

He’s your teacher. ________ name is Francis.

We’re an international company. _____ employees work in different countries.

They’re new students. ______ names are Pedro and Karl.

c Page 122 Grammar Bank 1C. Read the rules and do the

5 Pronunciation / / and / /
a (Audio track 1.26). Listen and repeat the words and sounds :



b Place these words in the chart. Listen & repeat the words :

her our now surname

how first

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