Bicol University College of Education Daraga, Albay

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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Educ. 1
Activity 5: Individual Task

Name: Abegail T. Infante BSED Math 1

Part 1. Looking Back

a. Recall your childhood. You may also ask your parents from some information. Write
your answers by completing the following sentences. Then classify your answer if it
is microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem or chronosystem.

1. When I was 5 years old, my parents and I went to Manila to send off my mother
going back to work in abroad.
- Exosystem
2. As a child, my unforgettable playmates were my cousins especially Ella and
- Microsystem
3. When I was in elementary, I regularly watched the television show Sineskwela.
- Exosystem
4. When I was growing up, we went to church in Naga Metropolitan Cathedral.
- Mesosystem.
5. I cannot forget my teacher who made me feel that I am the little teacher inside
our classroom.
- Chronosystem
6. When I was growing up, I was away from everybody thinking that I might hurt
them or offend them.
- Exosystem
7. When I was in high school, I was close to my new found friends.
- Microsystem
8. As a child, I can recall this big news about the Typhoon Ondoy who swept across
the metro Manila and some parts of Luzon in the year 2009.
- Chronosystem
9. The most serious challenge our family experienced was when my mother was
terminated by her employee
- Exosystem
10. The most important thing that I learned from my elementary school was to be
kind, understanding and respectful to everyone.
- Chronosystem

Part II. Analysis

a. Read the situation and provide your analysis

While eating on her high chair, seven-month old Liza accidentally dropped her spoon
on the floor. She saw Mommy pick it up. Liza again drops her new spoon and she
does this several times more on purpose. Mommy didn’t like it at all but Liza
appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons the whole time.

On this situation, why do you think Liza appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons?
What stage/ concept of cognitive development can explain this?

- Babies are like tourists, they loved to explore the world around them and
observe. Liza seemed to enjoy dropping the spoon because babies usually
explore and discover new things around them. We all know that babies used
to cry a lot when they don’t see things or their toys in front of them because
they don’t want objects are out of their sight. In the case of Liza, she finds it
exciting dropping her new spoon; and it’s her tendency to test it out over and
over again to see. After dropping the spoons, Liza understands how her
mother picks up the spoon the whole time she drops it. It gives her the idea
that after it was dropped, she would still be able to see it. After analysing, the
concept of cognitive development which is suitable for this situation is the
Sensori-Motor Stage

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