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Nama : Rina Agustina

Nim : 22018028


Part 1. Assessing Eyes

Activity 1.
Translate these sentences into communicative English
1. Maaf Pak, sekarang saya mau memeriksa mata anda.
2. Apakah anda pernah mengalami masalah dengan mata anda, misalnya gatal atau luka.
3. Sekarang saya meminta anda membaca huruf ini.
4. Saya akan menggerakkan telunjuk jari saya ke tengah hidung anda. Coba ikuti gerakan
telunjuk saya.
5. Saya mau mengecek kornea anda. Sekarang silahkan lihat ke atas, saya mau menyinari mata


1. Sorry sir, now I want to check your eyes.

2. Have you ever had problems with your eyes, such as itching or sores.
3. Now I ask you to read this letter.
4. I will move my index finger to the middle of your nose. Try to follow the movement of my index
5. I want to check your cornea. Now look up, I want to shine in your eyes.

Activity 3.
Make a complete conversation on assessing eyes using an ophthalmoscope.
Use expressions listed above.

Ns : good morning miss, my name is erni.

pt : good morning ns, my name is rina.

ns : hello Miss Rina can I help you?

pt : yes ns, today I want to have my eye checked.

ns : what are your complaints in your eyes?

pt : my eyes feel itchy and my vision is a little blurry

ns : okay I'll check your eyes

pt : okay ns

ns : I want to check your cornea. Now please look up, s

I want to shine your eyes.

pt : what happened ns?

ns : oh this irritation can be caused by small insects, such as ants or night insects. so that the eyes
become red and itchy

pt : is it dangerous?

ns : yes this is dangerous, but fortunately you came here and checked. I'll give you drops later, hopefully
get better soon,

pt : thank you very much ns.

Part 2. Assessing Ears

Activity 1.
Translate these sentences into communicative English
1. Sekarang saya mau memeriksa telinga anda.
anda pernah mengalami masalah dengan telinga anda, misalnya suara berdengung?
3. Dapatkah anda mendengar dengan baik kedua telinga anda?
4. Coba dengarkan suara dari alat ini.
5. Katakana kapan suaranya tidak terdengar lagi.


1. Now I want to check your ears.

2. Have you ever had problems with your ears, for example a buzzing sound?

3. Can you hear both your ears well?

4. Try listening to the sound of this tool.

5. Say when the voice is not heard again.

Activity 2.
Make a complete conversation on assessing ears using an otoscope.
Use expressions listed above.

A: good afternoon miss, introduce me Rina, what's your name?

B: Good afternoon ners. My name is Erni

A: Okey miss Erni, How do you feel right now?

B: I have ear pain and I feel dizzy.

A: Have you had earaches before?

B: No ners.

A: OK. Now, let me check your ears. Are you willing?

B: Yes, ners.

A : Please sit back and relax and tilt your head. I'll check your ears using this otoscope.

B : Yes Ners.

A: It's finished. No problem, it's just mild ear inflammation.

B: Fine, thank you ners.

A: OK. Get well soon

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