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Addis Ababa University, EiABC

COTM 3211 Construction Planning and Scheduling

Bsc. Program in Construction Technology and Management

15 May 2019
Exercise I
Submission Date : one week after end of a class.
1. Clearly explain planning and scheduling differences and what do you think about planning
and scheduling techniques by contractors participating in construction industry? By asking some
of the contractors participating on construction project ask whether they have schedule and also
whether they are working as per the schedule or not, if they are not doing as per the schedule
try to identity,what was the possible causes that makes them they are not meeting their schedule

2. Develop a WBS for a roadway project, which consists of paved roadway, a bridge, and culverts.

3.Construct a network activity diagram using AON and AOA based on the following information:
Activity Preceding activities

A -
B -

4.Here it is given on below table, which shows activity, precedence relationship and duration
for each activity. Therefore, using data given as below;

A) Draw a project network using both AOA and AON.

B) Find the earliest times, latest times, and slack ( Total float, Free float and
Independent float) for each activity. Use this information to determine which of
the paths a critical path is.
C) What was overall effect on the project by delaying activity M by three days?

Activity Immediate Estimated

Predecessors Duration( days)
A - 1
B A 2
C B 4
D B 3
E B 2
F C 3
G D,E 5
H F 1
I G,H 4
J I 2
K I 3
L J 3
M K 5
N L 4

5.For the data given below of a construction project scheduled determine the critical path and
all floats.

Activity Predecessor Duration

A - 6

B A 7

C A 1

D - 14

E B 5

F C,D 8

G C,D 8

H D 3

I H 5

J F 3

K E,J 4

L F 12

M G,I 6

N G,I 2

O L,N 7

6.Small project consists of seven activities. The details of which are given as below;

Activity Duration (days) Dependencies

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
A 1 3 7 -
B 2 6 14 A
C 3 3 3 A
D 4 10 22 B,C
E 3 7 15 B
F 2 5 14 D,E
G 4 4 4 D

I. Draw Network diagram, find critical path, expected project completion time.
II. What project duration will have 95% confidence of completion.

7. For the set of activities shown in the table below:

a. Draw the network.
b. Calculate the ES, EF, LS, & LF for all activities.
c. Tabulate the TF & FF for all activities.
d. Show the Critical Path.
e. Find the probability that the project will be completed in: 24 and 34 days.
f. What is the project expected duration corresponding to 70% assurance.

Activity Duration (days) Dependencies

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
A 2 5.5 6 -
B 5 7 9 -
C 4 4 4 B
D 5 6 7 B
E 1.5 2 2.5 B
F 4 5 6 A,C
G 2 2.5 6 A,C
H 6 7 8 E,F

8. Perform PDM calculations on the below given network!

1. Using forward pass and backward pass techniques obtain early and late times.
2. Identify critical path.
3. Fill the data you get from Forward pass and Back ward pass into typical PNA box.

9.A network for a project has the logic given in the following table. The resource rates for each
activity are also given. It is required to:
a- Level resource I and then draw resource histogram before and after leveling.
b- Level resource II and then draw resource histogram before and after leveling.

Activity Predecessors Resource Rate

duration Resource I Resource II
A --- 2 3 1
B A 8 4 6
C A 6 8 6
D A 4 6 5
E A 3 4 1
F B 12 2 0
G C,D 4 7 9
H C,D,E 6 9 5
K F,G,H 3 2 0

10. Consider the following pipeline project in which the resource requirement for skilled
plumbers for each activity is shown in the following Table:

Activity Predecessor Duration (days) Resources required


A - 4 2
B - 3 1
C - 6 1
D B 8 3
E B 7 -
F C 2 3
G A,D 9 1
H E 5 2
I E 4 -
J I 4 2
Assume five plumbers are available for the project. Prepare an activity schedule which satisfies
the resources constraints.

11. The durations and direct costs for each activity in the network of a small construction
contract under both normal and crash conditions are given in the following table. Establish the
least cost for expediting the contract. Determine the optimum duration of the contract assuming
the indirect cost is birr 125/day.

Normal Crash
Activity Preceded by Duration(days) Cost (birr) Duration(days) Cost (birr)

A - 12 7000 10 7200
B A 8 5000 6 5300
C A 15 4000 12 4600
D B 23 5000 23 5000
E B 5 1000 4 1050
F C 5 3000 4 3300
G E,C 20 6000 15 6300
H F 13 2500 11 2580
I D,G,H 12 3000 10 3150
12. Cost and schedule data for a small project are given below. Assume an indirect cost of birr
200/day. Develop the time-cost curve for the project and determine the minimum contract

Activity Preceded by Cost (birr) Duration (days)

Crash Normal Crash Normal

A - 3900 3600 6 7
B A 6500 5500 3 5
C B 7200 6350 7 9
D B 4900 4700 18 19
E B 2200 2050 9 10
F C 1700 1200 6 8
G F 7200 7200 5 5
H E 100000 9450 10 11
I D,G,H 4700 4500 6 7


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