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The Entrepreneurial Mind

2 Semester, AY: 2020-2021
Quiz #1 (Prelim)


(taken/adapted from Mindset by Carol Dweck and other sources)

1. How did your parents and/or teachers praise you as you were growing up?  Did they
tell you how “smart” you were, or did they focus on how hard you worked?  How do you
praise others?
My parents and teachers praising me for all the efforts I put in, so I’m blessed
and thankful that they are my parents and teachers. Yes, they tell me how smart I am,
and they don’t focus only on how hard I worked. I praise others by showing a genuine
interest to them.
2. Was there a difficult transition in your life where you fell into a fixed mindset and lost
confidence in your abilities?  Describe it. 

I hold a belief that I’m not a good swimmer, then my view becomes an excuse to
avoid swimming. Fell into a fixed mindset and lost my confidence and my abilities to

3. How do you respond to “constructive criticism?”

Constructive criticism has been key to me in becoming a better person and has
helped me continue become a good daughter and aunt to my niece. It can be tough to
hear not-so-positive feedback sometimes, but I’ve tried to look at it objectively, rather
than reacting emotionally, to figure out whether the feedback has validity and how I can
learn. Visualize the situation from a bird’s eye view, rather than a first-person narrator

"You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end."
-Jessica Herrin, founder, and CEO of Stella & Dot

“Speak with honesty, think with sincerity, and act with integrity.” Anonymous

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