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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile


Robustness of powertrain mount system for noise, vibration and harshness at idle
M Qatu, M Sirafi and F Johns
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2002 216: 805
DOI: 10.1177/095440700221600103

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Robustness of powertrain mount system for noise,

vibration and harshness at idle

M Qatu1*, M Sira2 and F Johns1

1Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
2MSX International, Dearborn, Michigan, USA

Abstract: Noise, vibration and harshness (NVH ) has become an increasingly important attribute
in vehicle engineering. At idle conditions, customer-perceived NVH is dominated by powertrain NVH.
Powertrain NVH can be radiated engine noise or noise (and vibration) transmitted through the
powertrain mounting system. This paper discusses the variability in the latter NVH as a function of
the variability of the mount stiness parameters. A simple six-degree-of-freedom model is used in the
analysis. A detailed design of experiment studies was conducted. It is concluded that better control
of mount stiness parameters would result in improved prediction and performance of idle NVH.

Keywords: robustness, mounts, NVH, powertrain


CG centre of gravity Noise, vibration and harshness (NVH ) is an important

[E ] modal energy matrix dened as a vehicle attribute during overall customer satisfaction. In
percentage of the total energy fact, NVH comes among the top ve attributes of most
F ,F ,F force summations from the mounts vehicles (as well as safety, reliability, fuel economy and
x y z
about the CG cost). NVH has a particular added importance in cars.
I inertia matrix parameters of the Among the various NVH characteristics of the vehicle
whole powertrain are powertrain, road and wind NVH. Powertrain NVH
[K ] stiness matrix can be evaluated in various conditions. The most import-
m powertrain mass ant of these are idle conditions, partial throttle and wide
[M ] mass matrix open throttle. The idle condition is frequently encoun-
M ,M ,M moment summations from the mounts tered by customers who are jammed in trac or waiting
x y z
about the CG at a trac light. During the idle condition, other vehicle
[x] vector of degrees of freedom noises (road and wind ) do not exist, and powertrain
[x̄] mass-normalized target modes or NVH is the dominant noise detected by the customer.
desired set of modes Powertrain radiated noise and front end accessory
ẍ , ÿ , z̈ accelerations of CG in the x, y and drive radiated noises exist at idle. In addition to these,
c c c
z directions respectively vibration of the powertrain system can be transferred as
z components of x parallel to x̄ structurally borne noise (SBN ) to the customer touch
ij i j
points of steering wheel, seat, oor pan and others.
ä , b̈ , c̈ rotational accelerations about the x, Along the path, some of that energy may be transformed
c c c
y and z directions respectively into airborne noise (ABN ) and cause audible (and objec-
v natural frequency tionable) noise to the customer. Proper design of the
powertrain mounting system will help to minimize both
SBN and ABN.
In the program development process, it is dicult to
assess the customer-perceived NVH without actual hard-
The MS was received on 7 February 2002 and was accepted after revision ware. Current computer-aided engineering tools are
for publication on 22 July 2002.
* Corresponding author: Ford Motor Company, MD 1247, 20000 good in predicting improvement due to certain changes
Rotunda Road, Dearborn, MI 48124, USA. or troubling frequencies but are not as accurate when it
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comes to predicting actual in-vehicle levels of noise or properties of the mounts. The variability of the mount
vibrations. Accurate simulation of the total vehicle stiness parameters before installation can be due to the
across a wide frequency range is still in the early stages following.
of development. Experience, however, shows that a strat-
1. Material variation. This includes the variation in the
egy can be developed to minimize the powertrain idle
chemical compounds used in the rubber or the
NVH by proper selection of both the location and the
compound distribution.
stiness parameters of powertrain mounting system,
2. Geometric variation. This reects the variability of the
without the need of a full vehicle prototype or model.
mount dimensions.
In that case, mass and inertia properties are needed for
the powertrain. A simple rigid body model with six Another source of variation is assembly variation.
degrees of freedom (DOF ) can be used in the analysis. This variation may very well be the most important of
Such an analysis will be performed to determine the rigid all variations. Once installed, small dimensional vari-
body modes of the powertrain. An initial design and ation of the order of 1 mm at both the top and bottom
optimization can then be carried out to nd the best end of the mount may cause it to be pre-stressed and
location of mounts and their stiness values. The follow- the shape to be distorted. Both of these will result in a
ing general criteria have been recognized to improve the dierent eective stiness value.
idle NVH performance [1–5]. There has been no known research to validate and
evaluate the contributions of the above variability to the
1. The roll mode is the most dominant mode. This mode
overall variability of the mount stiness. It should be
needs to be minimized, because higher frequency
mentioned, however, that testing the mounts on test ben-
mode will result in higher NVH at the customer touch
ches may be good enough in evaluating the above two
points. In fact, a 1 Hz increase in this frequency will
sources of variation but not assembly variation. In order
result in an equivalent proportional 4–6 dB(A) noise
to measure the variation in the mount stiness due to
increase at the customer’s ears. The target for this
assembly, a test must be developed to measure such
frequency is 11 Hz. If a 12 Hz value for the roll mode
stiness of the mount as installed. This task is not a
is obtained, the frequency response function will be
straightforward one.
basically moved to the right with a peak at 12 Hz
The purpose of this paper is to show the eect of such
instead of 11. The idle third-order frequency for a V6
variability on the metrics described earlier and widely
engine is between 30 and 35 Hz. A system with 12 Hz
accepted for powertrain mount design. A design of
roll mode frequency will result in 4–6 dB(A) higher
experiment (DOE ) approach is adopted in the analysis.
noise in the idle third-order range than the system
with 11 Hz.
2. The energy associated with each of these modes needs
to be decoupled from other modes. This will reduce
the possible coupling of the modes that cause higher
levels of NVH. There should be at least 1 Hz separa- A powertrain consisting of a typical 3.0 l east–west
tion between all modes. The most notable are the roll engine and transmission conguration is chosen to per-
and yaw modes as well as the bounce and pitch form the analysis. Also an engine mounting strategy
modes. In particular, the bounce mode needs to be of two engine mounts, one transmission mount and
separated by 1 Hz from all other modes. one roll restrictor is selected in this study ( Fig. 1). This

The above metrics have been used successfully at early

phases of product development to determine a power-
train mount strategy ( location for package protection)
as well as rates.
Much of the earlier research in the area of engine
mounts covered topics such as developing general iso-
lation strategies [1–5]. Other research focused on the
accuracy of the modelling strategy (six versus higher
DOF ) [6–8]. Researchers also put considerable eort
into investigating optimization schemes for mount
locations and/or stiness values [9–13]. Some research
was also performed on non-classical hydraulic mounts
[14, 15]. Only recently has research appeared on the
sensitivity and robustness of the mounting system [16 ].
The rubber material used currently by mount suppliers Fig. 1 Powertrain model (EFM, engine front mount; ERM,
and the subsequent manufacturing processes of the engine rear mount; RR, upper roll restrictor; TLM,
mount yield a variability of 30 per cent in the stiness transmission left mount)
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strategy is referred to as a centre of gravity (CG ) strat- in the direction x̄ . The modal energy matrix [E ] is
egy. It oers excellent second-order engine isolation and dened as a percentage of the total energy, E # z2 ,
ij ij
good roll and fore/aft mode decoupling yielding better where E can be interpreted as the percentage modal
shift quality when compared with the traditional torque energy of actual modes x parallel to target mode x̄ .
i j
roll axis strategy. It oers less third-order isolation
because of its relatively sti roll mode.
2.2 Design of experiment

2.1 Six-degree-of-freedom model The system described earlier for the V6 engine attached
to a transmission in a front wheel drive vehicle is mod-
The powertrain is treated here as a rigid body that is elled and analysed. Proper inertia matrix and properties
supported by a system of springs. This rigid body has are obtained with an advanced nite element program
six degrees of freedom: three translations and three or an inertia test. A four-mount system is used for the
rotations. The general equations of motion for both powertrain:
translation and rotation are
(a) engine front mount ( EFM );
mẍ =F , mÿ =F , mz̈ =F (b) engine rear mount ( ERM );
c x c y c z
(c) transmission left mount ( TLM );
I ä I b̈ I c̈ =M
xx c xy c xz c x (d ) upper roll restrictor ( RR).
I ä I b̈ I c̈ =M
xy c yy c yz c y The rst three of these mounts have three stiness com-
I ä I b̈ I c̈ =M ponents and the last has only an axial component. The
xz c yz c zz c z
where m is the powertrain mass, ẍ , ÿ and z̈ are acceler- mounts’ nominal locations and stiness values are listed
c c c in Table 1.
ations at the CG in the x, y and z directions respectively,
I are the inertia matrix parameters of the whole power- Table 2 shows the mass of a representative powertrain
ij as well as the coordinates of its CG. It also shows the
train and ä , b̈ and c̈ are the rotational acceleration
c c c inertia properties of the powertrain being considered.
values about the x, y and z directions respectively. The
terms F , F and F are force summations from the It should be mentioned here that the numbers chosen
x y z are generic and do not necessarily describe a particular
mounts about the CG, and M , M and M are moment
x y z powertrain. This system yielded the nominal frequencies
summations from the mounts about the CG.
and coupling energy described in Table 3. The modal
Substituting the proper force and moment parameters
energy associated with the dominant mode is tracked by
of the engine mounts and assuming harmonic motions
will yield a 6×6 matrix problem that can be written as percentage of the energy. The energy strategy here is to
decouple the modes by letting most of the energy (>85
([K ]v2[M ]){X } ={0} per cent) associate with one mode.
where [K ] and [M ] are stiness and mass matrices Both the frequency and the modal energy are recorded
respectively, [x] is the vector of DOF and v is the natural in the analysis. A two-level, 16-run DOE ( Table 4) was
frequency. Setting the determinant of these equations to constructed to perform the analysis. Each stiness was
zero will yield the six natural modes (rigid body modes) assumed to vary independently by ±15 per cent. This
of the system. assumption may be revisited in future studies. This is
The matrix of the actual eigenvector [x] can be because manufacturing and assembly variations will
expressed using the target modes [x̄] as
Table 1 Location and stiness parameters used in all mounts
[z]=[x]T[M ][x̄]
Location Stiness
with elements
Mount x y z x y z
z =xT M x
ij im mn nj
EFM 1500.0 200.0 1100.0 150 150 300
[x̄] is the mass-normalized target modes or desired set ERM 1900.0 200.0 1150.0 150 150 300
of modes which actual modes are compared with. The TLM 1750.0 500.0 1050.0 100 100 300
translational modes in this matrix are aligned with Upper RR 1750.0 50.0 1600.0 60 1 1
vehicle coordinates. Rotational modes, however, are
aligned such that the roll mode lies along the torque roll
axis of the powerplant. Pitch and yaw modes are dened Table 2 Mass, CG and inertia terms of the
to be rotational about axes close to powertrain x and powertrain
z axes respectively, while remaining orthogonal to the Mass 270.0 kg Inertia (Mg mm2)
torque roll axis. CG x 1700.0 mm l 20 800.0 l 1600.0
xx xy
The elements in z are the components of x parallel CG y 0.0 mm l 10 500.0 l 650.0
yy xz
ij i CG z 1200.0 mm l
19 500.0 l
to x̄ . z2 is the fraction of energy in the mode x acting
j ij i
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Table 3 Frequencies for rigid body modes and energy table

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6

Frequency (Hz) 6.50 5.97 9.00 10.51 7.69 11.42

Fore–aft 98.54 0.00 0.20 1.24 0.00 0.01
Lateral 0.00 97.06 0.40 0.00 0.85 1.69
Bounce 0.03 0.07 89.32 5.87 0.64 4.07
Roll 1.31 0.07 3.47 83.80 10.52 0.83
Pitch 0.00 2.08 4.86 0.42 0.09 92.55
Yaw 0.11 0.73 1.74 8.67 87.89 0.86

Table 4 A DOE matrix with 16 runs and two levels for 10 variables

(N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm), (N/mm),
x y z x y z x y z x
1         + +
2 +    + + +   
3  +   + +  +  
4 + +     + + + +
5   +  +  + +  +
6 +  +   +  + + 
7  + +   + +  + 
8 + + +  +     +
9    +  + + +  +
10 +   + +   + + 
11  +  + +  +  + 
12 + +  +  +    +
13   + + + +   + +
14 +  + +   +   
15  + + +    +  
16 + + + + + + + + + +
+ 173 173 345 173 173 345 115 115 345 69
 128 128 255 128 128 255 85 85 255 51
N 150 150 300 150 150 300 100 100 300 60

aect stiness parameters in all directions. The 16 runs target. This implies that, with certain combinations of
were conducted and the results are shown in Table 5. mounts, the modes will not be decoupled as planned.
The energy associated with the dominant mode is Table 6 shows the eect of each of the variations of
tracked. the stiness parameters on each of the frequencies.
Table 7 shows the percentage variation of each frequency
as a result of stiness variations. The higher variations
3 RESULTS in the frequencies are highlighted.
It is found that the variability of the vertical stiness
In the frequency portion of Table 5, the runs that of the rear engine mount results in 4.8 per cent variation
resulted in a roll mode higher than 11 Hz are highlighted in the bounce mode, 6.7 per cent in the roll mode and
in bold characters. This is in violation of the rec- close to 2.7 per cent in the yaw mode. The vertical sti-
ommended target. Also, when the frequency separation ness of the front engine mount is contributing to a 8.3
violates 0.5 Hz, the frequencies for the specic runs are per cent variation in the bounce mode. The pitch mode
written in italic. As can be seen, a 30 per cent variation is mostly aected by variability in the vertical stiness
in the mounting stiness parameters will result in gross of the transmission left mount. The roller restrictor vari-
violation of the generally accepted criteria for a proper ation contributes about 3 per cent to the variability in
powertrain mounting strategy. the roll mode.
The energy portion of Table 5 shows a gross violation It is important to state that the eect of the mount
of our modal energy strategy. In particular, runs 2, 3, 9 stiness variation with reference to a particular mode of
and 12 show less than 60 per cent of the energy associ- vibration is due not only to the stiness variation itself
ated with the particular mode, less than the 85 per cent but also to the position of the mount. Hence, for
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Table 5 Results of the 16 runs in the DOE

For–aft Lateral Bounce Roll Yaw Pitch Dominant values (%)

(Hz), (Hz), (Hz), (Hz), (Hz), (Hz),
Run mode 1 mode 2 mode 3 mode 4 mode 5 mode 6 Energy 1 Energy 2 Energy 3 Energy 4 Energy 5 Energy 6

1 6.18 5.54 8.40 10.05 7.13 12.02 99.12 97.56 83.84 88.28 89.66 86.89
2 6.45 5.83 8.71 11.03 7.93 10.34 93.46 95.76 68.00 42.35 65.75 48.02
3 6.00 6.33 8.59 10.28 7.37 11.06 98.53 93.84 73.08 44.66 81.00 62.97
4 6.67 6.07 8.43 10.33 7.94 12.11 96.61 96.82 83.25 82.16 81.84 86.66
5 6.37 5.98 8.94 10.35 8.05 10.77 94.23 89.88 97.90 78.18 84.65 85.04
6 6.25 5.77 9.60 10.82 7.33 12.18 94.58 96.94 85.04 82.52 87.17 93.69
7 6.18 5.90 9.57 10.68 8.01 12.18 95.71 98.59 81.39 80.38 90.06 93.16
8 6.44 6.16 8.94 10.60 7.52 10.77 94.94 94.02 98.49 63.56 82.47 72.72
9 6.79 5.98 8.48 11.20 9.01 10.46 89.82 95.91 62.42 46.69 73.42 51.21
10 6.45 5.97 8.46 10.17 7.42 12.07 87.43 85.53 82.32 75.27 67.77 86.97
11 6.46 6.19 8.44 9.98 8.01 12.07 93.47 95.75 77.53 74.38 69.53 86.63
12 6.58 5.86 8.72 11.35 7.53 10.43 83.45 97.28 79.34 57.57 65.13 65.62
13 6.44 5.83 9.62 11.06 7.56 12.14 92.99 92.46 88.02 87.05 83.64 93.71
14 6.73 5.52 8.94 10.38 7.92 10.68 94.80 97.67 97.90 72.53 84.13 88.88
15 6.26 6.04 8.94 10.20 7.36 10.77 94.06 94.95 97.95 84.39 84.00 95.03
16 6.97 6.41 9.65 11.27 8.25 12.24 98.52 97.04 89.35 83.73 87.60 92.52
Nominal 6.50 5.97 9.00 10.51 7.69 11.42 98.54 97.06 89.32 83.80 87.89 92.55

Table 6 Average variation of natural frequencies based on change in mount stiness


x y z x y z x y z x
(Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)

Mode 1—Avg+ 6.57 6.45 6.46 6.59 6.45 6.46 6.58 6.47 6.45 6.56
Mode 1—Avg 6.34 6.46 6.45 6.32 6.46 6.45 6.33 6.43 6.45 6.35
Mode 2—Avg+ 5.95 6.12 5.95 5.98 6.09 5.99 5.99 6.07 5.96 5.98
Mode 2—Avg 5.97 5.80 5.97 5.95 5.84 5.93 5.94 5.85 5.96 5.94
Mode 3—Avg+ 8.93 8.91 9.28 8.91 8.92 9.12 8.90 8.89 9.02 8.90
Mode 3—Avg 8.87 8.89 8.53 8.90 8.89 8.69 8.91 8.92 8.78 8.91
Mode 4—Avg+ 10.74 10.59 10.67 10.70 10.59 10.96 10.65 10.58 10.55 10.78
Mode 4—Avg 10.48 10.63 10.55 10.52 10.63 10.26 10.57 10.64 10.67 10.44
Mode 5—Avg+ 7.73 7.75 7.75 7.88 7.76 7.87 8.14 7.84 7.71 7.87
Mode 5—Avg 7.81 7.79 7.79 7.66 7.78 7.67 7.40 7.70 7.84 7.67
Mode 6—Avg+ 11.35 11.45 11.47 11.36 11.43 11.38 11.36 11.46 12.13 11.37
Mode 6—Avg 11.43 11.33 11.32 11.43 11.35 11.41 11.43 11.33 10.66 11.42

Table 7 Average percentage variability in each mode as a result of variation in stiness parameters

x y z x y z x y z x
Mode 1—fore–aft 3.58 0.21 0.08 2.55 0.10 0.11 0.26 0.04 0.00 0.25
Mode 2—lateral 0.42 3.53 0.19 0.36 2.21 0.06 0.05 0.24 0.00 0.04
Mode 3—bounce 0.65 0.18 8.29 0.10 0.37 4.79 0.15 0.35 2.65 0.10
Mode 4—roll 2.56 0.44 1.15 1.75 0.32 6.70 0.82 0.61 1.23 3.18
Mode 5—yaw 1.07 0.59 0.55 2.89 0.20 2.67 9.59 1.82 1.69 2.67
Mode 6—pitch 0.71 1.06 1.28 0.62 0.69 0.25 0.65 1.13 12.84 0.45

example, the roll mode is mostly aected by variability 6-DOF system to model the powertrain for rigid body
in the vertical stiness of the rear engine mount because modes and general experience-based criteria for these
of the location of the mount with reference to the roll modes and the associated energy terms.
axis of the engine. Similarly, the pitch mode is mostly The main conclusion of this research is that the general
aected by the variability in the vertical stiness of the assumption of 30 per cent variation in rubber stiness
transmission left mount because the location of the parameters will yield gross violations of the criteria used
mount in reference to the pitch axis of the powerplant for mount strategy for idle NVH and thus large vehicle-
compared with other mounts. to-vehicle variation at idle. The paper recommends
tighter control of the stiness parameters ‘as installed’
in the vehicle. This includes searching for better methods
4 CONCLUSION to measure such stiness when the mounts are installed
in the vehicles pre-loaded with assembly variations. The
This paper studies the eect of powertrain mount sti- authors further recommend taking mount variability
ness variations on idle NVH of vehicles. It uses a simple into account when the mounting strategy is developed.
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Targets should be set for a maximum (in a statistical or 7 Kim, J. H., Jho, S. G. and Yim, H. J. Inuence of chassis
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9 Johnson, S. R. and Subhedar, J. Computer optimization
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10 Bretl, J. Optimization of engine mounting systems to
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