Design Calculation Sheet: Soft Water Demand

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Project No.

Sheet No. Computed by

Checked by Approved by
Subject Soft Water Demand

A- Soft Water Serving Terminal Kitchens:

A-1 Food Court & Bar Kitchen: (1L2)

The Soft Water shall be used for the soul purpose of cleaning the dishes.
Each Kitchen is assumed to have two dishwashers (one standby).
The Terminal handles about 4900 passengers per hour. The dishwasher shall be sized for the
extreme condition of handling 4900 plates per hour.
The ZANUSSU Automatic Dishwasher Catalogue states that the unit handling 4820 plates per hour
(RT 270HD), has the following water consumption rates:

Dishwasher Caracteristiques
Tank Size
Prewash 107
Washing 114
Prerinse 122

This adds up to 343 liters. The operators is assumed to change the tanks’ water each half an hour.
The water consumption thus needed shall be: 343 x 2 = 686 l/hr
The final Rinse procedure consumes 480 l/hr.
The total water demand needed for this kitchen is, then: 686 + 480 = 1166 l/hr.

A-2 Restaurant Kitchen: (1L4)

The numbers of seats in this area is: 192 seats outside the restaurant, and we assume the same
number of seats inside of it. Which totals 384 seats.
The dishwasher in this kitchen is assumed to handle 2 x 384 = 768 plates per hour.
This Dishwasher (ZANUSSI LS8 – 800 plates/hr) consumes 3.3 liters per cycle.
For the extreme condition of 80 second cycle, 45 cycles shall be accomplished in one hour.
The water consumption would be: 3.3 l/cycle x 45 cycles = 150 l/hr.

A-3 Staff Restaurant Kitchen: (1L4)

Considered same as Restaurant Kitchen 150 l/hr.

Terminal Soft Water Consumption : 1466 l/hr

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Project No. Date
Sheet No. Computed by

Checked by Approved by
Subject Soft Water Demand

B- Soft Water Serving concourse Kitchens:

In the Concourse there are 4 main kitchens.

Two of these kitchens are considered to handle 4800 plates/hr, thus yielding a water consumption
rate of 1166 l/hr each. (refer to A-1).
The two other kitchens are considered to handle about 1800 plates/hr.
We consult, again, the ZANUSSI Catalogue for the RT 100:
The Washing Tank capacity is 114 liters and the Final Rinse water consumption is 330 l/hr.

Assuming that the tank’s water is changed each half an hour, the water consumption rate is:
114 x 2 + 330 = 558 l/hr for each of these two kitchens.

Concourse Soft Water Consumption = 3448 l/hr

Tanks Sizing

To size the tanks, we shall assume an operating period of 24 hours per day for the

Terminal SW Tank Concourse SW Tank

kitchen name Qty flow (l/hr) kitchen name Qty flow (l/hr)
Food Court & Bar Ki 1 1166 none 2 1166
Restaurant Kitchen 1 150 none 2 558
Staff Restaurant Kit 1 150 Total = 3448
Total = 1466

Tank Capacity Tank Capacity

(m3) (m3)
70.368 165.504

Tanks capacities are based on a :

48 hours serving period.

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