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INTRODUCTION There is an increasing role for healthcare IT, with

companies in the IT industry developing
The global healthcare ecosystem is evolving to be technology specifically in support of the
more patient-centric, with increasing adoption of healthcare industry.
cloud and IoT enabled technology. The evolving,
connected patient ecosystem is driving better Greater focus on preventative care and the
engagement and interaction, however despite management and sharing of medical information
significant innovation in the healthcare sector, in can help ease the strain on the healthcare sector,
many countries the provision of healthcare but how can the sector change from a focus on
remains a challenge. A combination of ageing treatment towards more of a focus on wellness,
populations, greater expectations about and re-invent itself as an information service
healthcare provision, increasing demand driven by industry?
changes in population and rising cost of provision –
all place a strain on the delivery of healthcare. TRENDS IN IT ADOPTION IN THE
In the developed world these factors present a HEALTHCARE SECTOR
significant challenge, but in many developing An increasing interest in internet of things, uses of
countries the limited availability of trained big data, mobile communications and access to
medical staff, coupled with costs and cloud-based applications and data storage are
infrastructure issues, create additional revolutionizing healthcare providers’ operations
challenges. There is a need to reduce the impact and service delivery. From something as simple as
of long-term care needs on the healthcare maintaining electronic health records for patients,
infrastructure and empower citizens to better through to use of AI for predictive diagnosis or
manage their own well-being. adoption of cloud computing, can save a
combination of time, cost and the need for health
professionals to have to intervene in every case all
have a positive impact on the challenges discussed
earlier in this paper. Wearable technology can
have an impact on wellness and fitness
monitoring, quite apart from monitoring patients
with chronic conditions. The adoption of tele-
health and Mobile-Health technology reduces the
amount of time healthcare staff need to spend
with patients, while still yielding the same levels
of monitoring and care.


While there are significant challenges and HEALTHCARE
problems, the emergence of new opportunities to The patient journey is changing. The
meet these challenges is encouraging. Technology pervasiveness of technology is transforming the
has a significant role to play. The adoption of entire patient life cycle, and is enhancing
approaches to tele-health management, medical awareness and patient engagement levels. Use of
networks, remote diagnosis, smart medical IoT technology means that a range of processes
devices and new software and applications is can be both more automated and more connected
making an impact. Technology adoption in turn than hitherto. IoT technology is being used to
brings positive results in terms of increased connect a vast range of assets. For example, it
awareness about diseases, hygiene and treatment. can be used to connect patient heart monitors,
It is becoming easier to monitor medication such that changes in a patients’ condition can be
adherence and engage with patients, who now monitored remotely and action can be taken in
have better opportunities to access healthcare the event of a change of condition.
professionals, particularly with new ways of using
communications technology.

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If we extend the example of heart monitors to a

broader range of monitoring equipment, much of
it a simple bracelet type device, it enables
healthcare professionals to diagnose and consult
with patients and emergency responders
remotely, improving not only access to care but
potentially relieving pressure on busy A&E
departments at hospitals.
Patient monitoring equipment can generate up to
1,000 readings per second, (86,400 readings/day).
This is a huge volume of data, most of which is
never used, so IoT monitoring systems must also
ensure that only the defined parameters that are
needed get sent to a remote monitoring system.
Connected services provide empowerment for
vulnerable patients, or those with chronic
conditions to be able to receive care and
treatment in the comfort of their homes, thus
giving more independence to the patients, but
also relieving the pressure on healthcare
departments and avoiding the disruption of
hospital visits, as well as improving outcomes.
Commercial companies are adopting a range of
new IT solutions across functions, primarily to
HEALTHCARE INNOVATION AND DISRUPTION improve internal efficiency and service
engagement/ delivery. Big Data techniques mean
While healthcare providers are shifting focus that aspects of human genome coding that
toward new concepts such as ‘Preventive previously required a decade of processing and
Healthcare’ and ‘Precision Medicine’, and as Tele- analysis can now be completed in a matter of
health, M-Health and remote monitoring solutions weeks or even days. In the pharmaceutical
continue to empower patients, disrupting industry, the development of a new drug can
traditional healthcare service delivery, so the bio- typically involve investigation of up to 10,000
technology and pharmaceutical industry is also compounds and take more than 10 years to get
shifting its focus. Using IoT, commercial approval at a cost of up to $2.5Bn1 to get a new
pharmaceutical companies can run more extensive prescription drug to market. New data
field trials of drugs and gather better clinical trial management techniques bring very positive time
data, thus speeding up new drug development. and cost savings for companies involved in drug
Commercial bio-technology and pharmaceutical research and distribution.
companies can work with their supply chain Another promising area is in 3D printing the global
partners to monitor shipments of temperature market for 3D bioprinting will reach a value of
sensitive drugs, avoiding the financial penalties $1.9 billion by the year 202822. Using IoT to
associated with theft, spoilage or regulatory non- connect the requirements associated with 3D
compliance. printing, means that a new device can be created,
based on predicted need, thus also bringing more
efficiency to the overall supply chain.

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GOOD HEALTH STARTS WITH PREDICTIVE are responding to healthcare providers is also an
PREVENTION important factor. The pervasive nature of
technology in healthcare provision is transforming
Healthcare is shifting from treatment, towards the patient life cycle, enhancing awareness and
enhanced service delivery, shorter diagnosis-to- engagement levels.
treatment time, and cost rationalization via
adoption of emerging technologies. There is a Access: 85% of patients use the portal to view their
shift from treatment of conditions to prevention lab results.62% of patients uses the tool for more
of those conditions as well as an interest to move clinical tasks, such as scheduling appointments,
from volume based treatment to more value completing paperwork and refilling prescriptions.3
based care. Wellness in general and prevention
in particular, presents a cost imperative for Self-Care: In the first quarter of 2018, the top 10
healthcare providers, as well as being a strategic grossing self-care apps in the US earned $15 million in
focus for governments. IoT provides a connection both iOS and Android revenue and $27 million in
for innovative wellness products, including worldwide revenue.4
wearable fitness monitors, sleep sensors and Remote patient monitoring (RPM): RPM revenues
connected scales, that can feed data into of are expected to grow at a CAGR of 33.8 percent
analytics platforms to deliver new healthcare between 2016 and 2021 to reach € 32.4 billion at the
insights. end of the forecast period.5
Doctor appointments: 500,000 tele health hubs are
INSIGHTS INTO THE EVOLVING PATIENT CARE currently available in the market for physician
JOURNEY appointments.5
The potential for use of IoT enabled technology in
healthcare is extensive and the way that patients

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DEMANDS The focus is shifting
As the focus shifts from treatment to prevention, with new ideas from treatment to
associated with ‘Preventative Healthcare’ and ‘Precision Medicine’ and as prevention, with
Tele-health, M-Health and remote monitoring solutions continue to
empower patients, there is inevitable disruption in the way that more interest in
traditional healthcare services are delivered. Conventional treatment wellness and the sort
gives way to a focus on wellness. Standard approaches to the treatment of technology that is
of conditions changes to more personalized, prevision treatment and
medication. There is a shift from the Doctor making a diagnosis, towards required to manage
analytics based diagnosis, using a range of patient testing options. There this shift requires
is also a shift of focus from institutional treatment towards more home-
based treatment, supported by remote patient monitoring capabilities.
remote monitoring,
These shifts in focus not only affect the patient journey in the healthcare
recording and data
system, but they have an impact on the overall healthcare value chain. management.
From the diagram below we can see that technology integration is evident
across the healthcare value chain, facilitating a shift from traditional to more digital platforms. In the
diagram presented below we can see that while pharmaceutical and research institutions gather better
quality data during clinical trials, this also enables the realization of new efficiencies through
manufacturing and supply chain operations.

Figure 1: Healthcare Value Chain

Medical equipment manufacturers can build connectivity into a multitude of medical devices, including
blood glucose monitors for remote management of patients with diabetes, or heart monitoring equipment.
Using IoT patients can be monitored and intervention can take place before problems develop.
When we turn to the type of demands these changes are bringing, the focus for healthcare providers is on IT
solutions that can expedite service delivery, enhance patient engagement, and improve operational

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Figure 2: Changing Demands from the Healthcare Sector

Using the technology that is now available, healthcare providers can empower patients, keep them out of
the institutional system for longer and help them achieve a better overall quality of life. Access to accurate
and fast diagnosis, effective treatment, using more data points all with minimal disruption to the patients’
lifestyles, and with reduced cost to provide care.
IoT technology can be harnessed to help vulnerable people, including an increasingly elderly population live
more independent lives. Beyond remote patient monitoring, healthcare providers can work to improve the
quality of all patient services, minimizing things like the administrative cost of hospital admissions, or
helping with the management of hospital operations more efficiently.
The healthcare ecosystem is of course extensive and is by no means limited to first line healthcare
provision. At the level of research institutes or even government, data can be gathered, using IoT
techniques, to assess the effectiveness of new treatments, or even track the spread of disease, to help with
response and policy decisions. In terms of health insurance companies, more granular data about patient
risk, health and lifestyle can be gathered to help deliver services and manage policies and premiums.

Healthcare Focus for IoT Enabled Services

Tata Communications MOVETM edge-to-cloud connectivity for Internet of Things, in conjunction other Tata
Communications capabilities delivers a range of benefits for the healthcare sector. Read our blog about how
IoT is transforming healthcare here.

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Typical Use Cases Include:

➢ Independent Living Tele-health and remote patient monitoring

reduces A&E admissions and also reduces the
We live in a world with an increasingly elderly need for frequent home visits. Patients carry
population. As the patterns of life change it is on with their lives with a minimum of
not always possible for families to care for disruption, while Doctors and other medical
their elderly relatives. This means that elderly professionals can deal with more patients, or
people, either with physical illness or suffering even use communications to work with
from the effects of dementia are potentially specialists for consultation in different parts
at risk every day, particularly if they are living
alone. Residential care in many situations is of the world. Remote patient care can
either not affordable, or not desirable. transform the lives of patients in many
developing economies where access to
Using IoT powered remote monitoring services healthcare services is limited.
it is now not necessary either. Assisted living
solutions give elderly people an option to live If you are interested to read about Tata
independently and securely at home. Communications approach to tele-health
collaboration, a link is available here. Also you
Using smart home type services, with a can read about the gloheal e-health service
combination of sensors installed in the home blog site here.
and wearable devices, elderly people can live
at home and be monitored to ensure that
should somebody suffer a fall or a pattern of
behaviour changes, then intervention can

➢ Remote Patient Treatment and Tele-

Even in developed countries access to clinics
or hospital is both inconvenient and time-
consuming, for healthcare professionals and
patients alike. In many developing countries
there are no medical facilities within easy
reach. For this reason, remote patient care
and tele-health solutions solve many
problems. The global tele-health market is ➢ Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency
expected to become increasingly important
over the next decade, with healthcare In Figure 1, we present a simplified view of
providers and even pharmaceutical companies the healthcare value chain. It should be noted
engaging in this area to expand their reach that the management of supply chain
and access to patients. Tele-Health and M- economics and logistics forms a physical
Health are expected to contribute cost savings component of this value chain. Pharmaceutical
(estimated cost savings of ~$132Bn in the and bio-technology companies, as well as
European Union in 2017)6. medical device manufacturers are reliant on
an efficient and secure supply chain, including
wholesalers, retailers and logistics companies
to handle and distribute their products

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IoT has an important role to play in making the In this area, the use of wearable technology can
physical supply chain more efficient and more have an important role. Monitoring data from
secure. Management of deliveries, inventory, wearable devices can make it easier to collect
assets and the condition under which products are large quantities of detailed data quickly. Data can
stored and transported are all important aspects, then be stored and processed in the cloud and
which can be enhanced with the use of IoT for analysed using big data and even AI techniques to
monitoring, control and accurate reporting, speed up the trial process.
ordering and invoicing.
➢ New Efficiency for Clinical Drug Trials CASE STUDY: TAIDOC
Clinical trials are an expensive part of drug Founded in 1998 Taidoc is dedicated to
development. On average, it can investment manufacturing and marketing premium medical
of anything up to $2.6Bn USD1 to develop and devices to improve people's health and quality of
launch a new drug in the market. life. Taidoc focusses on providing complete
Pharmaceutical companies continually face solutions covering Home Care; Diagnostics;
the challenges of patent expiry, along with Professional Instruments and associated systems
threat from counterfeits or even legitimate for Tele-Health management.
substitutes impacting on profitability and
margins. Challenge: Taidoc needed excellent quality of
connectivity from its partner Chunghwa Telecom
in Taiwan. Quality of service is essential every
There is a constant pressure to accelerate the time their clients’ medical devices are activated.
development cycle for new drugs. A Solution: Working with our partner Chunghwa
combination of IoT with cloud access and Telecom to deploy Tata Communications MOVE™
storage, allied to big data analytical gives TaiDoc complete assurance to be able to
techniques can help make clinical trials more activate and manage their devices in any part of
effective, by providing insight into the success the world, using automated APIs and remote
of therapies quickly, while identifying and provisioning.
cancelling ineffective trials quicker.
Outcome: Taidoc can deliver a superior customer
experience and automated remote provisioning
and streamlined service activation across multi-
country deployments.

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Tata Communications and other associate
businesses within the Tata group provide support
for a range of healthcare applications and
services. With Tata Communications MOVETM, we
provide a pervasive, scalable, reliable and secure,
edge-to cloud IoT connectivity capability,
combining our expertise in mobile
communications, IP communications, cloud
connectivity, cloud storage and multi-layered
security. This comprehensive capability ensures
that IoT connectivity can be made available across
200 countries and dependent territories around
the world. Tata Communications MOVETM ensures
that connectivity can be provided anywhere, for
the delivery of Tele-health, E-Health, patient
monitoring and supply chain control.
➢ Managed Security: protect your organization
Supporting the needs of the healthcare and life against cyber security risks, as you move on-to
sciences industries our core IoT connectivity digital platforms, by safeguarding critical patient
service is further strengthened with additional data and hospital records, and further ensuring
capabilities: your websites are up and running 24x7. This
protects your organization from monetary loss as
well as loss of reputation.
➢ Data Center & Cloud: supporting your organization
in transitioning patient information to electronic ➢ Content Delivery: enhance your digital services
health records, or hosting your software solutions and improve patients’ online experience through
to better manage patient related and internal CDN solutions, improving social media presence,
processes, offering 24x7 availability and reducing and further, enhancing patient engagement over
downtime, thereby reducing costs and improving social media and online channels, thus generating a
margins. positive patient outlook towards your services.

➢ Network Services: we can help to virtualize your Tata Communications is one of more than a
network infrastructure, promoting agility and hundred businesses within the broader Tata group
leading to savings in CapEx and OpEx. Tata of companies. In addition to our own IoT and tele-
Communications can support you in implementing health collaborations, across the Tata group there
mobility solutions by providing the required are several other healthcare initiatives. For
network infrastructure, thus enhancing patient example, Tata Consultancy Services provides a
engagement and achieving cost savings. broad range of services for the life science and
➢ Collaboration Services: supporting your healthcare sectors.
organization’s evolving communication needs to Another Tata group company is Tata ELXSI, which
improve colleague collaboration, as you move
has developed an IoT enabled healthcare
toward digital services (such as tele-health and
tele-medicine) and focus on reducing OpEx,
through services including video conferencing and We work closely with all the other companies
tele-presence, thus ensuring efficiency and within the Tata group to deliver ready to market
positive ROI. services and capabilities for the healthcare

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5 Berg Insight: mHealth and Home Monitoring 8th edition

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