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Ns : Good morning, my name is Ns Ari, can I help you ?

Pt : Good morning, I want to check my condition

N : Ok, what is your name sir?
P : My name is Dilan
N : Can I know your date of birth ?
P : 15 September 1990
N : Ok, how do you feel today sir ?
Pt : I feel pain in my stomach
Ns : Mmm, okay, do you have an alergy?
Pt : No, I don’t have
Ns : by the way, where is the located you fell pain
Pt : I feel pain in the upper abdomen just under the ribs
Ns : mm, can you describe your pain? Like dumb, stabbing, sharp, burning
Pt : I think the pain like stabbing
Ns : If I give you pain scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst, how
do you rate you fell right now?
Pt : I think the scale is 4
Ns : What did yoou consume before?
Pt : 2 days ago, I consume spicy food, because I like spicy food
Ns : Mmm, do you have history of illnes?
Pt : Yess, I have gastritis since 1 year ago
Ns : mmm, I see, I think your pain, cause you usualy consume a spicy food. The spicy
food is one of the risk factor cause gastritis. Do you have another complaint ?
Pt : Yess, I feel nausea and vomiting?
Ns : how long you feel nausea and vomiting?
Pt : I feel since on yesterday
Ns : How many time have you vomited?
Pt : from yesterday until now i have vomited twice
Ns : when how do you feel nausea and vomiting?
Pt : I feel nausea and vomiting, before meal, so I have no appetite
Ns : mmm, I see, Okay, before being reviewed by doctor, I would like to take your vital
signs. Could you roll up your sleeve please? I will put the cuff on your arm, Because I
want to check your blood pressure.
Pt : Okay
Ns : Well Dilan, I’m going to check your temperature too, could you raise your arm
because I want to put this thermometer on your armpit.
Pt : Ok Like this nurse
Ns : Yes thanks, now place your left hand on your shoulder for a moment.
Pt : Okay.
Ns : well Dilan, your Your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, its normal , your temperature 37
degree Celsius is normal. Now I’m going to check your pulse, please give me your
hand, and I will press your artery gently.
Pt : Okay nurse.
Ns : Your pulse is 92 and your respiration rate is 18, it is normal
Pt : Okay Nurse.
Ns : Before we going to the doctor’s room, do you have any question Dilan?
Pt : No Nurse.
Ns : Okay Dilan, Now, Please follow me to doctor’s room to take your medicine.
Pt : Okay nurse, thank you for your information.
Ns : Okay Dilan

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