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Conversation about cough

Nurse : Good morning Ms. May I help you?

Patient : Good Morning Nurse. I want to check my condition

Nurse : ok. Let me introduce myself, I’m nurse windy. What is your name?

Patient : my name is jasmita.

Nurse : When were you born?

Patient : I was born on 1st Agust, 1997

Nurse : what’s your problem?

Patient : well… I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also feel little bit warm.

Nurse : how long have you bad these symptom?

Patient : about three days, I’m really tired too.

Nurse : what kind of cough? Dry cough? Or cough with mucus?

Patient : its cough with mucus, there is mucus on my throat but its difficult to taking out the
mucus.I also have difficulty to swallowing and I don’t like eating at all.

Nurse : what did you do with the problem? Did you take any medicine?

Patient : No, I didn’t take any medicine. I just dringking a lot of warm water.

Nurse : well, now it’s time for me to check your throat

Patient : sure

Nurse : open your mouth, please. Tip your head back slightly. And you say “AAA”. I want to
see your throat.

Patien : (doing the instruction)

Nurse : ok. Thank you. I saw your tonsils look red and inflamed. Do you have difficulty to
Patient : no, I don’t

Nurse : Now, I am going to check your blood pressure, please roll up your sleeve, I will put the cuff on
your arm.

Patient : Ok

Nurse : Your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, its normal. Then I will check your temperature, would
you mind to take this thermometer on your armpit ?

Patient : Sure

Nurse : Your temperature is 37 C, its normal. Now I am going to check your pulse, please give me your
hand, and I will press your artery gently

Patient : Sure

Nurse : Your pulse is 80 and your respiration rate is 20, So, all of your vital sign is normaly.

Patient : woah, that’s sound great. So, what should I do now?

Nurse : The doctor will prescribe you a medication that can reduce your bad cough. I’ll take you to the
doctor’s room.but before that, I have some tips for reducing your bad cough.

Patient : what is the tips?

Nurse : there is 2 techniques to help remove mucus. First, it’s Deep coughing: start by taking a deep
breath. Hold the breath for 2-3 second. Use your stomach muscles to forcefully expel the air.
Avoid a hacking cough, a deep cough is less tiring and more effective in clearing mucus out of
the lungs. The second techniques, it’s Huff coughing: take a breath that is slightly deeper than
normal. Use your stomach muscle to make a series of three rapid exhalations with the airway
open, making a “ha, ha, ha” sound. Follow this by controlled diaphragmatic breathing and a deep
cough if you feel mucus moving. That’s all the tips

Patient : Thank you so much for your information.

Nurse : your welcome, I hope you feel better soon.

Patient : thank you nurse.

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