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We erm A aling-apart movie theater in Worcester County, MA. "The sets the raked movie theater audiene, ten to ifecn rows of red seats with dingy carpeted aisle runing up the comer Te upstige wal is the back wal ofthe movie theater, with window into the projetion booth There isa metal dor lead ing outino a hallway which leads ou into the movie dheater lobby. We, the theater audience, are the movie sereen. The beam of light from the projector radiates ou over oar heads, su thi Shaved head, Caveasian. He often wears a heat-up Red Sox exp. He used to be very into Heavy Mee AMiican- American. Bespectaced He wears ed slightly Europenlookng sneakers In hve wit CCauessan. Sexually magnetic, despite the fact that (or arly tec?) her cts are baggy she never wears makeup and her hie is dyed forest green, rove ov corres Som and Avery wear the same degrading movie theater uni form in every sezne leis a polo shire (probably dark blue o purple or maroon) with ele name tgin and black pans Maybe the polo es “The Fick” embroidered in yellow oF white ont chest pocket. Because Rose sthe projections she doesn't have to wear uniform, But maybe she wears the lack pants anyway. Or the same par of oan every day 7 indicates where the nex line of dialogue begin. rRe-sv0W Afr the theater aut led i, te bose Hight sroly di (omtage in the mace eudine and ab inthe theater andens Prelude t9 The Naked and the Dead sars per are Bing proce Dist tear inated by th ig his las 0 mints (om binning tnd of the sg) and all These mg end, andthe wnkean oncie ende and there i brig sof even and hen bite. Te mie eater Highs eae ACT ONE SCENE OnE he do at eb Sam ok i {son lace, be da opens again and Sam das ina Lrge rash of the mace tester i thrown open in lke aed, end then ds the der et het be srs bop te dcr ppd een Tes b eis gin ad eater rs jt ills tarrying op rv and dst pan of ioc. We ell this the wallehrough Pret simple You juse ah Avery oaths as Sam vals doce the lat eof att is ro, casing up popcorn her t,and pushing tbe int the dust fam When Sef the st end ect the cd tlat rx, very asa ein reping telat re onside of the side, They comnts ay, Se abe one re abd of Aer, hom bis om side of the ae ery i tying to gre tthe ety tee i harder thn it nk. te id las Avery encuntrs something we cana see onthe fr. He fons ith dita, then bends cer and gingers pics np Sab sand ich wrapper: Typo edd lteter be ground Sam los ocr; gs at be dng, and wate Avery, without ring ay suggestion Avery walls up the aide throes te Suboay in he larg ‘as an ang withthe cot of is ds pam, then lb ack and goes back seeping, Fr ome reson i mt working the tiny pis of laser can't atk the ground. Sam tes watching hi, Afr «while Yeah. With the lide pieces of lttuce you kind of have to Avery intr bi by ening dom to band pik the ices of mc of he fl: He ly dispar from vic Same wats, then ges bak 0 soeping. He abot thre reas shea fAvry when Avery fhe picking wp the ny pcs of let ce. Crain them in bc palm, Avery walls up tease again 1 the tab anand sabes bs pal of tit. Then be ges ack 10 seeping flr moving on tthe net se 03 do about spilled soda Wedo one big mop atthe end ofthe nigh sry mas They go bck meeping. Afr abut ety ews What if people are sill here? A pone tae Have you evr had anne like jst there and refs /o Sometimes people say unl the end of the credits, Bu then they go. Avery mth. nd they get the message when you start sweeping. Avery gos bak to soeping fer paws Robsto told me that he once. that on time this couple was lke having ses, like lly aching on the seats when he Who Thue jus ike ignored them and like went abou his business, hey comtnuesoeping. Afr opens: Who's Roberto? ‘Oh, He doesn’t work hee anymore. Pose He joined the Marines, Pans And who was the guy with the / big hat was Brian, Sundays and Mondays is Brian and Rebecca But youll never meet them becuse you'l nver work Sun ¢hys and Mondays, Avery mas te comfrey go bck ssn. They shat done. Sam isn be sed rs adr te ores When Sam fishes be ut wanes very. Did Steve tell you about the soa machines? Uh. --tike How to clean them? About the seltzer You gota sak the spouts in seleer overnight Oh, Okay. Coo. lout mar sn tho very fe rsesping. They had up thea togeterend damp tir dst pans in the trashcan Then Sam tes eta con and starts ling it at the der Tyan it nt the der hen Say: What? I mean yeah! [love movies, And theyre ome, Te dr cing st bind tbe, Black ScENE Two Som alone in tbe middle of the theater, eeping bis broom. i You're lat, 2 Pi and bal TelaND ed sees renin ayy Yeah, Uh-huh, 1/ee— My dad was supposed to give me ride bur then he could't sd Thad wo take like thre diffrent buses to get here and I'm sul ying to figure / out the whe Ubshuh, yeah, Idonte really neod an explanation, it just No, no of cours, just fel bad and can totaly reasure you ‘hate won't happen again Paws Irjust puts mein an awlovard porion because /'m-— The thing s,m actly ke... Pm seeually Uke this obses- sively punctual person and I'm ike never evr late and this wis jm ike crazy tm anomaly with the bases and now I kn and Tean promise yo i will never happen again Pass Pa Sam ges ack 0 oeping, thm ote oer {inant oid jar Tm sore of de fico in charge on Strdey and No, Linow gs ‘just puts me in an doa was just me and I/ had to aie Tean promise you that zs att wo happen agin Tad, os °soand male a whe batch of popom by /mypele No. Ie col Pass. The at star, sing. Th, wnat bp bins 1m jt ket dont now wy Seve ‘mote me. I'm so sick of this shit. ener vy ds te conf shouldbe facking projection 1Oh. Yeah, Pd love to do that. Wal, he'l probshly promote you before he promotes me, He is clerks Tn ai cx tcethig. THe pevcmcned Rise end Tre worked bere Ee neo longet tenes pape inking dro athe flor in ber) hw foe Whats this. de ofthe ide sand por foe Someone sled like chocolite pudding or something. Ar you fucking Kidding me? Are you sure i nike. shit? A pane, Sam bends don and pcs i Detinitely not sie Ub-huh, Because I'm kindof um... Pm kind of shie-phobic There are lke weind itl ul in Te ike cholate tpic ping Who brings pudding ito a movie theater’! Sam ges at for ahi thn straighten wp, sp arand it and sper hack to occping. Som matics Avery wtching bi and fe Mel crscons Ti ake care oft ater The 000 fr bile, The: Wha dos hat met, he pic Like other people shi makes me tke makes me wan ro pake . Well sure Yeah Bue wth me ik eal. ike go int the sal and Someone has, um, ike if someone lef something there Tactaly sometimes ie... Tactally need to puke Like sometimes I actualy pe site where people send in pctres Have you heard ofthat w of thee shit and then other people rate? Yes Ihave heard ofthat website, That websites like my worst nightmare vel I could like leave my lap / woul Sif wanted tobe really i top open with that website up and yo I would fteally pole all over your laptop 1 bape paren bic thy raise they've ren the toon, and ten arbor pone fling that bapy pans. They go bck t in A wis inh. git Se goo Se nny manda Oh, Hey Thats Rose Avery bake up, HEY ROSE She des ear bi. Afri Hoh gues she lke hates me o something. Rose! ROSE! Wow ‘She really ates me Maybe she cant hear you. She can hear me Rose! I want to introduce you to he. She¥ col ROSE! ‘Rate cntoucs moving around nthe prjecton both cow Ge oryof pare ago henegitel le) ROQOOSSSSSE!! ae romaine ovo wal She oficialy hates me Sam and very ge p atthe proton bth hile Rane mover ‘arson, thon diapers fom ‘vie. ery goer buck 0 soeping Sam bee thing te winds as if be perch igh appar agen. This gos on for ant tensed, thn: lc. SUENE TWREE fo day later Sam and ery rein he mide of reaping tir parte ide of the ae Jack Nichoton, Jack Nicholion and wh And uh Renée—no. Dakota Fanning. Jack Nicholson and Dakota Fanning Well just doe then, Jock Nicholson to Toe Cruise in A Few God Men, Ton Gris to Dakota Fanning in War ofthe World Hoh, Come up with a etter one Fine. Fine uh Peuly Shore. Pauly Shore and uh lan Holm, Olay lero equaton in the ar: Afr sou i areving complied Pauly Shore to Stephen Baldwin in Bio-Dome You hare it red ‘Stephen Baldwin to Kerin Pll in The Ussal Suspects Uh. uh... Kevin Pollak to Bruce Wills in. uh lets say... The Whole Nine Yar Whac do you mean etsy They were ako in The Whole Ten Yards together and—t think Hostage And then Bruce Wills olan Holm in The Fifth Elemene Make itkarde. Ub. sah. uh Michael). Fos! Michael). For and uh Ooh. Okay Michael J. Fox and Brey Spears “Hel bis About en eds pe (Oob-ooh, This ones hard cers maa mes lighly and bis eyes de serange bing bile he does ication foory bros rase—itscoms like bes geting semewbere bat arly reach roadlck. 00 Uboh, Abou roomy more sand of len caro. Esennaly Avery af ie sm kind This one takes il six degrees but I'm happy with it e Britney to Kim Cattrall in Cresson Kim Catrall to Esclle Gets in Mannequin Manne My frst seal fantasy EVER was about Kim Cattrall in Mannequin the est. Ie the best. Canalis this mannequin who comes to life and Andrew McCarthy i the deparunent store worker window guy who fallin love with her. And Estelle Gety ig { don't remember ny exactly Kim Catrall comes to life Thetek some sort of magic Egypian-y reson Behind it And then she lke Eselle Getty Syvestr Stallone in Stop or My Mom Wil Shoot Sylvester Stallone to John Lithgow in Clithanger Lithgow to Chuistopher Lloyd in... uh. okay rey sure this isthe tie: Ack Tm features of Buckaroo Bansai Across the Eighth Din/ersion, wuow WHAT THE FUCK: YES TLOVE THAT MOVIE (Christopher Lloyd to Michael). Fox in, ofcourse Back the Fature Back tothe Fare Pars One through Three A pone So stare at Avery in ee. They don tice Re enter the poeton ba, have like a. hat ke almost ke daily ies actully like the opps of dai Rae bck he inde of the poetion Both nd waves athe. he Jesu! “Thats Rose Hao z em branss a cartoon penis in the fog with her finger. It sea and ‘nay o my nt be dcpberal Whats that 1 bik penis dees a her ern the penis Whos Yeoh Shea lesbian, Realy? Yep. Rai exhaling te projer nrc, manly herd from ve Does she havea gre Shh. Uh. No. done thinks [26 hack to rceping. They dst Rare lec he projio bath Tey hcp soeping Rae appears in te dnrany She Hi.T'm Rose Tin Avery. Avery right? Yeah Pas How old are you! Twenty Hh like your shoes lake drat bi hos Red, Thanks, inate pens. Hi Sam, Hello Rose gos back m dang, Ree lens spy a fs Who were you ont with? (fat What: Ob. Ub. Who were you partying with lastnight? Justa couple offend Oh my god, Kati is ike Reiko, And ths other We ll drank moonshine... have you guya ever had Ubu Ne. Anya. I'm jus like. 1 telly have a drinking problem. She fe ym Ary ecidemally drops bs ram, then gui pista. Tm gonna go take snap. When docs th o you nce anything? I col like thy. (Ob my god no. Tm tly Sn Yeah. You to. Thote shoes rock. era ae R scant oft ba gone by What you think pet ee Did yon tell him about Dinner Money? Sam get nk Ubwhat? No, Wai What did you do ast night Did you take i a Though that—he jst arted working here, / so Wel. Exe dumbass, You hve to explin ito him es juste have no idea if eS ing to be col with /itand He bao be cool witht Avery is trying lk like be nlite Hoy Avery. Avery turn arm. Yeo At the end of every shift you're gonna get Dinner Money. Is just ile extra cash, We always spi i three ways two says if ther just ewo of us. It can be anywhere fom you low ten backs on a weeknight to like thirty backs on the wrecked Ob. Co Stort pene (woSam) sve Sex? I fine So th ike apr dem A what No. Uh, Well Kind of I kind ok per diem. es jus Steve doen now aboot. Rave lesa Sem. Sam rag the righ ay ty. When we... when we take the ets, we jst ind of. you leno when you tar hem nal and put he other alin the Yeoh, Sore Well, sometimes we tke like, uh, lke ten perecne of those stubs and we, ub, we, uh, we, uh, resell them Apne, And then we take ten perent ofthe, ub he uh Cash forthe nigh As Dinner Money. We ali Dinner Mone. Wiel, ti knd of inner money, hcause wee 0 vastly under: id and because Stve ia total douchebag and doesn’t have 8 credit card machine ads ik totally fishy anyway with hs finances and ascly has ike no idea how orn amovie heat, So acaly ie kei inner mone: Because $8.25 an hoar ism enough wo lve on Noi lke ik like an employee tration? Rabereo—the uy who trained me—he told me about i and the people who ‘worked here befor im told him about it and ike nobody has ‘ever been caught or like even een cose ro being aught Because Swe is just ike. he¥ an idiot He ca like suck my cock foery lak at Sot Saris embarrased. Ub. . 50 what ae you guys aking me Tqvess were not aking Because I don’ really want > yon anything doit Butyoucant... isnot You dant have todo anything! upto you to decide Tl deal with the ickers! You jus yer half the money 1 dont want o take Steve's money ay, se, I don't think of a8 Steve¥ money Steve i ik 4 compulsive gambler who doesn’ pay child support. He has ike ive kids somewhere in like Maine and his exif is ages ice ie ae lang pase 1 dont want the money Pm not gonna like rt you guys ont tt; no, Pim sory, I could tel he dda’ really want to hire « ‘lack guy anyway and /Tm not gonna— WHOA Realy! See isa nett 1 dont know, oy? That / what Pn— Thats so lame. That so ame. Fes sucha fucking Fm noe saying 1m jase heb like an older angry white hue wie truck and like Can just ay gues jue h jas want o say that, uh, Rober Roberto was Hispe Laine And uh nothing ever happened deen the aide, sits ‘bis bead im bis hands. They: chee Her wend he takes of bs las, i as ph of pl sin ts th ba Soma Rae sus bi ds ti, and then tare mouthing pence lent things tec ter Maye Res iain eu he WHAT DOIWEDO?2 HE'S GONNA TELL ON US! nd Sm mont ing sa le 7S COOL ITS COOL PLL TALK TO HIM IPS (GONNA BE COO. bate sou’ rely he able rad thir ips and mayb thy co’ ct, i mora ike taal gear fan ‘he they go hack 0 watching Avery, momacing in is eat Ifyou hae ike If it like an ethical you know You could aways wh He sail of Ate ien Listen Avery [don’t want tobe like a total cunt about this and I dont want But ifme and Sam are doing it and you're not it ike. its lke 3 ir to anybody. Like i ike realy bad for everyone Af sands te, Avery stands up sakes bis bad as if ceri me ut is ben obs bie Yooh Fine Wait, what does that — fine 1 tke do whatever. Its cook Iida meant ike 1 dnt mean w feak you guys out (Orbe judgment 1 Yeah Tim olay with i The star tb He ang mero SCENE Fouk Seriously! mide of owing Avery is hiring fro ules ad Jim). Afr abu ina Pan fine ais mol Le Torben’ Rue and Sam exchenge along los. Then You know what I hate the most Allright, bo i Auery op ohn. 1m gonna go take agp nthe booth a Waker pat ve Tes cus thing Ted youth fer. Ic Bg ys Bere ee ook bgt pte tl sav en 2 But to SNEAK FOOD IN To snetk ouside odin and THEN wo ike sar ia Richard Pryor and Angi cekosmwanee Blt Se Cas ger That donor underand eel the opposi 7. What do you mean 1 feels 0 weird when I sold it to them. Ie ‘tha popcorn. ike secop lke, gave you ped icoutmysefand putin the bag and handed itto you and you paid me and said thank you, An now isl over he foo, Hoh With the Sun Chips it like is jst regular Thy cone epg. Avery resem: bing. Gocreduios) Someone lft a shoe He life se up inthe cir dcaly Someone lft asty any old New Balance sho Doyou think was mena est sign of gang werfereorsomesing? No, Like do you think someone forgot tan lef here with (Ordo you think they like meant to thow ic away? (a sor pas) Like do we put it inthe los and func Fuck no Fach Iesmels disgusting. Sem als up he ie oe tra can, bling the sve by ito Uch. Uch. Uch. Uc, UciUebUchUchtehUchUch He tre he se the rash tbs bis eller Then Sar reaches unde is pol sy My ack tces. ig. Afr abo ens Ty cote soepiog Hey What do you wanna, like What do you wanna lke be when you grow up Yeah. [guess I just mean / ike That ike the most depressing thing anyone’ evr sid The fms cecpng. They empey thi de A chet Plc SCENE FIVE Dorks: The final ero « mere. Sealing mnie. Ligh fim the projet 4 Dreaming Man bs stayed il be nd ofthe eee ren. A flas f bite TD The mace nde A fs of 1 fs eon late, ery and Sam come eof sete. Bite hey be me od larg fs op cht on ec Is be ed of te night (oot mcg bre il ameo n te [Name one. Name one reat American movie made in the Avery matics tbe Dreaming Man and ops talking The mam sin th fifth ib re, lighly sep, fing forvrd Maybe bis eed sy iting oon se Sam and Avery sat cen, iting for hm to go, Te man is om Avery side of the ie Avery eventually als oer ak a he ‘man, and ves that be ep very i’ sre hat do He go tare for Same to came wr Sam comes ve, The mam door veer wake wp, Sa pte is shule ite ow aggreioe The man jolts weak: and starsat them The movie is ver Ob, Sorry Sam walk bac bis side of the deter and rem caning foory remains standing inthe ae, balding bis map, amr wat 10d, The manips the sesp from bs ees, maybe arc for meting onthe flr, gabes bs tings, and then depart, ot mating ce onc. He walt wp th se, bend bese, ond a he shor dea bein hi A pause, he Avatar! Avatar wac a great movie made in the last en years. More increas ‘Okay. Un. Ifyou think shat if you acl chink that, cant ‘ven ke. ean even ke contin to ave this conversation If you aeualy tink that I need to like quit this jos Avatar was a great movie Avatar was a work of gei! Teant even... Lean even Words are fling me. (Oh sole oso you think you're like tr than Avatar. Like you're above Avatar Re Because I bet you relly fucking enjoyed Avatar. I bet you had a blast at Avatar And now your ike looking d st Avatar because it didnt ave lke German subtitles or what Terese Tide ine peal Sc nto apg He rational debate with you about it (Oh come on [elke iT sad: Hoe kiling babies. Lee me like try to cone ‘ince you why killing babies is fan and you should enjoy ing bis. Thy ge back to mapping. Unni by bem, Re appears th Praeton bh, caning up, remucing the fb Silene fora wie, he finaly, wnable bly mse Avatar was basicly ikea video game Aideo games define by the fact tha you'r. tha you're Jewas3-D.‘That was facking awesome. Did you see itn 3: bebo, Ie jos ke dite and eek Poopl ike sares you, People always freakouewhea ike you know when like art forms move forward That not the ae frm moving frwand, That the ar form moving backwards, 3-D was around i ike the 0s Release I thought ic was totally awesome-ooking, 1 don't ke digital Tek where filmi going, Wall chen ie wont be len anymore Ras ener bs Hey. Look what [found om the street Ses elle wer fey ond rte le aT Actrology and Your Love Life: How to Find Tne Compat iileyand Long: Lasting Relationships” What’ your sign Uh. .- Leo se aren Ob ny god me too ave lis through the bk What shout you, Avery don't remember I don’ really cate abou that kind of thing (Oh my god. Oh my go uae 0 fall of shi dont believe i astrology ‘Okay, that’ fine, bu you know what your sig is I don’ bey fora second that you don't now what you sign x. (Oh my god Avery! exe ty to jtnd with me Capricorn, Thankyou She flips ebrough te bok agin Hey Ro (et aking thragh te bk) Avery thinks there hast been @ (ait Uh-huh And think hes wrong. that you dont know what / single great movie m Pap Fiction was the ls tray great American movie and that eas 94, You have to do some oft foe Rose Fe has lik all of Pulp Fietion memorized adhe can ike Do Fzekic (to Rex) He does the most ike incredible Samuel Jackson imitation, (iv. bordering-omofiive om THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS BROTHER IS BESET ON ALL SIDES BY THE TYRANNY OF THE WEAK"! Ress Ary dais Thats noc how ic goes What about Mion Dollar Baby What about That a great That snot great movie Avery ikea film snob Thee of Lite 4 grim snc. Sa shakes bs bed, embarrass (Of boy. You both hate Tee of Life Olay Sam and Avery, 'm gonna read you our compatibility Iee me and Avery’ compatibility ton because I'm also a Leo, Magnolia! ‘There Will Be Blood. Those are good movies, Very good movies, But ukimately disappointing Lond ofthe Rings! Return ofthe King Are you hiding me? Uh ub uh oh The third Bourne move! The Bourne Ulinatum! This pointless debe Those Bourne movies are lk ik lke fine wines! ory saber bi bad Uh... The Aviator! Wait. Never mind (reading ied Leo and Capricorn, Tes hard to make this commination of personales workin a long tem love eationship Ook, Sony guy. (ling bit) Haha ‘Onlerly and organized, Cpricoen is key wo disapprove of {Leo's cxuberance and spoatanety. Len has Bal temper but ic ‘hick to forgive and forget; Capricorn is more even-trpered bur an hold gradge for years. Capricorn i also the more partner and Leos tend to have a wandering eye: Mest ofall, Capricor and Leo are aot sexually compatible. They are both dominator and yet almost complete opposites. Pr and fly / dent practical Capricorn is often a bit ofa (OF MY GODITJUST SAID HE WAS A SNOB! AVERY IJUST CALLED YOU A SNOB Ubshuh, ‘often hit ofa snob and fairly conservative, and will probably try to tmp dowa Leo$ adventurous and imperious personaly. Uh. what else. blah bah bla "Capricorn isan Earth sign and Lo sa Fie sign «it an ‘ake Capricom while to open uphis/her heart but once Cap "com opens iche/she i extremely loyal, bu it will be very hard vo make this marviage work." Wait There a “Business and Career section”! Thats probably more relevant. Busines and Career” Hey! The career connection between Leo and Capricorn is “They are both ected 1o learn from one another Usually one Parner has more experience snd willbe te other the rps That weed ‘Thats. Actually Weid AS long 2s there isnot a power struggle there can be an incredible and fil collaboration.” Uh "Connections with the ares are favored”! Not ek cer Br souler (oAeeny Te actually say hat (hating the bok) Thats awesome, you guys Sm sand ther, sumed So weid So weird. {mean Idan believe in that stuff bt that 80 WEIRD, Avery ge back to mapping You don't think thas weit ea am Coens Coreen ia fat Yee Prodent and practical! Ase rks am (Re, What about ue Wha Leo on Leo mean, co with Leo, on She ips tr th ok nonchalantly ve eae Him «Think the same sgn together is usualy bad thing ee see Leo ad Leo, “When this relationship is good itis very good, but when it {shad itis tribe. Laos havea very strong ex dive, cis couple wll be highly compatible in bed. This ia Linky, po Sonate connection, but ean sometimes he hard to sustain in 3 Tong-term way. These two Leos ae King and Queen ofthe jungle. Ie wil either bea great love oF a great rivalry. The big vention is: who the host? There will be hearfle embraces but ako egos bating heads. Compromise is key in the fiery ‘eltionship between two Leos, Pease Sam is ashing (eying send wnipresed) Hab, as ces the bok I wonder what sign Reiko Whats our career connection? Yeah a bored Ste ep. Acer) See ya ater, Capricorn, were Ubshoh She a Wes Anderton, Rushmore That ws 78. Aad chat i «good movie, but nota Pulp Fetion-level Think he has new one coming out this wine. Tarantino Django Unchsined. What Ie called Django Unchained, More mang The Coen Brothers! Allthe Coen Brothers movies No Country for Old Men. ASingle... what clled se ster A Serious Man, Fargo! Fargo, First ofall, Fargo was 9%, Second of all, those are all pretty good movics. Those are But those are notte ie lik ike. profound commentaries on ike — Do you find Rose attractive i Pam Wado Ind Rose Yo. Rae ellie you rs have kindof iy antagonistic bar thing going on. at {mean uh—I dont know: No, Nor relly Not rea? No. mean no, She. she kind of makes me uncomfortable ve rust Hh. Sheba Tesian anyway, i Yea. Ya, Dou find Rose /ae— shhh, The dem for a obi Hey. Will you come over ere and lok a my neck Avery pus dwn bs map and wks wert Som ok wend Well there are al these red blorches but T can elif thas because you've been scratching Whar about my back My back itches too ne ce Sim rr around and if up be to of isbn, Ob, Yeah, Yeah what? Yeoh. There area bunch of red ike They're lke lite red lesions or somthing. Like theyre kind of ed oval-shaped Auggh! Avery pul Sem ir dren What? What? caking me out 1m gonna go look nthe bathroom, Sam exis Avery ker oping, by hin He reaches the fmt (Roe krack onthe winde ofthe prajeion both Avery lat "Ror smile and meats sometbing he (and) om undertand ruck Wine ‘She mouth again. Wig what ‘She lap er ban thesia if oy ‘orgs aut and th spe bac ode-sbreading be projesacry minus mopping Sam wal back Weird Some of them ae like ay What the fk Hive you ever had chicken pox? Yeah Trice When Iwasaki Tes defintely not chicken pox A pone Repulsive seer den rely kt eon tt 9 be finishes mop ing bic side nd hen mace om to Sam ide and eee ping. Som jac andere Black SCENE so, Avery alone in be heer, ynrting om bc hac of eof the ets, talking rhs therapic on bis cll phone Yeah . And tha Xp. om) Yeah (pom) Yosh Wat How do you like d that? How do you like ask someone tobe Fiend wich — A log pe we rune Ubsbub, And Yeah ell hat makes me fee! insecure too. Pause on nally remembered one of my dreams (oan) Ya, (cing) beng you'd be happy about that. (nee, gaming atthe der) We're on break Bseryone went to Subway. (nse) Oy So in the dream Fm dead. L mean, ve just die And Tim inthis weird room. Which is basally like purgatory Ad there’ a whole banch of ws, a bunch of people who just did, and we're ll waiting to se fe ea, you know, move fon, To the nes evel. Oh. An my dd is here. Because he just died too, And then the room suddenly tums into my thls stody, And this person stars scanning all the books ‘on my dad’ bookshelves with this ISBN-ype seanner thing snd they run the scanner over al of hit books and even ally one ofthe books goes like BEEP BEEP BEEP and dhe Scanner recognies it and that means my dad i going on to heaven And then es my tam. Um, Wait. Sorry Are you bored? jst gor seared you were bored agin, When tha phone session Lean el ifyou're Goats) Uh-huh, (ong pen) Olay um. So Tim up next And suddenly Ym surrounded by all these shelves and on every shelf is every movie I've ever sea. And like some ae lite DVDs and others are lke old VHS tapes from like the "0s and some are even lke old hiny-sfve nillimeter rel like movies I sw inthe theater. And ike — yeah. Everything is there. Like The Winatd of Ox, whichis the frst movie Lever saw. And lik ol Jim Carrey movies and the entire Criterion Collection... and then they hand me the ISBN seanner and T realize, ike, Tree that the way thy decide whether oF not you get into heaven is though, lke, looking at al the movies you've evr watched or al the book you've evr read and figuring out whether there was one book ‘or movie that you truly traly loved. Like one movie tha like symbolizes your enti life An I thnk, okay, 'm gonna be fine. ove moves and I've seen all thes like awesome moves, this gonna be no prob lem, and I star running the scanner across the shelves rn it across all these Yakuza movies [watched in high schoo, Irn itacros all the Truflaut moves andthe seanner ant beeping lesweird. WS not recognizing anything. And then runt over Pierrot le Fou and Barry Lyndon, an Ive seen those movies like literally dozens of times, and it doesn’ hecp. And we're soing past hundreds of movies. Really good movies. Movs ike really rally love. And Tsar getting nervous. There only a couple shelves ogo. And Tun the scanner over Andee ae Funk Robley and nothing happens. And then I run it over Fanny sod Alexander and [cant believe it bat... nothing happens. And hen hink wo myseé I'm going to hel T haven't truly ike, loved or whatever in the right wa. Tog [did but Tid, and Ym going to hell. And then mon the last shelf of moves and Ive already ike completely loutlot hope tthe point bat then suddenly the scanner starts beeping and beping and Tlook atthe mavie chat made thee andi this lik old crady VHS tape of Honeymoon in Ves (pase) Honeymoon in Vegas? (pass) Ie ik this eile movie with Niclas Cage and Sarah Js sica Parker from like 1989, I was obese with it when Twas like four I watched tat my cousin birthday parry Te ikea really realy bad movie (ane) Aad at fre Ym ike: what? My entire lie can be represented in Vegas like dheone ike, wit, i dosn't ly Honeymoon in Vegas? movie I erly tray lve rater, Tim going to heaven. 1 must have dane something right in my lie because Tm going to heaven, And that feeling of ike... of like knowing that I made the right choices, was like the best feeling ve ever ad, (cdg pn) Yeah (oan) Yeah. Alon pase. Otay. T guess like ‘Wall, yesterday hal his thought. Iw ike bay “Maybe ics never gonna ge better Maybe I'm gonna lve with my da forthe rest of my lie and lie the acu problem i jst chat Pm waiting for things 0 change, Like maybe I'm just gonna be that weird depressed guy and [should just ike acept it. ‘And that be theif get. And thal be okay (deg poe) Yeah, (Ge Laugh and rade ere nt of ice) Yash (os) No. That okay. think ¥ can wait uni Tuesday Gora) Ubshoh Well, hope you're having a good vacation Sorry thar you have wo tall to me daring it (hein, pom) No, I did. sonry. Vea. Tow tht. Iss just— Tewas like a sup joe (ose) Yeah ow that Yah. He Ken inet, Blackout ‘ENE SEVEN Ady ltr Sam nd Avery re stain, bling their roms, in the mid of hae. They are gazing wp a tte ing, whic Iehappened on Sunday. he stare tit fora i Brin and Rebeces are working, ith che matinee, ho hum, ho hum, ther’ just few people in che audience, and out of sowhere this huge chunk of tile (eprint he gp in teeing) ‘comes enshing down and LANDS ON THE SEAT NEXT TO SOME OLD LADY. et Like wo more inches tothe right and she'd be dea Apparently there was plaster all over hero lady sweater, Did she—she coud suc igh (Can you sue over that kind of thing? Probably. Probably But Bran isk this hag charmex appar= {tly Brian just ike toned once char an cle her doen and ‘ge her a voucher fr lik sx free popcoens and si fre sodas hich by the way e js ike drew himself n a recip or me thing s ifn old ly comes in with a weird cartoon that says she ge fce popcorn or soda give eto her no questions ashe He did'ceven give her fee tickets He didn'yeven do tha. hee up at be cling for ong ine Wa iby Teh huge liabilg 'i5—someonc’ gonna ger killed an then wh Cant he just pu ina new eiling? wal, ‘These are the questions a normal person would ask Bur we're talking ahoue Steve Stee will never spe dime on anything Steve would rather ths place burn down than he lke spend alte money to make i safe or have a nacho machine at Won that be nice? IF we could make thee nachos with the Hite cheese squirt thing? esp teling him wo get one of those. They bak soeping. We haven’ sold ont single show since Slamdog Milionsire Ws patheti They oe fora bile Soc. on So. Uh. T went up tothe booth the other day and Ih I ida’ realize here were so many old reel up there Oh yeah. Steve such a sketchball. He supposed to send them back to the dsrbutor. And theyre all ike sting up there collecting dost. Some of them are ell ld There alot of good sa up ther. T guess Th This is probably a sup idea Bt Uh Twas thinking that on uh 1 vas thinking on Friday i might be fn to ike... we cold like jus stay here after the last show and watch one or two of (short pa) ike I saw Goodfellas and Boogie Nights anda couple other (ers) Je-would jas be amesome to see them on like the big screen ve only watched Goodsell on my computer which is prety like blasphemous when you think about (pa Te ine i ke yore busy oe not interested or whatever Som isi sein No. No. That sounds. hat sounds coo. I just uh. Pm ‘ot gonna be hee this weekend on. Yeah, Rose willbe her i you ned help with anything Stee did't your Uch. Heb an ion (shor: paws) Yeah, Is noe tha hard wth two people. Rose will come etl and help you with setup and bos office and stuff and then pol just do clean-up on your own, On, Yeah, / Otay You've been here three week so [assumed you felt comfore- sl with everything / and (Ob, yeah. Yeah Sure ‘Steve should pay you double but ofcourse he won't So you'll just ge ny Dinner Money. You don't need /to- No, that the way works. Pras Where are you going? A thre and wnmeceseiy end pe a My brother gcting maid Ob} Wow Yea, In Connecticut Right outside Bridgeport And your whole family is going? Yeah Yeah, (poue) Oder or younger Ob. Um. Older Yeah Het hiry-ine Pons. Do you like the woman? Wha Do you lke the woman he's marrying? Uh, Yeah. Lean, don't know. 've never met her A lange, daring bic they go bac ean. What’ your brother name? {lang posse bil they hp laming (sual) He retarded A short, fed pose Do you mean ike he’ Like in the acta definition of the word Oh! Otay She's retard too, The woman hes marying Olay They met at this uh residential ub facility in Connecticut, Coal, Co ‘Um. They mes like cach other lot. Inde, . does he have Down’ / syndrome Het jas uh Het basally ike the—he' basically ke a tied grade Prue, Mer sveping (acofeson) Ion’ know him all that wel, Raw enters ih 07 (ering pai end be concersaton) Next wesbend maybe Next weekend maybe what ub ‘We were thinking of staying pastlosingon Friday and watch ing Goodie (Oh yeah, We have that upstairs ss ate ve rue But Sam’ gonna be way’soI wis saying maybe /next— He Lok what Tike unearthed from my closet. rose She Bld pth yo. i stay and wath it with y Sa, bo bas hen sanding inthe smd rst den heey in Pm tally gonna bring the yo-yo back nse of be seats and hes bey She yo-yo for awhile «simple np and dan (lenin oe Sem) Ob. .. Ub T don know. maybe we sh ean/ all. {only now how toda this, though uld wait for Sam and then we Here. Let met Well we dont have to watch Goods, We could watch something ele. There Molhollind Drive That movie shoe Anu! some older ones too from before it was The Flick 1m tally ee on riday. Let's doit sy the yoann of aes Regie ‘maybe be Walls the Dog? Orie aroend and cats YES!! OH MY GOD! Love it. Sam’ fae is mo lnger silt Rse and Avery e faces the mecie s7en and tare wp at ese ingly Aeery Bands it hack by Mashing, Yeah, Sure. Okay Where are you gonna be this weekend, Sam? Awesome (Bal, facing forward) Ye. My brothers wedding Weshould ike bring muse and haveli rockin dance prey Som debs. Where? Beidgepor: Ras glances atthe hack of Sam Bed cocking that be’ bing a ‘eck, and then exis ery gates wp bis brown and dst um and beads ror the dow ey, Ub. I keep meaning to ask. Did you ever find out what ‘was going on with your sin? Sam isi ining ond facing fran dring the mex speech Yah, Twente the doctor (short pas) Wycalled Pityriasis rose, (short pes) es not contagious (4 short pon) Teooks like «Fungus bat eno (short pa) They don't know what causes bu you get it all over your crs adit itches ke Fuck anita sit eight weeks, Ah man, The good newsis you only gett once in ” esta pa ifs pth ack fbi cir ery amo it Whoe! The spots make likes ifthe spots ae in distinctive Chris. ‘mas tee formation you know i’ igyriai rosea. Wor, Wi Thatloks prety bad Sam cers isi wed) te ‘Yeah. 1s not though You wan box ofce or refreshments! A log pense bile Sm conterpate tic Box ofc. Hier a fe mcd, Sam saaly gets up and they art exit Inge, Ree enters the projection buh amd tse er mscing ‘rund the inde Sam standin te ise and eke wp very wet by the dr Sam eres gaze ay io the prjson bah, tngebe. The der sams st Blake S0ENE BHT ridy nigh. Darteos, Te lst movies ending. The very ed of ‘hee. fla fren. A fla of wb. Then the lights come om antomaialy We ex Roe the projection th. ir «fr nde, dogg je ms and mp. ne Ce He sure leening He sare bis side ofthe cde and mae, He encounters a large _epworn bag end thas it any. He ge more ‘He plances up atthe pjecsion bet Ras is mecing around, doing _sumebing Sb es bi end pans ber fot in the sr ina 6 oma par gre ery retail, “Hesmoves tthe ober side of he theatr end stars deenng Rove nos on the indo and bois up a CD, wiggling bere Armas. ery shrug, and chats bic head, like, obat are you saying Inside the projson bat (we probly con’ see this), Ree inert the CD int he sind stem rerum Jn exrmely danceable ip-op cai from the pas decade comes ating into the thester Maybe Jay-Z I Ju Wma Lae U: foery Hs are etic 0 beep sven, He net sre whats bapening. se lncs the poet bth and to onde le is throng te dr, groving whe ms Dance Party! Avery laughs asi groves dro he ie, vey bob bc head up and dro, ing 1 ok support. Come on! Avery shakes bic oad no, til bobbing upoticey. Rue rls ber es dippontd, but hen prceds de ral esse inpoveddance i the ile and maybe even in some of the ras, Shek rely wild and oir and wninbbiced. I prety catbrt I shu be difrent ery night. Mayes carps: ‘ cople move fram bagra andor i-byp andlor Wet Afican dance clases from ber pst. This lat aout £29 mics. vey ands ins ro, ing bie hed th ble ime Finally Ras tcers er nt, The rom tl esting WHEW! ‘She rns nt fb theater and up 1 the proeion th where sy ‘urs the mac of. Then sh omer hack den and enter Aasanyeay, That ws great Yeah Woacover eel ike an itr no, No, no. Sorry Tid’ ike Sony Iida ike join in end pe. So what do you wanna do? on Ah. We could watcha morc? Oo You wanna get stoned? Ah. .n0, Thank you You sue? Ye. get rally... I gtreall freaked out I get really angry Awesome, No, Not awewome. Hike sit ina comer and refase 1 all wo (stort pe) The last ime I smoked pot it was the end of feshman yea at this ike hoge party and I ike found this guys collection of Calvin and Hobbes and sa in his closet and red them ll night and if people tried ro alk to me [wa like: LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE ou go to Clark righ? ‘Yeah, Well. took this past semester off. But yeah Espeasiv. Tacrally have fee ride Really? My dud teaches there. He$ head ofis department, o— What does he tach? ‘oe nee Uh, Linguistics... Semioscs Thave no ides what that is ering ong) Yeah I went co Fichburg Sate You sil ve at home? (Ob, Well. Yeh. For now, while Pm taking time off frm Clark tut when Igo back /T1— Tm notjdging. lived at home uni was twenty-one Sem sl ives a home. He does? enue Hh, When he fise started working here he ha this like super controling girlrend and I hike ved with her in ike Athol She would ke show o insane paranoid looks. You know, ke one of those women 1 someti like give me these sshot aways ike: “are you gonna tel my boyiiend? Anu then they broke up-I think he broke up with her?—and the mated back in with his parents. He lives in the ate of something. Ha, T guess he like... he doesn tll me alot. He seems prety private eah. Heb wei {mean lik him alot. Yeah. mean, ne too Powe Did you know that is broher i retard Wuare Yeah. Oh. Maybe I shoulda have told you tha REALLY2! mean i no big del 1 id ne know th Like how is he retarded Ton’ know mean, think hes jus um (peas) [think he jase retarded My ex-boyfriend hada cousin with Down’ sycrome and she always lke to fish people her tis Like T went to thei nly re this one summer and she lke flashed me er tis ike seventeen times And I would be like: “awesome, Rath hank you" ty not ike stare ater like weied nipples and I would A long pass, in chic Avery dea mabe of mental caltotion Yio ex-boyren Yeah, Hoh For some reson Toh Pause [think someone told me that you were, uh T think someone cold me that you were gy On, No. Tinean, whatever, ve been with gi couple times, Bueno, Lng werd pos. You wanna watch a movie (teed) Yeah! Yex Definitely. oe ey. Uh. Would you ever show me how to use the Tes just ike ashi ld thiry-ve-mil oe No, no... aes why T wanted to work ere This ‘sone ofthe ony cheatarsleftin Worcester County that has — yeah. Tm obsesed with im, and lke okt actualy refed ro woek a any ofthe theaters that ust do ‘gia But everythings gonna be digit. In ike si months Seri- ‘sy Steve is ano. fhe does go digital or sll thi place in the next yea itl shut down, Yeah, Hike. gues disagree. Or lik, Idhink dha really What is? Projecting a movie made on lm through digital projector, T dunno, (ihr pac) { mean, I guess I personally lke. ke apart fom this job [never go t the movies. (chert pas) Tm kind of over moves (str pans) 1 used to be super iat them but now Tm over them. This is al really depresing Avery. You're coully obsessed with them, aren you? Yosh Teen. They’ ike my lie Hh, A sort poe Wall, I'l show you how todo it You ca lin forme when Tm sick or whatever and then evencalySteve'l pow ws dot Yeah, Sure. Sam keeps bugging me to show him he etter cuz you're so obsessed with it tut I bet 7 sinking Rave sat walking up thease, Acery sty ac, eu of Som. ‘She ser ord Come on efile The laste este: dispar for abot fifcen eds nd then reaper in the wind of th peetion th, Thy mace rn, then dspar, ben reappear vith gant el of lm se cee Res tac Acery bos 9 thread the recor. He probly doit hil bile sh tees and provides ‘instructions. Heic mln. They ins threading the proeon. They tr ito. moie gas 26 me he green igh, then Backes, then the oping eet sequen, mac Ii be smite “ping ereditcquece masc fom The Wild Bunch, oer watches the egg of he mee, fce abort presed up aginst the projection boob winds, and then bead Rs ext and ‘ome through th these dor agin Avery des’ take bis ee off the von wile be walls doen the se. He find ted ro, sage ef and tin he eter. as fll bin and nett bin They wath the mie fr abt fry fe onde ‘Them Rie ery soy ur her fc andl at ery. He mais thi ut comin wacbing he ren, aremptng te eppearnonbalent ‘Res eps king at ery. Aver esp nking a te sen Mier aobile, ase len ovr and ses very’ neck Avery i fc, weching the mee. He des nt moe so. Rashes ising Avery’ nec, contempt niin bis decides ui it and goes ack ooking at Bi tery here mating the mene. ve takes er inde finger and truce lie sie and ire on oer nck Thon be aks ber finger rane na sigh ine lcm vey sit for maybe eps to make tiny cre rand snips. Then ber band dapper from er vie ys sil ating th ren Resi hs pants and Begins to ouch him. ery ets er oud bi and doesnt ake bis ee of the sven Thi ge mfr a mina bat seb is carly eff end even ‘ual Rese sly tas brand aay and, mari, ges ack to ‘atching the mee Avery hep eutching the move. He igh ars aying, He doe entaaly Roe ges up, walls up the wide (Avery des not tara arownd) and en send ter we brn the projection bth. Se ° stuff he rece and thls in he thstratamatilly om tf reed from a el, very end cer elbows on kes, and ‘vce bi fin shame. He stays thir ile Race coms back deans, als don the de, and st theres from i, be se seat. A dog sie Sony. rm sorry Sore pease Ob my god Twanna ll mse Wow. Thanks Avery remos bisa from bis hand end lnk t ete, Antbr ding sens. tum Yeah Wow. We can jst forge that this ver happened, okay? Powe. eel ie ike molated you or something You dit molest me, Yah, man idiot (her ps) Honestly don't know why Leven like did tha. I wasn planning on doing that. | swear to go (ashore pour) There’ something wrong with me No there something wrong with me Along ene ll are we js gonna like st hee an lik freak out together insilence Because then Pd/ rather: Is ost This has happened to me Before. Paws, So dont fet—plese don fel / ke ie Fue Yah, but you weren'® giving me the vibe and I weat for it {lg pas. yu ike jst havea hard ime, Sometime. When like—my mind goes blank and Tike always jut thinks I'd ether be watching a move els ot is nex ais fae enti bande ui okay, Avery ‘She move erate we and its nxt im agen What do you think about when you like, fntasie? No reponse. After pans 1 you evr tink about gp relly don’ want to answer these questions. Olay That okay oo ek is fae i 0m is hand Re ane back in ber ret, bs. eb os and pops er et pon bs infront of ee. Will, I'm Faced up co, (ood) Yeoh? Short pone Jean stay atracted to anyone for longer than four month: Hi, Afr Fm ike this ike crazy nymphomania, AIT want do slike have sexall he time, Like igh nine times sda. And then like tly goes away and I tur int ike his ike ead fish And then I ike fake tual we breakup Hoh Along pee Al you know what even weirder? When I ike fantssie I jst Hke think shout mys Yeah, Like everyone els is bry excep for me Ta ike wel in focus Ad ike look amaring Aad everyone ike: holy sit That ge looks amazing. Foe es cally cbarrasing [don’t think eb embarassing atl. Sience. They bth are lenin askin tr sats me, cng the Wank wren, acl ares coching Can we jnstsicher for litle while Yeah Yeah A long, mach more comfort see Taday isthe one-year anniversary of the day I ted co kill elf Afra pace Really How did you dit owallowed «bunch of pins. Oh my god Paar. “That works? wall (ort ps) 1 ida’ plan on doing it (bot pause) Teas «wei day A ong pee Huh Ive been like super super sad before but Ive never wanted to commit suicide, se ike doa ett 1 dont ge suicide Ie ike: aren you curious what gonna like Aappen you? In like the fare? Pm just likes curious about my fare. Yeah You've probably never He decides nt 0 You know what I dont get? what? Bulimia, Ob my god know, right?! Baring i so horrible now! 1 ike the 1 ike the wors feeling inthe world I ike bi in bel, ow! Lik why mold you ike nui ik eri. he i yu're s0nn Hk have an eating disorder jut he sree Pons This n swe convertion, Pas. {almost quit my second day working here Why? Tiust like ... I couldn't get f raked Th Ie realy avard an couldnt ements so Tike... Thad oes how to hol he trows She ough. —'m serous. And then I woke up the next day and just like freaked ou. I wa like: [can't have a job. Pm way too depressed, And dit get out of bed and like lay thereunder the covers staring up atthe ceding and four wt. rolled arcu, ike watched the umbers on ry alarm clock, and Twas ke, [ shoald beat ‘The Flick by nom, ur Teouldnt even ring nyselfto clinic, And then tw like 405, and then ie was 4410, and And ‘then—ies werd ‘vs ike thai Ljst lose my fist jb, I give up, 1 didnt even make the decsion—bat in was like—the second I thought, like—I give up—my body started moving and I ike push the blanket off nd ke soo ‘ip and pon my uniform and like walked outside and walked to the bu and rook the bus and walked in here and made up some like Keto Sam about why Twa te and that was it 4 long ps. So why are you depressed? Are you serious? ‘Um, Because everything is horrible? And sl? (sor ps And the answer like, Be Yourself but T have no idea wha that focking means Who’ Myself? Apparcndy thre’ some ike amazing awe ” ‘same person deep down inside of me or something? Lhave no idea who that guy is. Tm always faking it. Andi looks tome like everyone ele ie fiking it 00 Like everyone i ating owt sme ik stereoype of ke .of like. exael... who you'd think they be, And Thad one frend, one fend, a Clark, chis guy from Ban tladesh who was realy ito sculpre, and den he transfered to RISD atthe end of freshman yea. Afer short pase And my mom ike. Actually never mind, A long pe. Do you think wa stereotype? OFike— Oftike—awhatver (Oflike what Lam. Yeah You do?! 1 guess you're Pano Uch Paso Wait Were you being fe? Jos now When When you wee ke... when you were going off sbout how everyone i of, Were you fking it then? Team yes and no, Tes hard to tel ges Yeah, The lak pte Ban seen and rp tices apo be seats in fre of them. Map Rese pat ber bel on Ary sale Blan: Joanne Marca singing "Le Tourbillon” play rT ‘ACT TWO SCENE oe Thre day iter Sam amd Aer, exh on ther side of the ae, _vecpng, Sam in the ule ofa emingly big dromati oy. —s0 the next day we all went to see 1 move. I mean minus my brother an his grfiend. Wife. We went wo this huge ike multiplex ouside of Bridgeport What movie The new Daniel Craig thing —/ Sue of — Wis ic god ™ Teas ay. Tewas okay. Anyway. On the way there I stopp at this Mexican takeout Place that I read about online. 1 ik this famous Bridgeport tamale place. And then brought the tales nto the theater. You hate when / people — know. Tknow. This the point of 1 know. But we were in ‘huge hurry and T didnt wat to ea them in my aunts ca ‘aus she has this ik pristine like fucking Passat that she all obsessive about and T wanted to like you know you know pour the litle cups of red and green sls all over the tamales ceectera etcetera. SoI decide to bring the bag of tamales with ‘me into the movie thetter. Bu then we can find parking and were you know late and there well lng line for tickets. And we don't acelly sit down inthe thester until halfway through the previews. So ater we st down I open my like seyrofam container and get in few delicious bites of tamale hefore dhe movie stars. But then I put it aay. Because Pm like you know like philosophiclly opposed to rusting your plastic bags and ik squeaking your styrofoam container du ing the actual movie. So I put the tamales back in the plastic ‘ag and Tp the plastic hago the oor Ad we'e like five minute into the movie when this woman comes like uh ike wadding down the ss into the theater she tke really really smelly. Like one ofthe smeliest people Ive ever Aad this is gonna sound horrible but se’ uh 3 smelled Like she not homeless or anything, is not like the homeless pote more ikea... kind of ike its kind of ike a chunky cheesy kind of smell? (Oh god. Okay I get And she sis right in front of And Tam am like inal este wo people’ small (When Iwas kd my dad ha this friend who had hlitosi and Tou ven like bein the same room a im, Wit. Do you Have [ever smelled bad to you? Yo have never smelled bad tome You promise? 1 promise [mena couple of times [smell your very pleasant sling shampoo but thas it Okay Aaya, tis lady sits down right in front of us and her cheesy smell keeps coming at mein ike waves and Lean foc onthe ‘movie andI star going crazy. And my mom and Tare whisper ingaboutitand then we convince my dad and my une and my cousin that we should move sats. And so we all et up ike & bunch of assholes and move five rows back Did you bring the tamales with you? ‘Thats the—no. [didnt The pont tha I was so freaked out toyot being able to pay attention to Daniel Graig and geting sway from the smelly woman that T ttl forgot al about the tamales. And then we watch the movie and then it ends and the creditsaerlling. And we're all collecting our things and cting ready t go when T notice these middle-aged ladies five roms in front of me, not the smelly lady, the ladies who vere sitting to the left of us originally, and they're al gesting ready to. And they tart walking towards the ae and then one ofthe 0s, “Lina, are these your?” And the other one goes, "No, Trish, are they your?” And Tish or whocver i ike, “No 1 didn’ bring anything in." And Took and Ise they're hold ing up my bag of twas And then I realize: that douchebag Tm that douchebag who brings like random weird ethnic food inuoa move theater and then forgets sboutit and leavest thee! Tam my own worst nightmare! Aad sit there paralyzed, watching them askeach others this yours? is this youn? and I'm to scared to say anything and then eventually Linda or whoover just takes the bag and they all walk up the aisle together and when they get tothe doors the th itn the ras She throws it aay for me Pave, were Olay: Pane, That the sory I dont get, Tele. ke Twas dead or something. Iwas watching the sword es go on without me, Buti you were dead you wouldnt have left de bag of tamales No. But [alike dg pe Teall made mare sense in my head Teas ike a relly god story in my head Pons, fee wera Ie felt like for tie some profound ite mazaion snd nw 1 cn ‘remember what the realization was. ‘— came in erly yesterday and he was herewith some like bs ness guy talking about how the lobby had “promis.” Then afer the guy lft was ike what the faci going onan Steve was like “T might be moving co Tucson.” enters low was the wetkling? bec he scllng it cause he can get any dsteibutors ro send bi stuff anymore. on. Tewas oly. Who would he sell ito? What'd you wear? 1 do't know, Probably Fuckface 500, ‘You mean Loews? AMC? S0000 Thave no idea T think Steve ying to sll it They hak a er Hh, The Fick "That would be lke one of the saddest chings of al time Think he eying to sel. un No. T think the Haas is one ofthe saddest things of al time ‘The big guys wouldnt buy it I jst one seeen, It wouldnt make nana sens. Temust be smaller chain Twas jus one guy with him inthe lob? Yeah Did he say anything sbout going digital? Nope Tid ak the goes digital you ob wll be obsolete Tbe happy ifhe xl it Because this pees a piece of shi, And Steve isa read Then she cates es and Babe, (o Sam) Sony Pease Yo gonna go ups. (Sem) Yo glad you hada nce time with your family Ske leave. Sem sacs all of his, fren, thon dps samen in the rash That unbelievable. If they go digital I might hae eo like Tighe have to quit Passe. Tey go bck leaning tbr Did you tll Rose about my brother? Powe You / mean. ‘You know what I mean, Paws. Ub Yeah. I cole cool: I just like mentioned that ro you in confidence, you know? Poe Sony 1 didnt know, You didn't know wat? Pate, Did you tll her ike—what did you tell her? {jst said that he was un (pane) ely sory Pure Yeah. Whatever Who cares. Tjusthad lke a faking shitty weekend Thate weddings anyway, so. Powe: My mother went ke way over the top. Iwas disgusting Te-wasle—you'e the one who facing sent hi ig sent him away ail then there were like—there were like cookies in ide oth bags with ike my brother and his wife like facing initial stendled on them, we Fn And it like, great, Mom, Now you have even more faking creditcard debe An it was ike—everyone was stings happy ie tying so had ike ob this whole fucking charade isso fucking joyful. (pms) Anu i ike the only actualy happy people here ae retarded! The rst of ou are just miserable cs Lamg pose, Ty sep And everyone always pretends like she catering is so good! Lite oh my god the food is 0 gn isn Aad Fm kei was shity Tewas sity lukewarm food cooked for 115 people! (Cane we ast adi that wedding food is always a ie sity Peas 1 verhaves wedding T'm gonna lke have fod tracks come and like setup oase the wedding ten and people can line 1p one by one and order taco I sends cc ‘Maybe tke one taco ruck and then one shawarma truck, I would do massive amounts oftike-out Chinese, Did you havea good sme with Rox? What'd you watch? on. Uh “The Wild Bunch, Yeah She'd never seen it before, Jens. Steve sels this plac to sone ike chain ha Did you guys like hang out afterwards? Ub. Aline, Whiy are you being weird? Did you guy ike give each other like hens or something? (laughing No! God, Jes We jus talked ‘What'd you lle about Nothing. A pas, More oecping on, T thought you might be— Teeoms out she straight? Orb, Fim aot sure Excuse me? mean, not hat it mates But she told me that se nota lesbian Dida’ you say she— ove enter Avery Forgot Gan you cover fr me forthe fist hour on Thursday? now, Im already taking advantage of you, 1% (ui paragon at Sam) Uh. Sure. Yeah. Ofcourse Coat, Ob, and illegally downloaded that Four Nights of Dreamer You're ight. Twas amusing Ste eve. ‘Adm ence Sem arf bez then tures to Avery end sar, rh Avery tie ay smething bast ef Did she show you how tous the projector Powe ‘Well Iwas really curious mean, Iwas actualy just interested in how ic swt, not um in um geting promoted o nyhing but then she sid he could tain me to be the ah thea ae ‘ate and T did’ fee ket could. Sim pcs 5 balecen ba of opr fm ideo he the sae ls holy asthe ale t veya of he hcp {he hg spn ond then fing it loro very crn pre shesering ecerysber. ‘The be tls ot of th theater and sam th er Schind i Avery stands hrf le ex mas rand nthe projion hth, treading te mee ins he peer Blakou SoExE TH The nd oft ng Sateen ath al yee Sie gg dy het rare tcl er pd The hewn oft op siping dro pi ef eae oe ih avidin ok ing rd ending Sh ome doe : Sn dd fan elo i three Ten, ewenty, diy, thy God, (poe) leven each She bonds mone to very. She walks orto Sem and ries tend ‘im mane, bt be i: ferouly mapping, She pats be mony dow nthe arm ofthe et nearest in. Gaal oe of yo gre me eae igh? My sister borrowed my car. - Sam continues oping. Air «pa (Oh, Um. My dais picking me wp. Same He doa’ pend. He continues mopping Sum, No repens Bat Um, 1 gues I could ask him if he'd take you back to Boylston Sam, Whar the fuck Some pe same ore, Then be walks 0 0 the mop bucket. He pore ye iy ay ravens pulls ptiap a i ein seater and sguerzes it again Rass and Avery at bid thi. Som de nat take bit yes off the snp en be aly ay quiets) Why'd you show Avery how couse the projector. Pass, ‘What the feck s wrong wit you. uh Tr gonna go to the bathroom Avery walk wp the ide ond ler. Roe inking at Som. Sam i ‘ring in te diy mop water 1 dida'tlnow you / wanted Yes. Yes you did Te been working her for almost twice as long as you and you nee Steneonly promoted yo ist babs chinks oot ‘And three months ago I asted you you would train / me and you sid— Olay. Otay. You're right Do you know ow humiliating i is to be working wih Ike rxeny-somethings who are rising inthe ranks of you sity job faster than you ae? Pen Tmsony. I Twas stupid. I wasn thinking. jase Tan ain you too, Then iff get sek you can take turns No. No way. Tim not interested anymore Pose. No fcking wa. Obey Pens. San ie srtng ook il So. What Are you gonna like hate my guts now Afra pane (oui Oh go. Whats going on? fel sick fel like Fm gonna Oh my god Hess dwn in oe of te frome res and faces the mie aren ay from as Sam, Tost. Hoan stand it Han do ic anymore Pose. [eS making me nauscous WS making me sick (a sbrt ps) Ta ike breaking out in fackng rss, have no idea what you're talking about You doa' Realy? Along sre ike fucking lve you Pe, Sam el aking ota he mec eo. don’ even know why You're like 1 see all these things chat are wrong with you. Butts ike— Pau Ws ally bad es really bad Wsnorlike =— Tegoes way beyond the ward “cash ike I wane co ike— Teant sleep, Tmean, haven relly slept for ike the past your anda al ‘And then when Ido sleep T dream shout you. And you'r ike taling 10 me. Or like fucking some other gy. Or standing in fron of me in like a motel roon like brushing your tet (stort pas) A never been like this befor, Talk down the sret and all I'm thinking is Rove. Rose Rowe Wik dhe fucking soundtrack to my life Just your name makes me ike Siow. ve pictured saying this. you ‘ve picered saying itso many times. Ps He des ot sur around They ee bth ery til So what do you want? Puce. He til fing orear What doyou Like what do you thinks gonna happen 0m? Pass 1 don’ kaos. Powe. T guess jase T gues T needed to got it off my chest owe ux, ‘Bats this the kindof ching where you want the person love you back or you acully secre don't want them to lve you ack? Pere ‘Thatta good question. Because i sor of seems lke ithas nothing todo with me Like me me fou know Puce. Som eat res, That’ not how I wanted ie wo seem Be That’ noc how I wanted it to be. Ras sigh ang sgh ike— {Like even right now. I ik you're performing or something. eruct So tun around a look ate, (ears startng ori in bs 0) Do you ike ne back? Oh my god Pens ould you please jst urn aroun ‘Sa shaker bit bead. He shakes bis head mo again. You're seriously not going to turnaround and lok at me? eds nat tr arn. You don't know me, ete verve Like for whatever reson you ike me... Pim not ke... Pn noe ik ie hat tal, You gor sit down, (eho pas) ‘You gota sit down and pat your head berween your knees. Thus ne (stort pee) Avery is down and pt bis ead brace bis es. by? Acer burs brag he drying nat dren ‘You gota breathe ‘sand Sam stand p, Take deep breaths Ob my go Ob god The sara bm Pm gonna take cre oft Someone wok a Someone took a shit onthe Boor of the men’ bathroom and they He grabs the mop. Yon jus ake i en He ibe eer vere i halp And they spread tall oer the— Wall over the walls and it— No. No rm) i ‘ou say here and you watch him and you get him water. ' He wis to breatbe {je puked, Tost puke on the Noor ofthe bathroom, fel ke Pn gonna— gonna take care ofc You're gonna have to— [Now mi puke isall over the place Sim sults wp tease and taker Avery arm. (Gis brad aiming) Areyou stil mad ate? Te fine. Pm not mad at you. eseverynhere ‘Why would somebody do that? This happens, ‘This kindof thing happens in move theater. Tm gonna des witht Bat you have such sensitive sense of smell! Dont worry about it rn eotally cool with poke Tm tally cool with shi. Tm gonaa take care of it. Sam wasup tbe we tard the dor: Before exiting be suc truss the mop up inte th air ikea oor. Tim aking care oft And be evs, Aer end ove and rates ase wae bm You want a cup of wate Yeah (he breathes) That would be great Se athe bi for awhile Aver: Please don tell Sam about what happened the other night Ofcourse. T mean You don ether. wont: Pass Can sal fil infor you on Thursday nigh? She comiders ti Tilmake ie work Pe Sometimes I worry shat here something relly really wrong within: Bur that neve know exactly what tis uh No. You'e fine Realy? SUENE THRE ‘Sam end Avery, mid-velltregh, Rasen the projection bot, ‘moving aannd. casas sos and tries tcsnally pero thee. Rese walks om fe theater tg wer: Bact Have you seen this vdeo everyone i puting upon Facebook ‘The one where the water botle starts talking back to the Uh... 10. Fm not on Facebook ‘That funny Hooked for you once and coulda Gnd you. But then I thought tha maybe you were inva” mean, if as on Facebook we would he Facebook frends 1 mea, I wouldve fended you by now. Sure Sure Pose Whats the objection to Facebook? Actually. Never mind. I's ied of hearing the objections to Facebook They g back wo sereping, Ton Iwas on it. Foralitle while. When Iwasa freshman. Bat then my om got an it because was on it and she started recon ‘necting with all her fiends from high schol and then she econnected with her highschool boyfriend and they started writing each other letters and dhen she lef my dad for hin Wait, seriously? Yeah She moved to Adana year and a hal ago. ‘Tobe with him, “Tobe with her high school sweetheard?! op, A sbr pase How do you fel abou tha?! 1 mean, She ike. she like a terrible peron. Thats how I feel about Hive you visited her there? Nope ve seen your mather fora year nd shal! Se came back. A year ago. To vst. When Tie «when 2 punch of tl happened inoue fay. But did want wal toe. [didn even wane to lik look a he. Paw, oe sen Ponce. They sep For some reason I pictred that you came from like perfect family. That lke everyone in your family super close and happy and che you al ike wear che same lass. Ub.No. Tm the only one with lass Passe You probably should go visit her a some poi Ym not inccrestd ‘They seep fra wile. Thon Sam takes bs Phone ut of his bak pocket and fides mich it. Thon eles cra cer. So you wanna see thie? Avery nds, thon mals wer to Same. Sam hed the phone ot in rontof Avery and press play. Webra th fit meso te veo ‘ut comet male on ampbing smerete Oy. Just Keep watching Tegess funny in ike fiteen seconds ice sds ps. A gin sre arss Acer fe. Sm arts oie Righe Aha ha hat Avery nsdsand rin and mayb silently shaker th ae anger Tee video omnes They watch fora fw mare ssonds an them Sars bea Sigh, takes the pon, and puts back i is pck Thy hed bir separate cider ofthe ae oe kk om the wines ofthe prajecion Bet, very os wp, x. very teaver hack and ues bck 9p Sam des ot. Ree ing. Rs okt Sam. She hc om th wines agin. Sam does tt ok np, Blackout Som dy thr ce nike f ei areas fil lee end hat eet Okay ve Ready Actually, Wait 1 iten wo this you have to do Ezekiel 25:7 forme once its “Dear Me. Saranac, -My name is Avery Shape and Iam an employee at the North Brookfield Fick recently learmed of your plans to buy The lick and cor it ino the North Brookfield Venve’ I commend you on your {een busines sense and your entrepreneurial Tm il ring to figure othe right word to we. “Eatrepre= eucal markings? Entrprencural embarkings? “That doesnt make sense Spi 1 commend you on your keen business sense and your enre- preneuil spirit” ike shat 1 dont now. I ust wane to be you know nee / before I— “l.commend you on your eceersetetrs Steve Bosco ako informed me and the rest of The Flick employes that you {tend w keep as oni we so desire and that you Wale if we so desire” sounds a lite gy. What dees chat mean? sounds ga: (ina Brit ant) “Ar weso desire hatha British accent Do you mean ie sounds Brit Same thing. Poe “Sand that you alo plan on replacing our thiny-fve- silimeter Century projector with digital projector I under stand you may have many god reasons behind this decision fewer maintenance fees, simpler taining fr new projection- iss the unavoidable fact that many movie ate now shot gi- tly and, of course, che desire to keep working with compe ieslike 20ch Ceneury Fox who starting in Janary wil refine to disribte any ofthe movies on thiy-five-milimete lk.” Pons Habe! However urge you to think twice about this deision, You ae the only theater in Worcester County, and one of only igh eheatersin the entire state of Masachaseus, that stil ue ‘lm projector. This isan honor, Mi. Saranac. You are cary= ing torch and [strongly encourage you nt to extinguish it Nice “Moe aficionados ike myself come wo his theater because of nue film projector. And as more and more movie theaters in the United States convert to digital projection I predict shat the brave few that continue tose ln wil become highly val- ted. You see, Mr Sarana, the word refers vo ella. So if you sy, “Wanna se the new Spielberg in?" you ae by eGnition saying, Wanna se the new Spielberg movie om cl- Tali By the way, people like Steven Spielberg have spoken ‘ot about thievery fs and hei on the ecord as saying hat he will eatin to shoot om thiey-Ave-silimeter unl they ry the camera ont of his cold, dead has.” Wie He sid that ‘Well, not the cold, dead hands part ‘Tht joke » “Too much. Take it out. Really? Yeh. jut makes you sound eazy lay: He will continue to shoot on thiy-fve-milimeter™ Dahblahbiah. “Because of people like Mr, Spielberg and many others who WILL continue to shoot on fl, is imporant ‘hat there sill be 2 few remaining theaters tat use fl peo= jectors. When you digitally project a mori tat was shot on fim, you are not actaly showing that movie. You are no gi ing the audience what they paid for” ‘Nice, Powerful ‘Film can express things tha computer never wil Fils sa series of photographs separated by spi seconds of darknc imi ight and shadow and es the light and shadow that ‘were thereon the day you shot the film, Pes. Digital movies think the phrase digial lm is an ‘oxymoron—are actully jst millions of ny drs. These dots, o ptels, cannot expres the variation in color and eatoe that fim can All the drs are exely the stme size andthe same stance apart. roar geal Me Saranac prot» hi init aang ss par ote Mons Lia ned fe “Mona Lis vel Truge you to keep our beloved Century projector and to take stand agains the digital takeover of American movies and | Sincerely, Avery Newton Sharpe” Peas. Mile name Newton. ‘Yop. Don't make fen of me I would neve My middle name s Graber Paws Think -a good lee. Youdo? 1 do. Something about cis really What 1 don't know. I ike something someone would write in a ‘movie. I mean, ike the ero ofthe movie. He'd like bring it ‘to Washington and go ike running down the corridor ofthe courthouse and like stop to kiss the lve of his life and she'd say like, you know, GO FOR TT, snd then he run into the ‘ourtocm and read this leer infront ofthe judge And what woul che judge sy? You know. “On this day ofall cher days 2" ‘Weave lesmed..." “Lam humbled to adic that even in my old age Lean.” You know “This young man has ugh ws the true meaning of Christa” Otay. Cool, Pos, Did Leonrince yo? Pause Oh, Hin. Good question Poss You know, I guess don't realy cae either way. lc. SCENE FIVE Thighs in be str are cmpetaly dv a fal be bub bce chen ei wate oF ge florcens or site loan Sam and Resear sting om diferent tides of the aide, They art oth eoring ew wnfrms, Aylin plo shirt inca ofa maroon on, se vera, Nw th wore "The Venue” are sched on thir pole Rand Sam or waiting fr womething. fora: He id I couldn't wear my Red Sox ep anymore Serious? ‘Uhhh And Iwas ik, Pas we liven Mastachases Isnt like ike controversial at He didn go frit. Afra sence: So how are you? im olay Pe [My roommate lf thi like lng pasive-aggressve note on my bedroom door this morning. Ie was like seven Post slong. Aan se has this really annoying handwriting. Anyway, whatever Afr pase How ae you? Lave no ies how you're /ike— Pm oa. Pease ‘Whatt—whar¥ new? Notmch Pass. T went on a date las ight ‘Oh yeah? With ike Ws it fst dace? Tawa fi date ‘Was ican internet date? Iwas an internet date And? iked her She was actualy pretty cool Pave. Tiler Wich an. Hh Prue What does she do? wal, Atthe moment she isa barita— Olay Oh wo Pass. So she mast have like a relly great body Powe shee a erpere aris. ‘Sam gh. After a shrt pase: ‘Why do you have wo be so crude? —bue shel also sort ofa um par-ime low-yingtapeze ats ve rue Whatdo /y00— Tike, youre always lik, you know, taking about you know, ‘ob, yeah he had huge cok, or tke, or lke, she ike she Tike—wow she must have a nice pussy or something. have never sd anything about anyone having a nice pussy fn ron of you. You know. You know whit Tan, ‘Yu imst be thinking about Tiler and her nice pussy becuse Trnever sid / anything about— have been on one dae wi Thave never even kissed Tiler! Pons Whatover, Look, you... you've made it clea tha you're not interested So don' understand why you cant ave site like you now pity on me and / ike— Yo would’ look at me! What does—hat does—ivhy doss—wait—what does that ave to do with —why are you—that He / completely You dat even give me a/ chance to— ‘You sid tha I dda’ know you! And that. that you were ‘nothing ie the person I thought you were! So— So hat re! Posse So that a face! Pane Bat lke... hat doesnt mean you have to run out and stare like ncere- dating and ike forget ll sous me. Like oh yah, you must be really in ove with someone if you ike do tat. So—s0—s0—so what are you— ‘Do you like want 1 go out on a date or something? Paw. SO WHAT ARE YOU SAVING?! Pose 1m st saying that Iwas rght, Tati was ike a tha iewas like big performance. That al Pose. Tan believe this Tan believe this hi doesnt make any sense Pass You want me to / ike Just ike GET TO KNOW ME! 1 cant get to know you you kep ating ke a... ikea bike ke Never ming, ‘You think Pm like a ttl bite, Peas. Right Hedy respond You lke culty hate me now. So jst aay Avery alsin abs ina nce wnifrm He ok Frid ifr, eek dep shaken. Ty Hey How'd igo? un Wal He told me I couldnt wear my Re! Sox Ob, That sucks. wera eet gota weird face, right? Powe Did he say anything about you leer? He figured out Dinner Maney: Walt, what? He igured it out He looked at the books and looked athe receipes and lke parendy there was ike touch mony inthe este from ke last month and that’ like a sign that people ae stealing nd chen fe found the shoebox with the stabs underneath / Fuck Fock! ‘Wai why washe looking tthe books from last month? What oesbe cre? He hs like a whole ew system and erditcard machine! We're no ganna steal rom bi! 1 guess he like. he wanted o make sre we were good employees of ike— oe wren we Fue So—so what was 1 mean, I didn at you guys out Ravan Save bth 17 nat vs that they are ried He was mad. Powe well Okay So we ust need th To ah Well yeah. But what/ wis To uh— Ana e think its me our ‘Well, I was thinking tha you guys could go vo him and like {fess up to your sie of it too and ike tell him that you were the ones who tod me to doi in the fist place and / then avery ike— he thinks i all me. Wie What? Because of your letter and then maybe he won / like There was a not for Sar inthe box. In ny handwriting (oSom) From the weekend you were gone. T guess he recognized my handwriting? Talo think he old on hold on hold on etal ke stop and take a deep breath (ae) ‘Why should we tel him we were the ones who tod you todo fein the Sis place? Pane So whae did you Pose. Which by the ways kind ofa um whistled revised way of looking att. IF reall corocly you were prety happy to tae ffcen backs from ws very night. Because if we say dha all of us were doing i and it wa ike an employee tradition like you said and that everyone did it snaybe he'll understand and like... ot Sire me Hell ie all. {mean or he'l ik eit go Pens Whos Otay. That realy intense. ‘Thar rally intense thing to ask of... wo ask sto do, 1 didn tell on you Yeoh, wel, that would have been ike Scns set Uh-huh. Do you have anything to say about this esha is aad o, verti bit He sass bed an Bat Avr and Ree kB bray (hay. Great A hr, horrible see. (palit 10 oer) Tm jose um How tuuch money does your dad make Bxewse me Tim ust euions. Your dad teaches semanccs a Clark ight? Yeah. Semi Yeah. Told you that low much does he make? ‘That’ none of your business. ‘Aid you havea freeride, right? Pus. 1 on’ see how— Becnise I stil have lke twenty thousand dollars in sedent loans wo payoff and my mom i seeretary. Ad I don’ haves rch dad, My dad ian ich, Ad Sam is thirty-five and he lives in a shiey attic above his cxary parents Sm wins tds nt ey anything. Pee Ad this our Wke—this an’ Like a job we have thle we go tocalege ‘This is what we like—feed ourselves with, oa) So jas eink that Wor. Okay 1 jst think that you should eink about ha. A ong poe 1 jos ike really really intense ting vo do to ask some- ‘one who' supe in debt and someone who dda’ even goto/ callege icy) Otay, Rose ¢o like give up thee abe to ike defend you Pens. Iejust makes me fc like you dont really gett Pans. Avery jt stand ther. And T mean, realy sorry that Pauls blaming you ‘Thats really fucked vp. Another pase Avery te off is plas, ples them en bs sbi, nd put tho back gsi He pus bis ands on ir bie He ses to iting fr something Final: What dhe say shout the projector? w Hes peting sd of Het going dia Pass (mat bopeft) So maybe you wouldnt have wanted to say? Pe (et me ty on feb) tea, maybe yur oa a ‘remember you saying that. sre very ks at Sem for lang time, then ma Thn be ra 1p the ee tsar be dm Then be sop Hey Sam, Pause. Saas a bm, You wane me wo do Ezekiel 25 ihe You want me to do Ezekiel 25:17 for Rose? Ub. maybe Tim not se if now isthe eight / time ro— EZEKIEL 25:17, THE PATH OP THE RIGHTEOUS MANIIS BESET ON ALL SIDES BY ‘THE INEQUITIES OF THE SELFISH AND THE TYRANNY OF EVIL MEN, BLESSED 1S HE WHO, IN THE NAME OF CHAR- ITY AND GOOD WILL, SHEPHERDS THE WEAK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE DARKNESS. FOR HE IS TRULY HIS BROTHER'S KEEPER AND THE FINDER OF LOST CHILDREN. AND I WILL STRIKE DOWN WITH GREAT VEN- GEANCE AND FURIOUS ANGER THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO POISON AND DESTROY MY BROTH. ERS, AND YOU WILL KNOW IAM THELORD WHEN TLAY MY VENGEANCE UPON YOU. Pos ery speak oughly, sly 1 been sayin tha shit for years ett your a, And if you ever heard it i ever really questioned what it meant I thought it was just some cold-blooded shit o say to a motherfcker before you popped cap in his as. But Ts some Si ehis morning chat made me think ewice (here poe) [Now T'm thinking could mean you've dhe evil man. And Pm the righteous man, And Mr. Nine-Milimeter here... be the ‘noc een shepherd protecting my righteous ain the valley of darkness Oriteould be, youre the righteous man and Pim the shepherd andi the world that ell and seth, lke tha, Bur ha shit ain che rth The tah s, you're the weak, ‘And I'm the tyranny of eil men, Burm tryin, Ringe, 1m tryin’ real hard to be the shepherd ‘He is laking at Sam Sane ek ihe Be might ry. After a sence: That was awesome, ory leno Blackout The thenter is dark and emp. The fl poet som. We bari sbiring. leashes gree, then whit the it ges of. We se Rue end Sam enter the projection loth and tre onthe light. he are warng ther nes worms. They are taltiag end moving avn inthe itl i-p wine, They om tb getng bmg, Maybe toe pone Ras ang and bits Sau onthe arm The theater stl dark Then ie wth Sam and Rose sly and metbdially doasewble the film projec. They reac the rc and then, ce by pice, they remove the fe projector from the inde ad putt on 1 far of he proton bk. This might ak a ede wile Then atch them ial themes digital peta. Ie does abe ry lang, Thy rn it. fra snd yt oma loving ‘guar of bie igh andthe ent pret mages. on for il, prejscting imager can’ se. Sa ad Rese eve the bth Thee the praetor got gree, then aie, then darines. The lights in the mre ater ler om andar about ive son 1" SCENE SEVEN The dao atthe bak of th mace theater is them pen Sam peck bit ead a ks around, then les ted: A sod late, tbe dor pes asin and Sadana larg rash an hat be ss kep the dr propped open. Then be exits agin and emer creying large pac broom and dt pax. Skylar filles bm corying a bream and das pom of bis. So this isthe walkthroogh, Pret ea ‘Same goes ort bis side ofthe ie and ars oeping. Skylar oes ert theaters ofthe ade and rare noeping. He gad reper: He adentaly bse a plat Coke Bre and sends iro ing dm th ie Thon be cba after it,pis twp, and rast ack tthe eas on nex te dor Hei speedy le oes ater than Sam. Sam tc big, iprese Hive you worked ata movie theater before? Yeoh, At Cinema World. Tn Leominster. ‘Oh yeah. Llnow that one Afra pews (eying to mae a jole) ‘So you're wsed to the oversized polo shir. Unto Thee in sie fra while Did Paul or someone lego over the vod machines with you? Yeah, Paul did Tink Ego it ® Cook Cook (au) Did he elk to you abosthow to clean che bur dispenser? un 1 do Wines and then Lue the almond hand soap inthe buth= ‘Oh, Okay. © Atmy ld jb we jt Wade and ihn reco Afra tert pone Yoh T would try the almond hand sap to, bay. Cool The hp deaning What ee. Whatle Afr pase For some reason people don't se the garbage can underneath the island the batter and straws island ie justi Tike constructed badly. Kei’ used to Any all their sraw wrappers and stuff on the island so try to you know swing by there fe mes before the movie stats people think theres no garbage 20 they like leave tail ike brash all the wrappers and like popcorn kernels or whatever into the tas, Okay Passe ‘There wed to be three of us working a me including the projesionis but pow ts just two, One of us goes up and preses ‘ply when its tm for te movie ro start. Kes pretty ey. Cool you're working at the sme dine as Rse you should prob ably lecher do it Okay, Pas We used to. Rese used to like splice together the previews, Ya, The seep for while Abas roeny smd of rerpng pas. Sly lar inissveping hfe Sam. He ait ato in fon of the Sir re. Helos cat oth mavi erven. Afra lite whe, be ‘eal up othe maven a the lip fb tae, nd thn reaches and lightly tues be mec een Sam nates imei, Whoa. What are you ding Gackng aay) n,Soery No, Just—why dd you do that? Ton’ know Sony. Afr pase 1 always have this urge to like [always just ind of wan to touch it Don't you? rare) Uh...10, (Oh, Okay. Sony am fishes meta Styler sats for Sam finish soecping Sam fi uri, Toe bead wp the ile. They damp tir dat pam in the tra cam They exit The desea st bbind tem. Blaskowe Avery in stret does istamding inthe mile of baie, rie ‘ng. The doar tothe theater propped open. Sam, ain sree lates, ip in the projection bot avin around (ating ou) Are you sue he’ not here? ‘Som ent ea bin He eve te bn and fe eons later be ume dren into the balay sich a rrange-laking pee of eta Aguipmnt He beast ont the flor Are you sure he fut gonna like come inal of sklen? Yeah, yeah. He away forthe woskend, Tras ne, ™ ‘Sam disappears again. A few srconds later eee Bin the bot, moving ar eles and ben come down wth nae ict fuipment He past ren i the aly mete frst Ht not gonna notice its gone? He tried to sll ton eBay and nobody wanted it. So he tld me to donate it x scrap metal Tye been saving for you Sam dcapears agin Avery sai. Helos at the movie ee for lise while, Thon Avery walls int the balay, picks wp theft pie ofeipment andere fess late, Sara comes don again ith ante plee of egupmont.I>bcamng lar tat be 1s bringing don pie of be dzasembled fm project. He aks around or Avery, conf. A fe cds ler Ary returns Where'd you go? “My dais wating ou front. In his ear 0h, Olay Sam disappears gui. Acery picks up toe pees and diappesrs rome don agen withthe a pice ofthe projec ing i bandon bis poms. aie S (A fe ond later, Avery reer This it Olay, Coo The and ther fr a snd Ob. Wii. ‘Sm ans back mp 1 the projection bath, Wc hi grb 00 exons, He comes back deen wit them. Some of Steve old rel. He tok unos of the good ones. But there are a couple let. Oh, Okay Sum pats ac med ede thi on the fo, eadng abel ut oud bile ig Tiger Hidden Dragon Rograts in Paris Crouch Hera bac up 9 the ba then comer bak ra with 0 mare tins, being them deen on he ground StarTrek Insurrection sd Honey I Shrunk the Kids hac’ actually «prety good find. Yow want them? We were jut gonna throw these out oo Um, Yeah. Sure, Hold on, He picks upto ofthe, leaves the thet and then reer tirty seconds ae: He pcs th astro omainers and bls than, one in ca band They ar bey. So what are you gonna do with the projector 1 don’t know. Start some kind of underground basement cin Sam kghe Fim sort of serous (Oh, Okay. Cool Maybe when Igo bick to Clark in he fll form a tiny five-milimeter Sim society. I dont kno (Own my own theater some dy Alga Look Tuh— Another pense. Maybe Avery art put de tn busi) on dey rm soem Avery A pase No, Imean, Whatever twas good for me A pone had some kindof seid det tha we were iced. / And then— Oh god Let finish, And then it became lie very clea thi we Look, everthing thats... everyting thats ike ever hap pened to me has disappointed me, The word keeps So clearly I'm ike... lary Tm like putting too much faith in suf, Pow: mean I shink the wth that you ca trust anybouy “Thats nor tue No. T don’ mean that in bad way. Not like everyone i untrustworthy or something Just ike, don’ expect anything Don't expoct things to turn out well inthe end. Uh. 1 don't know i Lagre with that worldsew. Look eliing that has helped me. [Ws actmally made me fee okay forthe fst time in a while like let goof. Pose. mont saying I wanttobe frends with youor anything don (attra sort poe) And you know, we were acer ell friends in the fst pace. Tet Rose show me howto use the projector. Every man for himslfyou know? Jess, Avery think thatthe way it goes (nal to el ims) And the truth i, one day come back to visit Masachu- sets and you'l sil be here sweeping up popcorn. Working for some bigot from Nashua, And Ibe ike. be ving in Paris or something. So... you know: Thanks for thinking of me. And for sving the projector And the lm, zm and pics wp tel in DDoyou remember the end ofthe morie Mankatan? un Woody Allen ike realizes hel sil in lve with Mariel Hem ingway and he ike ran down the tect and Gnds her inher doorway and she’ geting ready to go to London and she’ brushing her hair and e’ ike sey here with me or whatever, and she like, no, I'm leaving, and he’ ike, but what’ gonna happen? and she ik: “You gots have ait faith in peopl” andthe music swells wp? on, Yeah, { { This site the opposite ofthat ending. Avery tur og and star waling pte sik tard be dew Look. Avery. Just—before you go. now my life might seem . Lind of depressing to you, and you know, in ao of way itis Bur here some good sini Maybe I neve td you sbout it br there some really god scuff my ie Pass. And sometimes the people you fll in lve with fll in love wth you back Pens Sometimes they don't. But sometimes they do. And ith awe~ And fel like ance that happens wo / you ay. Thanks forthe aves, Sam. Avery als trsrd the door At be walks ou Macaulay Calin to Michae Caine oer sop and sabes bis bea me Macaulay Callin to Michal Caine Avery was ox te dav Ices bbind him. Som stands inthe ke ofthe mec than, Bs bonde sae int the pockets of bis ants He stares a be doting. A very very ong amet of Mayes inte ond bof Sam sends there patent ‘Sdn very cme bakin rh he do, ennilng Macaulay Culkin to Mandy Mote in Saved. Sam bare int abet rin. Mandy Moore to Robin Wil n License wo Wed. Robin Wiliams to ude Law in AL hin Wiliams was in? think was uncredited, He ws lke the voice of the computer robot gu. Trost me Olay. Jade Law to Michael Caine in Sleuth he lok teach ete: ery stil emsiing ay. 7 Fee And with that, sry eves ‘Sim str in oe ofthe soe, sing bis One ofthe ersral themes from Jules and Jn Vacs” by Georges Dlere) start playng, ndersring Sam’ marcomens Sam pats is fet wp the seein oe fbi and ks wp athe coiling of th moe these frail. Then begets, ling, nd-wals wp tea Right fore e eis he flick ofthe igh The theater png its darknes. The sound ofthe dor sing The mac ol ick

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