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Multimedia in sch ools must bridge from its

The Future of current role of augmenting data delivery in

conventional instruction to instead f.tering a new
Multimedia: Bridging to model of teaching/learning based on learners'
navigation and creation of knowledge webs. Such a
Virtual Worlds transformation requires evolving today's often
fragmentary multimedia applications into more
structured inquiry approach. that build on web-
Christopher I. Dede like architectures from hyperrnedia. As a further
stage of development, through advances in
Contributing Editor
visualization and virtual communities, multimedia
can become the basis for rich virtual "worlds" that
p r ovid e b oth i n te ll e c tu al a nd e moti on a l
In a world where data increases exponentially
each year, a major challenge for schools is to This article briefly describes two stages of
prepare students to access and use information multimedia's Ntential development: incorporating
effectively. Learners frequently become lost in hypermedia to enable knowledge construction by
a morass of data from texts and from inquiry learners, and using visualization and virtual
projects. Without higher-order thinking skills, they communities to create artificial worlds. Such an
cannot synthesize large volumes of information evolution would make multimedia the core of an
into overarching knowledge structur.. As rich i nf or ma ti on in f ra str u c tu r e th a t c ou ld be a
techn ol og ies such as mu ltime dia provide driveshaft for educational reform. Without such a
increasing amounts of data in which learners can transformation, multimedia risks continuing its
drown, this shortfall of current educational pre se nt sta tu s a s a h ood orn ament f or the
practice is being repeated across the crowded c on ven tional c lassr oom, con tr ibuting some
curriculum. motivation at the risk of causing intellectual
indigestion through information overload.
The same technologies that are swamping
students in information can help learners master Multimedia and Hypermedia
thinking skills for assimilating this data. This
Multimedia technologi. have great potential to
requires a refocusing of current uses of multimedia
e mp owe r l e ar n e r s' ma ste r y of h i gh e r - or de r
in the curriculum, from engin. for transmitting
thinking skills. The leverage that sophisticated
massive amounts of data to tools for structured
multimedia provides stems from a synthesis of
inquiry based on higher-order thinking. Such an
mul tipl e a ttribu tes rather th an any sing le
approach is generic across a range of disciplines,
characteristic: leaming via structured discovery;
from science and mathematics to social sciences
moti v a ti on a l powe r ; ab i l i ty to ta p mu l ti p l e
and humanities.
learning styles; web-like representations of
Reconceptualizing multimedia now is important knowledge; enhanced mastery through learner
because, over the next decade, the fusion of authoring of materials; the collection of rich
computers and telecommunications will lead to evaluative information; technology-supported
the development of highly realistic virtual c ol l ab or a ti v e i nq u i r y . A t a ti me wh en the
en vir on me nts that are col lab ora ti ve and edu cational reform mov ement is provid ing
interactive. As discussed later in this article, the m om e n tu m f or c h a n g e , th e s op h i s ti c a te d
evolution of this "meta-medium" will enable multimedia devices that are nec.sary to support
artificial realities that immerse students in these instructional attributes are finally becoming
information-laden virtual worlds. Such learning affordable for schools. The availability of this
environments risk overwhelming their users unless technological infrastructure enables extending
beyond current multimedia implementations to
new types of instructional strategies that take
advantage of multimedia's unique capabilities.
Christopher ). Dede is Director, Center for Interactive
Educational Technology, George Mason University,
Fairfax, Virginia.

they incoporate tools that help students and

teachers to master the cognitive skills essential to
synth.izing knowledge from data.

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