Crata Repoa Analysis

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Crata Repoa

the Initiation in the old secret society of Egyptian Priests.

By WBro. Mircea Bucin

Presented, Sapere Aude Lecture No.98 / 21.11.2020

Crata Repoa is the name of the supposed constitution of the Order of African
Architects, established in 1756 by Karl Friedrich Koeppen (military advisior) and Johann
Wilhelm Bernhard von Hymmen (justice advisor). I say supposed, because as we will see
further in the presentation, it has nothing to do with a constitutional text, as it is commonly
I would interpret Crata Repoa as being a ritual monitor & guide for the system
practiced by the Lodges of Koeppen. I will try to give you in this presentation a summary and
description of the system described in the booklet Crata Repoa.
The first edition was published in 1770, in German obviously. It was some 30 pages
long, written in gothic font, and at the end it also had some tracing boards for each of the 7
degrees described in it. Other edition where published later on and translated in different
languages. For example, we have the 1778 and 1785 German editions, or the French
translation of 1821 by Anton Bailleul. Yarker did publish an English translation in “The Kneph”
(1882), the official publication of the Ancient and Primitive Rite also referred to as the Rite of
Memphis. Russian translations where found in the 19th and 20th century. In 2015 I published
a book containing the first Romanian translation and commentary to it.

African Architects, Koeppen, von Hymmen

Before we get into the analysis of the text, let me talk a little about the African
Architects, so you get a better context of the Crata Repoa. First, the name African Architects
is actually referring to the location of Egypt, on the African continent. It can be seen as
meaning Egyptian Architects.
As I mentioned, the Order was created in 1756 in Germany by Koeppen (b.1734 –
d.1797) und von Hymmen (b.1725 – d.1787). Koeppen published a very popular book
describing some French degree system, “Les plus secrets mystères des hauts grades de la
maçonnerie dévoilés”.
Some say A.B. was a small association of Freemasons and whose purpose was the
study of history and various degrees of Freemasonry and other secret orders. The full name
(according to Georg Schuster`s encyclopedia of secret societies and orders) was “African
Architects from the Royal Lodge of Secrecy, friends of the fine arts and fine sciences”.
By the end of 1787 the Order was dissolved and Koeppen burned a consistent part of
his archives. There are still some documents to be found in German masonic archives and ex-
Gestapo collection. From the few sources we have, until the end, there were some 4 Lodges
in Germany, one in south of France and one in Switzerland. According to Lennhoff, the most
important of them was the Lodge “Zu den drei Hämmern” in Berlin. This Lodge joined right
after 1787 the “Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland“ also known as „Der
The members of the Order were strictly selected, and only well-educated intellectuals,
scientists and artists were permitted to join. They promoted the idea that the African Lodges
were able to impart to their members, “all the secrets of Freemasonry”, but to be able to
receive them, one needed to be highly educated.
The system was composed of 7 degrees (some say 8 or 11), and by studying them we
can really find very few, if any, links with the descriptions presented in Crata Repoa. I will try
to explain why. Lodges, few but spread, were active in Germany, France and Switzerland.
The African Architects was also known as the “Freimaurer der koeppensche Lehrart”
(Freemasons of the koeppen ritual) and this means that Koeppen was the one who wrote the
Ritual for his Lodges, during its beginnings.
Von Hymmen was initiated in the System of the Strict Observance, but he soon left
unsatisfied. Meeting Koeppen, who was a vocal adversary of the S.O. he joins his Order and
soon after that, Crata Repoa gets to be published. Von Hymmen was also a member of the
Gold- unde Rosenkreuzer Circle, viewed as an inner circle of the Grand Lodge “Zu den drei
So, my interpretation of all those facts inclines me to believe that they decided to
renew the rituals of the Order. Those rituals of Koeppen were close to the usual masonic
rituals of the time, so they needed something more mysterious. Von Mymmen being also a
Rosicrucian, thus wrote the booklet entitled Crata Repoa, and I strongly feel it was an outline,
or a monitor for further rituals of the Order of African Architects.
The new system presented 7 degrees, exactly as the Rite of Strict Observance. More
so, in the previews system before the publication of Crata Repoa, some degrees had the same
names as those of the Strict Observance (Armigeri, Novice or Eques). An in the announcement
of dissolution they called themselves Chapter of Knights of Secrecy.
To conclude, I think once von Hymmen joined the African Architects, he and Koeppen
tried to create a masonic system, opposed to the Strict Observance. And because the S.O. was
knightly in essence, and presented very few mystical elements, they decided to have an
Egyptian themed ritual for the African Architects. This makes sense if we see the growth of
interest in Egypt-related culture, by the end of the 18th century.

Crata Repoa, the text

Returning to the text, the title Crata Repoa was supposed to have different meanings,
mainly to do with Secrecy and Silence. Some examples are: “Divine Silence or Silence of the
Divine”, used also by Nick Farrell; Albert Mackey suggested Crata Repoa is an anagram for
Arcta Opera, meaning accomplished working; Helena Blavatsky even corrects the name,
stating it is actually written Crata Napoa. Frank Maas writes that Crata Repoa is actually an
anagram for CATAR OPERA and means “purity of the work”; a very personal interpretation as
he applies on rule to arrange the letters of Crata and another one for Repoa.
Obviously, the name is not German and not Egyptian, so it means nothing in German
or Egyptian. We can do whatever permutations of letters we want, change everything around
and make it fit our ideas, but that does not mean we are right. As most of the documents of
the Order got destroyed, it will be difficult to get in the minds of the creators and find out
exactly what they meant by it.
But my personal opinion is, that the name is invented, sounds somewhat mysterious
and Egyptian, and I think it would represent actually “Royal Silence/Secret” after the initial
name they used for the Order.
About the subtitle, there is really not much to say. They proclaim that the system
provides Initiation in the old and secret ways of Egyptian Priests.
As we go through the pages of the booklet, we will see some footnotes, referring us
to classical works, mostly Greek and Roman.

Preparation for Initiation

The first section of the booklet describes the preparation of the candidate. It is stated
that he must be proposed by an initiate in the Mysteries, and usually the King made the
proposal of a candidate to the Priests in Heliopolis. They in turn refused and send him to
Memphis where he got the same response and was send to Thebe. At the end of his journey
he was circumcised. All this was taken from Prophyrius and Herodotus (according to the
In Thebe he was locked up for several months, and he had to abstain from alcohol,
fish and beans. Here he wrote down his deepest thoughts and the Priest would read them
and evaluate his reasons for asking to be a member.
The candidate was then taken trough a corridor supported by the columns of Hermes
engraved with moral percepts and he had to learn them by heart. This being done,
Thesmosphores (footnotes indicate this was the presenter, and the ending where changed
from us to es or os, according to the Egyptian dialect), armed with a heavy whip to keep the
masses away from the Door of the Profane, took him, bonded his eyes and hands and
presented him in this way to the door.
Obviously, we see a blend of cultural aspects and legends, made to be presented as
factual for the order. I will give you my personal interpretation of these allegories and you are
free to find others for yourself. Let us go over some elements described in the preparation.
First, we have the proposal by the King himself. Now the king is the ruler of the
material realm. This is allegorical for the candidate coming from that realm, known by the
King, so he is not initiated, and he is a dweller in the material plane.
The refusal of the priests describes the journey the candidate has to undertake, from
Heliopolis (city of the sun), to Memphis (city dedicate to god Ptha, patron of builders) and
from there to Thebe (city of oracles and common magick). This is to be understood as a
preinitiatic journey meant to bring the candidate in the right place, at the beginning of the
initiatory path. He is not permitted to receive the most profound Mysteries (represented by
the sun), so he needs to start with le lower forms of spiritual knowledge, the lower Mysteries.
About the pillars of Hermes, the brief legend goes that he engraved all knowledge on
two pillars before the Flood. They were rediscovered afterwards, one in Heliopolis and the
other in Thebe. (As we see, the text gives the name Hermes instead of Thoth, and if it was
truthful authentic Egyptian, the Order would use the original names). The pillars were
engraved with moral percepts that he had to learn, so this may imply the first work with the
hieroglyphs on the pillars, the exoteric work relating to human morality.
Thesmosphores was the name of the presenter who took him to the door and kept
the profane masses away. To me, this allegory brings us to the whip, a tool used to restrain
the masses, so to restrain from profane thoughts. Thesmosphores, is actually a modified form
of Thesmosphorus, ot the one who officiates the Thesmosphoria (Greek fertility festival
revolving around the story of Demeter and Persephone). Transponded in the current scheme,
it might be that the presenter, brings fertility for the thoughts that inspired the Candidate in
isolation and while studying the moral principles.
The circumcision is a ceremonial act representing a covenant and also cleansing of the
material body. And obviously the circumcision of the candidate needs to be understood under
this allegorical explanation.

1st degree - Pastophoris

For the first-degree initiation, the candidate was brought to the Door of the Profane.
Thesmosphores taped the guard (Pastophoris) on the shoulder. He in turned questioned the
candidate and gave one knock on the door, which opened, and the candidate was let in. The
Hierophantes (Master of the Lodge) asked some more questions and if satisfied the initiation
would start. The candidate was led through the temple and winds, lightnings and water was
dropped on him. If he remained steadfast, the constitutions will be read to him and he has to
promise to obey them. He will be then taken in front of the Master, on knee uncovered, a
sharp knife on his throat, and he swears and oath to uphold fidelity and silence. The sun,
moon and stars are witnesses. The candidate`s eyes are made free and he is lead between
two square columns named Betilies. Here he finds a 7 step ladder with 8 doors of different
metals. He gets no explanation, but the Master holds an oration about the omnipotent and
omniscient nature of God. The Initiated is made to step on the ladder, “symbol of a spiritual
The study of this degree is focused on the natural sciences, anatomy and healing, but
also the hieroglyph writing.
The Master gives him the password, Amoun (keep silent) and the handshake, and
wests him with the regalia: a heat in form of a pyramid, an apron named Xylon, a collar around
his neck. Wearing all this he had to guard the Door of the Profane.
We have the 4 elements, earth, water, air and fire - common to most of the rituals of
initiation into Freemasonry - representing some sort of confrontation, by the end of which a
purification is achieved.
Bindings – represent the precondition of the candidate before receiving Light.
Sun, moon, stars are witnesses of the oath – the predate human creation and
represent the higher powers that first permit and then regulate existence.
The two columns are more or less known, so I won’t go into it.
We have the ladder symbolizing ascension after the fall. The seven rods may hint to
the seven celestial bodies and their archetypical characteristics.
The 8 metals may indicate the study of nature but also of anatomy, as there is a
common link between then in many other traditions.

Bibliographical notes in the text:

a. Prophyrius de vita Pythagorae
b. Herodotus Lib.2. Clemens Alexandr. Stromar. I.
c. Jamblychus de Mysteriis. Pausanias Lib. I
d. Apuleius de Metam. Lib. XI.
e. Cicero de Legibus Lib. II. Misteriis ex agresti imanique vita exculti ad humanitatem, et
mitigati sumus.
f. Plutarch în Lacon. Apoph. Ver. Lysander.
g. Histoire du Ciel Tom. I. p. 44.
h. Euseb. Cesar. Praeparat. Evangel. Clemens Alexand. Admonit. Ad Gent.
i. Alexander ab Alexandro Lib. V. Cap. 10.
j. Euseb. Demonst. Evang. Lib. I.
k. Origens cont. Cels. p.341. de Trad. De Bouheran. Diction. De Chauffepie Tom. IV.

2nd degree - Neocoris

If, during his apprenticeship, the Pastophoris proved himself wordy, they organized a
big banquet in his honor. After the solemnities he was taken in a dark room called Endimion.
Here he was brought good food by beautiful women, the wifes of the priests, who in turn
tempted him. If he controlled himself and did not cave into lust, Thesmosphores came againe
and asked him some questions. Upon answering correctly, he was taken to the Temple where
he was washed, and he had to give prof that he lived cast and humble.
Thesmosphoris brought a snake and throw it on his body and then removed it. The
entire place was filled with snakes to frighten the candidate. Passing this challenge, he was
put between the two column, and there he saw a griffin spinning a wheel with 4 axes. He then
learned how to use the level. He was taught about Geometry and construction and learned
all measurement unites and calculus so he could use them from now on.
The mark of this degree was a snake entwined on a stick. The word was Heve and he
learned about the fall of men from Eden. The sign was both hands crossed on his chest and
his duty to clean the columns.
The snakes and the snake on the stick, can be also found in other degrees, f.e. in the
A.A.S.R., and comes from a story relating to Moses in the holy books. Without going into the
detailed symbolic interpretations of the snake, among all cultures and traditions, I would
conclude that the snake is used as a symbol of wisdom in many traditions. It also represents
the vital current in the human body, ascending on the spine and vitalizing the energy centers
(Sephirots on the Three of Life; Kundalini the Chakra system).
The snake is a main character and the instigator or initiator of the fall of man from the
Garden of Eden. Here we must understand the Eden as an initial condition or human state,
not a material place. This knowledge was imparted on the new Neocoris.
The Griffin spinning a wheel, was taken from “Le Grand Cabinet Romain”, published
in 1706 by Michel Ange, a catalog of antiquities of roman inspiration. The explanation in the
catalog states the following: the griffin spinning a wheel between the two columns represents
the emblem of the sun, and the wheel he moves is a symbol of this perpetual orbital
movement that mace Nature alive and fruitful… the two columns may represent the two
equinoxes. The Griffin is composed of the back side of the lion and the front side of the eagle,
the king of animals and the king of birds combined. This can be a symbol of the material and
spiritual things united in one creature.
The crossed hands on the chest is taken from the way Osiris raised from his death.
3rd degree - Melanephoris

This degree was named the Gate of the Dead and the name of the initiate was
Showing proficiency in his work, he was taken to an antechamber and there he could
read some more percepts. The walls showed mummies and sarcophagi. In the center of the
room was the body of Osiris slayed, and covered in blood. Two members worked in that room
of mumification, Paraskistes and Heroi. The candidate was asked if he participated in this
murder and after replying he was taken by two guards and brought in the assembly of
Melanephois, all cloathed in black.
Here the king himself was attending and he asked the candidate in a friendly manner
to take the crown he offered him. The candidate was instructed to throw the crown on the
ground and stomp on it. The king offended yelled “Insult! Revenge!” and taken an axe
pretended to hit the candidate in the head. The two guards pushed the candidate to the
ground and the two workers wrapped him in linen bands, like a mummy.
After the pretend mumification, he was taken to a door upon which was written
Sanctuary of the Spirits. Loud thunderstorms where heard. Charon took him on his boat and
brought him in front of the judge Pluto. Minos, Aethon, Nuctheus, Orpheus and others were
present. The candidate was asked difficult questions about his life and was sentenced to
remain there in the catacombs. Removing the linen bands, he learned the following: he should
not crave blood and always come to aid his fellow brothers; never to leave a body unburied;
to expect his rising from the death and a further judgement. He worked on painting the
sarcophagi, learned the hierogrammatic to understand the history of humanity and Egypt,
and rhetoric so he could deliver eulogies. The word was Monah Caron Mini (I count the days
of fury).
Time was spent here until he proved his proficiency in the craft, and it was decided if
he received permission to go further, as from here only those who truly master the craft could
get out.
The name of this degree, the Gate of the Dead, marks the beginning of a new journey.
The candidate was passed through the Gate of Men, and now he will pass through the Gate
of the Dead. We could see this a progression from the material plane to the spiritual. In this
new chamber he sees the body of Osiris slain. The legend of Osiris, can be summed up in a
few words: Seth kills Osiris, cuts him up and spread pieces of his body all over the world; Isis
find all of them except his phallus, and by using magick she gets impregnated by Osiris and
gives birth to Horus; Horus kills Seth as an act of revenge. There are many variants of this, but
in resume this is the main timeline of the legend.
Obviously, we see parts of the ritual taken from the Master Mason degree and
blended with the legend of Osiris and practices of mumification and the judgement of the
soul from the Egyptian book of the Dead. Not surprisingly as the first copy of it was known in
Europe since the Middle Ages and was viewed as a religious text.
Again, elements found in this degree can be found in other degrees of various masonic
systems, for example, the refusing of the Crown and stomping on it. This gesture shows the
candidate that he needs to leave the material plane now, as the Crown is the symbol of
supreme material power. The Crown is also a symbol of the rulers over people and the
candidate learns that he should seek to rule only over himself, not seek dominion over others.
He is the mummified and brought in from of the judges of the soul, by the way of river
Styx, on the boat of Charon. The judges as we see are a mix of names belonging to different
cults, to show universality of spirituality, above material religion.

4th degree Battel of the Shadows, Chistophoris

The degree was called the Battle of the Shadows and the candidate was called
Days of agony having passed, usually 18 moths, Thesmosphores came to him and
armed him with a sword and a shield and ordered him to follow. Walking some hallways,
frightening costumed brethren attacked him and he had to defend himself. In the end he was
captured, eyes bound, and a rope was put around his neck, careful that he does not strangle
himself with it. The shadows took him in another room, and they disappeared.
In the new room his eyes were freed, and he could see the most beautiful decorations
and paintings on the wall, and the king was present, accompanied by the Demiurgos. Usual
lodge officers are present in the ritual, but they have Egyptian-styled names. Odos, the
chaplain, congratulates him for his progress and informs him there are many other challenges
The candidate was handed a glass with a very bitter liquid called Cice, that he had to
drink completely. He received the shield of Minerva, the boots of Anubis, the cape of Orci. He
was instructed to descend into a cave and kill the person dwelling there, bringing his head
back to the king. The assembly yelled Niohe (there is the cave of the enemy).
Upon entering the cave, a woman figure, made as real as possible, could be seen. The
candidate cuts her head off and brings it back to the king and receives praises for his act. He
then learns that he cut of the Gorgon` head, the beast married to Typhon, and in part
responsible for the death of Osiris.
Lessons in the laws of the land were taught and his name was inscribed in the book of
the Judges of the land. He received an order that he could wear (only at receptions of
Chistophoris), depicting Isis or Minerva in form of an owl. The explanation was: man, at his
birth is blind as an owl but by challenges and wisdom he becomes a man. The helmet
represents the highest form of wisdom, and the Gorgon`s head all vices; the shield was a
protection against insults; the column represented feminine aspect; the mug, the thirst after
wisdom; the arrows represented eloquence; the spear power of conviction at distance; palm
and olive branch represented peace.
Chistophoris learned that the name of the great lawgiver was Ioa. The password was
Safychis (old Egyptian priest).
In this degree we see enacted an episode in the journey of the hero, the descend into
the lower planes, a fight and his triumphant return. The name Chistophoris is a clear allusion
to apostolic creed that Jesuses descended into Hell and returned triumphant. Obviously, this
is not particular to Christianity, as we can find this motive in most cults and religions, even in
legends and stories.
The Shadows, represented by the frightening Brethren attacking him, are the
emanations or thoughts of our own vices and passions, the we have to constantly fight
against. The candidate is overwhelmed by the emanations of our passions, so he needs to
take another approach if he seeks victory over them. That happens at the end of the degree,
the candidate cuts the Gorgon`s head, which represent the sum of all vices, giving a clear
victory over our darkest imperfections and stopping them from any further emanations. The
Gorgon is another name for Medusa, and at first glance it appears to be a beautiful, lustful
women, but turns out to be the most hideous of creatures.
The candidate receives and has to drink up a bitter drink, called Cice and from the
footnotes we find the origin of it as being the drink Kykeon. This liquid is supposed to have
psiho-active properties used in the Eleusine Mysteries, and the bitter taste can be an
indication of a plant with high concentration of Mescaline.
After his victory, he is entitled to wear the jewel of the degree, which is also taken
from the antiquities catalog mentioned earlier, including the explanation of the elements
depicted on it.

5th degree - Balahate

This degree is called Balahate.

This degree is the privilege of the Chistophoris and the Demiurgos cannot refuse to
give it when asked. So, the candidate is taken into a meeting room with all his Brethren of the
same degree. Then they enter a room set up like a theatre and they are only allowed to watch
the happenings of this degree.
A character called here Orus followed by some Balahate, circulate the stage like in
search for something. At some point they stop in front of a cave and Orus takes out his sword.
In front of them a creature appears with 100 heads and a frightening posture. Orus kills it,
cuts the head of and throws the body back into the cave, upon which flames burst out of it.
He head is taken to everyone to see in silence.
The candidate receives the explanation that the creature was Typhon, and it
represents fire. The most frightening of the elements, without which nothing in the world
could exist. Orus, representing industry and diligence can much benefit from it, but first it has
to cut the head representing the violence of the fire.
The teachings of this degree revolve around chemistry and the password was Chymia.
This degree can be considered as a natural continuation of the previews one, and that
is why it cannot be refused if the candidate asks for it. In the last degree, by killing the Gorgon
the candidate eliminated the origin of his vices. Now, by killing Typhon, symbol of fire, we can
conclude that he killed the origin of his passions. Fire being mostly associated with passions.

6th degree - Astonomus

Astronomus in front of the Gate of Gods was the title of this degree.
The candidate before entering the reception room was bound again with linen bands
and bound his hands.
Thesmosphores takes him to the Gate of Gods where many steps need to be
descended. The crypt since the 3rd degree got flooded. Floating around were the bodies of
those who betrayed the Order. He was cautioned that he may end like them and then was
taken away to assume another oath.
Newly obligated he learned about the sciences of the gods, about the stars, and he
had to participate during the night in astronomical observations. He was also cautioned about
astrologers and horoscopes, because the Order hated them the most as they were the source
of false ideas and superstitions. These fake teachers of the people took as their password the
name Phoenix, which they just insult.
The new Astronomus was taken to the Gate of the Gods and it was open for him. Inside
the room he could see the Demiurgos and all other gods painted on the wall. From him, the
initiate received the entire history of the gods, and nothing was hidden from him anymore.
He received the names of all Wardens and members spread around the world.
A dance was taught to him, representing the movement of the stars, and his new
password was Ibis, symbol of vigilance.
The return to a previews condition is enacted, the condition when he was first judged
and condemned to walk the catacombs for a long time. Having made progress he is being
returned to that point of the initiatic timeline, and deemed wordy, he takes another path.
Passing through the Gate of the Gods, we could interpret this act as representing the
access of the Major Mysteries. Until now, the candidate passed and was preoccupied with
earthly and human subjects, so the Minor Mysteries. Now he will learn about the Gods and
the Starts, all there is to know.
The Astronomus learns a dance, representing the movement of the stars, and as a
footnote “De Saltatione” by Lucina is given. Lucian of Samosata (125 – 180 A.D.) was an
Assyrian satirist and rhetorician. In his works he makes fun about people believing in
superstitions and the paranormal, of the legends and myths of the gods, and other relating
subjects. In the cited work, he deals with the roman art of pantomime, where an actor
interpreted alone a tale about some legends or myths, taking up playing in turn all the
characters in the play. Now, why would you give as the source of part of the very important
degree, a satirical work?
By mentioning the despise towards astrologers and horoscope’s, especially those who
took the Phoenix as a password, we see the rivalry between different initiatory Orders of the
time. Said Order could be well the Illuminati of Bavaria, could also be the Gold- und
Rosenkreuzer Order, but could well be the Martinists from France, starting to expand to
Germany. Moving forward we arrive at the last degree.

7th degree - Propheta

Propheta or even better Saphenath Pancah, the man who knows the Secrets.
This is the last and most excellent degree, in which all secrets are in depth explained.
The Astronomus could not receive it if he had not the acceptance of the king, the Demiurgos,
and all the members of the highest degree. To this occasion they held a public procession,
were they showed the people the Temples, and the festival was called Pamylach.
At night, after the procession, they sneaked outside of the town, where they had
special houses with many rooms in form of a square, and the walls depicted trough beautiful
paintings the life of men. These houses have pillars around them, depicting the Phoenix and
sarcophagi, and were called Maneras. Here the new Propheta was handed a special drink
called Oimellas, and after drinking it he was announced that all challenges have been
The candidate received a cross with a special meaning, and he had to wear it all the
time. He vas clothed with a white dress called Etangi. On his had he had a square heat. The
sign was hiding both hands in the sleeves of his robe, intertwined. His hair was cut now. From
now on he could read all secret books written in Ammonic language, to which he received the
cypher. One of his titles was Royal Construction Bark.
The greatest privilege was that they could consult the king on all matters. The
password was Adon. He could after some time receive office in the order, even become
Pamylach (circumcision of the thong) – if you speak you say what you know; if you
keep silent, you can hear something new.
Oimellas (whine and honey)
Maneras (mortuary houses)
The royal Construction Bark refers to the key to all cyphers so he could read all
religious texts. It is most likely a masonic cypher, one among the many developed over time
in correlation to one degree or another.
He received a special cross to wear at all times, probably the Ankh, representing
infinite life and overcome of death.

Conclusion to the text

The system proposed by Crata Repoa, as we saw by analyzing the ritual and symbols
was a mix of masonic elements borrowed from existing degrees. To that, the writers added
elements and teachings pertaining to other orders, like the Gold- und Rosenkreuzer. It also
embedded elements of what was back then understood as ancient Egyptian, actually a Greco-
Roman-Egyptian understanding of it, as we could identify by the footnotes extracted from the
booklet itself. As all systems, back then, it had also elements of alchemy.
At the end it also has a description of the regalia to be worn by the officers, a ritual for
what we call Table-Lodge and some tracing boards drawn specially for Crata Repoa or
borrowed from the existing degrees they used.

Why the little success of Crata Repoa?

As we can see from the introduction part, dear guests, this system had a little spread
in the masonic context of the 18th century, if we compare it to some of the systems developed
around the same time, like the Rite of Strict Observance, the Order of the Gold- and Rosycross,
even Cagliostro`s Egyptian Rite. Why?
It is not that it was not unique and pretentions in its form. It is not because there was
a lack of masonic, esoteric and symbolic content, appealing to the interest profile of the
members and the society of the times. It is not because it is worst or better than any masonic
systems developed back then. So why?
Well, the main contributor was the lack of Charisma of its leaders and also the
audience it was intended to attract. From Koeppen`s notes we find that the system was
intended for top intellectuals, and the goal was to explain and understand all secrets, true
secrets, of Freemasonry. If we take the Strict Observance, it was led by a very charismatic
member of the nobility, baron von Hund. It attracted the nobility and military in the first place,
so who would not enjoy being in their company? These people had influence in the society
and consistent financial means.
The African Architects, some starting to practice Crata Repoa, had according to a
membership list found, aprox. 90 members, in 6 Lodges, in 3 countries.
Interestingly enough, the system caught up in the 20th century, not in the masonic
milieu, at least not the mainstream one, but in various magickal orders and societies. “History
and Practice of Magic” by Paul Christian (who was a student of Eliphas Levi), presents a
initiation in the pyramids, one ceremony in which he condensed the 7 degrees described in
Crata Repoa. This to is now considered by some to be of “immemorial times”.
Today, a lot of Egyptian Masonic organizations, mostly linked to the Ancient and
Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim, proudly advertise they initiate in the ancient system of
Crata Repoa and the even more ancient and secret Initiation of the Pyramids.

To conclude this article

We saw so far how an entire masonic system was developed, borrowing from other
masonic degrees, adding material from classical literature, even importing symbols from
lamps, broches and other antiquities. We analyzed some of the symbols, the rituals, the
teachings, of Crata Repoa. We got an understanding on who it was intended for.
Going through the history and development of the Crata Repoa rite, we understood
that for a rite to have success, id depends not on the rite itself, but on the people involved,
the times it originated, the place of birth, and all sorts of social aspects.
By presenting you the system of Crata Repoa, using it as an example, I hope you now
have a better understanding of how the masonic systems of the 18th and 19th century came
into existence. The part where this or that system comes from ancient, long forgotten, times,
from a place far, far away, you can now differentiate as being legend not actual, factual
This being said, makes those system not less interesting, or less important, or to be
deemed as unworthy of your time. A better understanding of the constitution of such
systems, gives us an in depth perspective on the social-cultural context of the times, and by
eliminating the pretentious veil of mystery covering the origins, we can focus on the most
important part, namely the goal and usefulness of such and such system.

Dear friends and brethren, let us lift the veil of superstition, idolatry, and aberrations
of forms, concentrating upon the essence of Freemasonry, its core values and teachings, as
only these are real tools for the Craftsman, adequate to be used and produce the desired
Use the following guidelines and I guarantee, you will have an enriching and uplifting
masonic experience:
• Try always to lift the veil of superstition and prejudice.
• Do not mistake the symbol for that which it symbolizes.
• Don`t get lost in endless debates about the form but emerge yourself in the study and
understanding of its essence.
• In regard to Freemasonry, always remember that all that is presented is ALEGORICAL, and
before starting anything try to understand what an allegory is.
• Don`t believe there is something else where there is just that.

In the end, I wish to leave you with a quote from Albert Pike`s Morals and Dogma:

“These truths were covered from the common people as with a veil; and the Mysteries were
carried into every country, that, without disturbing the popular beliefs, truth, the arts, and
the sciences might be known to those who were capable of understanding them, and
maintaining the true doctrine incorrupt; which the people, prone to superstition and idolatry,
have in no age been able to do; nor, as many strange aberrations and superstitions of the
present day prove, any more now than heretofore.”

Dear friends and brethren, let us lift the veil of superstition, idolatry, and aberrations
of forms, concentrating upon the essence of Freemasonry, its core values and teachings, as
only these are real tools for the Craftsman, adequate to be used and produce the desired

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