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Rift Valley

A rift valley is a lowland region that forms where Earth’s tectonic plates move apart, or rift. A
valley or depression in the land bordered by fault zones and separating tectonic plates.

It is formed on a divergent plate boundary, a crustal extension or spreading apart of the surface,
which is subsequently further deepened by the forces of erosion. When outer landmasses move
away from the fault zones, the land in the middle can slowly drop during a period of thousands of
years. This forms a lower portion of land called a graben. A graben is a fallen portion of land with
faults on 2 or more sides.
Rift valleys can be found in areas that have faults in the Earth´s crust where separation of land
masses has occurred. Rift valleys also occur on the ocean floor at mid-ocean ridges where the
seafloor separates between tectonic plates.

Examples of rift valley

East Rift Valley, Taiwan

Great Rift Valley or East Africa’s Great Rift Valley

(Longest rift on Earth’s surface)

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