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News Story 1: Senior Prank

To protest the principal's punishment for their senior prank, a group of 20 seniors. are
going to a school board meeting to reverse the principal's punishment, on April 20th.
All 20 students and some parents signed up to speak at the board meeting.
“The seniors are welcome to speak at the board meeting,” Principal Vinita Haygood said.
“But the board should not reverse my decision. I gave ample warnings to the senior class that I
would not tolerate any sort of prank that disrupts school.”
The school logged more than 150 tardiness the day of the prank.
“We were careful, and no one was hurt or upset,” senior Alfred Refugio said. “Ok, maybe a
couple were tardy, but that’s not a big deal.”
Last year a group of seniors smeared Vaseline on the doorknobs and locks of every
“We didn’t vandalize anything,” senior Ruby Kanar said. “We blew up a few balloons and
released them, it wasn’t a big deal”
There were 1000 balloons filled with air.
“They were balloons. Balloons,” Ruby's mother, Milly Kanur said. “They could have put
shaving cream in them or glitter. But they didn’t.”
The administration suspended the students for the rest of the day and banned them from
the all-nighter senior party on Friday, May 1.
“I’m sorry the students and parents are upset,” Principal Vinita Haygood said. “Actions
have consequences.”

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