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The DIME/PMESII Model Suite Requirements DR has a title, a descriptive phrase referred to as a task
Project statement (Fig. 2(b)), and a list of task-specific nouns
and actions. Two examples follow:
R. Hillson
Information Technology Division Descriptive Requirement A-D-9 (Action-Diplomatic-9):
Title: Refugee Assistance
Introduction: By necessity and doctrine, the pro- Task Statement: The model suite will reflect actions associ-
ated with refugee assistance, and the effect those actions
jection of “soft power” is becoming increasingly impor-
have on diplomatic efforts with the multinational com-
tant to the U.S. Department of Defense. The elements munity as measured across the PMESII elements.
of soft power are often abstracted as Diplomatic, Infor- Nouns: refugee, encampment, security, repatriation, sanitary
mation, Military, and Economic (DIME) actions and facilities, food distribution,…
their Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Actions: provide, secure, repair, construct,…
and Infrastructure (PMESII) effects. DIME/PMESII Action Links: Logistics, Refugee Info, Refugee Repatria-
spans the range of operations other than combat, tion,…
including humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and non-
combatant evacuation operations (Fig. 1(a)).1 DIME/ Descriptive Requirement I-IS-1 (Impact-Infrastructure-1):
PMESII operations are complex, with unpredictable Title: Restoration of Essential Public Services
effects and interactions. Under sponsorship of the Task Statement: The model suite will reflect military actions
Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Naval Research to restore/provide public service utilities to the host
nation population, and the effect those military actions
Laboratory (NRL) Adversarial Modeling and Exploita-
have as measured across the PMESII elements.
tion Office (Code 5508) has completed an initial effort Nouns: utilities, public services, capacity,…
to document the requirements for an integrated suite Actions: restore, provide,…
of models to forecast the effects of DIME actions on the Action Links: Consequence Management, Humanitarian
PMESII variables.2,3 Also considered are the effects of Assistance, Non-combatant Evacuation Operation,
DIME actions on the Funding, Recruitment, Informa- Foreign Internal Defense,…
tion, and Support (FRIS) systems of non-state actors.4
This proposed model suite would assist stakeholders in Measures of Merit: Representative Measures of
selecting appropriate mixtures of strategies for DIME/ Merit (MoMs) are defined for the descriptive require-
PMESII missions, and in planning for the acquisi- ments (Fig. 3(a)). Among these, Measures of Action
tions required to support such missions. We have also (MoAs) and Measures of Performance (MoPs) describe
attempted to identify gaps and deficiencies within the the characteristics and target behavior of mission
domain of available models and their implementations, systems with respect to pre-defined criteria. Measures of
to provide direction for future research. Effectiveness (MoEs), in contrast, are mission-specific,
and measure how effectively the mission is being
DIME/PMESII Requirements: Two types of executed. If a humanitarian aid task is to restore public
model requirements were identified: 1) descriptive facilities, an MoP might measure how many gallons
requirements (DRs) and 2) architectural or frame- per day of potable water is being produced relative to
work requirements.2 The former define the kinds of a facility’s known production capability, while an MoE
DIME actions and PMESII effects that the models and might measure whether sufficient potable water for
simulations should represent. The latter define the physiological and medical purposes is being success-
requirements for a software framework and its possible fully purified and distributed to specific populations at
architectural realizations, and are not discussed further specific locations.
here. The DRs specify “what” is to be done rather than
“how” to do it, and do not suggest any specific algo- Applying the Descriptive Requirements: The DR
rithms or models. set is representative, open, and extensible. It provides
a starting point for assessing the capabilities of existing
Descriptive Requirements: The DRs attempt to models, and for identifying research areas that may
articulate the ingredients necessary to represent DIME/ require the development of new models. Assume that a
PMESII features and processes. The requirements are suite of models has been built and/or acquired that par-
indexed by category — DIME actions and PMESII/ tially spans the DR set. A stakeholder would first select
FRIS effects — and take into account actor, context, and a set of DRs that span the domain of the projected
entity/organization (Figs. 1(b,c)). The DRs were derived DIME/PMESII mission, and would then select and
using a technical approach that combines a military run a subset of models that best address the descriptive
scenario-based activities analysis and a definitional- requirements selected. Figure 3(b) illustrates the com-
based noun taxonomy development (Fig. 2(a)). Each plete modeling process.

2009 NRL REVIEW 235



Humanitarian Defense
Aid / Disaster

Evacuation (a)
Operations insurgency

Civic Information
Assistance Operations


ENTITIES: ACTORS: Diplomatic Political

Military Individuals Information Military
Transnational Small Groups Military
Organizations Economic
Medium-Sized Economic
Non-Governmental Social
Large Groups Infrastructure
Very Large
Allies Groups Information

Intra-National Entities
Other US
Governmental Funding
Agencies & Entities
(b) (c)
Environment Information


(a) DIME actions and PMESII effects span the entire range of military operations other than combat. (b) DIME/
PMESII may involve both military and non-military entities and actors. (c) In the descriptive requirements devel-
oped for a proposed DIME/PMESII modeling and simulation suite, the PMESII effects have been augmented
by the FRIS effects.

236 2009 NRL REVIEW


I. Noun Taxonomy II. Activity Analysis III. Interdependencies

Infrastructure Humanitarian Assistance (HA) Waste/Trash Collection
Utilities Pave Roads and Disposal
Waste Disposal Install Sewers (Lbs Generated - Collected / Time)
Liquid Build Sewage Treatment Plants (Miles Transported)
Solid Collect, Transport, Store Solid Waste
Strong, Directional Link
Social Humanitarian Assistance (HA) (Interdependency)
Infant Mortality Disease Levels
Food Refurbish Facilities and Transmission
(Disease Type, Percent
Water Hire Doctors Infected)
Health Care Treat People / Patients (Growth / Spreading Rates)
Living Conditions Prevent Disease
|| No Link ||
Military Foreign Internal Defense (FID) Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Personnel
Communications Provide Security Assistance and Activities
Stations Collect and Process Intelligence (Number of Officers Hired, On
Vehicles Support Combat Operations the Street)
Officers Train Host Nation Forces (Training Levels, Coverage
(geo and time))


(1) A-D-9: (Action-Diplomatic-9): (1) I-IS-1: (Impact-Infrastructure-1):
Title: Refugee Assistance - Title: Restoration of Essential
A-D-9 Task Statement: Public Services -
… reflect actions associated I-IS-1: Task Statement:
with refugee assistance and … represent effects of DIME
indicate effect actions have actions to restore / provide
on diplomatic efforts with public service utilities to
multi-national community population across the PMESII
across PMESII elements. elements.
(2) A-D-10: (Action-Diplomatic-10):
Title: Diplomatic Effect (2) E-S-4: (Event-Social-4):
of Humanitarian Assistance Title: Social Impact of Disease:
(3) A-4-4: (Action-Economic-4):
Title: Repatriation
And others ... And others ...

(a) Nouns, activities, and interdependencies related to the descriptive requirement I-IS-1 (Impact-Infrastruc-
ture-1, Restoration of Essential Public Services) for two concurrent DIME/PMESII missions, Humanitarian
Aid (HA) and Foreign Internal Defense (FID). Each DR lists Nouns and Actions relevant to the requirement.
Interdependencies may exist between different types of actions. Restoration of Essential Public Services
will affect the Infrastructure, Social structure, and the host nation Military. There is a clear interdependency
between the adequacy of waste disposal and the level of disease, but neither type of activity is linked to law
enforcement. (b) To model a humanitarian aid (HA) mission, simulations must be developed and run that
satisfy diverse descriptive requirements, many of which are interconnected. In this example, three representa-
tive descriptive requirements for modeling HA actions are mapped onto two representative requirements for
modeling the HA impacts.

2009 NRL REVIEW 237


Hierarchies of Measures of Merit (MoMs):

MoPs / MoEs / MoFEs / MoPEs
Measures of Policy “Have our actions created
Effectiveness (MoPEs): desirable changes in selected
How effective are actions
indicators of political stability?”
in advancing national policy? MoPEs

“Are the restored

Measures of Force
MoFEs = Are mission roads now adequate
goals satisfied? Effectiveness (MoFEs) for x, y, z?”

MoE = Does MoP Measures of Effectiveness (MoEs): “Percentage of

satisfy mission-specific roads restored.”
criteria? MoP Values / Target Criteria

MoPs: Measures of Performance (MoPs) Units:

Descriptive Gallons purified water produced per day, Capacity,
Requirement Miles of road constructed per week, etc. Volume,
Measures (Historical and/or estimated via analysis or simulation ...) Rate

Sub-System Dimensional Parameters (DPs) aka

Properties Measures of Action (MoAs)
Units: watts, gallons/unit time, miles per hour, ...


Input from Analysts and

Subject Matter Experts
Policy Guidance Run Models
(1) Selection of DIME/PMESII
Mission Scenario(s). Interpret Model
Select Scenario
(2) Select Descriptive
Requirements that encompass Review Descriptive Present Findings
the mission. Requirements & Recommend-
(3) Select models that span the ations
requirements. Add new models
if necessary. Select Requirements

(4) Select and tailor MoMs Select Models

(Measures of Merit) for mission
Select and
Parameterize MoMs
(5) Run models; analyze results.

(a) The DIME/PMESII descriptive requirements include representative Measures of Merit. Measures
of Action (MoAs) and Measures of Performance (MoPs) can be completely defined a priori, but
Measures of Effectiveness (MoEs) are mission-specific, and cannot be completely defined in ad-
vance of the mission specification. (b) The DIME/PMESII-FRIS modeling process.

238 2009 NRL REVIEW


Gaps and Deficiencies: Hundreds of DIME/ measures of effectiveness, sample scenario analysis, and
PMESII models exist. In this study, we were able to gaps and deficiencies analysis. NRL’s efforts provide a
contrast and compare the properties of a small subset roadmap for evaluating current and future develop-
of existing models against the descriptive requirements ments in this area.
and the framework requirements.2 We provisionally
identified certain gaps and deficiencies in the current Acknowledgments: Many individuals have
model domain, although we did not attempt to rank contributed to this effort. Particular thanks is due to
these. Notable gaps include the following: Myriam Abramson, David Armoza, and Ruth Willis
Lack of model integration scheme. Integration of (NRL); Doug Clark and Ted Woodcock (Gard Associ-
several models is required to richly represent the com- ates), Ivar Oswalt and Robert Tyler (Visitech), Steve
plexity and interdependencies of the DIME/PMESII Kasputis (Reallaer); and Jerry Smith, William Young,
problem space. Each model may have its own formats Trena Lilly, and Virginia Robbin Beall (OPNAV N81).
for internal data representation, but the models must [Sponsored by OPNAV N81]
be capable of exchanging diverse data types transpar-
ently, while interpreting the data accurately within each References
1 DoD Directive Number 3000.05, “Military Support for Stability,
model. To facilitate this, flexible middleware capable of
Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (STTR) Operations,”
bridging together any arbitrary collection of models is 28 November 2005; Number 3000.07, “Irregular Warfare (IW),”
required. 1 December 2008; Number 2205.2, “Humanitarian and Civic
Absence of models that cover the full range of mili- Assistance (HCA) Activities,” 2 December 2008.
tary activities (Fig. 1(a)). The military operations that “DIME/PMESII Requirements Project,” Final Report, submitted
are typically modeled represent the realm of conflict. by the Naval Research Laboratory to OPNAV N81, December
Modeling of other specific operations such as the effec- 2008.
3 NSAD-R-08-016, “Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
tiveness of the training of host nation security forces Diplomatic, Information, Military, Economic (DIME) Political,
by U.S. military personnel, or the effects of U.S. opera- Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure
tions to provide for infrastructure security are currently (PMESII) Modeling Requirements Workshop, held 5 December
not modeled. 2007 - Final Report,” prepared by National Security Analysis
Lack of “return on investment” (ROI) assessment. Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory. For Official Use Only (FOUO).
Current DIME/PMESII models provide sophisticated 4
Kris A. Arnold, PMESII and the Non-State Actor: Questioning
projections of “possible futures.” What is lacking is a the Relevance, School of Advanced Military Studies, Ft.
model, or methods, that will permit us to confidently Leavenworth, Kan., 25 May 2006.
relate these possible futures to quantitative predicted 5 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),

changes in indicators that are historically correlated “Measuring Fragility: Indicators and Methods for Rating State
with desirable outcomes — for example, increases in Performance,” prepared for USAID by ARD, Inc., June 2005.
the legitimacy and effectiveness of a host nation’s gov-
ernment performance.5 This capability would permit
us to compare the relative cost effectiveness of different
proposed combinations of DIME actions, while allow-
ing for constraints imposed by budget, schedule, and
mission. In summary, a complete ROI approach would
let us design experiments to (1) systematically alter
different combinations of model input parameters and
(2) observe the correlations, both positive and negative,
in the contingent forecasts (possible futures) in the
solution space.

Summary: The U.S. military is playing an increas-

ing role as a co-provider of humanitarian aid and
civic services, as well as being tasked with additional
non-combat roles in support of national policy. NRL
has written top-level requirements for the develop-
ment of an integrated suite of DIME/PMSEII models
to assist in planning these kinds of missions. This work
has resulted in descriptive requirements, framework
requirements, a comparison of a small set of exist-
ing model capabilities with respect to the descriptive
requirements and framework requirements, proposed

2009 NRL REVIEW 239

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