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News Story 1: Senior Prank

On Friday, April 3rd, a group of 20 seniors were suspended for putting 1000 balloons in the
hallways during the second period. The principal, Vinita Haygood, banned those 20 students
from the all-night senior party. The students and the parents are going to protest on April 14
because they think the punishment is too severe.

The administration suspended the students for the rest of the day and banned them from
the all-night senior party on Friday, May 1. This has upset many student and parents but the
principal doesn’t want to change her decision. “I stand by my decision,” Haygood said. “I am
sorry the students and parents are upset, but actions have consequences.”

Administration worried if there was a latex allergy with any of the students. “We were
lucky that no student is allergic to latex,” Haygood said. But it seems that the students were
prepared for that instance. “We knew that no one had a latex allergy, ” said Alfred Refugio “We
checked it out first.”

The prank that the seniors did caused 150 tardies in second period, it also disrupted a
lot of class that were going on in second period too. “Almost half of my class was late,” math
teacher Grace Killen said. “It took me more than 15 minutes to get my freshmen class calmed

A lot of the students and parents think that the punishment is too severe. “The principal’s
punishment is too severe,” Refugio said. “The prank was funny. It wasn’t mean and didn't hurt
anyone” ,

“Let the punishment fit the crime,” senior Ruby Kanur’s mother, Milly Kanur, said. “They
were balloons. Balloons. They could have put shaving cream in them or glitter. But they didn’t.
When my daughter told me what they were doing, I thought it was a cool idea. These kids have
worked hard for 12 years. They deserve a little fun.”

When the board meeting commences, the students are welcome to come and have their
say in the meeting, but the principal is still firm on her decision.

“The seniors are welcome to speak at the board meeting,” Haygood said. “But the board should
not reverse my decision.”

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